7 research outputs found

    User Experience Design: A Strategy for Competitive Advantage

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    Stakeholder Status And The Effects On Product Usability

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    Organizations dedicate considerable resources to developing software tools and often utilize usability studies to improve their products.  Unfortunately, usability studies can be costly and some companies are using internal employees as participants in an effort to improve their product while controlling costs.  However, the effects of using internal employees on usability study requirement identification and implementation is not yet understood.This field research was conducted at a Fortune 100 Company and investigates the relationship between participants’ organizational status and the implementation of usability requirements they identify for an Enterprise Storage Resource Management product.  A theoretical model based on status characteristics theory is proposed.  Regression analysis suggests that organizational status is a significant indicator of the likelihood of usability study requirement implementation.  Organizational status of an individual should be carefully considered when soliciting product feedback

    Una propuesta latinoamericana de colaboración en la enseñanza de la usabilidad del software

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    Este artículo propone un modelo instruccional colaborativo, para la enseñanza de las técnicas más comunes de evaluación de la usabilidad de interfaces de usuario. El modelo facilitó el trabajo colaborativo entre diversas universidades latinoamericanas, geográficamente dispersas, como un medio para transmitir conocimiento específico a estudiantes de pregrado en Ingeniería Informática y Ciencias de la Computación. Además del modelo instruccional colaborativo propuesto, el artículo presenta resultados experimentales obtenidos de su aplicación

    Venda de kiwis online : www.prosmokiwi.com

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    Avui en dia la venda de productes, mitjançant les possibilitats que ens ofereix Internet, es troba en ple creixement. Aquest projecte pretén posar en funcionament una pàgina Web dedicada a la venda de fruita, concretament kiwis. Des de fa un temps, la població comença a ser conscient del desequilibri entre l'agent productor i l'agent comercial. Com passa també en altres sectors, el productor ven a un preu molt inferior respecte al que després es ficarà de cara al comprador final. En el cas de la fruita, el client acaba comprant un producte més car i normalment de menys qualitat. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és promoure la venda online a partir d'una mercaderia de qualitat i més econòmica, aconseguint un major benefici tant per part del productor com del client.La venta de productos, utilizando las posibilidades que Internet nos ofrece, es, hoy en día, un campo en pleno auge. Este proyecto pretende poner en funcionamiento una página Web dedicada a la venta de fruta, concretamente kiwis. Desde hace un tiempo, la población empieza a ser consciente del desequilibrio existente entre los productores i los comerciantes. Como pasa también en otros sectores, los productores venden a un precio muy inferior, respecto al que se pondrá de cara al comprador final. En el caso de la fruta, el cliente acaba comprando un producto más caro y normalmente de menor calidad. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es promover la venta online a partir de una mercancía de calidad y más económica, logrando un mayor beneficio por parte del productor y también por parte del cliente.The sale of products using the benefits of Internet is today at its very peak. This project aims to put into operation a Web page to sell fruits, specifically kiwis. Nowadays, the population starts to be aware of the imbalance between producers and merchants. As in other sectors, producers are selling with a price much lower than the final price for the last buyer. In the case of the fruits, at the end, the coustomer buys a more expensive product with a lower quality. The main objective of this project is to promove the e-commerce with a high quality and cheaper products, getting a higher benefit for the producer and for the coustomer

    VisTool: A user interface and visualization development system

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    Improving usability outcomes in IS projects: the views of usability practitioners

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    What are the key aspects to achieving acceptable usability outcomes for information systems being developed? The changing technologies and increased usage across the general population, the impacts of this in our everyday lives, at work and at leisure are exponentially increasing. The interfaces and interaction styles presented as part of these technologies have been challenged to be more intuitive, contextually sensitive, location aware, human centred and aimed at a larger community of stakeholders. Performing usability activities is an increasingly important part of the development of new technologies, applications and websites. This study examined, for Information System projects, what were the key aspects that impacted on the usability outcome of developing Information Systems. This study presents a theory that describes how projects can improve their usability outcomes. This has emerged from interviews with experienced usability practitioners currently working in the usability industry. The transcripts from the qualitative interviews were analysed using a grounded theory methodology, which was an inductive and interpretive process in nature. The result of this analysis produced twenty-seven key concepts. These concepts were compared and contrasted against the literature. The theory that emerged consists of four major themes that included: usability mindset, collaborative approach, project constraints and usability practice. The key contribution to knowledge is the relationship concept between these themes. This is the nurturing of the usability mindset for the project stakeholders through involvement in usability activities throughout the project lifecycle. This engagement provides opportunities to elicit, understand and concord the usability goals, project constraints and the technological limitations with project stakeholders. The involvement of all project stakeholders promotes usability value and acceptance, which ideally progresses to a shared usability vision for the project and ultimately a usability mindset that can be utilised beyond a specific project and across an organisation

    Another approach to justifying the cost of usability

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