515 research outputs found

    Simulation-based optimisation of complex maintenance systems

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    There is a potential as well as a growing interest amongst researchers to utilise simulation in optimising maintenance systems. The state of the art in simulation-based optimisation of maintenance was established by systematically classifying the published literature and outlining main trends in modelling and optimising maintenance systems. In general, approaches to optimise maintenance varied significantly in the literature. Overall, these studies highlight the need for a framework that unifies the approach to optimising maintenance systems. Framework requirements were established through two main sources of published research. Surveys on maintenance simulation optimisation were examined to document comments on the approaches authors follow while optimising maintenance systems. In addition, advanced and future maintenance strategies were documented to ensure it can be accommodated in the proposed framework. The proposed framework was developed using a standard flowchart tool due to its familiarity and ability to depict decision structures clearly. It provides a systematic methodology that details the steps required to connect the simulation model to an optimisation engine. Not only it provides guidance in terms of formulating the optimal problem for the maintenance system at hand but it also provides support and assistance in defining the optimisation scope and investigating applicable maintenance strategies. Additionally, it considers current issues relating to maintenance systems both in research and in practice such as uncertainty, complexity and multi-objective optimisation. The proposed framework cannot be applied using existing approaches for modelling maintenance. Existing modelling approaches using simulation have a number of limitations: The maintenance system is modelled separately from other inter-related systems such as production and spare parts logistics. In addition, these approaches are used to model one maintenance strategy only. A novel approach for modelling maintenance using Discrete Event Simulation is proposed. The proposed approach enables the modelling of interactions amongst various maintenance strategies and their effects on the assets in non-identical multi-unit systems. Using the proposed framework and modelling approach, simulation-based optimisation was conducted on an academic case and two industrial cases that are varied in terms of sector, size, number of manufacturing processes and level of maintenance documentation. Following the structured framework enabled discussing and selecting the suitable optimisation scope and applicable maintenance strategies as well as formulating a customised optimal problem for each case. The results of the study suggest that over-looking the optimisation of maintenance strategies may lead to sub-optimal solutions. In addition, this research provides insights for non-conflicting objectives in maintenance systems

    Assembly Line Balancing using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study of Tricycle Assembly Line

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    This study reports the use of Artificial Neural Network in balancing an existing single-model assembly line of Boulous Enterprises Limited. A multilayer perceptron, with the help of online training was utilized, due to its ability to accommodate large dataset. The results obtained showed that standard cycle time of 576 seconds in the existing line was reduced to 526 seconds. Also, the average idle time was reduced from 105 seconds to 56 seconds, and the output of tricycles produced per day was increased from 50 to 55. The results clearly showed that a better balanced line was obtained with the use of Artificial Neural Network. Keywords: Line Balancing, bottlenecks, Idle Time, Efficienc

    Daydreaming factories

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    Optimisation of factories, a cornerstone of production engineering for the past half century, relies on formulating the challenges with limited degrees of freedom. In this paper, technological advances are reviewed to propose a “daydreaming” framework for factories that use their cognitive capacity for looking into the future or “foresighting”. Assessing and learning from the possible eventualities enable breakthroughs with many degrees of freedom and make daydreaming factories antifragile. In these factories with augmented and reciprocal learning and foresighting processes, revolutionary reactions to external and internal stimuli are unnecessary and industrial co-evolution of people, processes and products will replace industrial revolutions

    Optimal maintenance of multi-component systems: a review

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    In this article we give an overview of the literature on multi-component maintenance optimization. We focus on work appearing since the 1991 survey "A survey of maintenance models for multi-unit systems" by Cho and Parlar. This paper builds forth on the review article by Dekker et al. (1996), which focusses on economic dependence, and the survey of maintenance policies by Wang (2002), in which some group maintenance and some opportunistic maintenance policies are considered. Our classification scheme is primarily based on the dependence between components (stochastic, structural or economic). Next, we also classify the papers on the basis of the planning aspect (short-term vs long-term), the grouping of maintenance activities (either grouping preventive or corrective maintenance, or opportunistic grouping) and the optimization approach used (heuristic, policy classes or exact algorithms). Finally, we pay attention to the applications of the models.literature review;economic dependence;failure interaction;maintenance policies;grouping maintenance;multi-component systems;opportunistic maintenance;maintencance optimization;structural dependence

    Rapid prototyping of distributed systems of electronic control units in vehicles

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    Existing vehicle electronics design is largely divided by feature, with integration taking place at a late stage. This leads to a number of drawbacks, including longer development time and increased cost, both of which this research overcomes by considering the system as a whole and, in particular, generating an executable model to permit testing. To generate such a model, a number of inputs needed to be made available. These include a structural description of the vehicle electronics, functional descriptions of both the electronic control units and the communications buses, the application code that implements the feature and software patterns to implement the low-level interfaces to sensors and actuators. [Continues.

    Production line: effect of different inspection station allocation under accepts reject inspection policy

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    Manufacturing system is one of the most important parts in any organization as it produces the output of the company which will generate the profit. It consists partly of the production line which plays the role as the centre of production to create the end product which could be half finished or the full product. It is a big problem for the company to determine which is the better arrangement and combination of the tools or machines available in this area of the organization as different combination will greatly impact the productivity of the production line together with the profit of the company. This research intend to analyze a new production line in a metal stamping company based on the complain from the company and try to explore the better layout or arrangement in the production line in reflect to the complained problem and constrain of the provided of accept the defect and repair inspection policy. The production line is first being analyzed in response to complain through computer simulation. After the problem had been identified, the researcher tried different alternatives in the attempt to seek for the better layout or arrangement in the production line. The effect of different inspection station allocation layout is then being evaluated in term of the production time. The research has resulted in the finding of the cause for the long production time in the factory which is the long inspection steps which consumed much of the production time. After a few alternatives have been explored in allocating the inspection station, it is obvious that the current approach of the production line is the better one. Even by reducing the number of inspection station, interesting enough, the production time does not seem to decrease but yet increased. This finding contradicts the normal thought of fewer stations means shorter time. This finding could be the founding basic in the future research regarding the allocation of the inspection station following certain provided policy. This is also very helpful in real life practice in company as to help them improve their production time. As for the time being, there is yet a research addressing this issue pertaining the given inspection policy

    A review on equipment protection and system protection relay in power system

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    Power system equipment is configured and connected together with multiple voltage levels in existing electrical power system. There are varieties of electrical equipment obtainable in the power system predominantly from generation side up to the distribution side. Consequently, appropriate protections must be apt to prevent inessential disturbances that lead to voltage instability, voltage collapse and sooner a total blackout took place in the power system. The understanding of each component on the system protection is critical. This is due to any abnormal condition and failure can be analyzed and solved effectively due to the rapid changing and development on the power system network. Therefore, the enhancement of power quality can be achieved by sheltering the equipment with protection relay in power system. Moreover, the design of a systematic network is crucial for the system protection itself. Several types of protective equipment and protection techniques are taken into consideration in this paper. Hence, the existing accessible types and methods of system protection in the power system network are reviewed

    A review on equipment protection and system protection relay in power system

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    Power system equipment is configured and connected together with multiple voltage levels in existing electrical power system. There are varieties of electrical equipment obtainable in the power system predominantly from generation side up to the distribution side. Consequently, appropriate protections must be apt to prevent inessential disturbances that lead to voltage instability, voltage collapse and sooner a total blackout took place in the power system. The understanding of each component on the system protection is critical. This is due to any abnormal condition and failure can be analyzed and solved effectively due to the rapid changing and development on the power system network. Therefore, the enhancement of power quality can be achieved by sheltering the equipment with protection relay in power system. Moreover, the design of a systematic network is crucial for the system protection itself. Several types of protective equipment and protection techniques are taken into consideration in this paper. Hence, the existing accessible types and methods of system protection in the power system network are reviewed
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