1,317 research outputs found

    Simulation of a Real-Time Bus Arrival Predictor using RFID and LabVIEW

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    Most college and office goers in India use the public buses for daily commuting. The bus network caters to the need of thousands who find it an affordable means of transport. However, the absence of real-time updates in the system poses some very serious problems during the exit period. Large cohorts leave the workplace at one time, leading to over-crowding, chaos and accidents at local bus stops. To address this issue, we have designed an RFID based system that alerts the commuter at periodic intervals as his desired bus approaches the stop. This paper documents the preliminaries, concept validation stage, and the development of a scaled-down prototype. The objective is to notify commuters of the approach of their desired bus (on request) by SMS

    System With RF Power Delivery Capabilities for Active Safety Enhancement in Industrial Vehicles Using Interchangeable Implements

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    In this paper, an active system for safety enhancement in industrial and off-highway vehicles using interchangeable implements is presented. The system, applied to the real case study of automatic identification of implements connected to a telehandler, is developed by adopting a hardware–software codesign approach. It is comprised of two devices: the Illuminator-Gateway Device (IGD) and the End Device (ED). Differently from other similar solutions, the system embeds a complete radio frequency (RF) power delivery system that is compliant with the regulations in force in Europe and in North America to extend the battery lifetime of the ED. In particular, the IGD, positioned on the free end of the telescopic arm of the telehandler, supplies the RF energy required for the operations of the ED and acts as a gateway sending the data received from the ED to the other Electronic Control Units (ECUs) of the vehicle. The ED, instead, is mounted on the connected implement, collects the RF energy delivered by the IGD, and wirelessly sends the unique identifier, the key parameters, and the calculated effective working time of the implement. This information can be used by the main ECU of the vehicle for safety-related purposes and programmed maintenance. Experimental results show that the implemented RF power delivery system is able to gather up to 63% of the power required by the ED when it is on duty, thus significantly extending its battery lifetime

    Modern Telemetry

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    Telemetry is based on knowledge of various disciplines like Electronics, Measurement, Control and Communication along with their combination. This fact leads to a need of studying and understanding of these principles before the usage of Telemetry on selected problem solving. Spending time is however many times returned in form of obtained data or knowledge which telemetry system can provide. Usage of telemetry can be found in many areas from military through biomedical to real medical applications. Modern way to create a wireless sensors remotely connected to central system with artificial intelligence provide many new, sometimes unusual ways to get a knowledge about remote objects behaviour. This book is intended to present some new up to date accesses to telemetry problems solving by use of new sensors conceptions, new wireless transfer or communication techniques, data collection or processing techniques as well as several real use case scenarios describing model examples. Most of book chapters deals with many real cases of telemetry issues which can be used as a cookbooks for your own telemetry related problems

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    A Framework for Dynamic Traffic Monitoring Using Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Traffic management centers (TMCs) need high-quality data regarding the status of roadways for monitoring and delivering up-to-date traffic conditions to the traveling public. Currently this data is measured at static points on the roadway using technologies that have significant maintenance requirements. To obtain an accurate picture of traffic on any road section at any time requires a real-time probe of vehicles traveling in that section. We envision a near-term future where network communication devices are commonly included in new vehicles. These devices will allow vehicles to form vehicular networks allowing communication among themselves, other vehicles, and roadside units (RSUs) to improve driver safety, provide enhanced monitoring to TMCs, and deliver real-time traffic conditions to drivers. In this dissertation, we contribute and develop a framework for dynamic trafficmonitoring (DTMon) using vehicular networks. We introduce RSUs called task organizers (TOs) that can communicate with equipped vehicles and with a TMC. These TOs can be programmed by the TMC to task vehicles with performing traffic measurements over various sections of the roadway. Measurement points for TOs, or virtual strips, can be changed dynamically, placed anywhere within several kilometers of the TO, and used to measure wide areas of the roadway network. This is a vast improvement over current technology. We analyze the ability of a TO, or multiple TOs, to monitor high-quality traffic datain various traffic conditions (e.g., free flow traffic, transient flow traffic, traffic with congestion, etc.). We show that DTMon can accurately monitor speed and travel times in both free-flow and traffic with transient congestion. For some types of data, the percentage of equipped vehicles, or the market penetration rate, affects the quality of data gathered. Thus, we investigate methods for mitigating the effects of low penetration rate as well as low traffic density on data quality using DTMon. This includes studying the deployment of multiple TOs in a region and the use of oncoming traffic to help bridge gaps in connectivity. We show that DTMon can have a large impact on traffic monitoring. Traffic engineers can take advantage of the programmability of TOs, giving them the ability to measure traffic at any point within several km of a TO. Most real-time traffic maps measure traffic at midpoint of roads between interchanges and the use of this framework would allow for virtual strips to be placed at various locations in between interchanges, providing fine-grained measurements to TMCs. In addition, the measurement points can be adjusted as traffic conditions change. An important application of this is end-of-queue management. Traffic engineers are very interested in deliver timely information to drivers approaching congestion endpoints to improve safety. We show the ability of DTMon in detecting the end of the queue during congestion

    Sulautettu ohjelmistototeutus reaaliaikaiseen paikannusjärjestelmään

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    Asset tracking often necessitates wireless, radio-frequency identification (RFID). In practice, situations often arise where plain inventory operations are not sufficient, and methods to estimate movement trajectory are needed for making reliable observations, classification and report generation. In this thesis, an embedded software application for an industrial, resource-constrained off-the-shelf RFID reader device in the UHF frequency range is designed and implemented. The software is used to configure the reader and its air-interface operations, accumulate read reports and generate events to be reported over network connections. Integrating location estimation methods to the application facilitates the possibility to make deploying middleware RFID solutions more streamlined and robust while reducing network bandwidth requirements. The result of this thesis is a functional embedded software application running on top of an embedded Linux distribution on an ARM processor. The reader software is used commercially in industrial and logistics applications. Non-linear state estimation features are applied, and their performance is evaluated in empirical experiments.Tavaroiden seuranta edellyttää usein langatonta radiotaajuustunnistustekniikkaa (RFID). Käytännön sovelluksissa tulee monesti tilanteita joissa pelkkä inventointi ei riitä, vaan tarvitaan menetelmiä liikeradan estimointiin luotettavien havaintojen ja luokittelun tekemiseksi sekä raporttien generoimiseksi. Tässä työssä on suunniteltu ja toteutettu sulautettu ohjelmistosovellus teolliseen, resursseiltaan rajoitettuun ja kaupallisesti saatavaan UHF-taajuusalueen RFID-lukijalaitteeseen. Ohjelmistoa käytetään lukijalaitteen ja sen ilmarajapinnan toimintojen konfigurointiin, lukutapahtumien keräämiseen ja raporttien lähettämiseen verkkoyhteyksiä pitkin. Paikkatiedon estimointimenetelmien integroiminen ohjelmistoon mahdollistaa välitason RFID-sovellusten toteuttamisen aiempaa suoraviivaisemin ja luotettavammin, vähentäen samalla vaatimuksia tietoverkon kaistanleveydelle. Työn tuloksena on toimiva sulautettu ohjelmistosovellus, jota ajetaan sulautetussa Linux-käyttöjärjestelmässä ARM-arkkitehtuurilla. Lukijaohjelmistoa käytetään kaupallisesti teollisuuden ja logistiikan sovelluskohteissa. Epälineaarisia estimointiominaisuuksia hyödynnetään, ja niiden toimivuutta arvioidaan empiirisin kokein

    Annual report of the officers of the town of Grafton, New Hampshire, 1989.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Principles, requirements and prospects of genetic mapping in plants

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    Genetic mapping (also known as linkage mapping or meiotic mapping) refers to the determination of the relative position and distances between markers along chromosomes. Genetic map distancesbetween two markers are defined as the mean number of recombination events, involving a given chromatid, in that region per meiosis. Genetic map construction requires that the researcher developappropriate mapping population, decide the sample size and type of molecular marker(s) for genotyping, genotype the mapping population with sufficient number of markers, and perform linkageanalyses using statistical programs. The construction of detailed genetic maps with high levels of genome coverage is a first step for localizing genes or quantitative trait loci (QTL) that are associatedwith economically important traits, marker assisted selection, comparative mapping between different species, a framework for anchoring physical maps, and the basis for map-based cloning of genes.Highly reproducible, high throughput, codominant, and transferable molecular markers, especially developed from expressed regions, are sought to increase the utility of genetic maps. This articlereviews the principles, requirements, and future prospects of genetic mapping in plants

    Monitoring of Illegal Removal of Road Barricades Using Intelligent Transportation Systems in Connected and Non-Connected Environments

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    69A3551747117Illegal removal of road barricades without notice of road emergency officials and road users has resulted in fatalities, injuries, and property damages. It is only after an incident has occurred or someone noticed the removal and alerted the authorities for the barricade to be placed back at its intended location. Due to this event, traditional barricades must be equipped with mechanisms to alert emergency officials and warn road users of impending danger. This research utilized the Global Positioning System (GPS) module, and Radio Frequency (RF) modules to detect barricade movements, and alert emergency officials and road users. The barricade movements were estimated from the haversine distance formula, corrected for errors, and then compared with the distance threshold value for the road users within a geofenced area to be alerted. The geofenced area radius was estimated to be 1.04 miles from the barricade location using the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), National Safety Council (NSC), and TransGuide ITS manuals. The non-parametric bootstrapping method was used to estimate the GPS position error to 10.5 feet and corrected the measured distances. Experimental data of the system from a clear sunny day shows that low-cost GPS modules have the best response to barricade movements compared to a cloudy day where movements can\u2019t be explained easily. This system can communicate with Road-Side Units (RSUs) and On-Board Units (OBUs) and is expected to warn road users and alert emergency officials