1,447 research outputs found

    Algorithms to anonymize structured medical and healthcare data:A systematic review

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    Introduction: With many anonymization algorithms developed for structured medical health data (SMHD) in the last decade, our systematic review provides a comprehensive bird’s eye view of algorithms for SMHD anonymization. Methods: This systematic review was conducted according to the recommendations in the Cochrane Handbook for Reviews of Interventions and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Eligible articles from the PubMed, ACM digital library, Medline, IEEE, Embase, Web of Science Collection, Scopus, ProQuest Dissertation, and Theses Global databases were identified through systematic searches. The following parameters were extracted from the eligible studies: author, year of publication, sample size, and relevant algorithms and/or software applied to anonymize SMHD, along with the summary of outcomes. Results: Among 1,804 initial hits, the present study considered 63 records including research articles, reviews, and books. Seventy five evaluated the anonymization of demographic data, 18 assessed diagnosis codes, and 3 assessed genomic data. One of the most common approaches was k-anonymity, which was utilized mainly for demographic data, often in combination with another algorithm; e.g., l-diversity. No approaches have yet been developed for protection against membership disclosure attacks on diagnosis codes. Conclusion: This study reviewed and categorized different anonymization approaches for MHD according to the anonymized data types (demographics, diagnosis codes, and genomic data). Further research is needed to develop more efficient algorithms for the anonymization of diagnosis codes and genomic data. The risk of reidentification can be minimized with adequate application of the addressed anonymization approaches. Systematic Review Registration: [http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero], identifier [CRD42021228200].</p

    Garantia de privacidade na exploração de bases de dados distribuídas

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    Anonymisation is currently one of the biggest challenges when sharing sensitive personal information. Its importance depends largely on the application domain, but when dealing with health information, this becomes a more serious issue. A simpler approach to avoid this disclosure is to ensure that all data that can be associated directly with an individual is removed from the original dataset. However, some studies have shown that simple anonymisation procedures can sometimes be reverted using specific patients’ characteristics, namely when the anonymisation is based on hidden key attributes. In this work, we propose a secure architecture to share information from distributed databases without compromising the subjects’ privacy. The work was initially focused on identifying techniques to link information between multiple data sources, in order to revert the anonymization procedures. In a second phase, we developed the methodology to perform queries over distributed databases was proposed. The architecture was validated using a standard data schema that is widely adopted in observational research studies.A garantia da anonimização de dados é atualmente um dos maiores desafios quando existe a necessidade de partilhar informações pessoais de carácter sensível. Apesar de ser um problema transversal a muitos domínios de aplicação, este torna-se mais crítico quando a anonimização envolve dados clinicos. Nestes casos, a abordagem mais comum para evitar a divulgação de dados, que possam ser associados diretamente a um indivíduo, consiste na remoção de atributos identificadores. No entanto, segundo a literatura, esta abordagem não oferece uma garantia total de anonimato, que pode ser quebrada através de ataques específicos que permitem a reidentificação dos sujeitos. Neste trabalho, é proposta uma arquitetura que permite partilhar dados armazenados em repositórios distribuídos, de forma segura e sem comprometer a privacidade. Numa primeira fase deste trabalho, foi feita uma análise de técnicas que permitam reverter os procedimentos de anonimização. Na fase seguinte, foi proposta uma metodologia que permite realizar pesquisas em bases de dados distribuídas, sem que o anonimato seja quebrado. Esta arquitetura foi validada sobre um esquema de base de dados relacional que é amplamente utilizado em estudos clínicos observacionais.Mestrado em Ciberseguranç

    Database anonymization services

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    The progress of technology and the development of powerful databases have made it possible to store and easily access continually increasing amounts of sensitive data about people. Since personal information is becoming common in many different databases, it is vital that this data be hidden to ensure privacy of the individuals whose records are stored in these repositories. Database anonymization is the key to securing these databases by ensuring that database users will be unable to reveal sensitive personal information by intelligently structuring their queries. We analyzed the structure of the BiomData database which contains images and sound recordings of six biometric modalities acquired from hundreds of volunteers. To ensure the confidentiality of these volunteers, our goal was to prevent queries which would allow database users to obtain images of easily identifiable biometric data (facial images, for example) together with the corresponding images of modalities for which user\u27s anonymity is required (fingerprint images, for example). ERUCES Tricryption® Engine was used to anonymize the links between the six biometric modality tables contained in the database, thereby enhancing privacy of volunteers who participate in the biometric collection study while promoting an open data sharing research environment

    SLIS Student Research Journal, Vol. 1, Iss. 1

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    Anonymization procedures for tabular data: an explanatory technical and legal synthesis

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    In the European Union, Data Controllers and Data Processors, who work with personal data, have to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable laws. This affects the storing and processing of personal data. But some data processing in data mining or statistical analyses does not require any personal reference to the data. Thus, personal context can be removed. For these use cases, to comply with applicable laws, any existing personal information has to be removed by applying the so-called anonymization. However, anonymization should maintain data utility. Therefore, the concept of anonymization is a double-edged sword with an intrinsic trade-off: privacy enforcement vs. utility preservation. The former might not be entirely guaranteed when anonymized data are published as Open Data. In theory and practice, there exist diverse approaches to conduct and score anonymization. This explanatory synthesis discusses the technical perspectives on the anonymization of tabular data with a special emphasis on the European Union’s legal base. The studied methods for conducting anonymization, and scoring the anonymization procedure and the resulting anonymity are explained in unifying terminology. The examined methods and scores cover both categorical and numerical data. The examined scores involve data utility, information preservation, and privacy models. In practice-relevant examples, methods and scores are experimentally tested on records from the UCI Machine Learning Repository’s “Census Income (Adult)” dataset

    The promotion of data sharing in pharmacoepidemiology

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    This article addresses the role of pharmacoepidemiology in patient safety and the crucial role of data sharing in ensuring that such activities occur. Against the backdrop of proposed reforms of European data protection legislation, it considers whether the current legislative landscape adequately facilitates this essential data sharing. It is argued that rather than maximising and promoting the benefits of such activities by facilitating data sharing, current and proposed legislative landscapes hamper these vital activities. The article posits that current and proposed data protection approaches to pharmacoepidemiology — and more broadly, re-uses of data — should be reoriented towards enabling these important safety enhancing activities. Two potential solutions are offered: 1) a dedicated working party on data reuse for health research and 2) the introduction of new, dedicated legislation

    Contribution to privacy-enhancing tecnologies for machine learning applications

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    For some time now, big data applications have been enabling revolutionary innovation in every aspect of our daily life by taking advantage of lots of data generated from the interactions of users with technology. Supported by machine learning and unprecedented computation capabilities, different entities are capable of efficiently exploiting such data to obtain significant utility. However, since personal information is involved, these practices raise serious privacy concerns. Although multiple privacy protection mechanisms have been proposed, there are some challenges that need to be addressed for these mechanisms to be adopted in practice, i.e., to be “usable” beyond the privacy guarantee offered. To start, the real impact of privacy protection mechanisms on data utility is not clear, thus an empirical evaluation of such impact is crucial. Moreover, since privacy is commonly obtained through the perturbation of large data sets, usable privacy technologies may require not only preservation of data utility but also efficient algorithms in terms of computation speed. Satisfying both requirements is key to encourage the adoption of privacy initiatives. Although considerable effort has been devoted to design less “destructive” privacy mechanisms, the utility metrics employed may not be appropriate, thus the wellness of such mechanisms would be incorrectly measured. On the other hand, despite the advent of big data, more efficient approaches are not being considered. Not complying with the requirements of current applications may hinder the adoption of privacy technologies. In the first part of this thesis, we address the problem of measuring the effect of k-anonymous microaggregation on the empirical utility of microdata. We quantify utility accordingly as the accuracy of classification models learned from microaggregated data, evaluated over original test data. Our experiments show that the impact of the de facto microaggregation standard on the performance of machine-learning algorithms is often minor for a variety of data sets. Furthermore, experimental evidence suggests that the traditional measure of distortion in the community of microdata anonymization may be inappropriate for evaluating the utility of microaggregated data. Secondly, we address the problem of preserving the empirical utility of data. By transforming the original data records to a different data space, our approach, based on linear discriminant analysis, enables k-anonymous microaggregation to be adapted to the application domain of data. To do this, first, data is rotated (projected) towards the direction of maximum discrimination and, second, scaled in this direction, penalizing distortion across the classification threshold. As a result, data utility is preserved in terms of the accuracy of machine learned models for a number of standardized data sets. Afterwards, we propose a mechanism to reduce the running time for the k-anonymous microaggregation algorithm. This is obtained by simplifying the internal operations of the original algorithm. Through extensive experimentation over multiple data sets, we show that the new algorithm gets significantly faster. Interestingly, this remarkable speedup factor is achieved with no additional loss of data utility.Les aplicacions de big data impulsen actualment una accelerada innovació aprofitant la gran quantitat d’informació generada a partir de les interaccions dels usuaris amb la tecnologia. Així, qualsevol entitat és capaç d'explotar eficientment les dades per obtenir utilitat, emprant aprenentatge automàtic i capacitats de còmput sense precedents. No obstant això, sorgeixen en aquest escenari serioses preocupacions pel que fa a la privacitat dels usuaris ja que hi ha informació personal involucrada. Tot i que s'han proposat diversos mecanismes de protecció, hi ha alguns reptes per a la seva adopció en la pràctica, és a dir perquè es puguin utilitzar. Per començar, l’impacte real d'aquests mecanismes en la utilitat de les dades no esta clar, raó per la qual la seva avaluació empírica és important. A més, considerant que actualment es manegen grans volums de dades, una privacitat usable requereix, no només preservació de la utilitat de les dades, sinó també algoritmes eficients en temes de temps de còmput. És clau satisfer tots dos requeriments per incentivar l’adopció de mesures de privacitat. Malgrat que hi ha diversos esforços per dissenyar mecanismes de privacitat menys "destructius", les mètriques d'utilitat emprades no serien apropiades, de manera que aquests mecanismes de protecció podrien estar sent incorrectament avaluats. D'altra banda, tot i l’adveniment del big data, la investigació existent no s’enfoca molt en millorar la seva eficiència. Lamentablement, si els requisits de les aplicacions actuals no es satisfan, s’obstaculitzarà l'adopció de tecnologies de privacitat. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi abordem el problema de mesurar l'impacte de la microagregació k-Gnónima en la utilitat empírica de microdades. Per això, quantifiquem la utilitat com la precisió de models de classificació obtinguts a partir de les dades microagregades. i avaluats sobre dades de prova originals. Els experiments mostren que l'impacte de l’algoritme de rmicroagregació estàndard en el rendiment d’algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic és usualment menor per a una varietat de conjunts de dades avaluats. A més, l’evidència experimental suggereix que la mètrica tradicional de distorsió de les dades seria inapropiada per avaluar la utilitat empírica de dades microagregades. Així també estudiem el problema de preservar la utilitat empírica de les dades a l'ésser anonimitzades. Transformant els registres originaIs de dades en un espai de dades diferent, el nostre enfocament, basat en anàlisi de discriminant lineal, permet que el procés de microagregació k-anònima s'adapti al domini d’aplicació de les dades. Per això, primer, les dades són rotades o projectades en la direcció de màxima discriminació i, segon, escalades en aquesta direcció, penalitzant la distorsió a través del llindar de classificació. Com a resultat, la utilitat de les dades es preserva en termes de la precisió dels models d'aprenentatge automàtic en diversos conjunts de dades. Posteriorment, proposem un mecanisme per reduir el temps d'execució per a la microagregació k-anònima. Això s'aconsegueix simplificant les operacions internes de l'algoritme escollit Mitjançant una extensa experimentació sobre diversos conjunts de dades, vam mostrar que el nou algoritme és bastant més ràpid. Aquesta acceleració s'aconsegueix sense que hi ha pèrdua en la utilitat de les dades. Finalment, en un enfocament més aplicat, es proposa una eina de protecció de privacitat d'individus i organitzacions mitjançant l'anonimització de dades sensibles inclosos en logs de seguretat. Es dissenyen diferents mecanismes d'anonimat per implementar-los en base a la definició d'una política de privacitat, en el context d'un projecte europeu que té per objectiu construir un sistema de seguretat unificat.Postprint (published version