5 research outputs found

    Transport of NOX emissions from sugarcane fertilisation into the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon

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    The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area contains highly sensitive ecosystems that are threatened by the effects of anthropogenic activity including eutrophication. The nearby sugarcane plantations of tropical north Queensland are fertilised annually and there has been ongoing concern about the magnitude of the loss of applied nitrogen to the environment. Previous studies have considered the potential of rainwater run-off to deposit reactive nitrogen species into rivers and ultimately into the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, but have neglected the possibility of transport via the atmosphere. This paper reports the results of a modelling study commissioned by Australia’s National Heritage Trust aimed at assessing whether or not atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen from Queensland’s sugarcane plantations posed a potential threat to the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. Atmospheric dispersion modelling was undertaken using The Air Pollution Model, developed by Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Despite the predominance of onshore southeasterly winds, the dispersion model results indicate that 9% of the time during the sugarcane fertilization season (in the modeled years 2001–2006) the meteorological conditions resulted in emissions from the coastal regions of north Queensland being transported out over the ocean around the Great Barrier Reef. The results suggest that there may be a greater efficiency for transport out over the reef during October than for November and December. For the 2 months that exhibited the greatest potential for transport of coastal pollution to the Great Barrier Reef, the modeled deposition of nitrogen oxides (NOX) into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon was less than 1% of the total emissions from the sugarcane plantations, but was not zero. Our model has a simple chemical scheme that does not cover the full chemistry of all reactive nitrogen compounds and so the results are only indicative of the potential levels of deposition. Nevertheless, our study shows that small amounts of NOX that originate from sugarcane fertilization may be transported and dry deposited into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Other pathways not included in the modeling scheme may provide a more efficient transport mechanism. Whilst modern practices for the application of fertilizer to sugarcane plantations have drastically reduced emissions, the potential efficiency of transport of pollutants via the atmosphere may be of concern for other more highly polluting agricultural industries

    Diffusion and convection of gaseous and fine particulate from a chimney

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    Particle dispersion from a high chimney is considered and an expression for the subsequent concentration of the particulate deposited on the ground is derived. We consider the general case wherein the effects of both diffusion and convection on the steady state ground concentration of particulate are incorporated. Two key parameters emerge from this analysis: the ratio of diffusion to convection and the nondimensionalised surface mass transfer rate. We also solve the inverse problem of recovering these two parameters given the boundary concentration profile and provide an estimate of the concentration flux above the chimney stack

    Impacte da qualidade do ar urbana na saúde pública: o caso da cidade do Porto

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    Doutoramento em Ciências Aplicadas ao AmbienteO benzeno foi o primeiro poluente atmosférico carcinogénico a ser regulamentado a nível europeu. Vários trabalhos têm sido publicados demonstrando a relação deste poluente com diversos tipos de neoplasias nomeadamente decorrentes de exposições a nível ocupacional. Porém, o estudo deste poluente para concentrações atmosféricas em ambientes exteriores ainda é pouco conhecido e está em clara evolução. Neste sentido, este trabalho pretende ser um contributo para o conhecimento da relação entre o benzeno atmosférico e a incidência de patologias que afectam os tecidos linfáticos e órgãos hematopoiéticos nomeadamente linfomas de Hodgkin, linfomas de não-Hodgkin e leucemias na população residente na Área Metropolitana do Porto. Dado a quase ausência de dados de monitorização das concentrações de benzeno atmosférico actualmente em Portugal, estas foram estimadas com base na definição de uma relação entre o benzeno e o monóxido de carbono. O conhecimento das concentrações em todo o domínio de estudo baseou-se na análise dos dados da Rede Automática de Monitorização da Qualidade do Ar porém, de modo a aumentar o detalhe espacial e temporal recorreu-se à modelação atmosférica aplicando o modelo TAPM. Para perceber a evolução temporal das concentrações, a modelação foi efectuada para os anos de 1991, 2001 e 2006 com base no ano meteorológico de 2006 e emissões para os respectivos anos ao nível da freguesia. O modelo foi previamente validado de acordo com uma metodologia proposta para este tipo de modelos. Contudo, mais do que perceber qual a variação da qualidade do ar a nível exterior, é importante conhecer o impacte de fontes interiores e o seu efeito na população. Assim, desenvolveu-se um modelo de exposição e dose que permitem conhecer os valores médios populacionais. A modelação da exposição populacional é efectuada com base nos perfis de actividade-tempo, nos movimentos pendulares inter-concelhos e nas concentrações de benzeno em ambientes exteriores e interiores. Na modelação da dose é ainda possível variações por sexo e idade. Por outro lado, para o estudo das patologias em análise efectuou-se uma análise epidemiológica espacial nomeadamente no que respeita à elaboração de mapas de incidência padronizados pela idade, e estudo da associação com a exposição ao benzeno atmosférico. Os resultados indicam associação entre o benzeno e as doenças em estudo. Esta evidência é mais notória quando a análise é realizada junto às principais fontes de emissão deste poluente, vias de tráfego e postos de abastecimento de combustível. Porém, a ausência de informação limita o estudo não permitindo o controlo de potenciais variáveis de confundimento como a exposição ao fumo do tabaco. A metodologia permite efectuar uma gestão integrada da qualidade do ar exterior e interior, funcionando como uma ferramenta do apoio à decisão para elaboração de planos de prevenção de longo prazo de potenciais efeitos na saúde das populações nomeadamente para outro tipo de patologias.Benzene was the first carcinogenic air pollutant to be regulated at European level. Several studies have been published showing the relationship of this pollutant with several types of cancer including exposure to occupational level. However, the study of this atmospheric pollutant in outdoor environments is still little known and in evolution. Thus, this work provides a contribution to the knowledge of the relationship between atmospheric benzene and incidence of diseases affecting the hematopoietic and lymphatic tissues including Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's disease and leukemias in population living on Oporto Metropolitan Area. Because the almost absence of atmospheric monitoring benzene concentrations present in Portugal, these were estimated based on the study of a relationship between benzene and carbon monoxide in a know air. The knowledge of concentrations in the entire field of study was based on data analysis from Automatic Monitoring Network of Air Quality. However, to increase the spatial and temporal detail resorted to atmospheric modelling applying the TAPM model. To understand the temporal evolution of concentrations, the modelling was done for the years 1991, 2001 and 2006. There was based on the meteorological year of 2006 and emissions to their years disaggregated to administrative low level. The model was previously valid according to a methodology proposed for this type of models. However, rather than understand the variation of air quality, it is important to know the impact of indoor sources and its effect on the population. Thus, there was developed an exposure and dose population model. The population exposure modelling is based on time-activity profiles, in commuting, and in outdoor and indoor benzene concentrations. The dose model also allows variations by gender and age. Moreover, for the study of diseases held a spatial epidemiological analysis using mapping standardized incidence by age, and study of association with exposure to atmospheric benzene. The results point to an association between benzene and the diseases under study. These are more obvious close to hot-spots like roads and fuel stations. However, the lack of information limits the study because does not allow control potential confounders such as smoke exposure. The methodology allows for an integrated management of indoor and outdoor air quality, working as a support decision tool to develop plans for prevent long-term potential health effects of populations namely for other pathologies