14 research outputs found

    HandiVote: simple, anonymous, and auditable electronic voting

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    We suggest a set of procedures utilising a range of technologies by which a major democratic deficit of modern society can be addressed. The mechanism, whilst it makes limited use of cryptographic techniques in the background, is based around objects and procedures with which voters are currently familiar. We believe that this holds considerable potential for the extension of democratic participation and control

    Cryptanalysis and Security Enhancement on the Generation of Mu-Varadharajan Electronic Voting Protocol

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    Mu and Varadharajan proposed an electronic voting scheme and claimed that their scheme authenticates the voters, protects the anonymity of them, and detects the identity of double voters. Due to some weaknesses in Mu-Varadharajan scheme, several modified schemes have been proposed by Lin et al., Hwang et al., Rodriguez-Henriquez et al. and Asaar et al.; however this paper shows that these schemes suffer from some weaknesses in fulfilling the pointed properties. For this purpose, we get Hwang et al. scheme as a case study and apply our new attacks on it. Also we consider the applicability of the attacks on other pointed schemes. In addition, we present a new scheme and show that the scheme resists against the proposed attacks without loosing efficiency

    New approaches for electronic voting paradigms

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    La democràcia es el sistema de govern més utilitzat al món. No obstant, en un món cada vegada més globalitzat, la idea de mobilitzar la gent per votar en un col·legi electoral gestionat per persones resulta antiquada tot i ser la implementació més comú en l'actualitat. Millorar aquesta situació mitjançant l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació sembla una evolució òbvia i molt demanada però, malgrat l'existència d'algunes implementacions en entorns reals, encara no ha estat utilitzada excepte en comptades ocasions. Obrir la porta d'unes eleccions a les tecnologies de la informació implica l'obertura dels protocols de votació a un nou conjunt d'atacs contra aquests. Tenint en compte els requisits d'una elecció: privacitat del votant i integritat de l'elecció, les solucions actuals passen per implementar l'elecció seguint un dels tres paradigmes de vot segurs: barreja de vots, recompte homomòrfic o signatura cega. En aquesta tesi, es proposen nous protocols per als diferents paradigmes. La primera proposta consisteix en un sistema de vot que, basant-se en una informació redundant enviada pel votant, és capaç de realitzar una barreja de vots amb cost negligible incrementant lleugerament el cost del recompte. Per al paradigma de recompte homomòrfic, es proposa una prova de validesa del vot basada en les proves utilitzades per demostrar la correctesa en sistemes amb barreja de vots. Aquesta solució permet utilitzar les millores realitzades sobre el paradigma de barreja de vots per al seu ús en el paradigma de recompte homomòrfic. Finalment, es plantegen dues solucions per a eleccions del paradigma de signatura cega. La primera utilitza credencials generades amb signatura cega per permetre als votants vàlids enviar el seu vot sense que es conegui la seva identitat. La segona resol el problema del vot doble en aquest paradigma mitjan cant una construcció que utilitza un sistema de moneda electrònica off-line.La democracia es el sistema de gobierno más usado en el mundo. No obstante, en un mundo cada vez más globalizado, la idea de movilizar a la gente para votar en un colegio electoral gestionado por personas resulta anticuada a pesar de ser la implementación más común en la actualidad. Mejorar esta situación mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información parece una evolución obvia y muy solicitada pero, a pesar de unas pocas adaptaciones, aún no ha sido usada salvo en escasas ocasiones. Abrir la puerta de unas elecciones a las tecnologías de la información lleva implícita la apertura de los protocolos de voto a un nuevo conjunto de ataques contra estos. Teniendo en cuenta los requisitos de una elección: privacidad del votante e integridad de la elección, las soluciones actuales pasan por implementar la elección siguiendo uno de los tres paradigmas de voto seguros: mezcla de votos, recuento homomórfico o firma ciega. En esta tesis, se proponen nuevos protocolos para los distintos paradigmas. La primera propuesta consiste en un sistema de voto bajo el paradigma de mezcla de votos que, basándose en una información redundante enviada por el votante, es capaz de realizar una mezcla de votos con un coste negligible incrementando ligeramente el coste del recuento. Para el paradigma de recuento homomórfico, se propone una prueba para verificar que el voto es válido basada en las pruebas de correctitud en sistemas con mezcla de votos. Esta solución permite usar las mejoras realizadas en el paradigma de mezcla de votos para su uso en el paradigma de recuento homomórfico. Finalmente, se proponen dos nuevos protocolos del paradigma de firma ciega. El primero utiliza credenciales generadas con firma ciega para permitir a votantes válidos enviar su voto sin que se conozca su identidad. El segundo resuelve el problema del voto doble en el paradigma de firma ciega mediante una construcción que utiliza un sistema de moneda electrónica off-line.Democracy is the most established government system in the world. However, in an increasingly globalized world, the idea of requiring people to move in order to cast their vote in the polling station seems outdated, even though it is, nowadays, the most common implementation. An obvious and widely demanded evolution is to improve the election framework by enabling the use of information technologies. Nevertheless, this solution has been implemented few times in real environment elections and the global success of these solutions have been called into question. The use of information technologies in voting protocols improves the quality of the election but, at the same time, it also opens up the voting protocols to new threats. Keeping this attacks in mind and given the election requirements: voter's privacy and election's integrity, the solutions proposed up to date are to implement one of the three secure voting paradigms: mixtype based, homomorphic tally, and blind signature. In this thesis, we present new protocols for the di erent paradigms. Our rst proposal, based on the mix-type paradigm, consists in a voting protocol which is able to perform the ballot mix with negligible cost but slightly increasing the tally cost. The proposed protocol makes use of a proper vote generation based on sending secret redundant information with the ballot when it is cast. For the homomorphic tally paradigm, we propose a zero knowledge proof of correctness of the ballot based on the proofs used to demonstrate the correctness of a shu e in the mix-type paradigm. This protocol makes possible to use the improvements on the shu e correctness proofs in the homomorphic tally paradigm. Finally, two di erent protocols are also proposed for the blind signature paradigm. The rst one uses credentials generated by means of a blind signature which allow eligible voters to cast their vote without leaking information about their identity. The second one is focused on solving the double voting problem in this paradigm. The protocol proposed uses o -line e-coin systems to provide anonymity disclosure in case of double voting

    Towards internet voting in the state of Qatar

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    Qatar is a small country in the Middle East which has used its oil wealth to invest in the country's infrastructure and education. The technology for Internet voting now exists or can be developed, but are the people of Qatar willing to take part in Internet voting for national elections?. This research identifies the willingness of government and citizens to introduce and participate in Internet voting (I-voting) in Qatar and the barriers that may be encountered when doing so. A secure I voting model for the Qatar government is then proposed that address issues of I-voting which might arise due to the introduction of such new technology. Recommendations are made for the Qatar government to assist in the introduction of I-voting. The research identifies the feasibility of I-voting and the government s readiness and willingness to introduce it. Multiple factors are examined: the voting experience, educational development, telecommunication development, the large number of Internet users, Qatar law which does not bar the use of I-voting and Qatar culture which supports I-voting introduction. It is shown that there is a willingness amongst both the people and the government to introduce I-voting, and there is appropriate accessibility, availability of IT infrastructure, availability of Internet law to protect online consumers and the existence of the e government project. However, many Qataris have concerns of security, privacy, usability, transparency and other issues that would need to be addressed before any voting system could be considered to be a quality system in the eyes of the voters. Also, the need to consider the security threat associated on client-side machines is identified where a lack of user awareness on information security is an important factor. The proposed model attempts to satisfy voting principles, introducing a secure platform for I-voting using best practices and solutions such as the smart card, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates. The model was reviewed by a number of experts on Information Technology, and the Qatari culture and law who found that the system would, generally, satisfy voting principles, but pointed out the need to consider the scalability of the model, the possible cyber-attacks and the risks associated with voters computers. which could be reduced by enhancing user awareness on security and using secure operating systems or Internet browsers. From these findings, a set of recommendations were proposed to encourage the government to introduce I-voting which consider different aspects of I-voting, including the digital divide, e-literacy, I voting infrastructure, legal aspects, transparency, security and privacy. These recommendations were also reviewed by experts who found them to be both valuable and effective. Since literature on Internet voting in Qatar is sparse, empirical and non-empirical studies were carried out in a variety of surveys, interviews and experiments. The research successfully achieved its aim and objectives and is now being considered by the Qatari Government