13 research outputs found

    Micro Sensor Node for Air Pollutant Monitoring: Hardware and Software Issues

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    Wireless sensor networks equipped with various gas sensors have been actively used for air quality monitoring. Previous studies have typically explored system issues that include middleware or networking performance, but most research has barely considered the details of the hardware and software of the sensor node itself. In this paper, we focus on the design and implementation of a sensor board for air pollutant monitoring applications. Several hardware and software issues are discussed to explore the possibilities of a practical WSN-based air pollution monitoring system. Through extensive experiments and evaluation, we have determined the various characteristics of the gas sensors and their practical implications for air pollutant monitoring systems

    Random vs. Deterministic Deployment of Sensors in the Presence of Failures and Placement Errors

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    Abstract—Although random deployment is widely used in theoretical analysis of coverage and connectivity, and evaluation of various algorithms (e.g., sleep-wakeup), it has often been considered too expensive as compared to optimal deterministic deployment patterns when deploying sensors in real-life. Roughly speaking, a factor of log n additional sensors are needed in random deployment as compared to optimal deterministic de-ployment if n sensors are needed in a random deployment. This may be an illusion however, since all real-life large-scale deployments strategies result in some randomness, two prime sources being placement errors and sensor failures, either at the time of deployment or afterwards. In this paper, we consider the effects of placement errors and random failures on the density needed to achieve full coverage when sensors are deployed randomly versus deterministically. We compare three popular strategies for deployment. In the first strategy, sensors are deployed in an optimal lattice but enough sensors are colocated at each lattice point to compensate for failure and placement errors. In the second, only one sensor is deployed at each lattice point but lattice spacing is sufficiently shrunk to achieve a desired quality of coverage in the presence of failure and placement errors. In the third, a random deployment is used with appropriate density. We derive explicit expressions for the density needed for each of the three strategies to achieve a given quality of coverage, which are of independent interest. In comparing the three deployments, we find that if errors in placement are half the sensing range and failure probability is 50%, random deployment needs only around 10 % higher density to provide a similar quality of coverage as the other two. We provide a comprehensive comparison to help a practitioner decide the lowest cost deployment strategy in real-life. I

    Trio: enabling sustainable and scalable outdoor wireless sensor network deployments

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    Design and Field Test of a WSN Platform Prototype for Long-Term Environmental Monitoring

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    Long-term wildfire monitoring using distributed in situ temperature sensors is an accurate, yet demanding environmental monitoring application, which requires long-life, low-maintenance, low-cost sensors and a simple, fast, error-proof deployment procedure. We present in this paper the most important design considerations and optimizations of all elements of a low-cost WSN platform prototype for long-term, low-maintenance pervasive wildfire monitoring, its preparation for a nearly three-month field test, the analysis of the causes of failure during the test and the lessons learned for platform improvement. The main components of the total cost of the platform (nodes, deployment and maintenance) are carefully analyzed and optimized for this application. The gateways are designed to operate with resources that are generally used for sensor nodes, while the requirements and cost of the sensor nodes are significantly lower. We define and test in simulation and in the field experiment a simple, but effective communication protocol for this application. It helps to lower the cost of the nodes and field deployment procedure, while extending the theoretical lifetime of the sensor nodes to over 16 years on a single 1 Ah lithium battery

    Reconfigurable middleware architectures for large scale sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks, in an effort to be energy efficient, typically lack the high-level abstractions of advanced programming languages. Though strong, the dichotomy between these two paradigms can be overcome. The SENSIX software framework, described in this dissertation, uniquely integrates constraint-dominated wireless sensor networks with the flexibility of object-oriented programming models, without violating the principles of either. Though these two computing paradigms are contradictory in many ways, SENSIX bridges them to yield a dynamic middleware abstraction unifying low-level resource-aware task reconfiguration and high-level object recomposition. Through the layered approach of SENSIX, the software developer creates a domain-specific sensing architecture by defining a customized task specification and utilizing object inheritance. In addition, SENSIX performs better at large scales (on the order of 1000 nodes or more) than other sensor network middleware which do not include such unified facilities for vertical integration

    Energy Efficient Downstream Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This dissertation studies the problem of energy efficient downstream communication in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). First, we present the Opportunistic Source Routing (OSR), a scalable, reliable, and energy-efficient downward routing protocol for individual node actuation in data collection WSNs. OSR introduces opportunistic routing into traditional source routing based on the parent set of a node’s upward routing in data collection, significantly addressing the drastic link dynamics in low-power and lossy WSNs. We devise a novel adaptive Bloom filter mechanism to effectively and efficiently encode a downward source-route in OSR, which enables a significant reduction of the length of source-route field in the packet header. OSR is scalable to very large-size WSN deployments, since each resource-constrained node in the network stores only the set of its direct children. The probabilistic nature of the Bloom filter passively explores opportunistic routing. Upon a delivery failure at any hop along the downward path, OSR actively performs opportunistic routing to bypass the obsolete/bad link. The evaluations in both simulations and real-world testbed experiments demonstrate that OSR significantly outperforms the existing approaches in scalability, reliability, and energy efficiency. Secondly, we propose a mobile code dissemination tool for heterogeneous WSN deployments operating on low power links. The evaluation in lab experiment and a real world WSN testbed shows how our tool reduces the laborious work to reprogram nodes for updating the application. Finally, we present an empirical study of the network dynamics of an out-door heterogeneous WSN deployment and devise a benchmark data suite. The network dynamics analysis includes link level characteristics, topological characteristics, and temporal characteristics. The unique features of the benchmark data suite include the full path information and our approach to fill the missing paths based on the principle of the routing protocol