2,800 research outputs found

    Anisotropic geometry-conforming d-simplicial meshing via isometric embeddings

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    We develop a dimension-independent, Delaunay-based anisotropic mesh generation algorithm suitable for integration with adaptive numerical solvers. As such, the mesh produced by our algorithm conforms to an anisotropic metric prescribed by the solver as well as the domain geometry, given as a piecewise smooth complex. Motivated by the work of Lévy and Dassi [10-12,20], we use a discrete manifold embedding algorithm to transform the anisotropic problem to a uniform one. This work differs from previous approaches in several ways. First, the embedding algorithm is driven by a Riemannian metric field instead of the Gauss map, lending itself to general anisotropic mesh generation problems. Second we describe our method for computing restricted Voronoi diagrams in a dimension-independent manner which is used to compute constrained centroidal Voronoi tessellations. In particular, we compute restricted Voronoi simplices using exact arithmetic and use data structures based on convex polytope theory. Finally, since adaptive solvers require geometry-conforming meshes, we offer a Steiner vertex insertion algorithm for ensuring the extracted dual Delaunay triangulation is homeomorphic to the input geometries. The two major contributions of this paper are: a method for isometrically embedding arbitrary mesh-metric pairs in higher dimensional Euclidean spaces and a dimension-independent vertex insertion algorithm for producing geometry-conforming Delaunay meshes. The former is demonstrated on a two-dimensional anisotropic problem whereas the latter is demonstrated on both 3d and 4d problems. Keywords: Anisotropic mesh generation; metric; Nash embedding theorem; isometric; geometry-conforming; restricted Voronoi diagram; constrained centroidal Voronoi tessellation; Steiner vertices; dimension-independen

    Parallel Two-Dimensional Unstructured Anisotropic Delaunay Mesh Generation for Aerospace Applications

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    A bottom-up approach to parallel anisotropic mesh generation is presented by building a mesh generator from the principles of point-insertion, triangulation, and Delaunay refinement. Applications focusing on high-lift design or dynamic stall, or numerical methods and modeling test cases focus on two-dimensional domains. This push-button parallel mesh generation approach can generate high-fidelity unstructured meshes with anisotropic boundary layers for use in the computational fluid dynamics field

    Mesh generation for large-scale and complex computational simulation.

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    This thesis presents work in the area of mesh generation for large scale and complex computational simulation. The work covers two areas of great interest within the field of mesh generation; anisotropic mesh generation and parallel large scale mesh generation. Examples of anisotropic Delaunay mesh generation are presented with application to fluid dynamics and computational electromagnetic scattering simulations. Results are shown with reference to simulation accuracy and computational efficiency. Research into parallel mesh generation is presented and a method of parallel Delaunay mesh generation suitable for use on distributed and shared memory parallel computers is described. Results are shown with reference to computational efficiency, memory usage and finale mesh quality. Examples of meshes generated in parallel are shown for both computational fluid dynamics simulations on simple aeronautical geometries to full aircraft and computational electromagnetic scattering simulations on full aircraft. The meshes range in size from a few thousand tetrahedral elements to a mesh for a computational electromagnetic simulation containing approximately one billion tetrahedral elements

    Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Image Representation

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    Triangular meshes have gained much interest in image representation and have been widely used in image processing. This paper introduces a framework of anisotropic mesh adaptation (AMA) methods to image representation and proposes a GPRAMA method that is based on AMA and greedy-point removal (GPR) scheme. Different than many other methods that triangulate sample points to form the mesh, the AMA methods start directly with a triangular mesh and then adapt the mesh based on a user-defined metric tensor to represent the image. The AMA methods have clear mathematical framework and provides flexibility for both image representation and image reconstruction. A mesh patching technique is developed for the implementation of the GPRAMA method, which leads to an improved version of the popular GPRFS-ED method. The GPRAMA method can achieve better quality than the GPRFS-ED method but with lower computational cost.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    An anisotropic mesh adaptation method for the finite element solution of heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems

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    Heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems arise in the various areas of science and engineering including plasma physics, petroleum engineering, and image processing. Standard numerical methods can produce spurious oscillations when they are used to solve those problems. A common approach to avoid this difficulty is to design a proper numerical scheme and/or a proper mesh so that the numerical solution validates the discrete counterpart (DMP) of the maximum principle satisfied by the continuous solution. A well known mesh condition for the DMP satisfaction by the linear finite element solution of isotropic diffusion problems is the non-obtuse angle condition that requires the dihedral angles of mesh elements to be non-obtuse. In this paper, a generalization of the condition, the so-called anisotropic non-obtuse angle condition, is developed for the finite element solution of heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems. The new condition is essentially the same as the existing one except that the dihedral angles are now measured in a metric depending on the diffusion matrix of the underlying problem. Several variants of the new condition are obtained. Based on one of them, two metric tensors for use in anisotropic mesh generation are developed to account for DMP satisfaction and the combination of DMP satisfaction and mesh adaptivity. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the features of the linear finite element method for anisotropic meshes generated with the metric tensors.Comment: 34 page