4,677 research outputs found

    Scaling Virtualized Smartphone Images in the Cloud

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    Üks selle Bakalaureuse töö eesmĂ€rkidest oli Android-x86 nutitelefoni platvormi juurutamine pilvekeskkonda ja vĂ€lja selgitamine, kas valitud instance on piisav virtualiseeritud nutitelefoni platvormi juurutamiseks ning kui palju koormust see talub. Töös kasutati Amazoni instance'i M1 Small, mis oli piisav, et juurutada Androidi virtualiseeritud platvormi, kuid jĂ€i kesisemaks kui mobiiltelefon, millel teste lĂ€bi viidi. M1 Medium instance'i tĂŒĂŒp oli sobivam ja nĂ€itas paremaid tulemusi vĂ”rreldes telefoniga. Teostati koormusteste selleks vastava tööriistaga Tsung, et nĂ€ha, kui palju ĂŒheaegseid kasutajaid instance talub. Testi lĂ€biviimiseks paigaldasime Dalviku instance'ile Tomcat serveri. PĂ€rast teste ĂŒhe eksemplariga, juurutasime kĂŒlge Elastic Load Balancing ja automaatse skaleerimise Amazon Auto Scaling tööriista. Esimene neist jaotas koormust instance'ide vahel. Automaatse skaleerimise tööriista kasutasime, et rakendada horisontaalset skaleerimist meie Android-x86 instance'le. Kui CPU tĂ”usis ĂŒle 60% kauemaks kui ĂŒks minut, siis tehti eelmisele identne instance ja koormust saadeti edaspidi sinna. Seda protseduuri vajadusel korrati maksimum kĂŒmne instance'ini. Meie teostusel olid tagasilöögid, sest Elastic Load Balancer aegus 60 sekundi pĂ€rast ning me ei saanud kĂ”ikide vĂ€lja saadetud pĂ€ringutele vastuseid. Serverisse saadetud faili kirjutamine ja kompileerimine olid kulukad tegevused ja seega ei lĂ”ppenud kĂ”ik 60 sekundi jooksul. Me ei saanud koos Load Balancer'iga lĂ€biviidud testidest piisavalt andmeid, et teha jĂ€reldusi, kas virtualiseeritud nutitelefoni platvorm Android on hĂ€sti vĂ”i halvasti skaleeruv.In this thesis we deployed a smartphone image in an Amazon EC2 instance and ran stress tests on them to know how much users can one instance bear and how scalable it is. We tested how much time would a method run in a physical Android device and in a cloud instance. We deployed CyanogenMod and Dalvik for a single instance. We used Tsung for stress testing. For those tests we also made a Tomcat server on Dalvik instance that would take the incoming file, the file would be compiled with java and its class file would be wrapped into dex, a Dalvik executable file, that is later executed with Dalvik. Three instances made a Tsung cluster that sent load to a Dalvik Virtual Machine instance. For scaling we used Amazon Auto Scaling tool and Elastic Load Balancer that divided incoming load between the instances

    A Minimum-Cost Flow Model for Workload Optimization on Cloud Infrastructure

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    Recent technology advancements in the areas of compute, storage and networking, along with the increased demand for organizations to cut costs while remaining responsive to increasing service demands have led to the growth in the adoption of cloud computing services. Cloud services provide the promise of improved agility, resiliency, scalability and a lowered Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). This research introduces a framework for minimizing cost and maximizing resource utilization by using an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach to optimize the assignment of workloads to servers on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure. The model is based on the classical minimum-cost flow model, known as the assignment model.Comment: 2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computin

    Extending sensor networks into the cloud using Amazon web services

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    Sensor networks provide a method of collecting environmental data for use in a variety of distributed applications. However, to date, limited support has been provided for the development of integrated environmental monitoring and modeling applications. Specifically, environmental dynamism makes it difficult to provide computational resources that are sufficient to deal with changing environmental conditions. This paper argues that the Cloud Computing model is a good fit with the dynamic computational requirements of environmental monitoring and modeling. We demonstrate that Amazon EC2 can meet the dynamic computational needs of environmental applications. We also demonstrate that EC2 can be integrated with existing sensor network technologies to offer an end-to-end environmental monitoring and modeling solution

    HEPCloud, a New Paradigm for HEP Facilities: CMS Amazon Web Services Investigation

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    Historically, high energy physics computing has been performed on large purpose-built computing systems. These began as single-site compute facilities, but have evolved into the distributed computing grids used today. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in the capacity and capability of commercial clouds. Cloud resources are highly virtualized and intended to be able to be flexibly deployed for a variety of computing tasks. There is a growing nterest among the cloud providers to demonstrate the capability to perform large-scale scientific computing. In this paper, we discuss results from the CMS experiment using the Fermilab HEPCloud facility, which utilized both local Fermilab resources and virtual machines in the Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud. We discuss the planning, technical challenges, and lessons learned involved in performing physics workflows on a large-scale set of virtualized resources. In addition, we will discuss the economics and operational efficiencies when executing workflows both in the cloud and on dedicated resources.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Distributed Feature Extraction Using Cloud Computing Resources

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    The need to expand the computational resources in a massive surveillance network is clear but traditional means of purchasing new equipment for short-term tasks every year is wasteful. In this work I will provide evidence in support of utilizing a cloud computing infrastructure to perform computationally intensive feature extraction tasks on data streams. Efficient off-loading of computational tasks to cloud resources will require a minimization of the time needed to expand the cloud resources, an efficient model of communication and a study of the interplay between the in-network computational resources and remote resources in the cloud. This report provides strong evidence that the use of cloud computing resources in a near real-time distributed sensor network surveillance system, ASAP, is feasible. A face detection web service operating on an Amazon EC2 instance is shown to provide processing of 10-15 frames per second.Umakishore Ramachandran - Faculty Mentor ; Rajnish Kumar - Committee Member/Second Reade

    Survey and Analysis of Production Distributed Computing Infrastructures

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    This report has two objectives. First, we describe a set of the production distributed infrastructures currently available, so that the reader has a basic understanding of them. This includes explaining why each infrastructure was created and made available and how it has succeeded and failed. The set is not complete, but we believe it is representative. Second, we describe the infrastructures in terms of their use, which is a combination of how they were designed to be used and how users have found ways to use them. Applications are often designed and created with specific infrastructures in mind, with both an appreciation of the existing capabilities provided by those infrastructures and an anticipation of their future capabilities. Here, the infrastructures we discuss were often designed and created with specific applications in mind, or at least specific types of applications. The reader should understand how the interplay between the infrastructure providers and the users leads to such usages, which we call usage modalities. These usage modalities are really abstractions that exist between the infrastructures and the applications; they influence the infrastructures by representing the applications, and they influence the ap- plications by representing the infrastructures
