1,444 research outputs found

    A hierarchically combined classifier for license plate recognition

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    High accuracy and fast recognition speed are two requirements for real-time and automatic license plate recognition system. In this paper, we propose a hierarchically combined classifier based on an Inductive Learning Based Method and an SVM-based classification. This approach employs the inductive learning based method to roughly divide all classes into smaller groups. Then the SVM method is used for character classification in individual groups. Both start from a collection of samples of characters from license plates. After a training process using some known samples in advance, the inductive learning rules are extracted for rough classification and the parameters used for SVM-based classification are obtained. Then, a classification tree is constructed for further fast training and testing processes for SVMbased classification. Experimental results for the proposed approach are given. From the experimental results, we can make the conclusion that the hierarchically combined classifier is better than either the inductive learning based classification or the SVMbased classification in terms of error rates and processing speeds. © 2008 IEEE

    Document Image Analysis Techniques for Handwritten Text Segmentation, Document Image Rectification and Digital Collation

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    Document image analysis comprises all the algorithms and techniques that are utilized to convert an image of a document to a computer readable description. In this work we focus on three such techniques, namely (1) Handwritten text segmentation (2) Document image rectification and (3) Digital Collation. Offline handwritten text recognition is a very challenging problem. Aside from the large variation of different handwriting styles, neighboring characters within a word are usually connected, and we may need to segment a word into individual characters for accurate character recognition. Many existing methods achieve text segmentation by evaluating the local stroke geometry and imposing constraints on the size of each resulting character, such as the character width, height and aspect ratio. These constraints are well suited for printed texts, but may not hold for handwritten texts. Other methods apply holistic approach by using a set of lexicons to guide and correct the segmentation and recognition. This approach may fail when the domain lexicon is insufficient. In the first part of this work, we present a new global non-holistic method for handwritten text segmentation, which does not make any limiting assumptions on the character size and the number of characters in a word. We conduct experiments on real images of handwritten texts taken from the IAM handwriting database and compare the performance of the presented method against an existing text segmentation algorithm that uses dynamic programming and achieve significant performance improvement. Digitization of document images using OCR based systems is adversely affected if the image of the document contains distortion (warping). Often, costly and precisely calibrated special hardware such as stereo cameras, laser scanners, etc. are used to infer the 3D model of the distorted image which is used to remove the distortion. Recent methods focus on creating a 3D shape model based on 2D distortion informa- tion obtained from the document image. The performance of these methods is highly dependent on estimating an accurate 2D distortion grid. These methods often affix the 2D distortion grid lines to the text line, and as such, may suffer in the presence of unreliable textual cues due to preprocessing steps such as binarization. In the domain of printed document images, the white space between the text lines carries as much information about the 2D distortion as the text lines themselves. Based on this intuitive idea, in the second part of our work we build a 2D distortion grid from white space lines, which can be used to rectify a printed document image by a dewarping algorithm. We compare our presented method against a state-of-the-art 2D distortion grid construction method and obtain better results. We also present qualitative and quantitative evaluations for the presented method. Collation of texts and images is an indispensable but labor-intensive step in the study of print materials. It is an often used methodology by textual scholars when the manuscript of the text does not exist. Although various methods and machines have been designed to assist in this labor, it still remains an expensive and time- consuming process, often requiring travel to distant repositories for the painstaking visual examination of multiple original copies. Efforts to digitize collation have so far depended on first transcribing the texts to be compared, thus introducing into the process more labor and expense, and also more potential error. Digital collation will instead automate the first stages of collation directly from the document images of the original texts, thereby speeding the process of comparison. We describe such a novel framework for digital collation in the third part of this work and provide qualitative results

    A Computational Theory of Contextual Knowledge in Machine Reading

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    Machine recognition of off–line handwriting can be achieved by either recognising words as individual symbols (word level recognition) or by segmenting a word into parts, usually letters, and classifying those parts (letter level recognition). Whichever method is used, current handwriting recognition systems cannot overcome the inherent ambiguity in writingwithout recourse to contextual information. This thesis presents a set of experiments that use Hidden Markov Models of language to resolve ambiguity in the classification process. It goes on to describe an algorithm designed to recognise a document written by a single–author and to improve recognition by adaptingto the writing style and learning new words. Learning and adaptation is achieved by reading the document over several iterations. The algorithm is designed to incorporate contextual processing, adaptation to modify the shape of known words and learning of new words within a constrained dictionary. Adaptation occurs when a word that has previously been trained in the classifier is recognised at either the word or letter level and the word image is used to modify the classifier. Learning occurs when a new word that has not been in the training set is recognised at the letter level and is subsequently added to the classifier. Words and letters are recognised using a nearest neighbour classifier and used features based on the two–dimensional Fourier transform. By incorporating a measure of confidence based on the distribution of training points around an exemplar, adaptation and learning is constrained to only occur when a word is confidently classified. The algorithm was implemented and tested with a dictionary of 1000 words. Results show that adaptation of the letter classifier improved recognition on average by 3.9% with only 1.6% at the whole word level. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the learning in the system. It was found that learning accounted for little improvement in the classification results and also that learning new words was prone to misclassifications being propagated

    Document analysis at DFKI. - Part 1: Image analysis and text recognition

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    Document analysis is responsible for an essential progress in office automation. This paper is part of an overview about the combined research efforts in document analysis at the DFKI. Common to all document analysis projects is the global goal of providing a high level electronic representation of documents in terms of iconic, structural, textual, and semantic information. These symbolic document descriptions enable an "intelligent\u27; access to a document database. Currently there are three ongoing document analysis projects at DFKI: INCA, OMEGA, and PASCAL2000/PASCAL+. Though the projects pursue different goals in different application domains, they all share the same problems which have to be resolved with similar techniques. For that reason the activities in these projects are bundled to avoid redundant work. At DFKI we have divided the problem of document analysis into two main tasks, text recognition and text analysis, which themselves are divided into a set of subtasks. In a series of three research reports the work of the document analysis and office automation department at DFKI is presented. The first report discusses the problem of text recognition, the second that of text analysis. In a third report we describe our concept for a specialized document analysis knowledge representation language. The report in hand describes the activities dealing with the text recognition task. Text recognition covers the phase starting with capturing a document image up to identifying the written words. This comprises the following subtasks: preprocessing the pictorial information, segmenting into blocks, lines, words, and characters, classifying characters, and identifying the input words. For each subtask several competing solution algorithms, called specialists or knowledge sources, may exist. To efficiently control and organize these specialists an intelligent situation-based planning component is necessary, which is also described in this report. It should be mentioned that the planning component is also responsible to control the overall document analysis system instead of the text recognition phase onl
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