95 research outputs found

    Computer Vision Approaches to Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Electron microscopy (EM) is a technique that exploits the interaction between electron and matter to produce high resolution images down to atomic level. In order to avoid undesired scattering in the electron path, EM samples are conventionally imaged in solid state under vacuum conditions. Recently, this limit has been overcome by the realization of liquid-phase electron microscopy (LP EM), a technique that enables the analysis of samples in their liquid native state. LP EM paired with a high frame rate acquisition direct detection camera allows tracking the motion of particles in liquids, as well as their temporal dynamic processes. In this research work, LP EM is adopted to image the dynamics of particles undergoing Brownian motion, exploiting their natural rotation to access all the particle views, in order to reconstruct their 3D structure via tomographic techniques. However, specific computer vision-based tools were designed around the limitations of LP EM in order to elaborate the results of the imaging process. Consequently, different deblurring and denoising approaches were adopted to improve the quality of the images. Therefore, the processed LP EM images were adopted to reconstruct the 3D model of the imaged samples. This task was performed by developing two different methods: Brownian tomography (BT) and Brownian particle analysis (BPA). The former tracks in time a single particle, capturing its dynamics evolution over time. The latter is an extension in time of the single particle analysis (SPA) technique. Conventionally it is paired to cryo-EM to reconstruct 3D density maps starting from thousands of EM images by capturing hundreds of particles of the same species frozen on a grid. On the contrary, BPA has the ability to process image sequences that may not contain thousands of particles, but instead monitors individual particle views across consecutive frames, rather than across a single frame

    Intelligent Biosignal Processing in Wearable and Implantable Sensors

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    This reprint provides a collection of papers illustrating the state-of-the-art of smart processing of data coming from wearable, implantable or portable sensors. Each paper presents the design, databases used, methodological background, obtained results, and their interpretation for biomedical applications. Revealing examples are brain–machine interfaces for medical rehabilitation, the evaluation of sympathetic nerve activity, a novel automated diagnostic tool based on ECG data to diagnose COVID-19, machine learning-based hypertension risk assessment by means of photoplethysmography and electrocardiography signals, Parkinsonian gait assessment using machine learning tools, thorough analysis of compressive sensing of ECG signals, development of a nanotechnology application for decoding vagus-nerve activity, detection of liver dysfunction using a wearable electronic nose system, prosthetic hand control using surface electromyography, epileptic seizure detection using a CNN, and premature ventricular contraction detection using deep metric learning. Thus, this reprint presents significant clinical applications as well as valuable new research issues, providing current illustrations of this new field of research by addressing the promises, challenges, and hurdles associated with the synergy of biosignal processing and AI through 16 different pertinent studies. Covering a wide range of research and application areas, this book is an excellent resource for researchers, physicians, academics, and PhD or master students working on (bio)signal and image processing, AI, biomaterials, biomechanics, and biotechnology with applications in medicine

    Local Geometric Transformations in Image Analysis

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    The characterization of images by geometric features facilitates the precise analysis of the structures found in biological micrographs such as cells, proteins, or tissues. In this thesis, we study image representations that are adapted to local geometric transformations such as rotation, translation, and scaling, with a special emphasis on wavelet representations. In the first part of the thesis, our main interest is in the analysis of directional patterns and the estimation of their location and orientation. We explore steerable representations that correspond to the notion of rotation. Contrarily to classical pattern matching techniques, they have no need for an a priori discretization of the angle and for matching the filter to the image at each discretized direction. Instead, it is sufficient to apply the filtering only once. Then, the rotated filter for any arbitrary angle can be determined by a systematic and linear transformation of the initial filter. We derive the Cramér-Rao bounds for steerable filters. They allow us to select the best harmonics for the design of steerable detectors and to identify their optimal radial profile. We propose several ways to construct optimal representations and to build powerful and effective detector schemes; in particular, junctions of coinciding branches with local orientations. The basic idea of local transformability and the general principles that we utilize to design steerable wavelets can be applied to other geometric transformations. Accordingly, in the second part, we extend our framework to other transformation groups, with a particular interest in scaling. To construct representations in tune with a notion of local scale, we identify the possible solutions for scalable functions and give specific criteria for their applicability to wavelet schemes. Finally, we propose discrete wavelet frames that approximate a continuous wavelet transform. Based on these results, we present a novel wavelet-based image-analysis software that provides a fast and automatic detection of circular patterns, combined with a precise estimation of their size

    3D exemplar-based image inpainting in electron microscopy

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    In electron microscopy (EM) a common problem is the non-availability of data, which causes artefacts in reconstructions. In this thesis the goal is to generate artificial data where missing in EM by using exemplar-based inpainting (EBI). We implement an accelerated 3D version tailored to applications in EM, which reduces reconstruction times from days to minutes. We develop intelligent sampling strategies to find optimal data as input for reconstruction methods. Further, we investigate approaches to reduce electron dose and acquisition time. Sparse sampling followed by inpainting is the most promising approach. As common evaluation measures may lead to misinterpretation of results in EM and falsify a subsequent analysis, we propose to use application driven metrics and demonstrate this in a segmentation task. A further application of our technique is the artificial generation of projections in tiltbased EM. EBI is used to generate missing projections, such that the full angular range is covered. Subsequent reconstructions are significantly enhanced in terms of resolution, which facilitates further analysis of samples. In conclusion, EBI proves promising when used as an additional data generation step to tackle the non-availability of data in EM, which is evaluated in selected applications. Enhancing adaptive sampling methods and refining EBI, especially considering the mutual influence, promotes higher throughput in EM using less electron dose while not lessening quality.Ein häufig vorkommendes Problem in der Elektronenmikroskopie (EM) ist die Nichtverfügbarkeit von Daten, was zu Artefakten in Rekonstruktionen führt. In dieser Arbeit ist es das Ziel fehlende Daten in der EM künstlich zu erzeugen, was durch Exemplar-basiertes Inpainting (EBI) realisiert wird. Wir implementieren eine auf EM zugeschnittene beschleunigte 3D Version, welche es ermöglicht, Rekonstruktionszeiten von Tagen auf Minuten zu reduzieren. Wir entwickeln intelligente Abtaststrategien, um optimale Datenpunkte für die Rekonstruktion zu erhalten. Ansätze zur Reduzierung von Elektronendosis und Aufnahmezeit werden untersucht. Unterabtastung gefolgt von Inpainting führt zu den besten Resultaten. Evaluationsmaße zur Beurteilung der Rekonstruktionsqualität helfen in der EM oft nicht und können zu falschen Schlüssen führen, weswegen anwendungsbasierte Metriken die bessere Wahl darstellen. Dies demonstrieren wir anhand eines Beispiels. Die künstliche Erzeugung von Projektionen in der neigungsbasierten Elektronentomographie ist eine weitere Anwendung. EBI wird verwendet um fehlende Projektionen zu generieren. Daraus resultierende Rekonstruktionen weisen eine deutlich erhöhte Auflösung auf. EBI ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um nicht verfügbare Daten in der EM zu generieren. Dies wird auf Basis verschiedener Anwendungen gezeigt und evaluiert. Adaptive Aufnahmestrategien und EBI können also zu einem höheren Durchsatz in der EM führen, ohne die Bildqualität merklich zu verschlechtern

    Bayesian Model Based Tracking with Application to Cell Segmentation and Tracking

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    The goal of this research is to develop a model-based tracking framework with biomedical imaging applications. This is an interdisciplinary area of research with interests in machine vision, image processing, and biology. This thesis presents methods of image modeling, tracking, and data association applied to problems in multi-cellular image analysis, especially hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) images at the current stage. The focus of this research is on the development of a robust image analysis interface capable of detecting, locating, and tracking individual hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which proliferate and differentiate to different blood cell types continuously during their lifetime, and are of substantial interest in gene therapy, cancer, and stem-cell research. Such a system can be potentially employed in the future to track different groups of HSCs extracted from bone marrow and recognize the best candidates based on some biomedical-biological criteria. Selected candidates can further be used for bone marrow transplantation (BMT) which is a medical procedure for the treatment of various incurable diseases such as leukemia, lymphomas, aplastic anemia, immune deficiency disorders, multiple myeloma and some solid tumors. Tracking HSCs over time is a localization-based tracking problem which is one of the most challenging tracking problems to be solved. The proposed cell tracking system consists of three inter-related stages: i) Cell detection/localization, ii) The association of detected cells, iii) Background estimation/subtraction. that will be discussed in detail