21 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Concept Mastery and Problem-Solving Skills of Pre-Service Biology Teachers in Human Physiology Courses

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    21st century learning focuses on problem-solving skills. A higher level of education requires an understanding of a more systematic concept to elaborate problems. Problem-solving skill is one of the fundamental cognitive processes. It involves higher order thinking to discover solutions or ideas. This research aims to analyze the relationship between concept mastery and problem-solving skill of pre-service biology teacher in human physiology courses. This is descriptive correlational research conducted in Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling technique. Respondents in this study were 33 students in semester VI. The instrument used in the study was an essay test of concept mastery integrated with problem-solving. The results showed that the average scores of the students' concept mastery and problem-solving were 56.8 and 58.0, respectively. Both included in the poor category. It also showed that there was a relationship between students' concept mastery and problem-solving skill. The correlation value was 0.76, with a significance value of p0.05; therefore, it included in the strong category

    Understanding the Cognition Process of the Students Using the Internet as a Learning Resource

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    This study aims to investigate how students search and process the information found on the Internet to meet the needs of their academic tasks as well as how they view such information compared to printed materials. The study was conducted targeting the student teachers at Primary School Teacher Education (PGMI) Program and Kindergarten Teacher Education Program (PGRA) in State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Such information search and processing are then later viewed through the lens of Blooms\u27 taxonomy. A qualitative method using the phenomenological approach is adopted in the study. Nine student participants of 1st, 2nd, 3rd-year classes were interviewed. The study indicates that the presence of the Internet as a source of learning has not shifted the role of the textbook as a primary source of information for the students while working on their academic assignments. It was revealed that the information search activities on the Internet have facilitated students to experience the four domains of the learning process in Bloom\u27s Taxonomy

    Embedding Online Based Learning Strategies Into the Engineering Technology Curriculum

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    Various blended learning strategies have been implemented at engineering technology programs to facilitate different learning styles and different time constraints given to faculty. Some of these efforts are related to the effective use of online tools such as online course management systems, ePortfolios, narrated presentations, web-based polling systems, tutorials and educational materials posted before the class and asynchronous learning methods. As technology changes, some of the online learning methods are getting more advanced which is enabling more innovative approaches and data compression. Various distance learning programs started with having access to videos of recorded lectures (on VHS tapes, or CDs) and further they went to use of new media which followed the use of online based strategies such as online management systems, use of social media, podcasts, and other means of communication to deliver the instruction. It became easier to share videos to a wider audiences and enable easier access to state of the art in development in new engineering areas. Accessing pre-recorded educational modules is now easier with new wireless gadgets, with widespread networking capabilities on campuses and outside the campus. In this way, students have opportunities to spend more time in interacting with faculty in class, not only in their assigned office hours. These teaching and learning methods are emphasizing a not so new educational principle, the Socratic method. This concept is especially important for universities with diverse student population which include working adult student population, students who are with the military, students who have families and all other which are non-traditional students who do not live on campus. In this paper, embedding online based learning strategies into the classroom efforts in Engineering Technology department at one midsize institution is discussed


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    ANALISIS UJIAN AKHIR KIMIA BERDASARKAN KOMPLEKSITASKOGNITIF TAKSONOMI BLOOMAbstractSchool exams has been used by teachers to determine the success of studentsā€™ learning. This research is aimed to determine the extent of students learning through an analysis of end-of-year exam items based on Bloomā€™s cognitive complexity. The exam instruments are gathered from chemistry teachers of 5 public schools, consisting of in total 190 5-multiple-choice items. Qualitative approach and theory-driven content analysis method using Bloomā€™s revised taxonomy of cognitive complexity were employed in the research.Ā  The result of this research showed that the majority of items (82.7%) determined students learning lower order cognitive skills (remember, understand, and apply). Skill of the analysis is the only higher order cognitive skill that has been found in the exam questions (17.3%). With regards to knowledge dimension, it was found that conceptual knowledge weighed the most among other dimensions (54.7%). It is interesting to see, however, that, the highest procedural knowledge was seen in the application skills (27.9%).Ā  This research suggests that chemistry teachers need to carefully determine exam questions according to the cognitive complexity in order to ensure the extent of students learning. For curriculum developer, this research can be used to consider the depth of studentsā€™ learning outcomes as they serve as the foundation for exam development. Further research can be done to determine the gap between the exams and the expected learning outcomes. This will be beneficial to understand the extent to which schools can go higher than the minimun learning outcomes determined by the government.AbstrakUjian sekolah telah digunakan oleh guru untuk menentukan keberhasilan belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana siswa belajar kimia melalui analisis materi ujian akhir sekolah berdasarkan kompleksitas kognitif Bloom. Instrumen ujian dikumpulkan dari 5 sekolah umum, yang terdiri dari 190 item soal pilihan ganda. Pendekatan kualitatif dan metode analisis isi yang digerakkan oleh teori menggunakan taksonomi kompleksitas kognitif Bloom yang telah direvisi digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar soal (82,7%) merupakan soal-soal dengan tingkat kognitif rendah (mengingat, memahami, dan menerapkan). Keterampilan analisis adalah satu-satunya keterampilan kognitif tingkat tinggi yang ditemukan dalam soal-soal ujian (17,3%). Untuk dimensi pengetahuan, ditemukan bahwa pengetahuan konseptual paling banyak di antara dimensi lainnya (54,7%). Menarik untuk dilihat, bagaimanapun, bahwa pengetahuan prosedural tertinggi terlihat pada keterampilan aplikasi (27,9%). Penelitian ini menyarankan guru untuk mempertimbangkan kompleksitas kognitif untuk memastikan sejauh mana siswa belajar

    Preliminary perception of teaching and learning using Telegram social media tool / Mohammad Nizam Ibrahim ā€¦ [et al.]

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of studentsā€™ using ā€˜Telegramā€™ as a support tool for teaching and learning. The population of this study was 66 students who were studying Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pulau Pinang. The students were exposed to the Telegram application as a supporting tool in their teaching and learning during Mac ā€“ September 2015 academic semester. At the end of the semester, an online survey consisting of a true-false question, several agreement-level questions and open-ended questions were developed using google form that was distributed to students via the Telegram application to collect their feedbacks. The student feedbacks were analysed to obtain results on their perception. The results indicated that the Telegram tool does support student learning process in term of easily sharing information and interaction with lecturers and their classmates. The obtained results could be used to motivate lecturers to employ the Telegram tool for supporting teaching and learning process


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    This study investigates how social media, in this case Facebook, can be incorporated in ELT through e-dialogue journal writing shared in a Facebook closed group. Fifteen EFL students participated in this case study. They were second, third, and fourth year students of English Education Department of a university in Bandung, who voluntarily joined a Facebook closed group for about four months and contributed their journal entries. The content of the studentsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ journals and responses in this closed group were analyzed to identify the nature of the studentsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ journals, the patterns of interaction, and their responses to e-journaling through Facebook. The findings indicate that the students responded positively to this activity and perceived improvement in their writing especially in vocabulary and grammar. The power of learning and sharing from others is also emphasized.Ƃ

    Peer to Peer Adult Learning Engagement in Online Collaborative Learning: Characteristics and Learning Outcomes

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate an under-researched area of adult learning in informal and unstructured online spaces. The first phase of the project involved a systematic review of 31 studies on adult learnersā€™ peer-to-peer (P2P) interactions in online learning environments. The aspects explored were: (1), the characteristics of adult P2P engagement in online collaborative learning environments; (2), the impacts of that engagement on the learning outcomes of adult learners; and (3), the factors that could facilitate or hinder adult engagement in such environments. The review revealed that most studies investigated the broad effects of P2P adult learning on learning outcomes. These effects suggest that: (1) the adult learning efficiency could be improved through the application of more specialized approaches; and (2), that various unexplored factors may be important in facilitating P2P adult learning. This research will allow for better consideration of adult learning processes and activities

    Chapter 38 Learning Analytics

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    In this chapter, we present an overview of the field by articulating definitions and existing models of learning analytics. Case examples of learning analytics from Asian researchers are then summarized and reported. This is followed by an exploration of the key tensions in this field. The chapter concludes with a discussion of potential areas for future research in this area

    Kesan penyesuaian pembelajaran berdasarkan gaya pembelajaran atas talian terhadap pembentukan pengetahuan pelajar

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    Learning style is personal parameter which could increase studentsā€™ achievement. Recent studies have shown that Adaptive Learning Based on Learning Style (PPGP) increased studentsā€™ achievement. However, information on achievement does not explain the process of knowledge construction during learning process. Thus, this study aims to investigate the effect of PPGP on the studentsā€™ achievement and knowledge constructions. A sampel for this research consists of Diploma students in Electrical Engineering (Computer) who take Multimedia Interactive Application subject at a polytechnic. This research has two samples: set I (130 students) was involved to survey pre-learning style using Felder and Solomonā€™s questionnaire and set II (35 students) was involved in learning through Learning Management Sytem (LMS). This research has used pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest. Before the treatment, students were given a pre test and LMS without PPGP treatment for 8 weeks to determine online learning style by using automatic approach. Then, for another 6 weeks, the same sample was given LMS with PPGP with active students were given Group-Problem Solving (PPGPPM) and reflective students were given Introspective-Guided Inquiry (PPGP-IT). At the end of the treatment, students were given post achievement tests. Paired-Samples T test was used to investigate the effect of LMS with PPGP on studentsā€™ achievement and whereas, its effect on students' knowledge construction was analysed by using content analysis. Next, sequential analysis was used to obtain model of knowledge construction process based on navigational behaviour sequence during learning process. The result shows LMS with PPGP has increased studentsā€™ achievement (p=0.000, a=0.05) with the effect size (Cohen d = 2.869) shows LMS with PPGP has given a large effect size on sudentsā€™ achievement in the test. Although the test was repeated several times, the power value is 1.00 showing the same result will be obtained. The result also indicates, the highest level of knowledge construction is 34.49%, which is at integration level. This research also produced a process model of knowledge construction based on potential navigation behaviour that can assist students to achieve high level of knowledge construction based on learning style. In conclusion, LMS with PPGP increases achievement and helps students to achieve higher level of knowledge construction

    Studentsā€™ Perception on the Use of Facebook as A Discussion Group in Helping Students Express Ideas through Written Form

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    This study analyzed studentsā€™ point of view toward Facebook usage as a discussion group in helping students express ideas through written form. The purpose of the study were; (1) to find out studentsā€™ perception on the use of Facebook as a discussion in helping them generate ideas through written form, to find out the benefits of using Facebook as a discussion group in learning writing. The research design in this study was mix method which as a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The writer used purposive sampling to choose the sample of the research. The participants engaged in this research were totally 10 students of the 6th semester at the Department of English Language Education of UIN Ar-Raniry to answer questionnaire and 3 students among all respondents were also distributed structured interview through written papers to support the result of questionnaire. They were selected from different classes in the same grade. The data was collected through sequential explanatory strategy. The result of this research showed that the students had various perception on the use of Facebook as a dicussion group in helping them express ideas through written form. In this respect, most of students agreed that the use of Facebook as discussion group really helped them generate ideas easily and freely through written form. They also were motivated to learning English writing on Facebook platform because it was as a facilitator that provided fun learning method for learning writing. By learning writing through Facebook, students got more knowledge from friendsā€™ comments, felt more comfortable in online, had more space time to finish writing assignments and got the writing itself done without having face-to-face in classroom. So, they all are the profits of Facebook usage for students in helping them to learn English writing