43,313 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Conchoid and Offset Processing Maple Packages

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    Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence presents a range of topics of concern to scholars applying quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to diverse areas of Artificial Intelligence, from decision support, automated deduction, and reasoning, to knowledge-based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics and planning

    Leo Breiman

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    Statistics is a uniquely difficult field to convey to the uninitiated. It sits astride the abstract and the concrete, the theoretical and the applied. It has a mathematical flavor and yet it is not simply a branch of mathematics. Its core problems blend into those of the disciplines that probe into the nature of intelligence and thought, in particular philosophy, psychology and artificial intelligence. Debates over foundational issues have waxed and waned, but the field has not yet arrived at a single foundational perspective.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS387 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Automated Generation of Geometric Theorems from Images of Diagrams

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    We propose an approach to generate geometric theorems from electronic images of diagrams automatically. The approach makes use of techniques of Hough transform to recognize geometric objects and their labels and of numeric verification to mine basic geometric relations. Candidate propositions are generated from the retrieved information by using six strategies and geometric theorems are obtained from the candidates via algebraic computation. Experiments with a preliminary implementation illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach for generating nontrivial theorems from images of diagrams. This work demonstrates the feasibility of automated discovery of profound geometric knowledge from simple image data and has potential applications in geometric knowledge management and education.Comment: 31 pages. Submitted to Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (special issue on Geometric Reasoning

    Algorithm Portfolios for Noisy Optimization

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    Noisy optimization is the optimization of objective functions corrupted by noise. A portfolio of solvers is a set of solvers equipped with an algorithm selection tool for distributing the computational power among them. Portfolios are widely and successfully used in combinatorial optimization. In this work, we study portfolios of noisy optimization solvers. We obtain mathematically proved performance (in the sense that the portfolio performs nearly as well as the best of its solvers) by an ad hoc portfolio algorithm dedicated to noisy optimization. A somehow surprising result is that it is better to compare solvers with some lag, i.e., propose the current recommendation of best solver based on their performance earlier in the run. An additional finding is a principled method for distributing the computational power among solvers in the portfolio.Comment: in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, 201

    Solving morphological analogies: from retrieval to generation

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    Analogical inference is a remarkable capability of human reasoning, and has been used to solve hard reasoning tasks. Analogy based reasoning (AR) has gained increasing interest from the artificial intelligence community and has shown its potential in multiple machine learning tasks such as classification, decision making and recommendation with competitive results. We propose a deep learning (DL) framework to address and tackle two key tasks in AR: analogy detection and solving. The framework is thoroughly tested on the Siganalogies dataset of morphological analogical proportions (APs) between words, and shown to outperform symbolic approaches in many languages. Previous work have explored the behavior of the Analogy Neural Network for classification (ANNc) on analogy detection and of the Analogy Neural Network for retrieval (ANNr) on analogy solving by retrieval, as well as the potential of an autoencoder (AE) for analogy solving by generating the solution word. In this article we summarize these findings and we extend them by combining ANNr and the AE embedding model, and checking the performance of ANNc as an retrieval method. The combination of ANNr and AE outperforms the other approaches in almost all cases, and ANNc as a retrieval method achieves competitive or better performance than 3CosMul. We conclude with general guidelines on using our framework to tackle APs with DL.Comment: Preprint submitted to Springer special Issue in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: Mathematical Foundations of analogical reasoning and application

    The prospects for mathematical logic in the twenty-first century

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    The four authors present their speculations about the future developments of mathematical logic in the twenty-first century. The areas of recursion theory, proof theory and logic for computer science, model theory, and set theory are discussed independently.Comment: Association for Symbolic Logi