3,634 research outputs found

    Comparison of anomaly detection techniques for wind turbine gearbox SCADA data

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    This analysis looks at the use of anomaly detection to assess the condition of wind turbine gearboxes based on data from a number of operational turbines. A comparison is made between various methods of anomaly detection, these being one class support vector machine (OCSVM), random forests, and nonlinear autoregressive neural networks with exogenous inputs (NARX)

    Wind turbine condition assessment through power curve copula modeling

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    Power curves constructed from wind speed and active power output measurements provide an established method of analyzing wind turbine performance. In this paper it is proposed that operational data from wind turbines are used to estimate bivariate probability distribution functions representing the power curve of existing turbines so that deviations from expected behavior can be detected. Owing to the complex form of dependency between active power and wind speed, which no classical parameterized distribution can approximate, the application of empirical copulas is proposed; the statistical theory of copulas allows the distribution form of marginal distributions of wind speed and power to be expressed separately from information about the dependency between them. Copula analysis is discussed in terms of its likely usefulness in wind turbine condition monitoring, particularly in early recognition of incipient faults such as blade degradation, yaw and pitch errors

    Comparison of new anomaly detection technique for wind turbine condition monitoring using gearbox SCADA data

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    Anomaly detection for wind turbine condition monitoring is an active area of research within the wind energy operations and maintenance (O&M) community. In this paper three models were compared for multi-megawatt operational wind turbine SCADA data. The models used for comparison were One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM), Isolation Forest (IF), and Elliptical Envelope (EE). Each of these were compared for the same fault, and tested under various different data configurations. IF and EE have not previously been used for fault detection for wind turbines, and OCSVM has not been used for SCADA data. This paper presents a novel method of condition monitoring that only requires two months of data per turbine. These months were separated by a year, the first being healthy and the second unhealthy. The number of anomalies is compared, with a greater number in the unhealthy month being considered correct. It was found that for accuracy IF and OCSVM had similar performances in both training regimes presented. OCSVM performed better for generic training, and IF performed better for specific training. Overall, IF and OCSVM had an average accuracy of 82% for all configurations considered, compared to 77% for EE

    Wind turbine gearbox fault prognosis based only on SCADA data

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    Els aerogeneradors solen funcionar en entorns amb agents hostils i nocius. És per això que aquests aerogeneradors requereixen operacions de manteniment extensives i constants. Per evitar sobrecostos, és fonamental una bona planificació i organització de les tasques de manteniment. Les decisions que s’han de prendre es basen normalment en les dades del SCADA, que és un sistema que controla l’estat de la turbina i els seus components sempre que tinguin sensors. La supervisió de l’estat de la turbina detecta avaries quan es produeixen i permet a l’equip de manteniment saber on haurien d’actuar. En qualsevol cas, quan arriben a la turbina, ja està danyada o requereix una suspensió temporal de les seves activitats. Un dels mecanismes que més sovint es descompon és la multiplicadora i la seva substitució és molt cara, ja que no només requereix temps d’aturada de la turbina, sinó també el desmuntatge i el muntatge d’una gran part de la instal·lació eòlica, així com la multiplicadora, i no és barata. El següent projecte presenta un mètode que té com a objectiu detectar possibles falles en la multiplicadora abans que aquestes apareguin. Aquest mètode es basa en l’aprenentatge automàtic i en les dades recopilades per l’SCADA de l’aerogenerador. L’algoritme de detecció temprana es basa en Relevance Vector Machine (RVM).Las turbinas eólicas a menudo operan en entornos con agentes hostiles y dañinos. Es por eso que tales aerogeneradores requieren operaciones de mantenimiento extensas y constantes. Para evitar sobrecostes, es fundamental una buena planificación y organización de las tareas de mantenimiento. Las decisiones a tomar normalmente se basan en los datos del SCADA, que es un sistema que monitoriza el estado de la turbina y sus componentes siempre que cuenten con sensores. El monitoreo del estado de la turbina detecta fallos cuando ocurren y permite al equipo de mantenimiento saber dónde deben actuar. En cualquier caso, cuando llegan a la turbina, ésta ya está dañada o requiere una suspensión temporal de sus actividades. Uno de los mecanismos que con mayor frecuencia se avería es la multiplicadora y su sustitución es muy cara ya que no solo requiere tiempo de parada de la turbina sino también el desmontaje y montaje de gran parte de la instalación eólica así como la multiplicadora y no es un elemento barato. El siguiente proyecto presenta un método que tiene como objetivo detectar posibles fallos en la multiplicadora antes de que ocurran. Este método se basa en el aprendizaje automático y en los datos recopilados por el SCADA del aerogenerador. El algoritmo de detección temprana se basa en Relevance Vector Machine (RVM).Wind turbines often operate in environments with hostile and harmful agents. That is why such wind turbines require extensive and constant maintenance operations. To avoid cost overruns, good planning and organization of maintenance tasks is vital. The decisions to be made are normally based on the data that the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is capable of communicating, which is a system that monitors the status of the turbine and its components as long as they have sensors. Turbine status monitoring detects failures when they occur and allows the maintenance team to know where they should act. In any case, when they arrive at the turbine, it is already damaged or requires a temporary suspension of its activities. One of the mechanisms that most often breaks down is the gearbox and its replacement is very expensive since it not only requires turbine shutdown time but also the disassembly and assembly of a large part of the wind power installation as well as the gearbox and that is not a cheap item. The following project presents a method that aims to detect possible gearbox failures before they occur. This method is based on machine learning and on the data collected by the SCADA of the wind turbine. The early detection algorithm is based on the Relevance Vector Machine (RVM)

    Exploring the Limits of Early Predictive Maintenance in Wind Turbines Applying an Anomaly Detection Technique

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    The aim of the presented investigation is to explore the time gap between an anomaly appearance in continuously measured parameters of the device and a failure, related to the end of the remaining resource of the device-critical component. In this investigation, we propose a recurrent neural network to model the time series of the parameters of the healthy device to detect anomalies by comparing the predicted values with the ones actually measured. An experimental investigation was performed on SCADA estimates received from different wind turbines with failures. A recurrent neural network was used to predict the temperature of the gearbox. The comparison of the predicted temperature values and the actual measured ones showed that anomalies in the gearbox temperature could be detected up to 37 days before the failure of the device-critical component. The performed investigation compared different models that can be used for temperature time-series modeling and the influence of selected input features on the performance of temperature anomaly detection.publishedVersio

    Applications and Modeling Techniques of Wind Turbine Power Curve for Wind Farms - A Review

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    In the wind energy industry, the power curve represents the relationship between the “wind speed” at the hub height and the corresponding “active power” to be generated. It is the most versatile condition indicator and of vital importance in several key applications, such as wind turbine selection, capacity factor estimation, wind energy assessment and forecasting, and condition monitoring, among others. Ensuring an effective implementation of the aforementioned applications mostly requires a modeling technique that best approximates the normal properties of an optimal wind turbines operation in a particular wind farm. This challenge has drawn the attention of wind farm operators and researchers towards the “state of the art” in wind energy technology. This paper provides an exhaustive and updated review on power curve based applications, the most common anomaly and fault types including their root-causes, along with data preprocessing and correction schemes (i.e., filtering, clustering, isolation, and others), and modeling techniques (i.e., parametric and non-parametric) which cover a wide range of algorithms. More than 100 references, for the most part selected from recently published journal articles, were carefully compiled to properly assess the past, present, and future research directions in this active domain

    Wind Turbine Fault Detection: an Unsupervised vs Semi-Supervised Approach

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    The need for renewable energy has been growing in recent years for the reasons we all know, wind power is no exception. Wind turbines are complex and expensive structures and the need for maintenance exists. Conditioning Monitoring Systems that make use of supervised machine learning techniques have been recently studied and the results are quite promising. Though, such systems still require the physical presence of professionals but with the advantage of gaining insight of the operating state of the machine in use, to decide upon maintenance interventions beforehand. The wind turbine failure is not an abrupt process but a gradual one. The main goal of this dissertation is: to compare semi-supervised methods to at tack the problem of automatic recognition of anomalies in wind turbines; to develop an approach combining the Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) with two popular fuzzy partitional clustering algorithms like the fuzzy c-means and archetypal analysis, for the purpose of anomaly detection; and finally to develop an experimental protocol to com paratively study the two types of algorithms. In this work, the algorithms Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Connectivity-based Outlier Factor (COF), Cluster-based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF), Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS), k-nearest-neighbours (k-NN), Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD), Fuzzy c-means (FCM), Archetypal Analysis (AA) and Local Minimum Spanning Tree (LoMST) were explored. The data used consisted of SCADA data sets regarding turbine sensorial data, 8 to tal, from a wind farm in the North of Portugal. Each data set comprises between 1070 and 1096 data cases and characterized by 5 features, for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013. The analysis of the results using 7 different validity measures show that, the CBLOF al gorithm got the best results in the semi-supervised approach while LoMST won in the unsupervised scenario. The extension of both FCM and AA got promissing results.A necessidade de produzir energia renovável tem vindo a crescer nos últimos anos pelas razões que todos sabemos, a energia eólica não é excepção. As turbinas eólicas são es truturas complexas e caras e a necessidade de manutenção existe. Sistemas de Condição Monitorizada utilizando técnicas de aprendizagem supervisionada têm vindo a ser estu dados recentemente e os resultados são bastante promissores. No entanto, estes sistemas ainda exigem a presença física de profissionais, mas com a vantagem de obter informa ções sobre o estado operacional da máquina em uso, para decidir sobre intervenções de manutenção antemão. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é: comparar métodos semi-supervisionados para atacar o problema de reconhecimento automático de anomalias em turbinas eólicas; desenvolver um método que combina o Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) com dois mé todos de agrupamento difuso bem conhecidos como fuzzy c-means e archetypal analysis, no âmbito de deteção de anomalias; e finalmente desenvolver um protocolo experimental onde é possível o estudo comparativo entre os dois diferentes tipos de algoritmos. Neste trabalho, os algoritmos Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Connectivity-based Outlier Factor (COF), Cluster-based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF), Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS), k-nearest-neighbours (k-NN), Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD), Fuzzy c-means (FCM), Archetypal Analysis (AA) and Local Minimum Spanning Tree (LoMST) foram explorados. Os conjuntos de dados utilizados provêm do sistema SCADA, referentes a dados sen soriais de turbinas, 8 no total, com origem num parque eólico no Norte de Portugal. Cada um está compreendendido entre 1070 e 1096 observações e caracterizados por 5 caracte rísticas, para os anos 2011, 2012 e 2013. A ánalise dos resultados através de 7 métricas de validação diferentes mostraram que, o algoritmo CBLOF obteve os melhores resultados na abordagem semi-supervisionada enquanto que o LoMST ganhou na abordagem não supervisionada. A extensão do FCM e do AA originou resultados promissores

    Use of advanced analytics for health estimation and failure prediction in wind turbines

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    Tesi en modalitat de tesi per compendiThe energy sector has undergone drastic changes and critical revolutions in the last few decades. Renewable energy sources have grown significantly, now representing a sizeable share of the energy production mix. Wind energy has seen increasing rate of adoptions, being one of the more convenient and sustainable mean of producing energy. Research and innovation have helped greatly in driving down production and operation costs of wind energy, yet important challenges still remain open. This thesis addresses predictive maintenance and monitoring of wind turbines, aiming to present predictive frameworks designed with the necessities of the industry in mind. More concretely: interpretability, scalability, modularity and reliability of the predictions are the objectives —together with limited data requirements— of this project. Of all the available data at the disposal of wind turbine operators, SCADA is the principal source of information utilized in this research, due to its wide availability and low cost. Ensemble models played an important role in the development of the presented predictive frameworks thanks to their modular nature which allows to combine very diverse algorithms and data types. Important insights gained from these experiments are the beneficial effect of combining multiple and diverse sources of data —for example SCADA and alarms logs—, the easiness of combining different algorithms and indicators, and the noticeable gain in predicting performance that it can provide. Finally, given the central role that SCADA data plays in this thesis, but also in the wind energy industry, a detailed analysis of the limitations and shortcomings of SCADA data is presented. In particular, the ef- fect of data aggregation —a common practice in the wind industry— is determined developing a methodological framework that has been used to study high–frequency SCADA data. This lead to the conclusion that typical aggregation periods, i.e. 5–10 minutes that are the standard in wind energy industry are not able to capture and maintain the information content of fast–changing signals, such as wind and electrical measurements.El sector energètic ha experimentat importants canvis i revolucions en les últimes dècades. Les fonts d’energia renovables han crescut significativament, i ara representen una part important en el conjunt de generació. L’energia eòlica ha augmentat significativament, convertint-se en una de les millors alternatives per produir energia verda. La recerca i la innovació ha ajudat a reduir considerablement els costos de producció i operació de l’energia eòlica, però encara hi ha oberts reptes importants. Aquesta tesi aborda el manteniment predictiu i el seguiment d’aerogeneradors, amb l’objectiu de presentar solucions d’algoritmes de predicció dissenyats tenint en compte les necessitats de la indústria. Més concretament conceptes com, la interpretabilitat, escalabilitat, modularitat i fiabilitat de les prediccions ho són els objectius, juntament amb els requisits limitats per les de dades disponibles d’aquest projecte. De totes les dades disponibles a disposició dels operadors d’aerogeneradors, les dades del sistema SCADA són la principal font d’informació utilitzada en aquest projecte, per la seva àmplia disponibilitat i baix cost. En el present treball, els models de conjunt tenen un paper important en el desenvolupament dels marcs predictius presentats gràcies al seu caràcter modular que permet l’ús d’algoritmes i tipus de dades molt diversos. Resultats importants obtinguts d’aquests experiments són l’efecte beneficiós de combinar múltiples i diverses fonts de dades, per exemple, SCADA i dades d’alarmes, la facilitat de combinar diferents algorismes i indicadors i el notable guany en predir el rendiment que es pot oferir. Finalment, donat el paper central que SCADA l’anàlisi de dades juga en aquesta tesi, però també en la indústria de l’energia eòlica, una anàlisi detallada de la es presenten les limitacions i les mancances de les dades SCADA. En particular es va estudiar l’efecte de l’agregació de dades -una pràctica habitual en la indústria eòlica-. Dins d’aquest treball es proposa un marc metodològic que s’ha utilitzat per estudiar dades SCADA d’alta freqüència. Això va portar a la conclusió que els períodes d’agregació típics, de 5 a 10 minuts que són l’estàndard a la indústria de l’energia eòlica, no són capaços de capturar i mantenir el contingut d’informació de senyals que canvien ràpidament, com ara mesures eòliques i elèctriquesPostprint (published version