20 research outputs found

    Anomaly Detection Based on Sensor Data in Petroleum Industry Applications

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    Anomaly detection is the problem of finding patterns in data that do not conform to an a priori expected behavior. This is related to the problem in which some samples are distant, in terms of a given metric, from the rest of the dataset, where these anomalous samples are indicated as outliers. Anomaly detection has recently attracted the attention of the research community, because of its relevance in real-world applications, like intrusion detection, fraud detection, fault detection and system health monitoring, among many others. Anomalies themselves can have a positive or negative nature, depending on their context and interpretation. However, in either case, it is important for decision makers to be able to detect them in order to take appropriate actions. The petroleum industry is one of the application contexts where these problems are present. The correct detection of such types of unusual information empowers the decision maker with the capacity to act on the system in order to correctly avoid, correct or react to the situations associated with them. In that application context, heavy extraction machines for pumping and generation operations, like turbomachines, are intensively monitored by hundreds of sensors each that send measurements with a high frequency for damage prevention. In this paper, we propose a combination of yet another segmentation algorithm (YASA), a novel fast and high quality segmentation algorithm, with a one-class support vector machine approach for efficient anomaly detection in turbomachines. The proposal is meant for dealing with the aforementioned task and to cope with the lack of labeled training data. As a result, we perform a series of empirical studies comparing our approach to other methods applied to benchmark problems and a real-life application related to oil platform turbomachinery anomaly detection.This work was partially funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development projects CNPq BJT 407851/2012-7 and CNPq PVE 314017/2013-5 and projects MINECO TEC 2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC 2011-28626-C02-02.Publicad

    Detecting Irregular Patterns in IoT Streaming Data for Fall Detection

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    Detecting patterns in real time streaming data has been an interesting and challenging data analytics problem. With the proliferation of a variety of sensor devices, real-time analytics of data from the Internet of Things (IoT) to learn regular and irregular patterns has become an important machine learning problem to enable predictive analytics for automated notification and decision support. In this work, we address the problem of learning an irregular human activity pattern, fall, from streaming IoT data from wearable sensors. We present a deep neural network model for detecting fall based on accelerometer data giving 98.75 percent accuracy using an online physical activity monitoring dataset called "MobiAct", which was published by Vavoulas et al. The initial model was developed using IBM Watson studio and then later transferred and deployed on IBM Cloud with the streaming analytics service supported by IBM Streams for monitoring real-time IoT data. We also present the systems architecture of the real-time fall detection framework that we intend to use with mbientlabs wearable health monitoring sensors for real time patient monitoring at retirement homes or rehabilitation clinics.Comment: 7 page

    A time series distance measure for efficient clustering of input output signals by their underlying dynamics

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    Starting from a dataset with input/output time series generated by multiple deterministic linear dynamical systems, this paper tackles the problem of automatically clustering these time series. We propose an extension to the so-called Martin cepstral distance, that allows to efficiently cluster these time series, and apply it to simulated electrical circuits data. Traditionally, two ways of handling the problem are used. The first class of methods employs a distance measure on time series (e.g. Euclidean, Dynamic Time Warping) and a clustering technique (e.g. k-means, k-medoids, hierarchical clustering) to find natural groups in the dataset. It is, however, often not clear whether these distance measures effectively take into account the specific temporal correlations in these time series. The second class of methods uses the input/output data to identify a dynamic system using an identification scheme, and then applies a model norm-based distance (e.g. H2, H-infinity) to find out which systems are similar. This, however, can be very time consuming for large amounts of long time series data. We show that the new distance measure presented in this paper performs as good as when every input/output pair is modelled explicitly, but remains computationally much less complex. The complexity of calculating this distance between two time series of length N is O(N logN).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, sent in for review to IEEE L-CSS (CDC 2017 option

    Anomaly Detection for Application Log Data

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    In software development, there is an absolute requirement to ensure that a system once developed, functions at its best throughout its lifetime. Application log data is critical to maintaining application performance and thus techniques to parse, understand and detect anomalies in application log data are critical to ensuring efficiency in software development. While initially hampered by limited hardware and lack of quality datasets, anomaly detection techniques have recently received a surge of interest with advancements in machine learning technology and especially neural networks. In this paper, we explore anomaly detection, historical techniques to detect anomalies and recent advancements in neural networks, which promise to revolutionize anomaly detection in application log data. Further, we analyze the most promising anomaly detection techniques and propose a hybrid model combining LSTM Neural Network and Auto Encoder which improves upon existing techniques

    Latent space conditioning for improved classification and anomaly detection

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    We propose a new type of variational autoencoder to perform improved pre-processing for clustering and anomaly detection on data with a given label. Anomalies however are not known or labeled. We call our method conditional latent space variational autonencoder since it separates the latent space by conditioning on information within the data. The method fits one prior distribution to each class in the dataset, effectively expanding the prior distribution to include a Gaussian mixture model. Our approach is compared against the capabilities of a typical variational autoencoder by measuring their V-score during cluster formation with respect to the k-means and EM algorithms. For anomaly detection, we use a new metric composed of the mass-volume and excess-mass curves which can work in an unsupervised setting. We compare the results between established methods such as as isolation forest, local outlier factor and one-class support vector machine