116 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Personality Patterns and Harmfulness : Analysis and Prediction Based on Sentence Embedding

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    This paper hypothesizes that harmful utterances need to be judged in the context of whole sentences, and the authors extract features of harmful expressions using a general-purpose language model. Based on the extracted features, the authors propose a method to predict the presence or absence of harmful categories. In addition, the authors believe that it is possible to analyze users who incite others by combining this method with research on analyzing the personality of the speaker from statements on social networking sites. The results confirmed that the proposed method can judge the possibility of harmful comments with higher accuracy than simple dictionary-based models or models using a distributed representation of words. The relationship between personality patterns and harmful expressions was also confirmed by an analysis based on a harmful judgment model

    Zero- and Few-Shot Prompting with LLMs: A Comparative Study with Fine-tuned Models for Bangla Sentiment Analysis

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    The rapid expansion of the digital world has propelled sentiment analysis into a critical tool across diverse sectors such as marketing, politics, customer service, and healthcare. While there have been significant advancements in sentiment analysis for widely spoken languages, low-resource languages, such as Bangla, remain largely under-researched due to resource constraints. Furthermore, the recent unprecedented performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in various applications highlights the need to evaluate them in the context of low-resource languages. In this study, we present a sizeable manually annotated dataset encompassing 33,605 Bangla news tweets and Facebook comments. We also investigate zero- and few-shot in-context learning with several language models, including Flan-T5, GPT-4, and Bloomz, offering a comparative analysis against fine-tuned models. Our findings suggest that monolingual transformer-based models consistently outperform other models, even in zero and few-shot scenarios. To foster continued exploration, we intend to make this dataset and our research tools publicly available to the broader research community. In the spirit of further research, we plan to make this dataset and our experimental resources publicly accessible to the wider research community.Comment: Zero-Shot Prompting, Few-Shot Prompting, LLMs, Comparative Study, Fine-tuned Models, Bangla, Sentiment Analysi

    The text classification pipeline: Starting shallow, going deeper

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    An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC.An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC

    Historical Document Analysis

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    Scanned documents are a rich source of various information that can be processed utilizing a document analysis system. Such a system covers the areas of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. In the thesis, these areas are covered with a focus on common and state-of-the-art approaches applicable to historical document analysis, which is still challenging due to several difficulties such as handwritten text. Finally, the current research results and aims of the future doctoral thesis are presented

    On the Use of Parsing for Named Entity Recognition

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    [Abstract] Parsing is a core natural language processing technique that can be used to obtain the structure underlying sentences in human languages. Named entity recognition (NER) is the task of identifying the entities that appear in a text. NER is a challenging natural language processing task that is essential to extract knowledge from texts in multiple domains, ranging from financial to medical. It is intuitive that the structure of a text can be helpful to determine whether or not a certain portion of it is an entity and if so, to establish its concrete limits. However, parsing has been a relatively little-used technique in NER systems, since most of them have chosen to consider shallow approaches to deal with text. In this work, we study the characteristics of NER, a task that is far from being solved despite its long history; we analyze the latest advances in parsing that make its use advisable in NER settings; we review the different approaches to NER that make use of syntactic information; and we propose a new way of using parsing in NER based on casting parsing itself as a sequence labeling task.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/11Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01This work has been funded by MINECO, AEI and FEDER of UE through the ANSWER-ASAP project (TIN2017-85160-C2-1-R); and by Xunta de Galicia through a Competitive Reference Group grant (ED431C 2020/11). CITIC, as Research Center of the Galician University System, is funded by the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional of the Xunta de Galicia through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) with 80%, the Galicia ERDF 2014-20 Operational Programme, and the remaining 20% from the Secretaría Xeral de Universidades (Ref. ED431G 2019/01). Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez has also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC), under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (FASTPARSE, Grant No. 714150)

    Multi-view informed attention-based model for Irony and Satire detection in Spanish variants

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    [EN] Making machines understand language and reasoning on it has been one of the most challenging problems addressed by Artificial Intelligent researchers. This challenge increases when figurative language is used for communicating complex meanings, intentions, emotions and attitudes in creative and funny ways. In fact, sentiment analysis approaches struggle when facing irony, satire and other figurative languages, particularly those where the explanation of a prediction might arguably be as necessary as the prediction itself. This paper describes a new model MvAttLSTM based on deep learning for irony and satire detection in tweets written in distinct Spanish variants. The proposed model is based on an attentive-LSTM informed with three additional views learned from distinct perspectives. We investigate two strategies to pass these views into MvAttLSTM. We perform an extensive evaluation on three corpora, one for irony detection and two for satire detection. Moreover, in order to study the robustness of our proposed model, we investigate its performance on humor recognition. Experiments confirm that the proposed views help our model to improve its performance. Moreover, they show that affective information benefits our model to detect irony and satire. In particular, a first analysis of the results highlights the discriminating power of emotional features obtained from SenticNet and SEL lexicon. Overall, our system achieves the state-of-the-art performance in irony and satire detection in Spanish variants and competitive results in humor recognition.The work of the first two authors was in the framework of the research project MISMIS-FAKEnHATE on MISinformation and MIScommunication in social media: FAKE news and HATE speech (PGC2018-096212-B-C31) , funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and DeepPattern (PROMETEO/2019/121) , funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain.Ortega-Bueno, R.; Rosso, P.; Medina-Pagola, JE. (2022). Multi-view informed attention-based model for Irony and Satire detection in Spanish variants. Knowledge-Based Systems. 235:1-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.10759712423

    StyloMetrix: An Open-Source Multilingual Tool for Representing Stylometric Vectors

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    This work aims to provide an overview on the open-source multilanguage tool called StyloMetrix. It offers stylometric text representations that cover various aspects of grammar, syntax and lexicon. StyloMetrix covers four languages: Polish as the primary language, English, Ukrainian and Russian. The normalized output of each feature can become a fruitful course for machine learning models and a valuable addition to the embeddings layer for any deep learning algorithm. We strive to provide a concise, but exhaustive overview on the application of the StyloMetrix vectors as well as explain the sets of the developed linguistic features. The experiments have shown promising results in supervised content classification with simple algorithms as Random Forest Classifier, Voting Classifier, Logistic Regression and others. The deep learning assessments have unveiled the usefulness of the StyloMetrix vectors at enhancing an embedding layer extracted from Transformer architectures. The StyloMetrix has proven itself to be a formidable source for the machine learning and deep learning algorithms to execute different classification tasks.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, pre-print for the conferenc
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