9 research outputs found

    Optimal Unknown Bit Filtering for Test Response Masking

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    [[abstract]]In this paper presents a new X-Masking scheme for response compaction. It filters all X states from test response that can no unknown value input to response compactor. In the experimental results, this scheme increased less control data and maintain same observability.[[conferencedate]]20121104~20121107[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]New Taipei, Taiwa

    X-Codes: Theory and Applications of Unknowable Inputs

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNSF / ACI-99-84492-CAREE

    Pseudo-functional testing: bridging the gap between manufacturing test and functional operation.

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    Yuan, Feng.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 60-65).Abstract also in Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgement --- p.iiChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Manufacturing Test --- p.1Chapter 1.1.1 --- Functional Testing vs. Structural Testing --- p.2Chapter 1.1.2 --- Fault Model --- p.3Chapter 1.1.3 --- Automatic Test Pattern Generation --- p.4Chapter 1.1.4 --- Design for Testability --- p.6Chapter 1.2 --- Pseudo-Functional Manufacturing Test --- p.13Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Motivation and Organization --- p.16Chapter 2 --- On Systematic Illegal State Identification --- p.19Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.19Chapter 2.2 --- Preliminaries and Motivation --- p.20Chapter 2.3 --- What is the Root Cause of Illegal States? --- p.22Chapter 2.4 --- Illegal State Identification Flow --- p.26Chapter 2.5 --- Justification Scheme Construction --- p.30Chapter 2.6 --- Experimental Results --- p.34Chapter 2.7 --- Conclusion --- p.35Chapter 3 --- Compression-Aware Pseudo-Functional Testing --- p.36Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.36Chapter 3.2 --- Motivation --- p.38Chapter 3.3 --- Proposed Methodology --- p.40Chapter 3.4 --- Pattern Generation in Compression-Aware Pseudo-Functional Testing --- p.42Chapter 3.4.1 --- Circuit Pre-Processing --- p.42Chapter 3.4.2 --- Pseudo-Functional Random Pattern Generation with Multi-Launch Cycles --- p.43Chapter 3.4.3 --- Compressible Test Pattern Generation for Pseudo-Functional Testing --- p.45Chapter 3.5 --- Experimental Results --- p.52Chapter 3.5.1 --- Experimental Setup --- p.52Chapter 3.5.2 --- Results and Discussion --- p.54Chapter 3.6 --- Conclusion --- p.56Chapter 4 --- Conclusion and Future Work --- p.58Bibliography --- p.6


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    Power during manufacturing test can be several times higher than power consumption in functional mode. Excessive power during test can cause IR drop, over-heating, and early aging of the chips. In this dissertation, three different architectures have been introduced to reduce test power in general cases as well as in certain scenarios, including field test. In the first architecture, scan chains are divided into several segments. Every segment needs a control bit to enable capture in a segment when new faults are detectable on that segment for that pattern. Otherwise, the segment should be disabled to reduce capture power. We group the control bits together into one or more control chains. To address the extra pin(s) required to shift data into the control chain(s) and significant post processing in the first architecture, we explored a second architecture. The second architecture stitches the control bits into the chains they control as EECBs (embedded enable capture bits) in between the segments. This allows an ATPG software tool to automatically generate the appropriate EECB values for each pattern to maintain the fault coverage. This also works in the presence of an on-chip decompressor. The last architecture focuses primarily on the self-test of a device in a 3D stacked IC when an existing FPGA in the stack can be programmed as a tester. We show that the energy expended during test is significantly less than would be required using low power patterns fed by an on-chip decompressor for the same very short scan chains

    Application of Saluja-Karpovsky Compactors to Test Responses with Many Unknowns

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    This paper addresses the problem of compacting test responses in the presence of unknowns at the input of the compactor by exploiting the capabilities of well-known error detection and correction codes. The technique, called i-Compact, uses Saluja-Karpovsky Space Compactors, but permits detection and location of errors in the presence of unknown logic (X) values with help from the ATE. The advantages of i-Compact are: 1. Small number of output pins from the compactors for a required error detection capability; 2. Small tester memory for storing expected responses; 3. Flexibility of choosing several different combinations of number of X values and number of bit errors for error detection without altering the hardware compactor; 4. Same hardware capable of identifying the line that produced an error in presence of unknowns; 5. Use of non-proprietary codes found in the literature of 1950s; and 6. Independent of the circuit and the test generator.

    Fehlercharakterisierung zuverlässiger Schaltungen im Selbsttest

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    Hochintegrierte Schaltungen können immer kleiner, höher getaktet und energieeffizienter hergestellt werden, allerdings können bedingt durch diese technologischen Trends auch vermehrt Schwachstellen im System entstehen. Diese Schwachstellen führen oft während des Produktionstests nicht zu einem Fehlverhalten der Schaltung, während des Betriebs allerdings droht durch die steigende Anfälligkeit gegenüber intrinsischen und äußeren Störeinflüssen sowie Alterungseffekten ein vorzeitiger Ausfall der Schaltung. Solche Frühausfälle werden „Early-Life Fehler“ genannt und können mit einem Standard- Test ohne weitere Anpassungen nicht erkannt werden. Indikatoren für einen Frühausfall können intermittierende Fehler, aber auch kleine Verzögerungsfehler sein. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Selbsttest vorgestellt, der eine Fehlercharakterisierung zur Erkennung von Systemschwachstellen und Vermeidung von Frühausfällen, speziell solche, die sich als intermittierender Fehler oder kleiner Verzögerungsfehler auswirken, mit geringem Hardware- und Zeitaufwand mittels eines Standard-Tests ermöglicht. Hierzu wird im Selbsttest zunächst zwischen permanenten und nicht-permanenten Fehlern unterschieden und eine Klassifikation der nicht- permanenten Fehler mit Hilfe eines voran geschalteten Diagnoseverfahrens und Bayesschen Berechnungen durchgeführt. Hierdurch lässt sich die Produktqualität ohne zusätzliche Ausbeuteverluste erhöhen. Zusätzlich wird ein Test mit erhöhter Betriebsfrequenz vorgestellt, der im Selbsttest kleine Verzögerungsfehler erkennt.As a result of the fact, that todays integrated circuits have smaller features sizes, higher frequencies and are more energy efficient, weak spots can occur in the system. These weak spots can be undetected by the production test, but during system operation they can lead to hard failures, because of increasing susceptibility to intrinsic and external disturbances or aging effects. This early system breakdown is called „early-life failure“ and cannot be detected by a standard test without any adjustments. Indicators of early-life failures could be intermittent faults and also small delay defects. In this thesis a built-in self-test is presented, which characterizes faulty behavior to detect weak spots and avoid early-life failures, especially caused by intermittent faults or small delay defects, with low hardware and time overhead by using a standard test set. In a first step, the test procedure can distinguish between permanent and non-permanent faults. After that, a diagnosis process and Bayesian reasoning implement the classification of the non-permanent faults. With this procedure the product quality can be increased without additional yield loss. Furthermore a Faster-than-at-Speed-Test (FAST) will be introduced, which allows detecting SDDs in a built-in self-test environment without any changes in the ATPG flow.von Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Thomas Indlekofer ; Erster Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Sybille Hellebrand, Zweiter Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Ilia PolianTag der Verteidigung: 03.03.2016Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik der Universität Paderborn, Univ., Dissertation, 201