13 research outputs found

    Mesh adaptivity for quasi-static phase-field fractures based on a residual-type a posteriori error estimator

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    In this work, we consider adaptive mesh refinement for a monolithic phase-field description for fractures in brittle materials. Our approach is based on an a posteriori error estimator for the phase-field variational inequality realizing the fracture irreversibility constraint. The key goal is the development of a reliable and efficient residual-type error estimator for the phase-field fracture model in each time-step. Based on this error estimator, error indicators for local mesh adaptivity are extracted. The proposed estimator is based on a technique known for singularly perturbed equations in combination with estimators for variational inequalities. These theoretical developments are used to formulate an adaptive mesh refinement algorithm. For the numerical solution, the fracture irreversibility is imposed using a Lagrange multiplier. The resulting saddle-point system has three unknowns: displacements, phase-field, and a Lagrange multiplier for the crack irreversibility. Several numerical experiments demonstrate our theoretical findings with the newly developed estimators and the corresponding refinement strategy.Comment: This is the preprint version of an accepted article to be published in the GAMM-Mitteilungen 2019. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1522260

    Some symmetric boundary value problems and non-symmetric solutions

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    We consider the equation −Delta u = wf â€Č(u) on a symmetric bounded domain in Rn with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Here w is a positive function or measure that is invariant under the (Euclidean) symmetries of the domain. We focus on solutions u that are positive and/or have a low Morse index. Our results are concerned with the existence of non-symmetric solutions and the non-existence of symmetric solutions. In particular, we construct a solution u for the disk in R2 that has index 2 and whose modulus |u| has only one reflection symmetry. We also provide a corrected proof of [12, Theorem 1]

    Γ\Gamma-convergence for high order phase field fracture: continuum and isogeometric formulations

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    We consider second order phase field functionals, in the continuum setting, and their discretization with isogeometric tensor product B-splines. We prove that these functionals, continuum and discrete, Γ\Gamma-converge to a brittle fracture energy, defined in the space GSBD2GSBD^2. In particular, in the isogeometric setting, since the projection operator is not Lagrangian (i.e., interpolatory) a special construction is needed in order to guarantee that recovery sequences take values in [0,1][0,1]; convergence holds, as expected, if h=o(Δ)h = o (\varepsilon), being hh the size of the physical mesh and Δ\varepsilon the internal length in the phase field energy

    A combined finite element–finite volume framework for phase-field fracture

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    Numerical simulations of brittle fracture using phase-field approaches often employ a discrete approximation framework that applies the same order of interpolation for the displacement and phase-field variables. In particular, the use of linear finite elements to discretize both stress equilibrium and phase-field equations is widespread in the literature. However, the use of Lagrange shape functions to model the phase-field is not optimal, as the latter contains cusps for fully developed cracks. These should in turn occur at locations corresponding to Gauss points of the associated FE model for the mechanics. Such a feature is challenging to reproduce accurately with low order elements, and element sizes must consequently be made very small relative to the phase-field regularization parameter in order to achieve convergence of results with respect to the mesh. In this paper, we combine a standard linear FE discretization of stress equilibrium with a cell-centered finite volume approximation of the phase-field evolution equation based on the two-point flux approximation constructed over the same simplex mesh. Compared to a pure FE formulation utilizing linear elements, the proposed framework results in looser restrictions on mesh refinement with respect to the phase-field length scale. This ability to employ coarser meshes relative to the traditional implementation allows for significant reductions on computational cost, as demonstrated in several numerical examples.publishedVersio

    The Benefits of Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Brittle Fractures Under Plane-Strain Conditions

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    AbstractWe develop a reliable a posteriori anisotropic first order estimator for the numerical simulation of the Francfort and Marigo model of brittle fracture, after its approximation by means of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli variational model. We show that an adaptive algorithm based on this estimator reproduces all the previously ob-tained well-known benchmarks on fracture development with particular attention to the fracture directionality. Additionally, we explain why our method, based on an extremely careful tuning of the anisotropic adaptation, has the potential of out-performing significantly in terms of numerical complexity the ones used to achieve similar degrees of accuracy in previous studies.

    Stochastic phase-field modeling of brittle fracture: computing multiple crack patterns and their probabilities

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    In variational phase-field modeling of brittle fracture, the functional to be minimized is not convex, so that the necessary stationarity conditions of the functional may admit multiple solutions. The solution obtained in an actual computation is typically one out of several local minimizers. Evidence of multiple solutions induced by small perturbations of numerical or physical parameters was occasionally recorded but not explicitly investigated in the literature. In this work, we focus on this issue and advocate a paradigm shift, away from the search for one particular solution towards the simultaneous description of all possible solutions (local minimizers), along with the probabilities of their occurrence. Inspired by recent approaches advocating measure-valued solutions (Young measures as well as their generalization to statistical solutions) and their numerical approximations in fluid mechanics, we propose the stochastic relaxation of the variational brittle fracture problem through random perturbations of the functional. We introduce the concept of stochastic solution, with the main advantage that point-to-point correlations of the crack phase fields in the underlying domain can be captured. These stochastic solutions are represented by random fields or random variables with values in the classical deterministic solution spaces. In the numerical experiments, we use a simple Monte Carlo approach to compute approximations to such stochastic solutions. The final result of the computation is not a single crack pattern, but rather several possible crack patterns and their probabilities. The stochastic solution framework using evolving random fields allows additionally the interesting possibility of conditioning the probabilities of further crack paths on intermediate crack patterns

    A Dimension-Reduction Model for Brittle Fractures on Thin Shells with Mesh Adaptivity

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    In this paper we derive a new two-dimensional brittle fracture model for thin shells via dimension reduction, where the admissible displacements are only normal to the shell surface. The main steps include to endow the shell with a small thickness, to express the three-dimensional energy in terms of the variational model of brittle fracture in linear elasticity, and to study the Γ\Gamma-limit of the functional as the thickness tends to zero. The numerical discretization is tackled by first approximating the fracture through a phase field, following an Ambrosio-Tortorelli like approach, and then resorting to an alternating minimization procedure, where the irreversibility of the crack propagation is rigorously imposed via an inequality constraint. The minimization is enriched with an anisotropic mesh adaptation driven by an a posteriori error estimator, which allows us to sharply track the whole crack path by optimizing the shape, the size, and the orientation of the mesh elements. Finally, the overall algorithm is successfully assessed on two Riemannian settings and proves not to bias the crack propagation