1,739 research outputs found

    Biometric presentation attack detection: beyond the visible spectrum

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    The increased need for unattended authentication in multiple scenarios has motivated a wide deployment of biometric systems in the last few years. This has in turn led to the disclosure of security concerns specifically related to biometric systems. Among them, presentation attacks (PAs, i.e., attempts to log into the system with a fake biometric characteristic or presentation attack instrument) pose a severe threat to the security of the system: any person could eventually fabricate or order a gummy finger or face mask to impersonate someone else. In this context, we present a novel fingerprint presentation attack detection (PAD) scheme based on i) a new capture device able to acquire images within the short wave infrared (SWIR) spectrum, and i i) an in-depth analysis of several state-of-theart techniques based on both handcrafted and deep learning features. The approach is evaluated on a database comprising over 4700 samples, stemming from 562 different subjects and 35 different presentation attack instrument (PAI) species. The results show the soundness of the proposed approach with a detection equal error rate (D-EER) as low as 1.35% even in a realistic scenario where five different PAI species are considered only for testing purposes (i.e., unknown attacks

    Biometric Spoofing: A JRC Case Study in 3D Face Recognition

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    Based on newly available and affordable off-the-shelf 3D sensing, processing and printing technologies, the JRC has conducted a comprehensive study on the feasibility of spoofing 3D and 2.5D face recognition systems with low-cost self-manufactured models and presents in this report a systematic and rigorous evaluation of the real risk posed by such attacking approach which has been complemented by a test campaign. The work accomplished and presented in this report, covers theories, methodologies, state of the art techniques, evaluation databases and also aims at providing an outlook into the future of this extremely active field of research.JRC.G.6-Digital Citizen Securit

    Anti-spoofing using challenge-response user interaction

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    2D facial identification has attracted a great amount of attention over the past years, due to its several advantages including practicality and simple requirements. However, without its capability to recognize a real user from an impersonator, face identification system becomes ineffective and vulnerable to spoof attacks. With the great evolution of smart portable devices, more advanced sorts of attacks have been developed, especially the replayed videos spoofing attempts that are becoming more difficult to recognize. Consequently, several studies have investigated the types of vulnerabilities a face biometric system might encounter and proposed various successful anti-spoofing algorithms. Unlike spoofing detection for passive or motionless authentication methods that were profoundly studied, anti-spoofing systems applied on interactive user verification methods were broadly examined as a potential robust spoofing prevention approach. This study aims first at comparing the performance of the existing spoofing detection techniques on passive and interactive authentication methods using a more balanced collected dataset and second proposes a fusion scheme that combines both texture analysis with interaction in order to enhance the accuracy of spoofing detection

    Multi-Dataset Co-Training with Sharpness-Aware Optimization for Audio Anti-spoofing

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    Audio anti-spoofing for automatic speaker verification aims to safeguard users' identities from spoofing attacks. Although state-of-the-art spoofing countermeasure(CM) models perform well on specific datasets, they lack generalization when evaluated with different datasets. To address this limitation, previous studies have explored large pre-trained models, which require significant resources and time. We aim to develop a compact but well-generalizing CM model that can compete with large pre-trained models. Our approach involves multi-dataset co-training and sharpness-aware minimization, which has not been investigated in this domain. Extensive experiments reveal that proposed method yield competitive results across various datasets while utilizing 4,000 times less parameters than the large pre-trained models.Comment: Interspeech 202

    Colour processing in adversarial attacks on face liveness systems.

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    In the context of face recognition systems, liveness test is a binary classification task aiming at distinguishing between input images that come from real people’s faces and input images that come from photos or videos of those faces, and presented to the system’s camera by an attacker. In this paper, we train the state-of-the-art, general purpose deep neural network ResNet for liveness testing, and measure the effect on its performance of adversarial attacks based on the manipulation of the saturation component of the imposter images. Our findings suggest that higher saturation values in the imposter images lead to a decrease in the network’s performance. Next, we study the relationship between the proposed adversarial attacks and corresponding direct presentation attacks. Initial results on a small dataset of processed images which are then printed on paper or displayed on an LCD or a mobile phone screen, show that higher saturation values lead to higher values in the network’s loss function, indicating that these colour manipulation techniques can indeed be converted into enhanced presentation attacks
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