49,971 research outputs found

    The use of the ethanol pathway in goldfish Carassius auratus (L.) following anoxia

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    Goldfish (Carassius auratus) were subjected, for a period of 6 weeks, to 2h progressive hypoxia followed by 6h anoxia in closed respirometers at 15 degree C. The concentrations of glucose, lactate and ethanol were determined in whole goldfish following exposure to both hypoxia and anoxia. Lactate accumulation (mmol/kg/h) was 0.35 during the 1st week but declined to 0.14 in the 6th week of exposure to anoxia. In contrast, ethanol excreted to the surrounding water, increased from 65% to 92% of the total production in the lst and 6th week, respectively. The switch from lactate accumulation to ethanol pathway utilization, with the resultant metabolic depression and anoxia resistance is discusse

    Extent and duration of marine anoxia during the Frasnian– Famennian (Late Devonian) mass extinction in Poland, Germany, Austria and France

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    Abstract – The intensity and extent of anoxia during the two Kellwasser anoxic events has been investigated in a range of European localities using amultidisciplinary approach (pyrite framboid assay, gamma-ray spectrometry and sediment fabric analysis). The results reveal that the development of the Lower Kellwasser Horizon in the early Late rhenana Zone (Frasnian Stage) in German type sections does not always coincide with anoxic events elsewhere in Europe and, in some locations, seafloor oxygenation improves during this interval. Thus, this anoxic event is not universally developed. In contrast, the Upper Kellwasser Horizon, developed in the Late linguiformis Zone (Frasnian Stage) in Germany correlates with a European-wide anoxic event that is manifest as an intensification of anoxia in basinal locations to the point that stable euxinic conditionswere developed (for example, in the basins of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). The interval also saw the spread of dysoxic waters into very shallow water (for instance, reefal) locations, and it seems reasonable to link the contemporaneous demise of many marine taxa to this phase of intense and widespread anoxia. In basinal locations, euxinic conditions persisted into the earliest Famennian with little change of depositional conditions. Only in the continental margin location of Austria was anoxia not developed at any time in the Late Devonian. Consequently it appears that the Upper Kellwasser anoxic event was an epicontinental seaway phenomenon, caused by the upward expansion of anoxia from deep basinal locales rather than an ‘oceanic’ anoxic event that has spilled laterally into epicontinental settings

    Glucose availability and sensitivity to anoxia of isolated rat peripheral nerve

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    The contrast between resistance to ischemia and ischemic lesions in peripheral nerves of diabetic patients was explored by in vitro experiments. Isolated and desheathed rat peroneal nerves were incubated in the following solutions with different glucose availability: 1) 25 mM glucose, 2) 2.5 mM glucose, and 3) 2.5 mM glucose plus 10 mM 2-deoxy-D-glucose. Additionally, the buffering power of all of these solutions was modified. Compound nerve action potential (CNAP), extracellular pH, and extracellular potassium activity (aKe) were measured simultaneously before, during, and after a period of 30 min of anoxia. An increase in glucose availability led to a slower decline in CNAP and to a smaller rise in aKe during anoxia. This resistance to anoxia was accompanied by an enhanced extracellular acidosis. Postanoxic recovery of CNAP was always complete in 25 mM HCO3(-)-buffered solutions. In 5 mM HCO3- and in HCO3(-)-free solutions, however, nerves incubated in 25 mM glucose did not recover functionally after anoxia, whereas nerves bathed in solutions 2 or 3 showed a complete restitution of CNAP. We conclude that high glucose availability and low PO2 in the combination with decreased buffering power and/or inhibition of HCO3(-)-dependent pH regulation mechanisms may damage peripheral mammalian nerves due to a pronounced intracellular acidosis

    Photochemical colour change for traditional watercolour pigments in low oxygen levels

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    An investigation for light exposure on pigments in low-oxygen environments (in the range 0–5% oxygen) was conducted using a purpose-built automated microfadometer for a large sample set including multiple samples of traditional watercolour pigments from nineteenth-century and twentieth-century sources, selected for concerns over their stability in anoxia. The pigments were prepared for usage in watercolour painting: ground and mixed in gum Arabic and applied to historically accurate gelatine glue-sized cotton and linen-based papers. Anoxia benefited many colorants and no colorant fared worse in anoxia than in air, with the exception of Prussian blue and Prussian green (which contains Prussian blue). A Prussian blue sampled from the studio materials of J.M.W. Turner (1775 − 1851) was microfaded in different environments (normal air (20.9% oxygen) 0, 1, 2, 3.5, or 5% oxygen in nitrogen) and the subsequent dark behaviour was measured. The behaviour of the sample (in normal air, anoxia, and 5% oxygen in nitrogen) proved to be consistent with the 55 separately sourced Prussian blue samples. When exposed to light in 5% oxygen in nitrogen, Prussian blue demonstrated the same light stability as in air (at approximately 21°C and 1 atmosphere). Storage in 5% oxygen is proposed for ‘anoxic’ display of paper-based artworks that might contain Prussian blue, to protect this material while reducing light-induced damage to other components of a watercolour, including organic colorants and the paper support

    Experimental study on coronary perfusion with selective brain cooling for direct aortic surgery

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    1. Retrograde coronary perfusion in combination with selective brain cooling by irrigation was investigated in dogs, in comparison with direct coronary artery perfusion. 2. High incidence of ventricular fibrillation was seen in both methods in hypothermic state. Operation at the normal temperature using extracorporeal circulation is desirable, 3. In view of the above results optimal perfusion pressure appears 30 mm Hg. in retroperfusion, while 100 mm Hg. in direct coronary artery perfusion. 4. The right ventricle anoxia is an undesirable feature in retroperfusion, while the left ventricle showed a tendency to slight anoxia in both methods.</p

    Biogeochemical effects of volcanic degassing on the oxygen-state of the oceans during the Cenomanian/Turonian Anoxic Event 2

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    ABSTRACT FINAL ID: PP11A-1769 Cretaceous anoxic events may have been triggered by massive volcanic CO2 degassing as large igneous provinces (LIPs) were emplaced on the seafloor. Here, we present a comprehensive modeling study to decipher the marine biogeochemical consequences of enhanced volcanic CO2 emissions. A biogeochemical box model has been developed for transient model runs with time-dependent volcanic CO2 forcing. The box model considers continental weathering processes, marine export production, degradation processes in the water column, the rain of particles to the seafloor, benthic fluxes of dissolved species across the seabed, and burial of particulates in marine sediments. The ocean is represented by twenty-seven boxes. To estimate horizontal and vertical fluxes between boxes, a coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model (AOGCM) is run to derive the circulation patterns of the global ocean under Late Cretaceous boundary conditions. The AOGCM modeling predicts a strong thermohaline circulation and intense ventilation in the Late Cretaceous oceans under high pCO2 values. With an appropriate choice of parameter values such as the continental input of phosphorus, the model produces ocean anoxia at low to mid latitudes and changes in marine δ13C that are consistent with geological data such as the well established δ13C curve. The spread of anoxia is supported by an increase in riverine phosphorus fluxes under high pCO2 and a decrease in phosphorus burial efficiency in marine sediments under low oxygen conditions in ambient bottom waters. Here, we suggest that an additional mechanism might contribute to anoxia, an increase in the C:P ratio of marine plankton which is induced by high pCO2 values. According to our AOGCM model results, an intensively ventilated Cretaceous ocean turns anoxic only if the C:P ratio of marine organic particles exported into the deep ocean is allowed to increase under high pCO2 conditions. Being aware of the uncertainties such as diagenesis, this modeling study implies that potential changes in Redfield ratios might be a strong feedback mechanism to attain ocean anoxia via enhanced CO2 emissions. The formation of C-enriched marine organic matter may also explain the frequent occurrence of global anoxia during other geological periods characterized by high pCO2 values

    Small Noncoding RNA Expression During Extreme Anoxia Tolerance of Annual Killifish (Austrofundulus limnaeus) Embryos

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    Small noncoding RNAs (sncRNA) have recently emerged as specific and rapid regulators of gene expression, involved in a myriad of cellular and organismal processes. MicroRNAs, a class of sncRNAs, are differentially expressed in diverse taxa in response to environmental stress, including anoxia. In most vertebrates, a brief period of oxygen deprivation results in severe tissue damage or death. Studies on sncRNA and anoxia have focused on these anoxia-sensitive species. Studying sncRNAs in anoxia-tolerant organisms may provide insight into adaptive mechanisms supporting anoxia tolerance. Embryos of the annual killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus are the most anoxia-tolerant vertebrates known, surviving over 100 days at their peak tolerance at 25°C. Their anoxia tolerance and physiology vary over development, such that both anoxia-tolerant and anoxia-sensitive phenotypes comprise the species. This allows for a robust comparison to identify sncRNAs essential to anoxia-tolerance. For this study, RNA sequencing was used to identify and quantify expression of sncRNAs in four embryonic stages of A. limnaeus in response to an exposure to anoxia and subsequent aerobic recovery. Unique stage-specific patterns of expression were identified that correlate with anoxia tolerance. In addition, embryos of A. limnaeus appear to constitutively express stress-responsive miRNAs. Most differentially expressed sncRNAs were expressed at higher levels during recovery. Many novel groups of sncRNAs with expression profiles suggesting a key role in anoxia tolerance were identified, including sncRNAs derived from mitochondrial tRNAs. This global analysis has revealed groups of candidate sncRNAs that we hypothesize support anoxia tolerance

    The Impact of Global Warming and Anoxia on Marine Benthic Community Dynamics: an Example from the Toarcian (Early Jurassic)

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    The Pliensbachian-Toarcian (Early Jurassic) fossil record is an archive of natural data of benthic community response to global warming and marine long-term hypoxia and anoxia. In the early Toarcian mean temperatures increased by the same order of magnitude as that predicted for the near future; laminated, organic-rich, black shales were deposited in many shallow water epicontinental basins; and a biotic crisis occurred in the marine realm, with the extinction of approximately 5% of families and 26% of genera. High-resolution quantitative abundance data of benthic invertebrates were collected from the Cleveland Basin (North Yorkshire, UK), and analysed with multivariate statistical methods to detect how the fauna responded to environmental changes during the early Toarcian. Twelve biofacies were identified. Their changes through time closely resemble the pattern of faunal degradation and recovery observed in modern habitats affected by anoxia. All four successional stages of community structure recorded in modern studies are recognised in the fossil data (i.e. Stage III: climax; II: transitional; I: pioneer; 0: highly disturbed). Two main faunal turnover events occurred: (i) at the onset of anoxia, with the extinction of most benthic species and the survival of a few adapted to thrive in low-oxygen conditions (Stages I to 0) and (ii) in the recovery, when newly evolved species colonized the re-oxygenated soft sediments and the path of recovery did not retrace of pattern of ecological degradation (Stages I to II). The ordination of samples coupled with sedimentological and palaeotemperature proxy data indicate that the onset of anoxia and the extinction horizon coincide with both a rise in temperature and sea level. Our study of how faunal associations co-vary with long and short term sea level and temperature changes has implications for predicting the long-term effects of “dead zones” in modern oceans

    Does alternative oxidase play a role in plant adaptation to anoxia and post-anoxia?

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    Low oxygen stress and reaeration have detrimental effects on plants. Transgenic tobacco plants differentially expressing alternative oxidase (AOX) were used to investigate its role during anoxia and post-anoxia. Superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels increased under anoxia and post-anoxia exhibiting lower level in AOX-overexpressing lines. Nitric oxide (NO) emission increased during anoxia stronger in overexpressing lines while nitrosylation of proteins followed a reverse pattern. ATP/ADP ratio decreased during anoxia and increased with reaeration being higher in overexpressing lines. Alcohol dehydrogenase and aconitase increased during anoxia and decreased during post-anoxia in overexpressing lines. AOX-knockdown lines had higher SOD and lower catalase activity than overexpressors. The activities of enzymes of ascorbate-glutathione cycle decreased during both conditions being higher in overexpressing lines. We conclude that AOX is involved in NO turnover and plays a protective role by reducing the level of reactive oxygen species and sustaining energy requirements during anoxia and post-anoxia