414 research outputs found

    A Review of Rule Learning Based Intrusion Detection Systems and Their Prospects in Smart Grids

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    Digitalization Processes in Distribution Grids: A Comprehensive Review of Strategies and Challenges

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    This systematic review meticulously explores the transformative impact of digital technologies on the grid planning, grid operations, and energy market dynamics of power distribution grids. Utilizing a robust methodological framework, over 54,000 scholarly articles were analyzed to investigate the integration and effects of artificial intelligence, machine learning, optimization, the Internet of Things, and advanced metering infrastructure within these key subsections. The literature was categorized to show how these technologies contribute specifically to grid planning, operation, and market mechanisms. It was found that digitalization significantly enhances grid planning through improved forecasting accuracy and robust infrastructure design. In operations, these technologies enable real-time management and advanced fault detection, thereby enhancing reliability and operational efficiency. Moreover, in the market domain, they support more efficient energy trading and help in achieving regulatory compliance, thus fostering transparent and competitive markets. However, challenges such as data complexity and system integration are identified as critical hurdles that must be overcome to fully harness the potential of smart grid technologies. This review not only highlights the comprehensive benefits but also maps out the interdependencies among the planning, operation, and market strategies, underlining the critical role of digital technologies in advancing sustainable and resilient energy systems

    Improving power theft detection using efficient clustering and ensemble classification

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    One of the main concerns of power generation systems around the world is power theft. This research proposes a framework that merges clustering and classification together in order to power theft detection. Due to the fact that most datasets do not have abnormal samples or are few, we have added abnormal samples to the original datasets using artificial attacks to create balance in the datasets and increase the correct detection rate. We improved the crow search algorithm (CSA) and used the weight feature of Crows to improve performance of clustering phase. Also, to create balance between diversification and intensification, we calculated the awareness probability parameter (AP) dynamically at iterations of the algorithm. To evaluate the performance, we used the cross validation technique have used the stacking technique in its training phase. The results of extensive experiments on three reference datasets showed high performance to detect power theft. The evaluation results showed that if the data is collected correctly and sufficiently, this framework can effectively detect power theft in any actual power grid. Also, for new attacks, if their patterns can be detected from the data, it is easily possible to implement these types of attacks

    Systematic review of energy theft practices and autonomous detection through artificial intelligence methods

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    Energy theft poses a significant challenge for all parties involved in energy distribution, and its detection is crucial for maintaining stable and financially sustainable energy grids. One potential solution for detecting energy theft is through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods. This systematic review article provides an overview of the various methods used by malicious users to steal energy, along with a discussion of the challenges associated with implementing a generalized AI solution for energy theft detection. In this work, we analyze the benefits and limitations of AI methods, including machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks, and relate them to the specific thefts also analyzing problems arising with data collection. The article proposes key aspects of generalized AI solutions for energy theft detection, such as the use of smart meters and the integration of AI algorithms with existing utility systems. Overall, we highlight the potential of AI methods to detect various types of energy theft and emphasize the need for further research to develop more effective and generalized detection systems, providing key aspects of possible generalized solutions

    Review of Non-Technical Losses Identification Techniques

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    Illegally consumption of electric power, termed as non-technical losses for the distribution companies is one of the dominant factors all over the world for many years. Although there are some conventional methods to identify these irregularities, such as physical inspection of meters at the consumer premises etc, but it requires large number of manpower and time; then also it does not seem to be adequate. Now a days there are various methods and algorithms have been developed that are proposed in different research papers, to detect non-technical losses. In this paper these methods are reviewed, their important features are highlighted and also the limitations are identified. Finally, the qualitative comparison of various non-technical losses identification algorithms is presented based on their performance, costs, data handling, quality control and execution times. It can be concluded that the graph-based classifier, Optimum-Path Forest algorithm that have both supervised and unsupervised variants, yields the most accurate result to detect non-technical losses

    A Comprehensive Survey on the Cyber-Security of Smart Grids: Cyber-Attacks, Detection, Countermeasure Techniques, and Future Directions

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    One of the significant challenges that smart grid networks face is cyber-security. Several studies have been conducted to highlight those security challenges. However, the majority of these surveys classify attacks based on the security requirements, confidentiality, integrity, and availability, without taking into consideration the accountability requirement. In addition, some of these surveys focused on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model, which does not differentiate between the application, session, and presentation and the data link and physical layers of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. In this survey paper, we provide a classification of attacks based on the OSI model and discuss in more detail the cyber-attacks that can target the different layers of smart grid networks communication. We also propose new classifications for the detection and countermeasure techniques and describe existing techniques under each category. Finally, we discuss challenges and future research directions

    Attributes of Big Data Analytics for Data-Driven Decision Making in Cyber-Physical Power Systems

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    Big data analytics is a virtually new term in power system terminology. This concept delves into the way a massive volume of data is acquired, processed, analyzed to extract insight from available data. In particular, big data analytics alludes to applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning techniques, data mining techniques, time-series forecasting methods. Decision-makers in power systems have been long plagued by incapability and weakness of classical methods in dealing with large-scale real practical cases due to the existence of thousands or millions of variables, being time-consuming, the requirement of a high computation burden, divergence of results, unjustifiable errors, and poor accuracy of the model. Big data analytics is an ongoing topic, which pinpoints how to extract insights from these large data sets. The extant article has enumerated the applications of big data analytics in future power systems through several layers from grid-scale to local-scale. Big data analytics has many applications in the areas of smart grid implementation, electricity markets, execution of collaborative operation schemes, enhancement of microgrid operation autonomy, management of electric vehicle operations in smart grids, active distribution network control, district hub system management, multi-agent energy systems, electricity theft detection, stability and security assessment by PMUs, and better exploitation of renewable energy sources. The employment of big data analytics entails some prerequisites, such as the proliferation of IoT-enabled devices, easily-accessible cloud space, blockchain, etc. This paper has comprehensively conducted an extensive review of the applications of big data analytics along with the prevailing challenges and solutions

    Proposed algorithm for smart grid DDoS detection based on deep learning

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    The Smart Grid’s objective is to increase the electric grid’s dependability, security, and efficiency through extensive digital information and control technology deployment. As a result, it is necessary to apply real-time analysis and state estimation-based techniques to ensure efficient controls are implemented correctly. These systems are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, posing significant risks to the Smart Grid’s overall availability due to their reliance on communication technology. Therefore, effective intrusion detection algorithms are required to mitigate such attacks. In dealing with these uncertainties, we propose a hybrid deep learning algorithm that focuses on Distributed Denial of Service attacks on the communication infrastructure of the Smart Grid. The proposed algorithm is hybridized by the Convolutional Neural Network and the Gated Recurrent Unit algorithms. Simulations are done using a benchmark cyber security dataset of the Canadian Institute of Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection System. According to the simulation results, the proposed algorithm outperforms the current intrusion detection algorithms, with an overall accuracy rate of 99.7%.© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
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