560,334 research outputs found

    Synthesis of porous silicates

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    The issues of importance and future concern in the synthesis of porous silicates and porous materials that contain a large fraction of silica, e.g. zeolites and other crystalline molecular sieves, are reviewed. The thermodynamics of zeolite synthesis are discussed, including a detailed thermodynamic analysis of the synthesis of pure-silica ZSM-5. The kinetics of porous silicate synthesis are reviewed, with particular emphasis on the control of porous structure formation through the use of organic structure-directing agents. Ordered mesoporous materials are discussed in the context of distinguishing their features from zeolites in order to describe further the unique properties of each class of material. Finally, several unresolved issues in the understanding of the synthesis process are outlined, the resolutions of which would aid in the synthesis of porous silicates by design

    A model for incorporating a clinically-feasible exercise test in paraplegic annual reviews : a tool for stratified cardiopulmonary stress performance classification and monitoring

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    To identify and characterize an exercise test for use in routine spinal cord injury clinical review, and (ii) to describe levels of, and factors affecting, cardiopulmonary stress performance during exercise in the chronic paraplegic population in Scotland, UK. Cross-sectional study Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit (Glasgow, Scotland) 48 subjects with chronic paraplegia resulting from spinal cord injury at neurological levels T2-L2 Peak oxygen uptake, peak power output, gas exchange threshold and peak heart rate were determined from an incremental arm-cranking exercise test. Using a general linear model, the effects of gender, high (injury level above T6) versus low paraplegia, time since injury, body mass and age on peak oxygen uptake and peak power output were investigated. All 48 subjects completed the arm-cranking exercise test, which was shown to be practical for fitness screening in paraplegia. Men (n=38) had a peak oxygen uptake of 1.302 +/- 0.326 l.min-1 (mean +/- s.d.) and peak power output of 81.6 +/- 23.2W, which was significantly higher than for women (n=10), at 0.832 +/- 0.277 l.min-1 and 50.1 +/- 27.8 W, respectively. There was large intersubject variability in cardiopulmonary performance during arm-cranking exercise testing, but the overall mean for the Scottish population was lower than reference values from other countries. Arm-cranking exercise tests are feasible in the clinical environment. The motivation for their implementation is threefold: (i) to determine cardiopulmonary stress performance of individual paraplegic patients, (ii) to stratify patients into cardiovascular risk categories, and (iii) to monitor the effects of targeted exercise prescription

    State of the Art in the Optimisation of Wind Turbine Performance Using CFD

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    Wind energy has received increasing attention in recent years due to its sustainability and geographically wide availability. The efficiency of wind energy utilisation highly depends on the performance of wind turbines, which convert the kinetic energy in wind into electrical energy. In order to optimise wind turbine performance and reduce the cost of next-generation wind turbines, it is crucial to have a view of the state of the art in the key aspects on the performance optimisation of wind turbines using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which has attracted enormous interest in the development of next-generation wind turbines in recent years. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art progress on optimisation of wind turbine performance using CFD, reviewing the objective functions to judge the performance of wind turbine, CFD approaches applied in the simulation of wind turbines and optimisation algorithms for wind turbine performance. This paper has been written for both researchers new to this research area by summarising underlying theory whilst presenting a comprehensive review on the up-to-date studies, and experts in the field of study by collecting a comprehensive list of related references where the details of computational methods that have been employed lately can be obtained

    Fluid mechanics of waste water disposal in the ocean

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    Outfall pipes into the ocean are analogous to chimneys in the atmosphere: they are each intended for returning contaminated fluids to the environment in a way that promotes adequate transport and dispersion of the waste fluids. A waste-water treatment plant and an adjoining outfall constitute a system for environmental control; it is practically never feasible to provide such complete treatment that an outfall is not necessary, nor is it common to depend entirely on an outfall with no treatment. Although outfalls and chimneys are functionally similar, there are important differences in their relationships to the coastal waters and atmosphere respectively. Urban and industrial areas, generating waste water, are located along the shallow edge of the ocean, with often tens or even hundreds of kilometers of continental shelf between the shoreline and the deep ocean. The bottom slope on the shelf is typically less than one percent. Thus outfalls extending several kilometers offshore discharge into a body of water of large lateral extent compared to the depth, and are still remote from the main body of ocean water. In contrast, most atmospheric contaminants are introduced at the base of the atmosphere and circulate throughout the whole atmosphere much more readily. Vertical convection mixes the troposphere rapidly in most places and the wind systems circulate the air around the globe in a matter of weeks. Outfalls and chimneys are useful in reducing pollutant concentrations only locally. Far away from the sources, it makes little difference how the pollutants are discharged. The decay times of the pollutants are important in the choice of effective discharge strategies. For example, the problems of very persistent contaminants such as DDT cannot be alleviated by dispersion from an outfall; such pollutants must be intercepted at the source and prevented from entering the environment. On the other hand, degradable organic wastes, as in domestic sewage, may be effectively disposed of through a good ocean outfall. Since the decay time is only a few days, potential problems are only local, and not regional or global

    Pretreatment Processes of Biomass for Biorefineries: Current Status and Prospects

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    Producción CientíficaThis article seeks to be a handy document for the academy and the industry to get quickly up to speed on the current status and prospects of biomass pretreatment for biorefineries. It is divided into two biomass sources: vegetal and animal. Vegetal biomass is the material produced by plants on land or in water (algae), consuming sunlight, CO2, water, and soil nutrients. This includes residues or main products from, for example, intensive grass crops, forestry, and industrial and agricultural activities. Animal biomass is the residual biomass generated from the production of food from animals (e.g., manure and whey). This review does not mean to include every technology in the area, but it does evaluate physical pretreatments, microwave-assisted extraction, and water treatments for vegetal biomass. A general review is given for animal biomass based in physical, chemical, and biological pretreatments

    Physiological Aspects of Genetics

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    The biological sciences appear to be in the midst of a period of unprecedented progress. An important salient in the advance is the general recognition of the significance of genes in the economy of the organism. The change is largely one in point of view. Many biologists have for a long time appreciated the basic nature of the gene and its role in development and function, but these relatively enlightened individuals have for the most part belonged to a small group of specialists that has tended to remain in isolation. The restraining fences are now being broken down with gratifying rapidity. Biochemists have begun to think in terms of genes because it has been demonstrated to them not only that the chemical reactions which make up living systems are under the fairly immediate supervision of these units of inheritance, but also that genetics provides a powerful tool with which a great deal can be learned about metabolic systems. In bacteriology, too, one sees the effects of an altered point of view toward genetics. Only a few years ago a bacteriologist who so much as raised the question of the existence of genes in bacteria was regarded as a renegade and heretic by his more orthodox fellowmen. It has now become acceptable to speak of bacterial genes; in fact, a recognized field of bacterial genetics has grown up almost over night (l)

    State Hospital Rate-Setting Revisited

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    Reviews the impact of seven states' past regulation of hospital payments on state hospital cost increases. Considers how methods and enforcement capacities influence the effectiveness of rate-setting as well as implications for national healthcare reform

    Impact of alcohol consumption on young people : a review of reviews

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