389 research outputs found

    Integrating life cycle assessment in model-based systems engineering

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    The emergence of smart products has led to the development of an increasing number of multidisciplinary systems. For the successful development of such systems, a holistic approach is necessary, such as model-based systems engineering (MBSE). It is argued that certain product development activities could be integrated and improved with MBSE, one such activity being the assessment of environmental impacts. This article presents a case study on the usage of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on a MBSE system model. In the study a technical system is modelled with views according to the MagicGRID approach. The scope and goal of the LCA are defined by using SysML diagrams and elements. Additionally, different system variants are modelled to explore the capability of comparing LCA studies. At the end of the case study, the benefits, limitations, and shortcomings of the integration are discussed

    A model-based rams estimation methodology for innovative aircraft on-board systems supporting mdo applications

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    The reduction of aircraft operating costs is one of the most important objectives addressed by aeronautical manufactures and research centers in the last decades. In order to reach this objective, one of the current ways is to develop innovative on-board system architectures, which can bring to lower fuel and maintenance costs. The development and optimization of these new aircraft on-board systems can be addressed through a Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) approach, which involves different disciplines. One relevant discipline in this MDO problem is Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), which allows the assessment of the reliability and safety of aircraft systems. Indeed the development of innovative systems cannot comply with only performance requirements, but also with reliability and safety constraints. Therefore, the RAMS discipline plays an important role in the development of innovative on-board systems. In the last years, different RAMS models and methods have been defined, considering both conventional and innovative architectures. However, most of them rely on a document-based approach, which makes difficult and time consuming the use of information gained through their analysis to improve system architectures. On the contrary, a model-based approach would make easier and more accessible the study of systems reliability and safety, as explained in several studies. Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is an emerging approach that is mainly used for the design of complex systems. However, only a few studies propose this approach for the evaluation of system safety and reliability. The aim of this paper is therefore to propose a MBSE approach for model-based RAMS evaluations. The paper demonstrates that RAMS models can be developed to quickly and more effectively assess the reliability and safety of conventional and innovative on-board system architectures. In addition, further activities for the integration of the model-based RAMS methodology within MDO processes are described in the paper

    Challenges of implementing MBSE in industry: a tool vendor experience

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    Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) offers a systematic approach to address the challenges faced by industries in developing complex systems. However, the full implementation of MBSE Process, Methods, and Tools (PMT) in industry remains a challenge. This paper focuses on the implementation of the 3DEXPERIENCE MBSE toolchain by Dassault Systèmes Industrial Service (DSIS), introduces the typical challenges observed during the MBSE implementation process and categorizes them into five types. Based on industrial best practices and service experiences, the paper proposes multiple solution elements to overcome these challenges. These elements emphasize stakeholder support, establish an experience-based MBSE capability, enrich MBSE capabilities to solution bricks, create an implementation plan and validate through proof of concepts. The interdependency between solution elements allows efficient implementation and realization of short-term benefits. The paper concludes by discussing the value and applicability of the proposed solution elements, highlighting their potential for the industrial practice. The chapter closes with an outline of future steps to mature and advance the solution elements

    Functional modelling of complex multi‑disciplinary systems using the enhanced sequence diagram

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    YesThis paper introduces an Enhanced Sequence Diagram (ESD) as the basis for a structured framework for the functional analysis of complex multidisciplinary systems. The ESD extends the conventional sequence diagrams (SD) by introducing a rigorous functional flow-based modelling schemata to provide an enhanced basis for model-based functional requirements and architecture analysis in the early systems design stages. The proposed ESD heuristics include the representation of transactional and transformative functions required to deliver the use case sequence, and fork and join nodes to facilitate analysis of combining and bifurcating operations on flows. A case study of a personal mobility device is used to illustrate the deployment of the ESD methodology in relation to three common product development scenarios: (i) reverse engineering, (ii) the introduction of a specific technology to an existent system; and (iii) the introduction of a new feature as user-centric innovation for an existing system, at a logical design level, without reference to any solution. The case study analysis provides further insights into the effectiveness of the ESD to support function modelling and functional requirements capture, and architecture development. The significance of this paper is that it establishes a rigorous ESD-based functional analysis methodology to guide the practitioner with its deployment, facilitating its impact to both the engineering design and systems engineering communities, as well as the design practice in the industry

    A model-based systems engineering approach to space mission education of a geographically disperse student workforce

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    The Alabama Burst Energetics eXplorer (ABEX) is a 12U CubeSat commissioned by the Alabama Space Grant Consortium; its astrophysics mission is to study the low energy, prompt emission of Gamma-ray Bursts in both gamma and X-ray spectra. The ABEX program is unique in that its workforce is comprised of individuals at seven colleges and universities around the state of Alabama. ABEX management releases Requests for Proposals (RFP) for Senior Design (SD) projects or university research groups to design and build spacecraft subsystems; university faculty with experience and facilities for the development of that subsystem respond to the RFPs to create a team. ABEX supports undergraduate SD students, graduate student mentors, and faculty technical advisors for all spacecraft subsystems in both ground and flight mission segments. Each team has between 5-15 undergraduate students, meaning ABEX teaches spacecraft design to ~85 undergraduate students at any given time; ABEX may be the largest collegiate CubeSat program in the world. The undergraduate labor force turns over, or cycles to new students, every 4-8 months, so ABEX can teach hands-on spacecraft design to over 100 students every year and has taught over 200 to date. Two features of ABEX create a difficult Systems Engineering (SE) environment: the undergraduate labor force turnover rate and the geographically disperse workforce. Most subsystem teams exist within two-semester SD courses, but some teams, like Flight Software, only exist for one semester before the undergraduate team turns over. This means the student onboarding process must be efficient and the material hand-off process effective if any substantive contribution to the spacecraft is to be made in their brief course period. A Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Integrated System Model (ISM) was created using SysML as a full-program organization of mission requirements, subsystem architectures, verification and validation procedures, and team interaction tracking methodologies for workforce turnover effect mitigation with ISM-exported artifacts as central objects of stage-gate reviews. An ABEX website was created with processes for first-time student onboarding, ISM artifact dissemination, and intercollegiate document transfer in addition to being a public relations arm for the program. With education at the forefront of ABEX, educational requirements and performance measures detailing onboarding efficiency, workforce preparedness, and alumni vocation results are defined within the ISM and used to evaluate program education proficiency. Program organization, ISM structure, and spacecraft design is presented with an emphasis on quantifying student education as a result of program involvemen

    An Orchestration Method for Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Simulation in Digital Twin Applications

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    In recent years, the methodology of Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) has become relevant to the design of complex products, especially when safety critical systems need to be addressed. It allows, in fact, the deployment of product development directly through some digital models, allowing an effective traceability of requirements, being allocated upon the system functions, components, and parts. This approach enhances the designer capabilities in controlling the product development, manufacturing and after-market services. However, the application of such a methodology requires overcoming several technological barriers, especially in terms of models integration. The interoperability and management of several models—developed within different software to cover multiple levels of detail across several technical disciplines—is still very difficult, despite the level of maturation achieved by Systems Engineering. This paper describes a possible approach to provide such a connection between tools to allow a complete multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous simulation to analyse complex systems, such as safety-critical ones, which are typical of aerospace applications. Such an application is within a defined industrial context, placing particular attention on the compatibility of the approach with the legacy processes and tool

    Functional modelling of complex multi‑disciplinary systems using the enhanced sequence diagram

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    YesThis paper introduces an Enhanced Sequence Diagram (ESD) as the basis for a structured framework for the functional analysis of complex multidisciplinary systems. The ESD extends the conventional sequence diagrams (SD) by introducing a rigorous functional flow-based modelling schemata to provide an enhanced basis for model-based functional requirements and architecture analysis in the early systems design stages. The proposed ESD heuristics include the representation of transactional and transformative functions required to deliver the use case sequence, and fork and join nodes to facilitate analysis of combining and bifurcating operations on flows. A case study of a personal mobility device is used to illustrate the deployment of the ESD methodology in relation to three common product development scenarios: (i) reverse engineering, (ii) the introduction of a specific technology to an existent system; and (iii) the introduction of a new feature as user-centric innovation for an existing system, at a logical design level, without reference to any solution. The case study analysis provides further insights into the effectiveness of the ESD to support function modelling and functional requirements capture, and architecture development. The significance of this paper is that it establishes a rigorous ESD-based functional analysis methodology to guide the practitioner with its deployment, facilitating its impact to both the engineering design and systems engineering communities, as well as the design practice in the industry

    Product-Production-CoDesign: An Approach on Integrated Product and Production Engineering Across Generations and Life Cycles

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    Shorter product life cycles and high product variance nowadays require efficient engineering of products and production systems. Hereby a further challenge is that costs over the entire life cycle of the product and production system are defined early in the process. Existing approaches in literature and practice such as simultaneous engineering and design for manufacturing incorporate aspects of production into product engineering. However, these approaches leave potential for increasing efficiency unused because knowledge from past generations of products, production systems, and business models is not stored and reused in a formalized way and future generations are not considered in the respective current engineering process. This article proposes an approach for integrated product and production engineering across generations and life cycles of products and production systems. This includes the consideration of related business models to successfully establish the products on the market as well as the anticipation of future product and production system characteristics. The presented approach can reduce both development and manufacturing costs as well as time to market and opens the vast technological potential for product design to achieve additional customer benefits. Three case studies elaborate on aspects of the proposed approach and present its benefits

    Discovering the potential of dependency structure modelling for fusion systems engineering

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