2 research outputs found

    On Tao's "finitary" infinite pigeonhole principle

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    In 2007, Terence Tao wrote on his blog an essay about soft analysis, hard analysis and the finitization of soft analysis statements into hard analysis statements. One of his main examples was a quasi-finitization of the infinite pigeonhole principle IPP, arriving at the "finitary" infinite pigeonhole principle FIPP1. That turned out to not be the proper formulation and so we proposed an alternative version FIPP2. Tao himself formulated yet another version FIPP3 in a revised version of his essay. We give a counterexample to FIPP1 and discuss for both of the versions FIPP2 and FIPP3 the faithfulness of their respective finitization of IPP by studying the equivalences IPP FIPP2 and IPP FIPP3 in the context of reverse mathematics. In the process of doing this we also introduce a continuous uniform boundedness principle CUB as a formalization of Tao's notion of a correspondence principle and study the strength of this principle and various restrictions thereof in terms of reverse mathematics, i.e., in terms of the "big five" subsystems of second order arithmetic

    Algebraic Analysis of some Classes of Fuzzy Ordered Structures

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    Neka je A neprazan skup  i ℒ = (L, ≤) proizvoljna mreža sa nulom i jedinicom. Svako preslikavanje µ: A → L zovemo rasplinuti podskup od A. U ovoj tezi proučavali smo rasplinute posete i relacije rasplinutog poretka. Uveli smo neke nove pojmove: rasplinuta uređena grupa, rasplinuti pozitivan konus, rasplinuti negativan konus, rasplinuta mrežno uređena grupa. Posmatrajući strukturu svih relacija slabog rasplinutog poretka koje su podskup klasične relacije poretka ≤ , došli smo do zaključka da ova struktura predstavlja kompletnu mrežu. Takođe, važan zadatak je bio da ispitamo egzistenciju rasplinute mrežno uređene podgrupe l –uređene grupe koja nije linearno uređena. Bitan rezultat je rasplinuta mrežno uređena podgrupa date mrežno uređene grupe G, koja je konstruisana pomoću mreže svih kompleksnih l –podgrupa od G.Let A be a nonempty set, and let ℒ = (L, ≤) be a lattice with 0 and 1. The mapping: µ: A → L is called a fuzzy subset of A. In this work we investigated fuzzy posets and fuzzy ordering relations. We introduced some new notions: fuzzy ordered groups, fuzzy positive cone, fuzzy negative cone, fuzzy lattice ordered group. Considering a structure of all weak fuzzy orderings contained in the crisp order ≤, we concluded that this structure represents a complete lattice. Also, an important task was to investigate the existence of a fuzzy lattice ordered subgroup of an l–ordered group which is not linearly ordered. A main result is a fuzzy lattice ordered subgroup of a given lattice ordered group G, which is constructed by the lattice of all convex l-subgroups of G