59 research outputs found

    A modular web-based software solution for mobile networks planning, operation and optimization

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    Mobile networks management is increasingly critical due to heavy communications usage by customers and complex due to the multiple technologies and systems deployed. Thus, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are constantly looking for better software solutions and tools to help them increase network performance and manage their networks more efficiently. In this paper, we present a modular web-based software solution to tackle problems related to mobile network planning, operation and optimization. The solution is focused on a set of functional requirements carefully chosen to support the network life cycle management, from planning to Operation and Maintenance (OAM) and optimisation stages. Based on a 3-tier modular architecture and implemented using only open-source software, the solution handles multiple data sources (e.g., Drive Test (DT) and Performance Management (PM)) and multiple Radio Access Network (RAN) technologies. MNOs can explore all available data through a flexible and user-friendly web interface, that also includes map-based visualization of the network. Moreover, the solution incorporates a set of recently developed and validated RAN algorithms, supporting tasks of network diagnosis, optimization, and planning. Also, with the purpose of optimizing the network, MNOs can investigate network simulations, using the RAN algorithms, of how the network will behave under certain conditions, and visualize the outcome of those simulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A survey of machine learning techniques applied to self organizing cellular networks

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    In this paper, a survey of the literature of the past fifteen years involving Machine Learning (ML) algorithms applied to self organizing cellular networks is performed. In order for future networks to overcome the current limitations and address the issues of current cellular systems, it is clear that more intelligence needs to be deployed, so that a fully autonomous and flexible network can be enabled. This paper focuses on the learning perspective of Self Organizing Networks (SON) solutions and provides, not only an overview of the most common ML techniques encountered in cellular networks, but also manages to classify each paper in terms of its learning solution, while also giving some examples. The authors also classify each paper in terms of its self-organizing use-case and discuss how each proposed solution performed. In addition, a comparison between the most commonly found ML algorithms in terms of certain SON metrics is performed and general guidelines on when to choose each ML algorithm for each SON function are proposed. Lastly, this work also provides future research directions and new paradigms that the use of more robust and intelligent algorithms, together with data gathered by operators, can bring to the cellular networks domain and fully enable the concept of SON in the near future

    Calculating a single figure of merit (SFOM) in LTE: a predictor of quality of experience (QoE)

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    An exigent assignment for network planners of modern mobile systems technologies like Long Term Evolution (LTE) is to predict the subscriber’s satisfaction during the delivery of services over the wireless network and their satisfaction level during journeys such as freeway and train journeys. There is great need for a procedure and for a simulation software tool based on a methodology that would assist the mobile network planners in overcoming this arduous task. This thesis proposes and implements a new and novel solution to the aforementioned problem by proposing a method of calculating a Single Figure of Merit (SFOM), which assesses the user’s Quality of Experience (QoE) based on the technical measure of the Quality of Service (QoS) reported by the network. The proposed SFOM reduces the number of metrics involved in calculation in comparison to the earlier QoE computation approaches. The resulting SFOM proves to be a good indicator of the user’s QoE with the network for the complete duration of a journey along pre-defined and random paths. The SFOM calculation method has been implemented as an addition to an open-source Matlab-based LTE System Level Simulator. This thesis also proposes and implements two novel special event walking models, named as: “Starburst Walking Model” (e.g. people gathering or leaving a sports arena) and the “Trainload Walking Model” (e.g. trainload of people moving from one point to another) which are a novel addition to the mobility management aspects of the simulator. Network planners can benefit from this improved simulation tool to evaluate different arrangements and position mobile assets, with a view to optimizing the user’s experience and minimizing capital costs. The work supplementing the open-source Matlab-based LTE System Level Simulator’s functionality was published at the following IEEE conference: M. W. Baig and P. J. Radcliffe, “Pragmatic Network Layouts in 3GPP LTE”, 2010 2nd International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2010) Making use of the improved functional ability of the simulator, a new and novel methodology which facilitates comparing alternative network topologies and assigns SFOM to random or predefined paths in a LTE environment was published at the following IEEE Conference: M. W. Baig and P. J. Radcliffe, “Assigning a Single Figure of Merit (SFOM) to a Specified Path in a LTE Network”, 2011 International Conference on Information and Computer Networks (ICICN 2011

    Quadri-dimensional approach for data analytics in mobile networks

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    The telecommunication market is growing at a very fast pace with the evolution of new technologies to support high speed throughput and the availability of a wide range of services and applications in the mobile networks. This has led to a need for communication service providers (CSPs) to shift their focus from network elements monitoring towards services monitoring and subscribers’ satisfaction by introducing the service quality management (SQM) and the customer experience management (CEM) that require fast responses to reduce the time to find and solve network problems, to ensure efficiency and proactive maintenance, to improve the quality of service (QoS) and the quality of experience (QoE) of the subscribers. While both the SQM and the CEM demand multiple information from different interfaces, managing multiple data sources adds an extra layer of complexity with the collection of data. While several studies and researches have been conducted for data analytics in mobile networks, most of them did not consider analytics based on the four dimensions involved in the mobile networks environment which are the subscriber, the handset, the service and the network element with multiple interface correlation. The main objective of this research was to develop mobile network analytics models applied to the 3G packet-switched domain by analysing data from the radio network with the Iub interface and the core network with the Gn interface to provide a fast root cause analysis (RCA) approach considering the four dimensions involved in the mobile networks. This was achieved by using the latest computer engineering advancements which are Big Data platforms and data mining techniques through machine learning algorithms.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    A cell outage management framework for dense heterogeneous networks

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    In this paper, we present a novel cell outage management (COM) framework for heterogeneous networks with split control and data planes-a candidate architecture for meeting future capacity, quality-of-service, and energy efficiency demands. In such an architecture, the control and data functionalities are not necessarily handled by the same node. The control base stations (BSs) manage the transmission of control information and user equipment (UE) mobility, whereas the data BSs handle UE data. An implication of this split architecture is that an outage to a BS in one plane has to be compensated by other BSs in the same plane. Our COM framework addresses this challenge by incorporating two distinct cell outage detection (COD) algorithms to cope with the idiosyncrasies of both data and control planes. The COD algorithm for control cells leverages the relatively larger number of UEs in the control cell to gather large-scale minimization-of-drive-test report data and detects an outage by applying machine learning and anomaly detection techniques. To improve outage detection accuracy, we also investigate and compare the performance of two anomaly-detecting algorithms, i.e., k-nearest-neighbor- and local-outlier-factor-based anomaly detectors, within the control COD. On the other hand, for data cell COD, we propose a heuristic Grey-prediction-based approach, which can work with the small number of UE in the data cell, by exploiting the fact that the control BS manages UE-data BS connectivity and by receiving a periodic update of the received signal reference power statistic between the UEs and data BSs in its coverage. The detection accuracy of the heuristic data COD algorithm is further improved by exploiting the Fourier series of the residual error that is inherent to a Grey prediction model. Our COM framework integrates these two COD algorithms with a cell outage compensation (COC) algorithm that can be applied to both planes. Our COC solution utilizes an actor-critic-based reinforcement learning algorithm, which optimizes the capacity and coverage of the identified outage zone in a plane, by adjusting the antenna gain and transmission power of the surrounding BSs in that plane. The simulation results show that the proposed framework can detect both data and control cell outage and compensate for the detected outage in a reliable manner

    Mobility management in multi-RAT multiI-band heterogeneous networks

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    Support for user mobility is the raison d'etre of mobile cellular networks. However, mounting pressure for more capacity is leading to adaption of multi-band multi-RAT ultra-dense network design, particularly with the increased use of mmWave based small cells. While such design for emerging cellular networks is expected to offer manyfold more capacity, it gives rise to a new set of challenges in user mobility management. Among others, frequent handovers (HO) and thus higher impact of poor mobility management on quality of user experience (QoE) as well as link capacity, lack of an intelligent solution to manage dual connectivity (of user with both 4G and 5G cells) activation/deactivation, and mmWave cell discovery are the most critical challenges. In this dissertation, I propose and evaluate a set of solutions to address the aforementioned challenges. The beginning outcome of our investigations into the aforementioned problems is the first ever taxonomy of mobility related 3GPP defined network parameters and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) followed by a tutorial on 3GPP-based 5G mobility management procedures. The first major contribution of the thesis here is a novel framework to characterize the relationship between the 28 critical mobility-related network parameters and 8 most vital KPIs. A critical hurdle in addressing all mobility related challenges in emerging networks is the complexity of modeling realistic mobility and HO process. Mathematical models are not suitable here as they cannot capture the dynamics as well as the myriad parameters and KPIs involved. Existing simulators also mostly either omit or overly abstract the HO and user mobility, chiefly because the problems caused by poor HO management had relatively less impact on overall performance in legacy networks as they were not multi-RAT multi-band and therefore incurred much smaller number of HOs compared to emerging networks. The second key contribution of this dissertation is development of a first of its kind system level simulator, called SyntheticNET that can help the research community in overcoming the hurdle of realistic mobility and HO process modeling. SyntheticNET is the very first python-based simulator that fully conforms to 3GPP Release 15 5G standard. Compared to the existing simulators, SyntheticNET includes a modular structure, flexible propagation modeling, adaptive numerology, realistic mobility patterns, and detailed HO evaluation criteria. SyntheticNET’s python-based platform allows the effective application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to various network functionalities. Another key challenge in emerging multi-RAT technologies is the lack of an intelligent solution to manage dual connectivity with 4G as well 5G cell needed by a user to access 5G infrastructure. The 3rd contribution of this thesis is a solution to address this challenge. I present a QoE-aware E-UTRAN New Radio-Dual Connectivity (EN-DC) activation scheme where AI is leveraged to develop a model that can accurately predict radio link failure (RLF) and voice muting using the low-level measurements collected from a real network. The insights from the AI based RLF and mute prediction models are then leveraged to configure sets of 3GPP parameters to maximize EN-DC activation while keeping the QoE-affecting RLF and mute anomalies to minimum. The last contribution of this dissertation is a novel solution to address mmWave cell discovery problem. This problem stems from the highly directional nature of mmWave transmission. The proposed mmWave cell discovery scheme builds upon a joint search method where mmWave cells exploit an overlay coverage layer from macro cells sharing the UE location to the mmWave cell. The proposed scheme is made more practical by investigating and developing solutions for the data sparsity issue in model training. Ability to work with sparse data makes the proposed scheme feasible in realistic scenarios where user density is often not high enough to provide coverage reports from each bin of the coverage area. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme, efficiently activates EN-DC to a nearby mmWave 5G cell and thus substantially reduces the mmWave cell discovery failures compared to the state of the art cell discovery methods

    A New Paradigm for Proactive Self-Healing in Future Self-Organizing Mobile Cellular Networks

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    Mobile cellular network operators spend nearly a quarter of their revenue on network management and maintenance. Remarkably, a significant proportion of that budget is spent on resolving outages that degrade or disrupt cellular services. Historically, operators have mainly relied on human expertise to identify, diagnose and resolve such outages while also compensating for them in the short-term. However, with ambitious quality of experience expectations from 5th generation and beyond mobile cellular networks spurring research towards technologies such as ultra-dense heterogeneous networks and millimeter wave spectrum utilization, discovering and compensating coverage lapses in future networks will be a major challenge. Numerous studies have explored heuristic, analytical and machine learning-based solutions to autonomously detect, diagnose and compensate cell outages in legacy mobile cellular networks, a branch of research known as self-healing. This dissertation focuses on self-healing techniques for future mobile cellular networks, with special focus on outage detection and avoidance components of self-healing. Network outages can be classified into two primary types: 1) full and 2) partial. Full outages result from failed soft or hard components of network entities while partial outages are generally a consequence of parametric misconfiguration. To this end, chapter 2 of this dissertation is dedicated to a detailed survey of research on detecting, diagnosing and compensating full outages as well as a detailed analysis of studies on proactive outage avoidance schemes and their challenges. A key observation from the analysis of the state-of-the-art outage detection techniques is their dependence on full network coverage data, susceptibility to noise or randomness in the data and inability to characterize outages in both spacial domain and temporal domain. To overcome these limitations, chapters 3 and 4 present two unique and novel outage detection techniques. Chapter 3 presents an outage detection technique based on entropy field decomposition which combines information field theory and entropy spectrum pathways theory and is robust to noise variance. Chapter 4 presents a deep learning neural network algorithm which is robust to data sparsity and compares it with entropy field decomposition and other state-of-the-art machine learning-based outage detection algorithms including support vector machines, K-means clustering, independent component analysis and deep auto-encoders. Based on the insights obtained regarding the impact of partial outages, chapter 5 presents a complete framework for 5th generation and beyond mobile cellular networks that is designed to avoid partial outages caused by parametric misconfiguration. The power of the proposed framework is demonstrated by leveraging it to design a solution that tackles one of the most common problems associated with ultra-dense heterogeneous networks, namely imbalanced load among small and macro cells, and poor resource utilization as a consequence. The optimization problem is formulated as a function of two hard parameters namely antenna tilt and transmit power, and a soft parameter, cell individual offset, that affect the coverage, capacity and load directly. The resulting solution is a combination of the otherwise conflicting coverage and capacity optimization and load balancing self-organizing network functions

    Context-aware Self-Optimization in Small-Cell Networks

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    Most mobile communications take place at indoor environments, especially in commercial and corporate scenarios. These places normally present coverage and capacity issues due to the poor signal quality, which degrade the end-user Quality of Experience (QoE). In these cases, mobile operators are offering small cells to overcome the indoor issues, being femtocells the main deployed base stations. Femtocell networks provide significant benefits to mobile operators and their clients. However, the massive integration and the particularities of femtocells, make the maintenance of these infrastructures a challenge for engineers. In this sense, Self-Organizing Networks (SON) techniques play an important role. These techniques are a key feature to intelligently automate network operation, administration and management procedures. SON mechanisms are based on the analysis of the mobile network alarms, counters and indicators. In parallel, electronics, sensors and software applications evolve rapidly and are everywhere. Thanks to this, valuable context information can be gathered, which properly managed can improve SON techniques performance. Within possible context data, one of the most active topics is the indoor positioning due to the immediate interest on indoor location-based services (LBS). At indoor commercial and corporate environments, user densities and traffic vary in spatial and temporal domain. These situations lead to degrade cellular network performance, being temporary traffic fluctuations and focused congestions one of the most common issues. Load balancing techniques, which have been identified as a use case in self-optimization paradigm for Long Term Evolution (LTE), can alleviate these congestion problems. This use case has been widely studied in macrocellular networks and outdoor scenarios. However, the particularities of femtocells, the characteristics of indoor scenarios and the influence of users’ mobility pattern justify the development of new solutions. The goal of this PhD thesis is to design and develop novel and automatic solutions for temporary traffic fluctuations and focused network congestion issues in commercial and corporate femtocell environments. For that purpose, the implementation of an efficient management architecture to integrate context data into the mobile network and SON mechanisms is required. Afterwards, an accurate indoor positioning system is developed, as a possible inexpensive solution for context-aware SON. Finally, advanced self-optimization methods to shift users from overloaded cells to other cells with spare resources are designed. These methods tune femtocell configuration parameters based on network information, such as ratio of active users, and context information, such as users’ position. All these methods are evaluated in both a dynamic LTE system-level simulator and in a field-trial
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