1,146 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Recurrent Aphthae Stomatitis dan Kadar Hormon Reproduksi Wanita

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    Relationship of Psychological Characteristics and Oral Diseases with Possible Psychosomatic Aetiology

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    Ispitivanje je provedeno da bi se utvrdila prevalencija oralnih bolesti Aphthae recidivantes, Lichen ruber planus, simptoma kserostomije i stomatopiroze, zatim oralnih parafunkcija, bruksizma i disgeusije te ispitala njihova moguća povezanost s različitim intenzitetima psihičkih svojstava samopoštovanja, anksioznosti i neurotizma u istom ispitnom uzorku stanovnika jednoga dijela Gorskoga kotara. U ispitivanje je bilo uključeno 277 ispitanika koji su potanko oralno pregledani i izvršena su odgovarajuća oralna ispitivanja. Psihološko ispitivanje provedeno je s pomoću dijelova psihotesta “18 PF”. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da se na području Fužina i Lokava najčešće javljaju oralne parafunkcije (u 36,1 % ispitanika) i aftozne lezije (19,2% ispitanika), zatim bruksizam (13,7 %), kserostomija (12,27 %) i stomatopiroze (10,3%), a rijetko se javljaju poremećaji okusa (2,3 %) i oralni lichen (1,2 %). Psihološko je ispitivanje pokazalo da u ispitnome uzorku postoje tendencije prema visokome stupnju samopoštovanja, niskome stupnju anksioznosti i još nižemu stupnju općeg neurotizma. Utvrđeno je da postoji pozitivna povezanost između pojave kserostomije, stomatopiroze, recidivirajućih afti i bruksizma u odnosu prema pojavi anksioznosti, te stomatopiroze i kserostomije s neurotizmom. Nalazi su statistički znatni, ali se na osnovi takvih deskriptivnih ispitivanja ne može tvrditi da su promatrana duπevna svojstva uzrok nastanku tih bolesti već da su samo s njima znatno povezani.The object of the study was to determine the incidence of the following oral diseases, Aphthae recidivante, Lichen ruber planus, symptoms of xerostomia and stomatopyrosis, and oral parafunction, bruxism and dysgeusia and to examine their possible connection with different intensities of psychological characteristics of self-esteem, anxiety and neuroticism in a sample of inhabitants from the Gorski Kotar area. The study consisted of 277 subjects in whom a detailed oral examination and oral testing were performed. Psychological testing was performed by using part of pychotest “18 PF”. The examination showed that in the area of Fuæina and Lokava oral parafunction most frequently occurred (in 36.1% of subjects) aphthae lesions (19.2%), followed by bruxism (13.7%), xerostomia (12.27%) and stomatopyrosis (10.3%). Taste disorders (2.3%) and oral lichen (1.2%) rarely occurred. The psychological examination indicated that there was a tendency towards a high level of self-esteem, low level of anxiety and still lower level of general neuroticism. Positive correlation was determined between the occurrence of xerostomia, stomatopyrosis, recurring aphthae and bruxism in relation to the occurrence of anxiety, and stomatopyrosis and xerostomia with neuroticism. The findings were statistically significant, although on the basis of such descriptive examinations it is impossible to claim that the examined psychological characteristics are the cause of the occurrence of these diseases, only that they are significantly connected with their occurrence

    Treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. A literature review

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    Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common chronic disease of the oral cavity, affecting 5-25% of the population. The underlying etiology remains unclear, and no curative treatment is available. The present review examines the existing treatments for RAS with the purpose of answering a number of questions: How should these patients be treated in the dental clinic? What topical drugs are available and when should they be used? What systemic drugs are available and when should they be used? A literature search was made of the PubMed, Cochrane and Scopus databases, limited to articles published between 2008-2012, with scientific levels of evidence 1 and 2 (metaanalyses, systematic reviews, phase I and II randomized clinical trials, cohort studies and case-control studies), and conducted in humans. The results obtained indicate that the management of RAS should be based on identification and control of the possible predisposing factors, with the exclusion of possible underlying systemic causes, and the use of a detailed clinical history along with complementary procedures such as laboratory tests, where required. Only in the case of continuous outbreaks and symptoms should drug treatment be prescribed, with the initial application of local treatments in all cases. A broad range of topical medications are available, including antiseptics (chlorhexidine), antiinflammatory drugs (amlexanox), antibiotics (tetracyclines) and corticosteroids (triamcinolone acetonide). In patients with constant and aggressive outbreaks (major aphthae), pain is intense and topical treatment is unable to afford symptoms relief. Systemic therapy is indicated in such situations, in the form of corticosteroids (prednisone) or thalidomide, among other drugs

    A clinical review of autoinflammatory diseases and Behcet's disease: Classification, pathogenesis and treatment

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    Behcet’s disease is a rheumatic disease with oral aphthae, genital aphthae, arthritis and vasculitis. Studies about its pathogenesis have increased and is thought to be one of the autoinflammatory diseases in recent years. Autoinflammatory diseases occurs via excess response of innate immune system. In this article pathogenesis and classification of autoinflammatory diseases will be summarized and Behcet’s disease will be reviewed by autoinflammatory prospects

    Children with Behçet Disease-associated Thrombosis: A Single-Center Experience

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    Behçet disease (BD) is a systemic vasculitis that can be complicated with thrombosis, which is an important cause of mortality and morbidity. The course of BD is more severe, and the diagnosis is usually delayed. In children, thrombosis associated with BD is very rare. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the characteristics of children with BD complicated with thrombosis. Forty-six patients with BD who were followed-up at a pediatric rheumatology department between January 2012 and September 2019 were evaluated retrospectively. Thrombosis was detected in 10 patients (21.7%), and it was the first sign of BD in 7 patients. Four patients had cerebral sinus venous thrombosis, 4 patients had deep-vein thrombosis, 1 patient had renal vein thrombosis, 1 had pulmonary artery thrombosis, and 1 had intracardiac thrombosis. None of the patients had arterial thrombosis. All patients had received anticoagulant therapy with immunosuppressive treatment. Any complication due to anticoagulant therapy was not detected. One patient had recurrent thrombosis, and none of the patients died during follow-up. Vasculitic diseases such as BD may cause a predisposition to thrombosis, and thrombosis might be the first sign of BD. Therefore, in children presenting with unprovoked thrombosis, BD should also be investigated. Š 2021 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. All rights reserved

    Histopathological Evaluation of Behçet's Disease and Identification of New Skin Lesions

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    Behçet's disease (BD) is a multisystemic, relapsing inflammatory disorder with an obscure etiology and pathogenesis. Diagnosis depends on the clinician's ability to identify a group of nonspecific mucocutaneous lesions, which also manifest in a number of other diseases. In recent years, there has been an increase in the studies focusing on the histopathological aspects of Behçet's disease diagnostic mucocutaneous lesions. Their results emphasize the value of histopathology and direct immunofluorescence (DIF) in the differential diagnosis of Behçet's disease
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