19 research outputs found

    دور المهارات الحاسوبيّة للعاملين في تخطيط الوقت (دراسة ميدانيّة في جامعتيّ تشرين وطرطوس)

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    هَدَفَ البحث إلى دراسة دور المهارات الحاسوبيّة للعاملين في تخطيط الوقت، في جامعتيّ تشرين وطرطوس، من خلال تحديد العلاقة بين المهارات الحاسوبية للعاملين وبين تخطيط الوقت، إذ اعتمدت الباحثة المقاربة الاستنباطية كمنهج عام للبحث، وعلى المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، ولَجَأت إلى المعاينة البسيطة العشوائية، وقامت بدراسة استطلاعية، ومقابلات شخصية، ومراجعة أدبية، ثم قامت بإجراء دراسة ميدانية، ونظَّمت بناءً على المراجعة الأدبية استبيان، قامت بتوزيعه على عيّنة من العاملين الإداريين في جامعتي تشرين وطرطوس. واعتمدت برنامجSPSS  إصدار 25 لتفريغ وتحليل البيانات المتوافرة. وخلصت الدراسة إلى وجود تأثير ذو دلالة إحصائية للمهارات الحاسوبية للعاملين على تخطيط الوقت في الجامعتين محل البحث

    The Role Of Time Planning And Time Organizing In Improving The Performance Of Employees (Field Study In The Faculty Of Literature And Humanities In Tishreen University)

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    This study aimed to identify the role of time planning and time organizing in improving the personnel performance in the Faculty of Literature and Humanities at Tishreen University by defining the relationship between variables (time planning, time organizing) on one hand, and between employee performance variable on the other hand. The researcher depended on the deductive approach as a general approach for research and on the descriptive and analytical approach. She depended on simple random sampling and conducted a reconnaissance study, personal interviews and literary review. She also conducted a field study and organized, based on the literary review, two questionnaires distributing the first to a sample of administrative personnel and the second to a sample of students from the same research community, i.e. Faculty of Literature and Humanities at Tishreen University. SPSS was used to download and analyze available data. This study concluded to a set of results, the most important of which is the presence of a statistically significant effect of time planning and time organizing on improving personnel performance in the community under study, in addition to low personnel's application of time planning and time organizing. هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور تخطيط وتنظيم الوقت في تحسين أداء العاملين في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية في جامعة تشرين من خلال تحديد العلاقة بين تخطيط وتنظيم الوقت وبين تحسين أداء العاملين، حيث اعتمدت الباحثة على المقاربة الإستنباطية كمنهج عام للبحث وعلى المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي، فاعتمدت على المعاينة البسيطة العشوائية وقامت بدراسة استطلاعية ومقابلات شخصية ومراجعة أدبية ثم قامت بإجراء دراسة ميدانية، ونظمت بناءً على المراجعة الأدبية استبانتان، قامت بتوزيع الأولى على عينة من العاملين الإداريين في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية، وقامت بتوزيع الثانية على عينة من الطلاب من مجتمع البحث نفسه. وتم الإعتماد على برنامجSPSS  إصدار 25 لتفريغ وتحليل البيانات المتوفرة. وخلصت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: وجود تأثير ذو دلالة إحصائية لتخطيط وتنظيم الوقت على تحسين أداء العاملين في المجتمع محل الدراسة، بالإضافة إلى انخفاض مستوى تطبيق العاملين لتخطيط وتنظيم الوقت


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    his paper aims to analyze features in selected distance learning management systems in improving students' experiential learning through Flipped Classrooms and Task-Based Language Teaching for higher educational institutions. Learning through Flipped Classroom has enriched broad teaching-learning activities to strengthen students' concepts in independent learning. Positively, it is also developing students' electronic literacy through technology. The use of learning management systems not only improves students' activity but also helps construct students' learning experiences for understanding the nature of comprehension through various tasks. However, many lecturers are doubtful about selecting the Learning Management System appropriate to learning tools to facilitate students' work in doing tasks. Therefore, the paper compares four Learning Management Systems, namely Moodle, Chamilo, Efront, and Dokeos, based on features under various criteria and parameters to choose the right one. The result showed that Moodle fulfilled most criteria needed for a Task-Based Flipped Classroom in a Higher Educational Institution.Keywords: flipped classroom; learning management system; task-based language teaching; task featuresMakalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fitur dalam beberapa sistem manajemen pembelajaran jarak jauh untuk digunakan dalam meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa melalui flipped classroom dan Task-based language teaching untuk institusi pendidikan tinggi. Pembelajaran melalui Flipped Classroom telah memperkaya kegiatan belajar mengajar yang luas untuk memperkuat konsep siswa dalam belajar mandiri. Penggunaan sistem manajemen pembelajaran jarak jauh tidak hanya meningkatkan aktivitas siswa tetapi juga membantu membangun pengalaman belajar siswa untuk memahami hakikat pemahaman melalui berbagai tugas. Positifnya, Penggunaan sistem manajemen pembelajaran jarak jauh juga mengembangkan literasi elektronik siswa melalui teknologi.  Namun, banyak dosen yang ragu dalam memilih Learning Management System yang tepat sebagai perangkat pembelajaran untuk memudahkan pekerjaan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan tugas. Oleh karena itu, makalah ini membandingkan empat Sistem Manajemen Pembelajaran, yaitu Moodle, Chamilo, Efront, dan Dokeos, berdasarkan fitur dengan berbagai kriteria dan parameter untuk memilih yang tepat. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Moodle memenuhi sebagian besar kriteria yang dibutuhkan untuk Kelas Terbalik Berbasis Tugas di Perguruan Tinggi. Kata Kunci: flipped classroom; system manajemen pembelajaran; pembelajaran bahasa berbasis tugas; fitur tuga

    Self-Regulated Learning in a Pandemic: Implementing the SEE Framework in an Online Teaching Environment

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    Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a cyclical process that motivates students and facilitates achievement in a variety of domains (Wang, 2013). It entails several processes, such as planning, setting goals, using learning strategies, self-monitoring, reflecting, and holding adaptive motivational beliefs. Moreover, SRL can be developed through interventions and classroom practices. However, there is a shortage of trained interventionists. Teachers can also use a variety of classroom practices to develop students’ SRL skills. A framework of practices, known as the Settings, Events, and Exchanges (SEE) framework, was developed to organize these classroom practices for teachers (Callan et al., 2020). The practices in this framework include (a) the creation of a setting that is conducive to SRL, (b) student-teacher exchanges that facilitate the development of SRL, and (c) events that allow students the chance to reflect on their learning. Specifically, teachers can foster effective learning settings by developing supportive student-teacher relationships, implementing routines and clear participation structures, providing collaborative learning opportunities, and encouraging the use of adaptive help-seeking strategies. Exchanges that support SRL include the use of explicit instructions, modeling, SRL feedback, prompts, and connections made between the use of SRL strategies and academic success. Finally, events that can facilitate SRL include multiple opportunities to succeed, long-term learning opportunities, tasks that are both at an appropriate challenge level as well as supportive of student autonomy, self-assessment, peer co-learning, and the use of SRL worksheets (Callan et al., 2020). The SEE framework was developed to support SRL development in traditional, in person classrooms. In light of the fact that online learning elicits a greater need for SRL, the purpose of this presentation is to examine which SEE framework practices do and do not have empirical support within online learning environments. Doing so provides practical support for teachers and identifies research gaps for researchers

    Artificial Intelligence Helps Primary School Teachers to Plan and Execute Physics Classroom Experiments

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    The research claims that artificial intelligence technologies can help and direct primary school teachers in organising classroom experiments for physics instruction. Educators now have the potential to construct experimental projects that are entertaining and efficient, all while catering to their students’ many learning styles and capabilities. This is made possible by the availability of artificial intelligence technologies. The incorporation of artificial intelligence into educational settings may result in an improvement in the overall quality of teaching as well as an improvement in the scientific performance of students. The chance to improve the learning experience for both students and teachers is available to educators who do an in-depth study on artificial intelligence-driven teaching solutions. The research highlights how artificial intelligence can transform teaching approaches in elementary school, notably in the field of physics education within the context of primary school settings

    The flipped-classroom effect on vocational high school students’ learning outcomes

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    The flipped-classroom instructional model is considered suitable for teaching procedural knowledge. Apart from flipped-classroom, it turns out that another instructional model, namely direct instruction, is also designed to teach procedural knowledge. Therefore, this study aimed to examine differences in procedural knowledge learning outcomes between flipped-classroom and direct instruction learning models in the cognitive and psychomotor domains and to determine the effect of flipped-classroom on students’ procedural knowledge learning outcomes. This type of research is a true-experimental design with a randomized pre-test post-test control group design for the cognitive domain and a randomized post-test only control group design for the psychomotor domain. The research instrument used a written test (pre-test and post-test) for the cognitive domain and a performance assessment for the psychomotor domain. The flipped-classroom is better than direct instruction regarding procedural knowledge learning outcomes. Furthermore, flipped-classroom significantly affects the students’ procedural knowledge learning outcomes, both cognitive and psychomotor domains. The effect of flipped-classroom implementation on the psychomotor domain (t(50)=23.62; p<0.01; d=6.56) is greater than the impact of performance on the cognitive domain (t(50)=2.35; p<0.05; d=0.65)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Efikasi Diri (X1) dan Manajemen Waktu (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik (Y) pada siswa kelas XI di SMKN 31 Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 31 Jakarta menggunakan teknik penentuan sampel propotional random sampling dengan jumlah 125 siswa sebagai responden yang berasal dari jurusan Akuntansi dan Keuangan Lembaga (AKL), Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran (BDP), Perbankan Keuangan Mikro (PKM), Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV), Otomatisasi dan Tata Kelola Perkantoran (OTKP), dan Animasi. Analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu terdapat Uji Normalitas, Uji Linearitas, Uji Multikolinearitas, Uji Heteroskedastisitas, Uji Regresi Linier Berganda, Uji Koefisien Parsial (Uji T), Uji Koefisien Regresi Simultan (Uji F), Dan Uji Koefisien Determinasi (R2) dengan IBM SPSS 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh negatif signifikan secara langsung antara Efikasi Diri (X1) dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik (Y) dengan thitung sebesar -7,384. Manajemen Waktu (X2) juga terbukti berpengaruh negatif signifikan secara langsung terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik (Y) dengan thitung sebesar -4,390. Kemudian secara bersama-sama Efikasi Diri (X1) dan Manajemen Waktu (X2) berpengaruh negatif signifikan secara langsung terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik (Y) dengan fhitung sebesar 57,887 dengan besar pengaruh sebesar 48,7% dan 51,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Kata Kunci: Efikasi Diri, Manajemen Waktu, Prokrastinasi Akademik *** This study aims to find out if Self-Efficacy (X1) and Time Management (X2) have an effect on Academic Procrastination (Y) on XI students at SMKN 31 Jakarta. The methods used in this study are quantitative methods. The study population is XI SMKN 31 Jakarta students using a propotional random sampling technique with 125 students as respondents from the Department of Accounting and Institute Finance (AKL), Online Business and Marketing (BDP), Microfinance Banking (PKM), Visual Communications Design (DKV), Office Automation and Governance (OTKP), and Animation. Analysis of the data is conducted: Normality Test, Linearity Test, Multicolinearity Test, Heteroskedasticity Test, Multiple Linear Regression Test, Partial Coefficient Test (T Test), Simultaneous Regression Coefficient Test (F Test), and Determination Coefficient Test (R2) with IBM SPSS. The results of the study showed a direct significant negative effect between Self-Efficacy (X1) and Academic Procrastination (Y) with a tcount of -7.384. Time Management (X2) has also been shown to have a direct negative significant effect on Academic Procrastination (Y) with a tcount of -4,390. Then together, Self-Efficacy (X1) and Time Management (X2) had a significant negative effect directly on Academic Procrastination (Y) with a fcount of 57.887 with a large influence of 48.7% and 51.3% influenced by other unexamined variables. Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Time Management, Academic Procrastinatio

    Accounting Student Perceptions toward Online Flipped Statistics Course and Effective Methods to Promote Engagement, Increase Satisfaction, and Improve Self-Efficacy

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has motivated many educational institutions in the world to adapt their delivery method from conventional (offline) teaching/learning to online methods, and one of the methods is the Flipped Classroom. Nonetheless, the shift from offline classroom instruction to online learning must ensure its long-term quality, which can be effectively delivered to students. Thus, this study investigates the effectiveness of the an online flipped classroom teaching model as perceived by learners, applied due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample for this study includes 41 accounting students taking an online statistics course in their 5th and 7th semesters in a private university in Indonesia. The methods are both quantitative—employed through a questionnaire—and qualitative through applied semi-structured interviews as well as for analyzing the collected corpus. Ultimately, the study concludes that, in terms of student engagement, satisfaction, and efficacy, the flipped classroom method is effective. Lastly, the significance of the research shows recommendations for improving the application of the flipped classroom approach in the current context of online learning amidst the prevailing policy in Indonesia and beyond

    Influence of COVID-19 confinement in students’ performance in higher education

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    Documento procedente de EdArXiv Preprints , se deposita en Biblos-e Archivo versión 2 de 7 Mayo de 2020This study explores the effects of COVID-19 confinement in the students’ performance in higher education. Using a field experiment of 458 students from three different subjects in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), we study the differences in assessments by dividing students into two groups. The first group (control) corresponds to academic years 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. The second group (experimental) corresponds to students from 2019/2020, which is the group of students that interrupted their face-to-face activities because of the confinement. The results show that there is a significant positive effect of the COVID-19 confinement on students’ performance. This effect is also significative in activities that did not change their format when performed after the confinement. We find that this effect is significative both in subjects that increased the number of assessment activities and subjects that did not change the workload of students. Additionally, an analysis of students’ learning strategies before confinement shows that students did not study on a continuous basis. Based on these results, we conclude that COVID-19 confinement changed students’ learning strategies to a more continuous habit, improving their efficiency. For these reasons, better scores in students’ assessment are expected due to COVID-19 confinement that can be explained by an improvement in their learning performanceThis work has been financed by the project Erasmus+ 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038266 Project of the European Union: “Advanced Design of e-Learning Applications Personalizing Teaching to Improve Virtual Education

    Implementation of the flipped classroom and its longitudinal impact on improving academic performance

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    The authors thank the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities the PhD grant (FPU18/01779) awarded to Christian Acal. We thank the involvement, innovation and collaboration from the professors part of the SEJ-622 Research Group, accredited and financed by the Junta de Andalucia, who are carrying out the proposals and development of these active methodologies at the University of Granada, for the purpose of providing experiences at all educational levels.The objective has been to know the impact of the flipped classroom methodology on the academic performance of students during their training process in relation to the traditional methodology over time, in order to establish baselines in the academic grades in both models. The research is of a quasi-experimental type of non-equivalent groups, with a longitudinal trend design in the data collection process. The entire available population has been selected, with 1.236 students participating, exploring the grades as an analytical resource, from the 2010/2011 to the 2019/2020 academic years. The results show statistically significant differences in the improvement of academic performance with the flipped classroom methodology. Furthermore, the results reinforce that the flipped teaching model effectively promotes students’ interest, their capacity for autonomous learning and personal and cooperative relationships.Spanish Government FPU18/01779Junta de Andaluci