10 research outputs found

    Performing Hybrid Recommendation in Intermodal Transportation – the FTMarket System’s Recommendation Module

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    Diverse recommendation techniques have been already proposed and encapsulated into several e-business applications, aiming to perform a more accurate evaluation of the existing information and accordingly augment the assistance provided to the users involved. This paper reports on the development and integration of a recommendation module in an agent-based transportation transactions management system. The module is built according to a novel hybrid recommendation technique, which combines the advantages of collaborative filtering and knowledge-based approaches. The proposed technique and supporting module assist customers in considering in detail alternative transportation transactions that satisfy their requests, as well as in evaluating completed transactions. The related services are invoked through a software agent that constructs the appropriate knowledge rules and performs a synthesis of the recommendation policy

    Characteristics of Adoption and Use of B2B Enabling Technologies in Australian Companies

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    This paper uses data from Australian companies to compare and examine characteristics of adoption and use of emerging technologies such as the Internet. In order to achieve this the use of emerging technologies is compared to the use of established technologies (such as EDI) on the basis of company size, industry and ANZSIC code (an industry classification code similar to the International Standard Industrial Classification ISIC). The functions of current and planned websites are also compared on the basis of these demographic variables, and a causal model is used to examine the implications of implementation of Internet technologies. The results indicate that many of the same characteristics identified for the adoption and use of established technologies will not hold true for emerging technologies such as the Internet. It is, however, also noted that some critical characteristics for improving performance through the use of these enabling technologies appear unchanged, irrespective of their improved ease of implementation and use

    WeReSolv : um projeto de desenvolvimento de software em ambiente Web

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoQuando uma empresa decide alterar a forma como se visualizam e gerem os dados operacionais, tal operação deve ser efetuada de maneira a que os seus funcionários se adaptem facilmente a essa mudança. É o caso da Solvay, empresa do setor químico, onde se iniciou, em Setembro de 2012, um projeto (no qual estive inserido) com vista à criação de uma aplicação web que permitisse a visualização, introdução e manipulação de dados fabris a partir de um browser, tanto em desktops como tablets. É objetivo deste trabalho apresentar e descrever o projeto em que participei durante o meu estágio na Solvay. De forma a introduzir as áreas de conhecimento com as quais tive mais contacto no decorrer do projeto, é apresentada uma revisão da literatura nessas mesmas áreas. É objetivo desta revisão criar um benchmark que mais tarde permita comparar o que foi realizado durante o projeto com, o que são consideradas pelo conhecimento atual, as melhores práticas destas áreas. Após a revisão da literatura é apresentado o projeto, descrevendo como foram aplicados princípios ágeis de desenvolvimento (Extreme Programming) e os impactos observados da nova aplicação nos métodos de trabalho da fábrica. Concluo este trabalho com uma avaliação da aplicação e quais as maiores dificuldades encontradas durante o seu desenvolvimento.When a company decides to change the way it views and manages its operational data, said change should be implemented in a way which allows for the company?s workforce to easily adapt to the new environment. Such was the case at Solvay, a chemical company, where a project was initiated, in late September 2012, (in which I took part) with the aim of creating a web application that would allow its users to view and manipulate manufactoring data. All feasible through a web browser. The aim of this work is to present and describe the project in which I participated during my internship at Solvay. To introduce the knowledge areas with which I had most contact during the project, a literature revision is presented. The aim of this revision is to create a benchmark which will help later on to compare what was done during the course of the project with the best practices in these knowledge areas. Afterwards, I describe the project, detailing how Agile software development principles were applied (Extreme Programming) and the impacts the new application had in the factory?s workflow. I conclude this work with an evaluation of the application and issues that arose during its development

    Determinants of B2B E-commerce Implementation and Performance: a Causal Model from Australian Empirical Evidence

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    Much of the literature proposes an extensive set of benefits for organizations that choose to implement a range of B2B e-commerce technologies. Another parallel theme that emerges is that implementation has been limited for many of the established technologies and practices such as EDI. This paper seeks to address the question of what some of the determinants of implementation of these technologies could be, and how these relate to the issue of business performance. A causal model has been developed based on data from 335 Australian companies that have been involved in the use of B2B enabling technologies for the management of their supply chains. The results provide some interesting insights, particularly in clarifying the nature of the relationship between extent of implementation and performance. In the case of the former, extent of implementation has no significant direct effect on performance, although they are highly correlated. The nature of the relationship is shown to result from their shared dependence on other organizational factors such as capability, process for formulation of strategic logic and knowledge of technological options and potential

    Application Framework Issues when Evolving Business Applications for Electronic Commerce

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    When an organization embarks on e-commerce it rarely has a chance to re-engineer its existing business applications. However, if these business applications were built using an application framework, then one might hope to reuse many of the existing legacy applications in the new e-commerce context. This paper examines the general issues created by migrating applications to e-commerce, and proposes an architecture for application frameworks that must support e-commerce. 1. Introduction 1.1. E-Commerce The current general definition of e-commerce is the ability to do business on-line via the internet. Traditional e-commerce focused on business-tobusiness transactions over proprietary networks in the form of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The outcome of this limited business-to-business form of ecommerce were, among others, ffl Increased efficiency of order processing, ffl Reduced costs due to just-in-time inventory management, ffl Locking-in trading partners by requiring all s..

    Application Framework Issues when Evolving Business Applications for Electronic Commerce

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    When an organization embarks on e-commerce it rarely has a chance to re-engineer its existing business applications. However, if these business applications were built using an application framework, then one might hope to reuse many of the existing legacy applications in the new e-commerce context. This paper examines the general issues created by migrating applications to e-commerce, and proposes an architecture for application frameworks that must support e-commerce. 1. Introduction 1.1. E-Commerce The current general definition of e-commerce is the ability to do business on-line via the internet. Traditional e-commerce focused on business-tobusiness transactions over proprietary networks in the form of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The outcome of this limited business-to-business form of ecommerce were, among others, ffl Increased efficiency of order processing, ffl Reduced costs due to just-in-time inventory management, ffl Locking-in trading partners by requiring all s..

    Framework for Dynamic Information System Creating

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou a definicí požadavků na framework podporující snadný a rychlý vývoj podnikových informačních systémů. Hlavním přínosem frameworku je zrychlení vývoje, snížení ceny a zkvalitnění produktu. Práce porovnává a zhodnocuje existující dostupné nástroje. Výsledkem je podrobný návrh a realizace vlastního flexibilního řešení, které splňuje všechny stanovené požadavky a odstraňuje nevýhody dostupných řešení. V závěru práce jsou uvedeny možnosti a směry dalšího vývoje.This thesis analyzes and defines requirements of framework, which helps with quick and effortless development of business information systems. The main goal of the framework is development acceleration, price reduction and overall improvement of product quality. The thesis also compares and evaluates existing tools. The result is detailed design and implementation of own flexible solution that fulfills all defined requirements and removes disadvantages of existing solutions. In the scope for further studies framework development possibilities and directions are listed.

    Application Framework Issues When Evolving Business Applications for Electronic Commerce

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    When an organization embarks on e-commerce it rarely has a chance to re-engineer its existing business applications. However, if these business applications were built using an application framework, then one might hope to reuse many of the existing legacy applications in the new e-commerce context. This paper examines the general issues created by migrating applications to e-commerce, and proposes an architecture for application frameworks that must support e-commerce. 1

    A conceptualisation of supply chain effectiveness

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    With globalisation leading to increased competition within their markets, businesses face new challenges. One of these is the management and subsequent efficiency of their supply chains. Through carefully considered and implemented supply chain management, businesses can attain a competitive advantage over their competitors. However, there is evidence to suggest that in practice, success factors attributed to efficiency of supply chains are not being addressed. This is of concern, as more businesses are now competing supply chain vs supply chain rather than directly as business vs business. This study investigates the success factors related to the management of successful supply chains. The research methodology of this study utilised a quantitative survey instrument informed by qualitative information. It encapsulates structured themes within a conceptual framework and encompasses the associated critical success factors of each theme. Responses from 307 supply chain decision makers, have enabled both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to take place. Through an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) the findings firstly identified 48 variables as critical factors directly attributed to supply chain efficiency. A confirmatory factor analysis offered the plausibility of a model fit of a 7V conceptual framework when addressing supply chain efficiency. The research contributes to the relatively new field research area of supply chain management and specifically critical success factors. It develops a conceptual framework that can assist organisations when planning and managing their supply chains. In doing so it also identifies critical success factors that if managed can improve supply chain efficiency and assist organisations in attaining a competitive advantage