16 research outputs found

    Developing a Framework for Dynamic Risk Assessment Using Bayesian Networks and Reliability Data

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    PresentationProcess Safety in the oil and gas industry is managed through a robust Process Safety Management (PSM) system that involves the assessment of the risks associated with a facility in all steps of its life cycle. Risk levels tend to fluctuate throughout the life cycle of many processes due to several time varying risk factors (performances of the safety barriers, equipment conditions, staff competence, incidents history, etc.). While current practices for quantitative risk assessments (e.g. Bow-tie analysis, LOPA, etc.) have brought significant improvements in the management of major hazards, they are static in nature and do not fully take into account the dynamic nature of risk and how it improves risk-based decision making In an attempt to continually enhance the risk management in process facilities, the oil and gas industry has put in very significant efforts over the last decade toward the development of process safety key performance indicators (KPI or parameters to be observed) to continuously measure or gauge the efficiency of safety management systems and reduce the risks of major incidents. This has increased the sources of information that are used to assess risks in real-time. The use of such KPIs has proved to be a major step forward in the improvement of process safety in major hazards facilities. Looking toward the future, there appears to be an opportunity to use the multiple KPIs measured at a process plant to assess the quantitative measure of risk levels at the facility on a time-variant basis. ExxonMobil Research Qatar (EMRQ) has partnered with the Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center – Qatar (MKOPSC-Q) to develop a methodology that establishes a framework for a tool that monitors in real time the potential increases in risk levels as a result of pre-identified risk factors that would include the use of KPIs (leading or lagging) as observations or evidence using Bayesian Belief Networks (BN). In this context, the paper presents a case study of quantitative risk assessment of a process unit using BN. The different steps of the development of the BN are detailed, including: translation of a Bowtie into a skeletal BBN, modification of the skeletal BN to incorporate KPIs (loss of primary containment (LOPC), equipment, management and human related), and testing of the BBN with forward and backward inferences. The outcomes of the dynamic modeling of the BN with real time insertion of evidence are discussed and recommendation for the framework for a dynamic risk assessment tool are made

    A fuzzy Bayesian network approach for risk analysis in process industries

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    YesFault tree analysis is a widely used method of risk assessment in process industries. However, the classical fault tree approach has its own limitations such as the inability to deal with uncertain failure data and to consider statistical dependence among the failure events. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive framework for the risk assessment in process industries under the conditions of uncertainty and statistical dependency of events. The proposed approach makes the use of expert knowledge and fuzzy set theory for handling the uncertainty in the failure data and employs the Bayesian network modeling for capturing dependency among the events and for a robust probabilistic reasoning in the conditions of uncertainty. The effectiveness of the approach was demonstrated by performing risk assessment in an ethylene transportation line unit in an ethylene oxide (EO) production plant

    The Method of Oilfield Development Risk Forecasting and Early Warning Using Revised Bayesian Network

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    Oilfield development aiming at crude oil production is an extremely complex process, which involves many uncertain risk factors affecting oil output. Thus, risk prediction and early warning about oilfield development may insure operating and managing oilfields efficiently to meet the oil production plan of the country and sustainable development of oilfields. However, scholars and practitioners in the all world are seldom concerned with the risk problem of oilfield block development. The early warning index system of blocks development which includes the monitoring index and planning index was refined and formulated on the basis of researching and analyzing the theory of risk forecasting and early warning as well as the oilfield development. Based on the indexes of warning situation predicted by neural network, the method dividing the interval of warning degrees was presented by “3σ” rule; and a new method about forecasting and early warning of risk was proposed by introducing neural network to Bayesian networks. Case study shows that the results obtained in this paper are right and helpful to the management of oilfield development risk

    Dynamic risk assessment of process facilities using advanced probabilistic approaches

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    A process accident can escalate into a chain of accidents, given the degree of congestion and complex arrangement of process equipment and pipelines. To prevent a chain of accidents, (called the domino effect), detailed assessments of risk and appropriate safety measures are required. The present study investigates available techniques and develops an integrated method to analyze evolving process accident scenarios, including the domino effect. The work presented here comprises two main contributions: a) a predictive model for process accident analysis using imprecise and incomplete information, and b) a predictive model to assess the risk profile of domino effect occurrence. A brief description of each is presented below. In recent years the Bayesian network (BN) has been used to model accident causation and its evolution. Though widely used, conventional BN suffers from two major uncertainties, data and model uncertainties. The former deals with the used of evidence theory while the latter uses canonical probabilistic models. High interdependencies of chemical infrastructure makes it prone to the domino effect. This demands an advanced approach to monitor and manage the risk posed by the domino effect is much needed. Given the dynamic nature of the domino effect, the monitoring and modelling methods need to be continuous time-dependent. A Generalized Stochastic Petrinet (GSPN) framework was chosen to model the domino effect. It enables modelling of an accident propagation pattern as the domino effect. It also enables probability analysis to estimate risk profile, which is of vital importance to design effective safety measures


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    The ability to provide uninterrupted power to military installations is paramount in executing a country's national defense strategy. Microgrid architectures increase installation energy resilience through redundant local generation sources and the capability for grid independence. However, deliberate attacks from near-peer competitors can disrupt the associated supply chain network, thereby affecting mission-critical loads. Utilizing an integrated discrete-time Markov chain and dynamic Bayesian network approach, we investigate disruption propagation throughout a supply chain network and quantify its mission impact on an islanded microgrid. We propose a novel methodology and an associated metric we term "energy resilience impact" to identify and address supply-chain disruption risks to energy security. A case study of a fictional military installation is presented to demonstrate how installation energy managers can adopt this methodology for the design and improvement of military microgrids.Outstanding ThesisLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Risk assessment of fire accidents in chemical and hydrocarbon processing industry

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    Fire disasters are among the most dangerous accidents in the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industry. Fires have been the source of major accidents such as the Piper Alpha disaster (1976), the BP Texas City disaster (2005), the Buncefield oil depot fire (2005), Puerto Rico’s fire accident (2009), and the Jaipur fire accident (2009). The catastrophic impact of fire accidents necessitates a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of their occurrence and evolution in a complex engineering system. Detailed understanding will help develop fire prevention and control strategies. This thesis aims to provide a detailed understanding of fire risk in the hydrocarbon production and processing industry. In order to realize this objective, the work presented in the thesis includes three parts: i) Developing a procedure to study potential fire accident scenarios in an offshore facility with different ignition source locations. This procedure helps to design safety measures. The effectiveness of safety measures is verified using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. This work emphasizes that an FLNG layout must be considered with the utmost care since it is the most effective measure in limiting a potential LNG release and subsequent dispersion effect, and directly influences the fire dynamics and thus limits the potential damage. ii) An integrated probabilistic model for fire accident analysis considering the time-dependent nature of the fire is developed. The developed model captures the dynamics of fire evolution using three distinct techniques Bayesian networks, Petri Nets, and a CFD model. The Bayesian network captures the logical dependence of fire causation factors. The Petri Net captures the time-dependent evolution of a fire scenario. The CFD model captures the dimension and impact of the fire accident scenario. The results in this work show that a time-dependent probability analysis model is necessary for fire accidents. iii) Whether fire alone can cause a domino effect is demystified in the last work. A solid-flame model is used in a CFD framework to calculate the escalation vector for a domino effect; escalation probability is assessed using a probit model. The results demonstrate that a pool fire alone sometimes may not cause a domino effect in the current industry. It is other factors, such as explosion and hydrocarbon leakage, work together with a pool fire to escalate into a domino event, for example, the results shown in the case study of the Jaipur fire accident

    Critical Infrastructures

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