3 research outputs found

    AntiHunter 2.0: increased speed and sensitivity in searching BLAST output for EST antisense transcripts

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    An increasing number of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genes are being found to have natural antisense transcripts (NATs). There is also growing evidence to suggest that antisense transcription could play a key role in many human diseases. Consequently, there have been several recent attempts to set up computational procedures aimed at identifying novel NATs. Our group has developed the AntiHunter program for the identification of expressed sequence tag (EST) antisense transcripts from BLAST output. In order to perform an analysis, the program requires a genomic sequence plus an associated list of transcript names and coordinates of the genomic region. After masking the repeated regions, the program carries out a BLASTN search of this sequence in the selected EST database, reporting via email the EST entries that reveal an antisense transcript according to the user-supplied list. Here, we present the newly developed version 2.0 of the AntiHunter tool. Several improvements have been added to this version of the program in order to increase its ability to detect a larger number of antisense ESTs. As a result, AntiHunter can now detect, on average, >45% more antisense ESTs with little or no increase in the percentage of the false positives. We also raised the maximum query size to 3 Mb (previously 1 Mb). Moreover, we found that a reasonable trade-off between the program search sensitivity and the maximum allowed size of the input-query sequence could be obtained by querying the database with the MEGABLAST program, rather than by using the BLAST one. We now offer this new opportunity to users, i.e. if choosing the MEGABLAST option, users can input a query sequence up to 30 Mb long, thus considerably improving the possibility to analyze longer query regions. The AntiHunter tool is freely available at

    Complex Loci in Human and Mouse Genomes

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    Mammalian genomes harbor a larger than expected number of complex loci, in which multiple genes are coupled by shared transcribed regions in antisense orientation and/or by bidirectional core promoters. To determine the incidence, functional significance, and evolutionary context of mammalian complex loci, we identified and characterized 5,248 cisā€“antisense pairs, 1,638 bidirectional promoters, and 1,153 chains of multiple cisā€“antisense and/or bidirectionally promoted pairs from 36,606 mouse transcriptional units (TUs), along with 6,141 cisā€“antisense pairs, 2,113 bidirectional promoters, and 1,480 chains from 42,887 human TUs. In both human and mouse, 25% of TUs resided in cisā€“antisense pairs, only 17% of which were conserved between the two organisms, indicating frequent species specificity of antisense gene arrangements. A sampling approach indicated that over 40% of all TUs might actually be in cisā€“antisense pairs, and that only a minority of these arrangements are likely to be conserved between human and mouse. Bidirectional promoters were characterized by variable transcriptional start sites and an identifiable midpoint at which overall sequence composition changed strand and the direction of transcriptional initiation switched. In microarray data covering a wide range of mouse tissues, genes in cisā€“antisense and bidirectionally promoted arrangement showed a higher probability of being coordinately expressed than random pairs of genes. In a case study on homeotic loci, we observed extensive transcription of nonconserved sequences on the noncoding strand, implying that the presence rather than the sequence of these transcripts is of functional importance. Complex loci are ubiquitous, host numerous nonconserved gene structures and lineage-specific exonification events, and may have a cis-regulatory impact on the member genes

    Efficient homology search for genomic sequence databases

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    Genomic search tools can provide valuable insights into the chemical structure, evolutionary origin and biochemical function of genetic material. A homology search algorithm compares a protein or nucleotide query sequence to each entry in a large sequence database and reports alignments with highly similar sequences. The exponential growth of public data banks such as GenBank has necessitated the development of fast, heuristic approaches to homology search. The versatile and popular blast algorithm, developed by researchers at the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), uses a four-stage heuristic approach to efficiently search large collections for analogous sequences while retaining a high degree of accuracy. Despite an abundance of alternative approaches to homology search, blast remains the only method to offer fast, sensitive search of large genomic collections on modern desktop hardware. As a result, the tool has found widespread use with millions of queries posed each day. A significant investment of computing resources is required to process this large volume of genomic searches and a cluster of over 200 workstations is employed by the NCBI to handle queries posed through the organisation's website. As the growth of sequence databases continues to outpace improvements in modern hardware, blast searches are becoming slower each year and novel, faster methods for sequence comparison are required. In this thesis we propose new techniques for fast yet accurate homology search that result in significantly faster blast searches. First, we describe improvements to the final, gapped alignment stages where the query and sequences from the collection are aligned to provide a fine-grain measure of similarity. We describe three new methods for aligning sequences that roughly halve the time required to perform this computationally expensive stage. Next, we investigate improvements to the first stage of search, where short regions of similarity between a pair of sequences are identified. We propose a novel deterministic finite automaton data structure that is significantly smaller than the codeword lookup table employed by ncbi-blast, resulting in improved cache performance and faster search times. We also discuss fast methods for nucleotide sequence comparison. We describe novel approaches for processing sequences that are compressed using the byte packed format already utilised by blast, where four nucleotide bases from a strand of DNA are stored in a single byte. Rather than decompress sequences to perform pairwise comparisons, our innovations permit sequences to be processed in their compressed form, four bases at a time. Our techniques roughly halve average query evaluation times for nucleotide searches with no effect on the sensitivity of blast. Finally, we present a new scheme for managing the high degree of redundancy that is prevalent in genomic collections. Near-duplicate entries in sequence data banks are highly detrimental to retrieval performance, however existing methods for managing redundancy are both slow, requiring almost ten hours to process the GenBank database, and crude, because they simply purge highly-similar sequences to reduce the level of internal redundancy. We describe a new approach for identifying near-duplicate entries that is roughly six times faster than the most successful existing approaches, and a novel approach to managing redundancy that reduces collection size and search times but still provides accurate and comprehensive search results. Our improvements to blast have been integrated into our own version of the tool. We find that our innovations more than halve average search times for nucleotide and protein searches, and have no signifcant effect on search accuracy. Given the enormous popularity of blast, this represents a very significant advance in computational methods to aid life science research