22 research outputs found

    Application of Threshold Techniques for Readability Improvement of Jawi Historical Manuscript Images

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    Historical documents such as old books and manuscripts have a high aesthetic value and highly appreciated. Unfortunately, there are some documents cannot be read due to quality problems like faded paper, ink expand, uneven colour tone, torn paper and other elements disruption such as the existence of small spots. The study aims to produce a copy of manuscript that shows clear wordings so they can easily be read and the copy can also be displayed for visitors. 16 samples of Jawi historical manuscript with different quality problems were obtained from The Royal Museum of Pahang, Malaysia. We applied three binarization techniques; Otsu's method represents global threshold technique; Sauvola and Niblack method which are categorized as local threshold techniques. We compared the binarized images with the original manuscript to be visually inspected by the museum's curator. The unclear features were marked and analyzed. Most of the examined images show that with optimal parameters and effective pre processing technique, local thresholding methods are work well compare with the other one. Niblack's and Sauvola's techniques seem to be the suitable approaches for these types of images. Most of binarized images with these two methods show improvement for readability and character recognition. For this research, even the differences of image result were hard to be distinguished by human capabilities, after comparing the time cost and overall achievement rate of recognized symbols, Niblack's method is performing better than Sauvola's. We could improve the post processing step by adding edge detection techniques and further enhanced by an innovative image refinement technique and a formulation of a class proper method.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, Advance Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ

    A Novel Approach to remove Ink Bleed through Degraded Document Images

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    There are numerous recorded reports which manages the corruption of paper because of paper maturing, foundation variety because of clamor, uneven brightening or dim spots and characterization of loss of literary data in debased archives like light introduction which causes blurring of content or ink chipping, Degradation of the written work medium i.e. clouded or missing content brought about because of the vicinity of mould,parasites,dampness or weakness in the medium,When ink has leaked through posterior or a page to front reasons seep through interference,whenever we digitize our record it may present some clamor curios which may make debasement the printed information.There are numerous corrupted yet truly vital old original copies and reports dispersed crosswise over libraries and chronicles the world over. Because of entry of time ink of rear begins to meddle with the ink of front side which hampers the intelligibility of archives. Be that as it may, because of the significance of such archives it is essential to restore such records. In this paper, different calculations are used in pre handling steps like Bernsen calculation, Improved Bernsen calculation, Canny edge discovery method are used for initialising the outcomes. Subsequently post preparing steps are proposed toward the end so that the calculation finishes up with improved and productive results

    Arabic Handwriting: Analysis and Synthesis

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    Multi-script handwritten character recognition:Using feature descriptors and machine learning

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    Segmentasi Citra Pada Citra Naskah Kuno Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Local Adaptive Thresholding

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    Sebagian dari naskah kuno di Museum Negeri Provinsi Sumatera Utara mengalami kerusakan seperti robek, tulisan tidak terlihat jelas sehingga susah untuk dibaca dan terdapat noda di naskah tersebut karena sudah puluhan bahkan ratusan tahun. Naskah kuno tak akan bertahan lama apabila tidak dirawat dengan baik. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkanya sebuah perawat yang dapat melestarikan naskah kuno dengan jangka yang lebih lama. Salahisatu caraiuntuk melestarikaninaskah kuno dan membuat naskah kuno lebih dapat dibaca serta jelas, maka dapat dilakukan dengan cara segmentasi citra. Dengan segmentasi citra, naskah kuno dapat diubah kedalam bentuk naskah kuno citra digital yang bisa disimpan kedalam mediaipenyimpanan. Segmentasi citra yang diterapkan adalah melakukan pemisahan background citra naskah kuno dengan teks naskah kuno kedalam bentuk citra hitam dan putih, sehingga citra naskah kuno yang tidak jelas dapat dibaca lebih baik. Segmentasi citra memerlukan metode, pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan ialah Local Adaptive Thresholding, tahapan metode Local Adaptive Thresholding adalah mengubah citra naskah kuno kedalam citra luminosity grayscale, kemudian menghitung nilai mens dan threshold, sehingga dilakukan pemisahan berdasarkan nilai threshold. Pada penelitian ini, metode Local Adaptif Thresholding berhasil melakukan segmentasi citra naskah kuno dengan baik dan jelas, kelamahanya adalah ketika citra naskah kuno yang terlalu banyak mengandung karakter dan jarak yang terlalu jauh, maka hasilnya sedikit mengalami pengelapa

    Manuscript and Print in the Islamic Tradition

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    This volume explores and calls into question certain commonly held assumptions about the nature of writing and technological advancement in the Islamic tradition. In particular, it challenges the idea that mechanical print naturally and inevitably displaces handwritten texts as well as the notion that the so-called transition from manuscript to print is unidirectional

    Quantifying scribal behavior : a novel approach to digital paleography

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    We propose a novel approach for analyzing scribal behavior quantitatively using information about the handwriting of characters. To implement this approach, we develop a computational framework that recovers this information and decomposes the characters into primitives (called strokes) to create a hierarchically structured representation. We then propose a number of intuitive metrics quantifying various facets of scribal behavior, which are derived from the recovered information and character structure. We further propose the use of techniques modeling the generation of handwriting to directly study the changes in writing behavior. We then present a case study in which we use our framework and metrics to analyze the development of four major Indic scripts. We show that our framework and metrics coupled with appropriate statistical methods can provide great insight into scribal behavior by discovering specific trends and phenomena with quantitative methods. We also illustrate the use of handwriting modeling techniques in this context to study the divergence of the Brahmi script into two daughter scripts. We conduct a user study with domain experts to evaluate our framework and salient results from the case study, and we elaborate on the results of this evaluation. Finally, we present our conclusions and discuss the limitations of our research along with future work that needs to be done

    Manuscript and Print in the Islamic Tradition

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    This volume explores and calls into question certain commonly held assumptions about the nature of writing and technological advancement in the Islamic tradition. In particular, it challenges the idea that mechanical print naturally and inevitably displaces handwritten texts as well as the notion that the so-called transition from manuscript to print is unidirectional

    A study of book marketing in publishing houses in Peninsular Malaysia : contexts, practices, problems

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    This study aims to examine and review efforts taken by Malaysian publishing houses towards the marketing of books in the country. In addition, a comprehensive appraisal of the historical background that shaped the later developments in the trade is also presented because the early years set the contexts of the development of the book trade in Malaysia. Next, the environmental appraisal of factors in the current situation and how these factors each pose threats or opportunities are studied in terms of their impact on the trade. To achieve the objective of studying the marketing strategies of Malaysian producers of cultural products, a comprehensive mail-questionnaire survey enforced by personal visitations was conducted as an instrument to gather the necessary data on 49 publishers and distributors of books in Malaysia. The respondents are regular fee-paying members of the Malaysian Book Publishers Association (MABOPA) and also the Malay Book Publishers Association (IKATAN). The findings indicate that production of educational books is the mainstay of Malaysian book publishing and these books are the main source of income for most houses. Government policies especially in the educational system have become the major instrument in encouraging the growth of indigenous book publishing during the post-Independencey ears. The government is thus found to be rather influential on trends developing in the trade. Its actions lay emphasis on locally written and published books and have minimised dependence on imported publications. The other results of this study also show that in terms of usage of marketing research, Malaysian houses generally have a high awareness of marketing and marketing communications. This awareness is generally applied advantageously by most houses. With regard to the study of marketing practices, the approach includes the analysis of the 4Ps of the marketing-mix. When these practices are examined, it is concluded that the houses regard sales promotion, advertising, personal selling and direct mail as important tools and they are utilised continuously. It is concluded that publishing houses, especially among the larger and wellorganised establishments, have a high level of awareness and knowledge of marketing communications and have applied this capability to their advantage. There is however scope for more market-oriented approach among the smaller indigenous houses