411 research outputs found


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    The mobile telecommunication industry is growing at a phenomenal rate. On a daily basis, there are continuous inflow of mobile users and sophisticated devices into the mobile network. This has triggered a meteoric rise in mobile traffic; forcing network operators to embark on a series of projects to increase the capacity and coverage of mobile networks in line with growing traffic demands. A corollary to this development is the momentous rise in energy bills for mobile operators and the emission of a significant amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. This has become worrisome to the extent that regulatory bodies and environmentalist are calling for the adoption of more “green operation” to curtail these challenges. Green communication is an all-inclusive approach that champions the cause of overall network improvement, reduction in energy consumption and mitigation of carbon emission. The emergence of Heterogeneous network came as a means of fulfilling the vision of Green communication. Heterogeneous network is a blend of low power node overlaid on Macrocell to offload traffic from the Macrocell and enhance quality of service of cell edge users. Heterogeneous network seeks to boost the performance of LTE-Advanced beyond its present limit, and at the same time, reduce energy consumption in mobile wireless network. In this thesis, we explore the potential of heterogeneous network in enhancing the energy efficiency of mobile wireless network. Simulation process sees the use of a co-deployment of Macrocell and Picocell in cluster (Hot spot) and normal scenario. Finally, we compared the performance of each scenario using Cell Energy Efficiency and the Area Energy Efficiency as our performance metricfi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Allocation of Communication and Computation Resources in Mobile Networks

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    Konvergence komunikačních a výpočetních technologií vedlo k vzniku Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). MEC poskytuje výpočetní výkon na tzv. hraně mobilních sítí (základnové stanice, jádro mobilní sítě), který lze využít pro optimalizaci mobilních sítí v reálném čase. Optimalizacev reálném čase je umožněna díky nízkému komunikačnímu zpoždění například v porovnání s Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Optimalizace mobilních sítí vyžaduje informace o mobilní síti od uživatelských zařízeních, avšak sběr těchto informací využívá komunikační prostředky, které jsou využívány i pro přenos uživatelských dat. Zvyšující se počet uživatelských zařízení, senzorů a taktéž komunikace vozidel tvoří překážku pro sběr informací o mobilních sítích z důvodu omezeného množství komunikačních prostředků. Tudíž je nutné navrhnout řešení, která umožní sběr těchto informací pro potřeby optimalizace mobilních sítí. V této práci je navrženo řešení pro komunikaci vysokého počtu zařízeních, které je postaveno na využití přímé komunikace mezi zařízeními. Pro motivování uživatelů, pro využití přeposílání dat pomocí přímé komunikace mezi uživateli je navrženo přidělování komunikačních prostředků jenž vede na přirozenou spolupráci uživatelů. Dále je provedena analýza spotřeby energie při využití přeposílání dat pomocí přímé komunikace mezi uživateli pro ukázání jejích výhod z pohledu spotřeby energie. Pro další zvýšení počtu komunikujících zařízení je využito mobilních létajících základových stanic (FlyBS). Pro nasazení FlyBS je navržen algoritmus, který hledá pozici FlyBS a asociaci uživatel k FlyBS pro zvýšení spokojenosti uživatelů s poskytovanými datovými propustnostmi. MEC lze využít nejen pro optimalizaci mobilních sítí z pohledu mobilních operátorů, ale taktéž uživateli mobilních sítí. Tito uživatelé mohou využít MEC pro přenost výpočetně náročných úloh z jejich mobilních zařízeních do MEC. Z důvodu mobility uživatel je nutné nalézt vhodně přidělení komunikačních a výpočetních prostředků pro uspokojení uživatelských požadavků. Tudíž je navržen algorithmus pro výběr komunikační cesty mezi uživatelem a MEC, jenž je posléze rozšířen o přidělování výpočetných prostředků společně s komunikačními prostředky. Navržené řešení vede k snížení komunikačního zpoždění o desítky procent.The convergence of communication and computing in the mobile networks has led to an introduction of the Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). The MEC combines communication and computing resources at the edge of the mobile network and provides an option to optimize the mobile network in real-time. This is possible due to close proximity of the computation resources in terms of communication delay, in comparison to the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). The optimization of the mobile networks requires information about the mobile network and User Equipment (UE). Such information, however, consumes a significant amount of communication resources. The finite communication resources along with the ever increasing number of the UEs and other devices, such as sensors, vehicles pose an obstacle for collecting the required information. Therefore, it is necessary to provide solutions to enable the collection of the required mobile network information from the UEs for the purposes of the mobile network optimization. In this thesis, a solution to enable communication of a large number of devices, exploiting Device-to-Device (D2D) communication for data relaying, is proposed. To motivate the UEs to relay data of other UEs, we propose a resource allocation algorithm that leads to a natural cooperation of the UEs. To show, that the relaying is not only beneficial from the perspective of an increased number of UEs, we provide an analysis of the energy consumed by the D2D communication. To further increase the number of the UEs we exploit a recent concept of the flying base stations (FlyBSs), and we develop a joint algorithm for a positioning of the FlyBS and an association of the UEs to increase the UEs satisfaction with the provided data rates. The MEC can be exploited not only for processing of the collected data to optimize the mobile networks, but also by the mobile users. The mobile users can exploit the MEC for the computation offloading, i.e., transferring the computation from their UEs to the MEC. However, due to the inherent mobility of the UEs, it is necessary to determine communication and computation resource allocation in order to satisfy the UEs requirements. Therefore, we first propose a solution for a selection of the communication path between the UEs and the MEC (communication resource allocation). Then, we also design an algorithm for joint communication and computation resource allocation. The proposed solution then lead to a reduction in the computation offloading delay by tens of percent

    Direct communication radio Iinterface for new radio multicasting and cooperative positioning

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    Cotutela: Universidad de defensa UNIVERSITA’ MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIARecently, the popularity of Millimeter Wave (mmWave) wireless networks has increased due to their capability to cope with the escalation of mobile data demands caused by the unprecedented proliferation of smart devices in the fifth-generation (5G). Extremely high frequency or mmWave band is a fundamental pillar in the provision of the expected gigabit data rates. Hence, according to both academic and industrial communities, mmWave technology, e.g., 5G New Radio (NR) and WiGig (60 GHz), is considered as one of the main components of 5G and beyond networks. Particularly, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) provides for the use of licensed mmWave sub-bands for the 5G mmWave cellular networks, whereas IEEE actively explores the unlicensed band at 60 GHz for the next-generation wireless local area networks. In this regard, mmWave has been envisaged as a new technology layout for real-time heavy-traffic and wearable applications. This very work is devoted to solving the problem of mmWave band communication system while enhancing its advantages through utilizing the direct communication radio interface for NR multicasting, cooperative positioning, and mission-critical applications. The main contributions presented in this work include: (i) a set of mathematical frameworks and simulation tools to characterize multicast traffic delivery in mmWave directional systems; (ii) sidelink relaying concept exploitation to deal with the channel condition deterioration of dynamic multicast systems and to ensure mission-critical and ultra-reliable low-latency communications; (iii) cooperative positioning techniques analysis for enhancing cellular positioning accuracy for 5G+ emerging applications that require not only improved communication characteristics but also precise localization. Our study indicates the need for additional mechanisms/research that can be utilized: (i) to further improve multicasting performance in 5G/6G systems; (ii) to investigate sideline aspects, including, but not limited to, standardization perspective and the next relay selection strategies; and (iii) to design cooperative positioning systems based on Device-to-Device (D2D) technology

    Television White Space Based Broadband Network’s Coverage and CAPEX Performance for Rural Areas Connectivity in Tanzania

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    This study compared the CAPEX requirements for a television white space (TVWS) based broadband network and that of deploying the UMTS based mobile broadband networks to deliver broadband connectivity in areas with sparse population which characterize most of Tanzania rural. Like many developing countries, Tanzania has low Internet penetration, with penetration of just over 46% when multiple subscriptions are taken into account. The affected communities are mostly rural due to low population densities which make deployment of the mobile broadband to be much expensive in terms of costs. This limits the economic development potential in these areas given that the broadband connectivity and services is a key driver for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR or Industry 4.0) and modern digital economy. Comparative between the coverage capability of the TVWS and UMTS family of standards by considering the number of base transceiver stations (BTS) is conducted to cover a specific geographic area for three different radio operating environments namely hilly, undulating and flat terrain landscapes. The broadband connectivity data rate is defined at the receiver rate of 2 Mbps or above, and used to determine the number of BTS required for the two technologies. Results show that introducing the TVWS as a middle mile solution, cuts the number of UMTS BTS required to serve the same population by 68%, 66.7%, and 75% for the three canonical environments respectively

    Long Term Evolution-Advanced and Future Machine-to-Machine Communication

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    Long Term Evolution (LTE) has adopted Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) as the downlink and uplink transmission schemes respectively. Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning is one of the primary objectives of wireless network operators. In LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), several additional new features such as Carrier Aggregation (CA) and Relay Nodes (RNs) have been introduced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). These features have been designed to deal with the ever increasing demands for higher data rates and spectral efficiency. The RN is a low power and low cost device designed for extending the coverage and enhancing spectral efficiency, especially at the cell edge. Wireless networks are facing a new challenge emerging on the horizon, the expected surge of the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) traffic in cellular and mobile networks. The costs and sizes of the M2M devices with integrated sensors, network interfaces and enhanced power capabilities have decreased significantly in recent years. Therefore, it is anticipated that M2M devices might outnumber conventional mobile devices in the near future. 3GPP standards like LTE-A have primarily been developed for broadband data services with mobility support. However, M2M applications are mostly based on narrowband traffic. These standards may not achieve overall spectrum and cost efficiency if they are utilized for serving the M2M applications. The main goal of this thesis is to take the advantage of the low cost, low power and small size of RNs for integrating M2M traffic into LTE-A networks. A new RN design is presented for aggregating and multiplexing M2M traffic at the RN before transmission over the air interface (Un interface) to the base station called eNodeB. The data packets of the M2M devices are sent to the RN over the Uu interface. Packets from different devices are aggregated at the Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) layer of the Donor eNodeB (DeNB) into a single large IP packet instead of several small IP packets. Therefore, the amount of overhead data can be significantly reduced. The proposed concept has been developed in the LTE-A network simulator to illustrate the benefits and advantages of the M2M traffic aggregation and multiplexing at the RN. The potential gains of RNs such as coverage enhancement, multiplexing gain, end-to-end delay performance etc. are illustrated with help of simulation results. The results indicate that the proposed concept improves the performance of the LTE-A network with M2M traffic. The adverse impact of M2M traffic on regular LTE-A traffic such as voice and file transfer is minimized. Furthermore, the cell edge throughput and QoS performance are enhanced. Moreover, the results are validated with the help of an analytical model