13 research outputs found

    Feedback and Feedforward as a Dialogic Communication in the Learning Environment

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    Feedback concept in education is broad and covers several functionalities. The aim of this essay is to open up feedback and feed-forward concept as a process of dialogic communication both on individual level and in (educational) organization. While feedback provides information retrospectively (how has it been?), feed-forward would guide the future progress. While approaching the feedback from the point of view of dialogic communication, this study proposes different aspects of the feedback addressee and feedback provider could negotiate in order to make the feedback satisfying for both sides: number of aspects, time, generalization, and—whose task is to “interpret” feedback to feed-forward. The essay opens up the complexity of feedback and feed-forward asking/giving/receiving from the point of view of interpersonal as well as organizational communication. While approaching feedback giving and receiving as interpersonal communication it might include “noise”—unintended and sometimes spontaneous messages. The essay includes illustrative examples from the daily communication practice concerning the complexity of giving analytical descriptive feedback. On organizational level, the essay suggests to consider carefully the purpose of the feedback, the data collection methods and how the organization can make use of the data

    Predicting Students\u27 Outcomes in Blended Learning: An Empirical Investigation in the Higher Education Context

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    The main goal of this research was to clarify which aspects of blended learning increase a student\u27s knowledge level measured by the course final grade. The questionnaire-based survey was used for gathering students\u27 attitudes towards some aspects of blended learning. A principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering of variables were applied to extract the components that describe dimensions of blended learning and represent the explanatory variables in a multiple regression model with student\u27s final grade as a dependent variable. Using a Two-Step cluster analysis to reveal natural groupings based on the answers in the questionnaire, two clusters were formed having a statistically significant difference between the means of final grades. The research revealed that the organization of a course and the study material supporting face-to-face teaching are essential features with an impact on student\u27s final success. The study also showed that the aspects of traditional face-to-face teaching are more strongly linked to higher grades than the aspects of e-courses

    Learning processes in interactive CALL systems: Linking automatic feedback, system logs, and learning outcomes

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    Interactive digital tools increasingly used for language learning can provide detailed system logs (e.g., number of attempts, responses submitted), and thereby a window into the user’s learning processes. To date, SLA researchers have made little use of such data to understand the relationships between learning conditions, processes, and outcomes. To fill this gap, we analyzed and interpreted detailed logs from an ICALL system used in a randomized controlled field study where 205 German learners of English in secondary school received either general or specific corrective feedback on grammar exercises. In addition to explicit pre-/post-test results, we derived 19 learning process variables from the system log. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three latent factors underlying these process variables: effort, accuracy focus, and time on task. Accuracy focus and finish time (a process variable that did not load well on any factors) significantly predicted pre-/post-test gain scores with a medium effect size. We then clustered learners based on their process patterns and found that the specific feedback group tended to demonstrate particular learning processes and that these patterns moderate the advantage of specific feedback. We discuss the implications of analyzing system logs for SLA, CALL, and education researchers and call for more collaboration

    Artificial Intelligence and the Student Experience: An Institutional Perspective

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    The paper outlines the potential for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to positively impact student success. This will be approached from a student life-cycle perspective, taking an integrated view of the student experience and identifying where AI can be most beneficial. Current usages of AI in education will be considered, in addition to those being experimented with and those still being considered. The paper will view the adoption of AI in education from a comprehensive perspective, considering technological, social, political, economic, cultural and ethical factors, providing a frame for understanding of the benefits and constraints of the most intelligent of information technology in the educational realm. AI has started to emerge in educational institutions in the form of chat bots that are being used to provide student services as well as providing learning supports. Automated paper grading has started to be used, while academic advising and assessment are being trialed

    Understanding feedback in online learning - A critical review and metaphor analysis

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    Technologies associated with online learning have led to many new feedback practices and expanded the meaning of feedback beyond the traditional focus on instructor comments, but conceptual work on online feedback has not followed. This paper investigates how online learning researchers understand feedback's role in teaching and learning, and discusses how these understandings influence what research questions are asked, and what online feedback practices are recommended. Through a qualitative analysis of the language used about feedback in leading research journals, we identified six distinct understandings of feedback based on six dominant conceptual metaphors. These are feedback is a treatment, feedback is a costly commodity, feedback is coaching, feedback is a command, feedback is a dialogue, and feedback is a learner tool. Each of these metaphors offers a coherent frame of entailments related to the roles and responsibilities of online instructors and online learners as well as some bigger assumptions about what role feedback should play in online teaching and learning. A comparison with current feedback research revealed that just two of the six metaphors align with the learner-centric feedback practices that are increasingly considered appropriate among feedback researchers. The paper discusses how the conceptualizations might reflect different challenges facing online education. The paper proposes that researchers interrogate their own conceptualizations to ensure that they align with their beliefs about feedback and its role in the learning process. It suggests that a more deliberate use of metaphors when conceptualizing feedback and online feedback practices is necessary for clarity of communication and helpful for driving the work on feedback in online learning forward

    The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Approach with Student’s Perceptions in Control Systems Engineering Course

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    This paper presents student’s perception and the effectiveness of blended learning in the control system engineering course. A sample size of 64 engineering students was selected to participate in this research works as a part of the third year engineering programme. Instead of a common face-to-face learning delivery approach, a blended learning approach is used in the evaluation process. Students responded to Likert-type surveys using the research instrument where the questionnaire that utilized to collect the research data contained three sections. Section one is conducted to identify general student’s demographic such as age, highest academic qualification and gender while section two consists of evaluation of the experiential data such internet experience, student technology access and proficiency status as factors that may influence student’s behaviour. Finally, section three in the instrument is performed to evaluate the student’s perception with blended learning that measured using the questionnaire item. Students expressed their response regarding the instrument item on a five-point scale from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”. Then, the effectiveness of blended learning in the engineering course in comparison with the traditional teaching approach is assessed with the ultimate goal of this approach is to develop and promote critical thinking where students will be able to learn through meaningful activities. The results of this research works support the expectation that blended learning approach offers meaningful learning and effective towards improving the student’s performance. As conclusion, the study showed that blended learning might potentially increase student’s motivation leading to better performance in the engineering education


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    ABSTRAK Kesulitan memahami dan mengaplikasikan konsep fisika merupakan masalah yang sering dijumpai dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dalam pembelajaran fisika. Kemampuan memecahkan masalah dalam pembelajaran fisika merupakan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki siswa untuk menemukan solusi suatu masalah terutama dalam memahami dan menerapkan konsep fisika. Pemecahan masalah dalam pembelajaran fisika tentu lebih baik jika guru menjelaskan secara langsung. Namun, dalam situasi tertentu seperti pandemi Covid-19, guru tidak dapat membantu siswa secara langsung. Dalam pembelajaran hybrid, pembelajaran tatap muka masih dapat dilakukan secara virtual. Riset dalam 10 tahun terakhir yang dipublikasikan melalui jurnal ternama di berbagai negara di dunia (Taiwan, Belgia, Jerman dan Indonesia) dianalisis untuk keperluan skripsi ini dengan bantuan Software NVIVO 12. Hasil analisis dari berbagai artikel ditemukan bahwa hybrid learning merupakan model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk membantu siswa memecahkan masalah dalam pembelajaran fisika. Untuk itu, pembelajaran hybrid perlu diberikan dukungan yang serius untuk proses pembelajaran saat ini dan guru perlu diberikan pelatihan khusus dan berkesinambungan dalam penggunaan model pembelajaran ini agar proses pembelajaran dapat terlaksana dengan baik bahkan dalam situasi sulit seperti saat ini. Keywords: Hybrid learning, Kemampuan pemecahan masalah, Memahami dan menerapkan konsep, Model pembelajaran, Situasi sulit

    Enhancing Students' High-Order Thinking Skills through STEM-Blended Learning on Kepler's Law During Covid-19 Outbreak

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    This study aimed to examines the effectiveness of the implementation of STEM-Blended learning to enhance high school students' high-level thinking skills on Kepler law concept during covid-19 outbreak. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method. This study used two class groups including the experimental class and the control class. This study was conducted at one of high schools in Indonesia. The students' higher-order thinking skills for the experimental class was included in the medium category with a percentage of achievement of 75%. However, in the control class, it was included in the medium category with a rate of 61%. The results showed that there were significant differences between experimental and control classes with the value .0015 &lt; 0.05, meaning that the implementation of STEM-Blended learning is effective to enhance high school students' high-level thinking skills on Kepler law concept. This findings will be usefull for the development of STEM Education during Covid-19 outbreak. </p

    Investigating a blended learning context that incorporates two-stage quizzes and peer formative feedback in STEM education

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    Researchers have expressed concern about the state of STEM education. To improve this situation, new pedagogies, such as blended learning, have been proposed and tested. The last decade has seen an increase in the use of blended learning to support learning; however, the effect of blended learning on learning remains unclear and often mixed. The two studies in this paper draw on data from pre-university science students in the following courses: (1) Electricity and Magnetism (E&M) and (2) Waves, Optics & Modern Physics (Waves). In study 1, the treatment group (blended learning coupled with two-stage quizzes & peer formative feedback) performed significantly higher than the control group (lecture format with online homework & instant feedback) in the standardized final exam. In contrast, in study 2, there was a non-significant main effect of groups, indicating that the treatment group (blended learning with online homework & instant feedback) and the control group (lecture format with online homework & instant feedback) performed similarly in the standardized final exam. The finding of study 1 suggests that the effect of an instructional pedagogical framework embedded in a blended learning context improves performance in STEM education. Whereas the finding of study 2 suggests that a blended learning context without incorporating any instructional framework or support for cognition other than the lecture is comparable to a traditional face-to-face course

    Is technology always helpful?: A critical review of the impact on learning outcomes of education technology in supporting formative assessment in schools

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    While education technology has been widely used in classrooms, and considerable investments have been made to support its use in the UK, the evidence base for many such rapidly changing technologies is weak, and their efficacy is unclear. The aim of this paper is to systematically review and synthesise empirical research on the use of technology in formative assessment, to identify approaches that are effective in improving pupils’ learning outcomes. The review involved a search of 11 major databases, and included 55 eligible studies. The results suggest promising evidence that digitally delivered formative assessment could facilitate the learning of maths and reading for young children, but there is no good evidence that it is effective for other subjects, or for older children, or that it is any more effective than formative assessment without technology. The review found no good evidence that learner response systems work in enhancing children’s academic attainment, and there is no evidence supporting the effectiveness of such technologies that embed gaming features. Much research in this area is of poor quality. More rigorous studies using causal designs are thus urgently needed. Meantime, there should be no rush to use technology on the basis of improving attainment