574 research outputs found

    Exploring Factors for E-Government Innovation and Transformation in Tanzania

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 행정대학원 : 행정대학원 행정학과 정책학전공, 2016. 2. 박정훈.This study explores factors for e-government innovation and transformation in Tanzania. It starts by examining the challenges and opportunities for e-government innovation and transformation in Tanzania. The government ambition to transform the administrative operations and to ensure transparency and accountability have grown over the years and now become evident. The efforts exerted for establishing an efficient framework for e-government in Tanzania are of great significance for the reason that it lowers the operating and production cost and increases efficiency and transparency for the better. The study begins by exploring the critical challenges and opportunities facing the central and local government, social network groups as well as private institutions that are struggling for online services using e-government platform. At the outset, the conceptual framework presented was synthesized with four factors and analyzed to explain the challenges and opportunities. The study uses the SWOT method to analyze internal weakness and the external threats that were critical during the initiation, selection, development and implementation of e-government. The author uses the principal component factor analysis to examine the interrelationship between the social, resources, technology and transformational drivers. Data were collected by way of focus group discussions, field observations as well as documentary review. The statistical software package SPSS version 22 was employed in this study to carry out the factor analysis for each item using Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization. The results drawn support the research questions. To be more precise, for the challenges, I have found five factorsfor the opportunity, I have found seven factors and for the key drivers, I have worked out five factors. The analysis shows that the challenging factors made an e-government process stagnant, resulting in more corruption and conflict of competing interests, on the whole, and thus retarding the process of transformation. The opportunities and the key drivers are suggestive devices for playing a significant role in all spheres of contemporary societal changes within institutional setups and settings to concretize e-government materialization in Tanzania. An implication for governmental institutions, however, is strongly advised to view this e-government roadmap as a suggestion and embryonic dynamics to embrace e-government policy innovation that would enable the acceleration of e-government transformation process in Tanzania.CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background of the Study 1 1.2. Research Rationale 7 1.3. The Research Purpose 9 1.4. Scope of the Limitation 12 1.5. Organization of the Study 13 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF E-GOVERNMENT AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 15 2.1. Literature Review on the Concept of E-Government 15 2.2. Factors for the E-Government 20 2.3. The Technology Enactment View of E-Government Theory 36 2.4. The Conceptual Research Framework 44 CHAPTER 3. DATA, MEASUREMENT, AND METHODOLOGY 50 3.1. An Overview 50 3.2. Methods of the SWOT Analysis 50 3.3. Sampling Frame 52 3.4. Developing the Survey Instrument 62 3.5. Data Analysis Tools 63 3.6. Measurement and Variables 68 3.7. Concluding Remarks 86 CHAPTER 4. SWOT ANALYSIS FOR THE E-GOVERNMENT 87 4.1. The Challenges of E-Government Transformation 87 4.2. The Opportunities of E-Government 112 4.3. The SWOT Analysis of the E-Government 119 4.4. The Tanzanian E-Government Story 124 4.5. The Internal and External Analytical Factors 149 4.6. Analysis: The SWOT Analysis 157 4.7. Concluding Remarks 170 CHAPTER 5. RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS 172 5.1. Summary of Statistics Analysis for E-government 173 5.2. Analysis 1: Challenges for E-Government Transformation 175 5.3. Analysis 2: Opportunities for E-Government Transformation 198 5.4. Analysis 3: Key Drivers for E-Government 218 5.5. Analysis 5: Korean E-Government Success Story 237 5.6. Concluding Remarks 251 CHAPTER 6: DISCUSSION 254 6.1. Summary of the Principle Findings 254 6.2. E-government Transformation Roadmap 265 6.3. Implementing Agency and Resources Mobilization 285 6.4. Concluding Remarks 292 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 296 7.1. The Summary and Research Contribution 296 7.2. Policy Implications 306 7.3. Limitation of the Study and Future Research Work 313 BIBLIOGRAPHY 316 Appendix 1: Critical Challenges to E-Government Transformation (Qn1) 337 Appendix 2: The Opportunities Items for E-Government Transformation (Qn2) 339 Appendix 3: Key Successful Drivers for E-Government Transformation (Qn3) 341 Appendix 4: The Correlation Matrix Table on Challenges to E-Government 343 Appendix 5: The Correlation Variables for Measuring Opportunities 345 Appendix 6: The Correlation Variables for Measuring Key Drivers 347 Appendix 7: Questionnaire 349 Appendix 8: Interview Questions for the CEO / Directors / Managers 359 Appendix 9: Interview Questions for MD / Business Managers / IT Chief Officer 365 Appendix 10: Interview Questions for Senior Legal Officer/ Software Developers 369 Appendix 11: Interview Questions for IT Developers / Security Experts 372 Appendix 12: Interview Questions for the Lectures / Tutorial Assistant 375 Appendix 13: Interviewer Guideline 378 국문 (한국어) 초록 380Docto

    Socially responsible business

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperThe work is divided into three parts combined by the idea which points to the fact that irrespective of the kind of business activity and at every level of management social issues appear and should not be disregarded. The first part presents the idea, areas and conditions of using the concept of corporate social responsibility. There is a reference to other concepts such as sustainable development and total quality management. In the second part the authors indicate how corporate social responsibility is applied to selected sectors and specific activities undertaken in enterprises. There is a description of the assumptions, methods of action and outcomes concerning the use of CSR in the sphere of waste management and recycling. Another area presented in this section is the aspects related to the provision of a working environment which does not pose a threat to the employees’ occupational health and safety. The text also refers to the issues of trainings and development. The third part refers to the applications of the idea of CSR at the sectorial, national and international levels. It describes social aspects connected with mining, purchasing, transporting and producing energy using resources. International tensions in the political sphere have a serious impact on this market, and dialogue at different levels should be a significant element of CSR. Two other elaborations in this part are devoted to the analysis of working conditions, culture and organisational behaviour in the countries created after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. In the final part there is a discussion about how the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership currently under negotiation between the EU and the USA corresponds with the concept of CSR. The collection of papers is a result of a cooperation between the authors from Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University – Poland and researchers from University of Niš – Faculty of Economics (Project No. 179066 – „Improving the competitiveness of the public and private sector by networking competences in the process of European integration of Serbia”, which is funded of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology development of Republic of Serbia)

    Business-IT alignment from operational level: empirical evidence from the Bank of Qingdao, China

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    Business-IT Alignment (BITA) has long been a significant topic for scholars as well as enterprise managers especially in the Internet era. Although numerous studies have identified the factors influencing the aligning process and relationships between them and organization successes from strategic perspective, few consider the impact of these elements on employees’s performances from an operational level. To fill this gap, this thesis first discusses the state-of-art and the challenges of BITA in China’s city commercial banks (CCBs) and further develops a theoretical framework to empirically evaluate the BITA in China banking industry. Finally, some recommendations for improving the level of BITA in China’s CCBs are provided. Taking the Bank of Qingdao (BQD) as a sample, this thesis empirically examines BITA maturity model with the results that five factors including communication, IT competency/value measurement, IT governance, partnership, and IT skills are positively related to the BITA while IT scope and architecture are not significant. In addition, the moderating effect of service quality between BITA and employee’s working performance is also supported by the survey. This study also develops a new theoretical model namely, business-IT punctuated equilibrium alignment model (BIPEAM), based on life cycle theory and punctuated equilibrium theory to describe the alternately leading roles between business and IT strategies. This model may contribute towards the better understanding of the mechanism of business-IT strategic alignment process from a longitudinal perspective within an enterprise.O alinhamento entre o negócio e as Tecnologias de Informação (TI) ou alinhamento business-IT (BITA) tem sido desde há muito um tópico significativo para académicos bem como para gestores de empresas, especialmente na era da Internet. Embora numerosas investigações tenham identificado os fatores que influenciam o processo de alinhamento e as relações entre eles e os sucessos da organização do ponto de vista estratégico, poucas consideram o impacto destes elementos no desempenho dos empregados a partir de um nível operacional. Para preencher esta lacuna, esta tese começa por discutir o estado da arte e os desafios do BITA nos bancos comerciais das cidades da China (CCBs) e desenvolve um quadro teórico para avaliar empiricamente o BITA na indústria bancária Chinesa. Por último, são fornecidas algumas recomendações para melhorar o nível de BITA nos CCBs da China. Tomando o Banco de Qingdao (BQD) como amostra, esta tese examina empiricamente o modelo de maturidade do BITA com os resultados de que cinco fatores, incluindo comunicação, competência/avaliação de TI, governação de TI, parceria, e competências de TI estão positivamente relacionados com o BITA enquanto que o âmbito e a arquitetura de TI não são significativos. Além disso, o efeito moderador da qualidade do serviço entre a BITA e o desempenho de trabalho do empregado é também apoiado pelo inquérito realizado. Este estudo também desenvolve um novo modelo teórico, nomeadamente o modelo de alinhamento de equilíbrio pontuado de business-IT (BIPEAM) baseado na teoria do ciclo de vida e na teoria do equilíbrio pontuado para descrever os papéis alternadamente de liderança entre as estratégias empresariais e de TI. Este modelo pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do mecanismo do processo de alinhamento estratégico entre empresas e as TI, a partir de uma perspetiva longitudinal dentro de uma empresa

    Technological Innovation Research: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach

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    The paper explores the relationship among technological innovation, technological trajectory transition, and firms’ innovation performance. Technological innovation is studied from the perspectives of innovation novelty and innovation openness. Technological trajectory transition is categorized into creative cumulative technological trajectory transition and creative disruptive technological trajectory transition. A structural equation model is developed and tested with data collected by surveying 366 Chinese firms. The results indicate that both innovation novelty and innovation openness positively affects creative cumulative technological trajectory transition as well as creative disruptive technological trajectory transition. Innovation openness and creative disruptive technological trajectory transition both positively affect firms’ innovation performance. However, neither innovation novelty nor creative cumulative technological trajectory transition positively affects firms’ innovation performance. Implications for managers and directions for future studies are discussed

    Organizational Dynamics of Technology-Based Innovation: Diversifying the Research Agenda

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    Abstract By analyzing survey data from 1,211 firms across 14 industries in Shanghai, this study examines factors that influence information technology usage in Chinese firms applying a technology-organization-environment framework and institutional theory

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history

    Єдина Європа: Погляд у майбутнє

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    Викладено результати наукових досліджень щодо сучасних проблем глобалізації та інтеграційних процесів, участі в них українських та польських підприємств, вирішення екологічних та соціально-економічних питань, пов’язаних з інтеграційними процесами, підвищенням конкуренції та інтенсифікацією виробництва. Видання буде корисним для наукових співробітників, фахівців-практиків, які займаються проблемами європейського розвитку, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів вищих навчальних закладів, урядових і неурядових аналітичних організацій, інституцій ЄС

    Big data in education and organizational change: Evidence from private K12 schools in China

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    China is a time-honored civilization with a long history of private education. In China, private education has played an important role in preserving Chinese civilization. At the end of the 20th century, private education in China began to develop thanks to government support. As such, remarkable progress was made during the past decade. Due to specific conditions within the education industry, however, the administration of private edu-cation - and basic education, in particular - has remained rudimentary compared with other more mature service industries. To address the many problems in basic education, such as rig-id teaching methods, heavy teacher workloads and long, repetitive working hours, it is imper-ative in this information era to conduct innovative explorations with the help of the “internet of things” (IoT), big data and other scientific and technological means to carry out organiza-tional reform in schools and to establish contemporary organizational structures and manage-ment modes. Doing so will comprehensively improve the administration of basic education, which will in turn promote the quality of education and teaching. This thesis examines Tianli Education Group, a typical example of private, basic educa-tion in China. By adopting experimental research methods, the behavior of students and teachers in Tianli’s schools were experimentally analyzed. IoT technology was employed to collect data about student behavior at school. Likewise, after collecting and analyzing big data on the behavior of teachers at school, the content and processes of their work were analyzed. Based on these experiments, this thesis explores a new 5G era-appropriate mode of stu-dent selection and training that makes use of big data technology. It outlines the standard work scenario for teachers and improves both their work efficiency and salaries by “trimming staff and streamlining administration,” thus rekindling enthusiasm among teachers for their work. Finally, as a part of this thesis, a series of organizational changes were implemented at Tianli Education Group and its schools to boost organizational vitality, improve overall levels of education, teaching and operational efficiency, raise teachers’ salaries and enhance student happiness.A China é uma civilização muito antiga, com uma longa história de educação privada. A educação privada desempenhou um papel importante na preservação da civilização chinesa. No final do século 20, a educação privada na China começou a desenvolver-se com o apoio do governo. Nos últimos dez anos, devido ao apoio concedido temos assistido a um grande progresso. Contudo e em virtude das condições específicas da indústria da educação, a administração da educação privada – a educação básica em particular – permaneceu rudimentar quando comparada com outras indústrias de serviços. Para resolver os muitos problemas da educação básica, tais como os métodos rígidos de ensino, as cargas de trabalho pesadas e horas de trabalho repetitivas, torna-se imperativo nesta era da informação realizar pesquisas inovadoras com a ajuda da “Internet das Coisas”, do “Big Data” e meios científicos e tecnológicos que nos permitam realizar a reforma nas escolas e estabelecer estruturas organizacionais e métodos de gestão adaptados aos tempos em que vivemos. Os resultados destas pesquisas irão contribuir para melhorar de uma forma abrangente a administração da educação básica, o que por sua vez promoverá a qualidade da educação e do ensino. Esta tese estuda o Tianli Education Group, que consideramos um bom exemplo do ensino privado na educação básica na China. Adoptando métodos experimentais de pesquisa, o comportamento dos estudantes e professores das escolas Tianli foram analisados. Aplicamos a tecnologia da “Internet das Coisas” para recolher informações sobre comportamento dos alunos na escola. Da mesma forma, após a recolha e análise dos dados sobre o comportamento dos professores na escola, efetuamos a análise do conteúdo e dos processos do seu trabalho. Tendo por base estas experiências, esta tese explora na nova era 5G, um modo apropriado para seleção e formação dos alunos. Esta tese descreve o cenário padrão de trabalho para professores e melhora não somente a eficiência do trabalho como também os seus salários ao “reduzir o pessoal e simplificar a administração”, reacendendo assim o entusiasmo dos professores pelo seu trabalho. Finalmente, como parte desta tese, uma série de mudanças organizacionais foram implementadas nas escolas do grupo Tianli Education Group com a finalidade de impulsionar a vitalidade organizacional, melhorar todos os níveis gerais de educação, aumentar a eficiência operacional e de ensino, aumentar os salários dos professores e aumentar a felicidade dos alunos

    Sustainable development under the conditions of European integration. Part I

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    This collective monograph offers the description of sustainable development in the condition of European integration. The authors of individual chapters have chosen such point of view for the topic which they considered as the most important and specific for their field of study using the methods of logical and semantic analysis of concepts, the method of reflection, textual reconstruction and comparative analysis. The theoretical and applied problems of sustainable development in the condition of European integration are investigated in the context of economics, education, cultural, politics and law

    Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph

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    The monograph reveals challenging issues of small and medium enterprises development in the European Union and East-Partnership countries. Special attention is paid to a new paradigm of financing investments and fostering innovations at all levels of legal entities including SMEs, enhancing innovative entrepreneurship in conditions of global social and technological challenges as well as determining priority sectors for small and medium enterprises as drivers of economic growth. The authors of the monograph emphasize on such European approaches to financing SMEs as crowd-funding and SME-bonds, analyze experience of applying fiscal instruments to support investment and innovations. The researchers underline the role of social investment as an innovative strategy for European SMEs that could be applied in Ukraine and East-partnership countries, suggest new conceptual approach to the evaluation of innovative business development. They also analyse trends of Ukrainian IT enterprises development in the context of modern information services in a global market. Additional attention is paid to the analysis of SMEs’ entrepreneurial potential in conditions of global social and technological changes, estimation effects of applying electronic governance technologies to provide administrative services by public authorities of various levels of governance. Finally, the researchers disclose economic mentality of legal entities as an informal side of financial assets and substantiate the necessity of creation entrepreneurial universities as drivers of innovative development of economy. The materials of the monograph will be useful to scholars, financial managers of companies, financial analysts, representatives of state bodies who implement the state policy in the field of SMEs development in the East-partnership countries, as well as students of economic universities