49,086 research outputs found

    Fostering collaborative knowledge construction in desktop videoconferencing. Effects of content schemes and cooperation scripts in peer teaching settings

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    Video-conferencing is expected to become increasingly important for tele-learning environments. In contrast to asynchronous, text-based computer-mediated communication, video-conferencing facilitates cooperation tasks that require highly frequent and continuous coordination. Typical kinds of such cooperation tasks are found in peer teaching settings. Despite the growing application of video-conferencing, only little is known about possibilities of enhancing collaboration in video-conferencing settings. This study investigates the effects of different types of support for cooperation on the learning outcomes of peer dyads in a video-conferencing scenario. The main research question is how cooperation scripts and content schemes enhance the students' cognitive activities and foster the outcomes of cooperative learning. Two factors were varied experimentally: The content scheme (with/without) and the cooperation script (with/without). 86 university students of educational psychology participated in the study. Each student of a dyad received a text dealing with a psychological theory in the field of the nature-nurture-debate. The students' tasks were (1) to teach their partners the relevant contents of their text and (2) to reflect ideas that went beyond the scope of the text. Results indicate that in particular the cooperation script en-hances learning outcomes of collaborative knowledge constructionVideokonferenzen werden für die Gestaltung netzbasierter Lernumgebungen zunehmend interessant. Im Gegensatz zu asynchroner, textbasierter computervermittelter Kommunikation, ermöglichen Videokonferenzen Kooperationsaufgaben, die einen ho-hen Grad an Koordination erfordern. Typische Beispiele hierfür sind Peer-Tutoring- bzw. Peer-Teaching Arrangements. Trotz der zunehmenden Bedeutung von Videokonferenztechnologien ist bisher nur relativ wenig hinsichtlich der Förderung kooperativen Lernens mit diesem Medium bekannt. Diese Studie untersucht die Effekte verschiedener Fördermaßnahmen auf Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Wissenskonstruktion beim dyadischen Lernen in einer Videokonferenz. Untersucht wird hierbei der Einfluss eines Kooperationsskripts und eines inhaltlichen Strukturschemas. In einem zweifaktoriellen Design wurden die beiden Einflussfaktoren Kooperationsskript (mit/ohne) und inhaltliches Strukturschema (mit/ohne) experimentell variiert. 86 Studierende der Pädagogik nahmen an der Studie teil. Jeder Teilnehmer erhielt einen Text über eine psychologische Theorie zum Thema der Anlage-Umwelt Debatte. Die Aufgabe der Studierenden bestand darin, (1) dem Lernpartner die relevanten Inhalte des eigenen Theorietextes zu vermitteln und (2) Ideen, die über die Inhalte des Textes hinausgingen zu elaborieren. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass insbesondere das Kooperationsskript den Lernerfolg steigert. Weitere Prozessanalysen sind notwendi

    Supporting Collaborative Learning in Videoconferencing using Collaboration Scripts and Content Schemes

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    Studies have shown that videoconferences are an effective medium for facilitating communication between parties who are separated by distance. Furthermore, studies reveal that videoconferences are effective when used for distance learning, particularly due to their ability to facilitate complex collaborative learning tasks. However, as in face-to-face communication, learners benefit when they receive additional support for such learning tasks. This article provides an overview of two empirical studies to illustrate more general insights regarding some effective and less effective ways to support collaborative learning with videoconferencing. The focus is on content schemes as content-specific support and task-specific support as collaboration scripts. Based on the results of the two studies, conclusions can be drawn about support measures that promote learning. Conclusions can also be reached about the need for employing both content schemes and collaboration scripts to provide learners with the most benefit.Studien haben gezeigt, dass Videokonferenzen ein effektives Medium für die verteilte Kommunikation sind. Ebenso zeigten erste Studien, dass sich Videokonferenzen auch in Telelernumgebungen einsetzen lassen, insbesondere weil sie komplexe kooperative Lernaufgaben ermöglichen. Lernende profitieren jedoch in solchen Lernaufgaben – ähnlich wie face to face – von zusätzlicher Unterstützung. In diesem Beitrag werden zwei empirische Studien dargestellt, die weiterführende Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich effektiver und weniger effektiver Arten der Unterstützung kollaborativen Lernens in Videokonferenzen erbringen sollen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Wissensschemata als Methode inhaltlicher Unterstützung, und aufgabenspezifischer Unterstützung in Form von Kooperationsskripts. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen dieser zwei Studien werden Folgerungen über lernförderliche Merkmale der Unterstützungsmaßnahmen formuliert. Befunde weisen auf die Notwendigkeit Wissensschemata und Kooperationsskripts kombiniert anzuwenden hin, um für die Lernenden den größtmöglichen Nutzen zu erreichen

    Epistemic and social scripts in computer-supported collaborative learning

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    Collaborative learning in computer-supported learning environments typically means that learners work on tasks together, discussing their individual perspectives via text-based media or videoconferencing, and consequently acquire knowledge. Collaborative learning, however, is often sub-optimal with respect to how learners work on the concepts that are supposed to be learned and how learners interact with each other. One possibility to improve collaborative learning environments is to conceptualize epistemic scripts, which specify how learners work on a given task, and social scripts, which structure how learners interact with each other. In this contribution, two studies will be reported that investigated the effects of epistemic and social scripts in a text-based computer-supported learning environment and in a videoconferencing learning environment in order to foster the individual acquisition of knowledge. In each study the factors ‘epistemic script’ and ‘social script’ have been independently varied in a 2×2-factorial design. 182 university students of Educational Science participated in these two studies. Results of both studies show that social scripts can be substantially beneficial with respect to the individual acquisition of knowledge, whereas epistemic scripts apparently do not to lead to the expected effects

    Online discussion compensates for suboptimal timing of supportive information presentation in a digitally supported learning environment

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    This study used a sequential set-up to investigate the consecutive effects of timing of supportive information presentation (information before vs. information during the learning task clusters) in interactive digital learning materials (IDLMs) and type of collaboration (personal discussion vs. online discussion) in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) on student knowledge construction. Students (N = 87) were first randomly assigned to the two information presentation conditions to work individually on a case-based assignment in IDLM. Students who received information during learning task clusters tended to show better results on knowledge construction than those who received information only before each cluster. The students within the two separate information presentation conditions were then randomly assigned to pairs to discuss the outcomes of their assignments under either the personal discussion or online discussion condition in CSCL. When supportive information had been presented before each learning task cluster, online discussion led to better results than personal discussion. When supportive information had been presented during the learning task clusters, however, the online and personal discussion conditions had no differential effect on knowledge construction. Online discussion in CSCL appeared to compensate for suboptimal timing of presentation of supportive information before the learning task clusters in IDLM

    Internal and external scripts in computer-supported collaborative inquiry learning

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    We investigated how differently structured external scripts interact with learners’ internal scripts concerning individual knowledge acquisition in a Web-based collaborative inquiry learning environment. 90 students from two secondary schools participated. Two versions of an external collaboration script (high vs. low structured) supporting collaborative argumentation were embedded within a Web-based collaborative inquiry learning environment. Students’ internal scripts were classified as either high or low structured, establishing a 2x2-factorial design. Results suggest that the high structured external collaboration script supported the acquisition of domain-general knowledge of all learners regardless of their internal scripts. Learners’ internal scripts influenced the acquisition of domain-specific knowledge. Results are discussed concerning their theoretical relevance and practical implications for Web-based inquiry learning with collaboration scripts

    Specifying computer-supported collaboration scripts

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    Collaboration scripts are activity programs which aim to foster collaborative learning by structuring interaction between learners. Computer-supported collaboration scripts generally suffer from the problem of being restrained to a specific learning platform and learning context. A standardization of collaboration scripts first requires a specification of collaboration scripts that integrates multiple perspectives from computer science, education and psychology. So far, only few and limited attempts at such specifications have been made. This paper aims to consolidate and expand these approaches in light of recent findings and to propose a generic framework for the specification of collaboration scripts. The framework enables a description of collaboration scripts using a small number of components (participants, activities, roles, resources and groups) and mechanisms (task distribution, group formation and sequencing)

    Computer support for collaborative learning environments

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    This paper deals with computer support for collaborative learning environments. Our analysis is based on a moderate constructivist view on learning, which emphasizes the need to support learners instructionally in their collaborative knowledge construction. We will first illustrate the extent to which the computer can provide tools for supporting collaborative knowledge construction. Secondly, we will focus on instruction itself and show the kinds of advanced instructional methods that computer tools may provide for the learners. Furthermore, we will discuss the learners’ prerequisites and how they must be considered when constructing learning environments.Dieser Bericht behandelt die Unterstützung kooperativer Lernumgebungen durch den Einsatz von Computern. Der theoretische Hintergrund greift auf einen moderaten Konstruktivismus zurück, der die Notwendigkeit einer instruktionalen Unterstützung für die gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion betont. Darauf aufbauend beschreibt der Bericht in einem ersten Schritt, wie der Computer Werkzeuge zur gemeinsamen Wissenskonstruktion bereitstellen kann. Im zweiten Teil steht die Instruktion für das kooperative Lernen im Vordergrund. Dabei werden Methoden instruktionaler Unterstützung vorgestellt, die computerbasierte Werkzeuge für die gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion bereitstellen, insbesondere Skripts und inhaltliche Strukturvorgaben. Darüber hinaus beschreibt der Bericht, inwieweit individuelle Lernereigenschaften, wie z.B. das Vorwissen, einen Einfluss auf die Realisierung von Lernumgebungen haben

    Collaboration scripts - a conceptual analysis

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    This article presents a conceptual analysis of collaboration scripts used in face-to-face and computer-mediated collaborative learning. Collaboration scripts are scaffolds that aim to improve collaboration through structuring the interactive processes between two or more learning partners. Collaboration scripts consist of at least five components: (a) learning objectives, (b) type of activities, (c) sequencing, (d) role distribution, and (e) type of representation. These components serve as a basis for comparing prototypical collaboration script approaches for face-to-face vs. computer-mediated learning. As our analysis reveals, collaboration scripts for face-to-face learning often focus on supporting collaborators in engaging in activities that are specifically related to individual knowledge acquisition. Scripts for computer-mediated collaboration are typically concerned with facilitating communicative-coordinative processes that occur among group members. The two lines of research can be consolidated to facilitate the design of collaboration scripts, which both support participation and coordination, as well as induce learning activities closely related to individual knowledge acquisition and metacognition. In addition, research on collaboration scripts needs to consider the learners’ internal collaboration scripts as a further determinant of collaboration behavior. The article closes with the presentation of a conceptual framework incorporating both external and internal collaboration scripts

    Conceptual and socio-cognitive support for collaborative learning in videoconferencing environments

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    Studies have shown that videoconferences are an effective medium for facilitating communication between parties who are separated by distance. Furthermore, studies reveal that videoconferences are effective when used for distance learning, particularly when learners are engaged in complex collaborative learning tasks. However, as in face-to-face communication, learners benefit most when they receive additional support for such learning tasks. This article provides an overview of three empirical studies to illustrate more general insights regarding some of the more and less effective ways of supporting collaborative learning with videoconferencing. The focus is on conceptual support, such as structural visualization and socio-cognitive support, such as scripts. Based on the results of the three studies, conclusions can be drawn about the conceptual and socio-cognitive support measures that promote learning. Conclusions can also be reached about the need for employing both conceptual and socio-cognitive support to provide learners with the most benefit