814 research outputs found

    High-quality tree structures modelling using local convolution surface approximation

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    In this paper, we propose a local convolution surface approximation approach for quickly modelling tree structures with pleasing visual effect. Using our proposed local convolution surface approximation, we present a tree modelling scheme to create the structure of a tree with a single high-quality quad-only mesh. Through combining the strengths of the convolution surfaces, subdivision surfaces and GPU, our tree modelling approach achieves high efficiency and good mesh quality. With our method, we first extract the line skeletons of given tree models by contracting the meshes with the Laplace operator. Then we approximate the original tree mesh with a convolution surface based on the extracted skeletons. Next, we tessellate the tree trunks represented by convolution surfaces into quad-only subdivision surfaces with good edge flow along the skeletal directions. We implement the most time-consuming subdivision and convolution approximation on the GPU with CUDA, and demonstrate applications of our proposed approach in branch editing and tree composition

    DualSPHysics: from fluid dynamics to multiphysics problems

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    DualSPHysics is a weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) Navier–Stokes solver initially conceived to deal with coastal engineering problems, especially those related to wave impact with coastal structures. Since the first release back in 2011, DualSPHysics has shown to be robust and accurate for simulating extreme wave events along with a continuous improvement in efficiency thanks to the exploitation of hardware such as graphics processing units for scientific computing or the coupling with wave propagating models such as SWASH and OceanWave3D. Numerous additional functionalities have also been included in the DualSPHysics package over the last few years which allow the simulation of fluid-driven objects. The use of the discrete element method has allowed the solver to simulate the interaction among different bodies (sliding rocks, for example), which provides a unique tool to analyse debris flows. In addition, the recent coupling with other solvers like Project Chrono or MoorDyn has been a milestone in the development of the solver. Project Chrono allows the simulation of articulated structures with joints, hinges, sliders and springs and MoorDyn allows simulating moored structures. Both functionalities make DualSPHysics especially suited for the simulation of offshore energy harvesting devices. Lately, the present state of maturity of the solver goes beyond single-phase simulations, allowing multi-phase simulations with gas–liquid and a combination of Newtonian and non-Newtonian models expanding further the capabilities and range of applications for the DualSPHysics solver. These advances and functionalities make DualSPHysics an advanced meshless solver with emphasis on free-surface flow modelling

    Implicit Blending Revisited

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    International audienceBlending is both the strength and the weakness of functionally based implicit surfaces (such as F-reps or softobjects). While it gives them the unique ability to smoothly merge into a single, arbitrary shape, it makes implicit modelling hard to control since implicit surfaces blend at a distance, in a way that heavily depends on the slope of the field functions that define them. This paper presents a novel, generic solution to blending of functionally-based implicit surfaces: the insight is that to be intuitive and easy to control, blends should be located where two objects overlap, while enabling other parts of the objects to come as close to each other as desired without being deformed. Our solution relies on automatically defined blending regions around the intersection curves between two objects. Outside of these volumes, a clean union of the objects is computed thanks to a new operator that guarantees the smoothness of the resulting field function; meanwhile, a smooth blend is generated inside the blending regions. Parameters can automatically be tuned in order to prevent small objects from blurring out when blended into larger ones, and to generate a progressive blend when two animated objects come in contact

    Biomolecular electrostatics with continuum models: a boundary integral implementation and applications to biosensors

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    The implicit-solvent model uses continuum electrostatic theory to represent the salt solution around dissolved biomolecules, leading to a coupled system of the Poisson-Boltzmann and Poisson equations. This thesis uses the implicit-solvent model to study solvation, binding and adsorption of proteins. We developed an implicit-solvent model solver that uses the boundary element method (BEM), called PyGBe. BEM numerically solves integral equations along the biomolecule-solvent interface only, therefore, it does not need to discretize the entire domain. PyGBe accelerates the BEM with a treecode algorithm and runs on graphic processing units. We performed extensive verification and validation of the code, comparing it with experimental observations, analytical solutions, and other numerical tools. Our results suggest that a BEM approach is more appropriate than volumetric based methods, like finite-difference or finite-element, for high accuracy calculations. We also discussed the effect of features like solvent-filled cavities and Stern layers in the implicit-solvent model, and realized that they become relevant in binding energy calculations. The application that drove this work was nano-scale biosensors-- devices designed to detect biomolecules. Biosensors are built with a functionalized layer of ligand molecules, to which the target molecule binds when it is detected. With our code, we performed a study of the orientation of proteins near charged surfaces, and investigated the ideal conditions for ligand molecule adsorption. Using immunoglobulin G as a test case, we found out that low salt concentration in the solvent and high positive surface charge density leads to favorable orientations of the ligand molecule for biosensing applications. We also studied the plasmonic response of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensors. LSPR biosensors monitor the plasmon resonance frequency of metallic nanoparticles, which shifts when a target molecule binds to a ligand molecule. Electrostatics is a valid approximation to the LSPR biosensor optical phenomenon in the long-wavelength limit, and BEM was able to reproduce the shift in the plasmon resonance frequency as proteins approach the nanoparticle

    3D induction log modelling with integral equation method and domain decomposition preconditioning

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    The deployment of electromagnetic (EM) induction tools while drilling is one of the standard routines for assisting the geosteering decision-making process. The conductivity distribution obtained through the inversion of the EM induction log can provide important information about the geological structure around the borehole. To image the 3D geological structure in the subsurface, 3D inversion of the EM induction log is required. Because the inversion process is mainly dependent on forward modelling, the use of fast and accurate forward modelling is essential. In this paper, we present an improved version of the integral equation (IE) based modelling technique for general anisotropic media with domain decomposition preconditioning. The discretised IE after domain decomposition equals a fixed-point equation that is solved iteratively with either the block Gauss-Seidel or Jacobi preconditioning. Within each iteration, the inverse of the block matrix is computed using a Krylov subspace method instead of a direct solver. An additional reduction in computational time is obtained by using an adaptive relative residual stopping criterion in the iterative solver. Numerical experiments show a maximum reduction in computational time of 35 per cent compared to solving the full-domain IE with a conventional GMRES solver. Additionally, the reduction of memory requirement for covering a large area of the induction tool sensitivity enables acceleration with limited GPU memory. Hence, we conclude that the domain decomposition method is improving the efficiency of the IE method by reducing the computation time and memory requirement.Comment: This article is a manuscript submitted to Geophysical Journal Internationa

    Buoyancy modelling with incompressible SPH for laminar and turbulent flows

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    International audienceThis work aims at modelling buoyant, laminar or turbulent flows, using a 2D Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH) model with accurate wall boundary conditions. The buoyancy effects are modelled through the Boussinesq approximation coupled to a heat equation, which makes it possible to apply an incompressible algorithm to compute the pressure field from a Poisson equation. Based on our previous work (Leroy et al., 2014), we extend the unified semi-analytical wall boundary conditions to the present model. The latter is also combined to a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes approach to treat turbulent flows. The k − turbulence model is used, where buoyancy is modelled through an additional term in the k − equations like in mesh-based methods. We propose a unified framework to prescribe isothermal (Dirichlet) or imposed heat flux (Neumann) wall boundary conditions in ISPH. To illustrate this, a theoretical case is presented (laminar heated Poiseuille flow), where excellent agreement with the theoretical solution is obtained. Several benchmark cases are then proposed: a lock-exchange flow, two laminar and one turbulent flow in differentially heated cavities, and finally a turbulent heated Poiseuille flow. Comparisons are provided with a Finite-Volume (FV) approach using an open-source industrial code

    On-the-Fly Workspace Visualization for Redundant Manipulators

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    This thesis explores the possibilities of on-line workspace rendering for redundant robotic manipulators via parallelized computation on the graphics card. Several visualization schemes for different workspace types are devised, implemented and evaluated. Possible applications are visual support for the operation of manipulators, fast workspace analyses in time-critical scenarios and interactive workspace exploration for design and comparison of robots and tools

    SCALe-invariant Integral Surfaces

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    International audienceExtraction of skeletons from solid shapes has attracted quite a lot of attention, but less attention was paid so far to the reverse operation: generating smooth surfaces from skeletons and local radius information. Convolution surfaces, i.e. implicit surfaces generated by integrating a smoothing kernel along a skeleton, were developed to do so. However, they failed to reconstruct prescribed radii and were unable to model large shapes with fine details. This work introduces SCALe-invariant Integral Surfaces (SCALIS), a new paradigm for implicit modeling from skeleton graphs. Similarly to convolution surfaces, our new surfaces still smoothly blend when field contributions from new skeleton parts are added. However, in contrast with convolution surfaces, blending properties are scale invariant. This brings three major benefits: the radius of the surface around a skeleton can be explicitly controlled, shapes generated in blending regions are self-similar regardless of the scale of the model, and thin shape components are not excessively smoothed out when blended into larger ones

    The fast multipole method at exascale

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    This thesis presents a top to bottom analysis on designing and implementing fast algorithms for current and future systems. We present new analysis, algorithmic techniques, and implementations of the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for solving N- body problems. We target the FMM because it is broadly applicable to a variety of scientific particle simulations used to study electromagnetic, fluid, and gravitational phenomena, among others. Importantly, the FMM has asymptotically optimal time complexity with guaranteed approximation accuracy. As such, it is among the most attractive solutions for scalable particle simulation on future extreme scale systems. We specifically address two key challenges. The first challenge is how to engineer fast code for today’s platforms. We present the first in-depth study of multicore op- timizations and tuning for FMM, along with a systematic approach for transforming a conventionally-parallelized FMM into a highly-tuned one. We introduce novel opti- mizations that significantly improve the within-node scalability of the FMM, thereby enabling high-performance in the face of multicore and manycore systems. The second challenge is how to understand scalability on future systems. We present a new algorithmic complexity analysis of the FMM that considers both intra- and inter- node communication costs. Using these models, we present results for choosing the optimal algorithmic tuning parameter. This analysis also yields the surprising prediction that although the FMM is largely compute-bound today, and therefore highly scalable on current systems, the trajectory of processor architecture designs, if there are no significant changes could cause it to become communication-bound as early as the year 2015. This prediction suggests the utility of our analysis approach, which directly relates algorithmic and architectural characteristics, for enabling a new kind of highlevel algorithm-architecture co-design. To demonstrate the scientific significance of FMM, we present two applications namely, direct simulation of blood which is a multi-scale multi-physics problem and large-scale biomolecular electrostatics. MoBo (Moving Boundaries) is the infrastruc- ture for the direct numerical simulation of blood. It comprises of two key algorithmic components of which FMM is one. We were able to simulate blood flow using Stoke- sian dynamics on 200,000 cores of Jaguar, a peta-flop system and achieve a sustained performance of 0.7 Petaflop/s. The second application we propose as future work in this thesis is biomolecular electrostatics where we solve for the electrical potential using the boundary-integral formulation discretized with boundary element methods (BEM). The computational kernel in solving the large linear system is dense matrix vector multiply which we propose can be calculated using our scalable FMM. We propose to begin with the two dielectric problem where the electrostatic field is cal- culated using two continuum dielectric medium, the solvent and the molecule. This is only a first step to solving biologically challenging problems which have more than two dielectric medium, ion-exclusion layers, and solvent filled cavities. Finally, given the difficulty in producing high-performance scalable code, productivity is a key concern. Recently, numerical algorithms are being redesigned to take advantage of the architectural features of emerging multicore processors. These new classes of algorithms express fine-grained asynchronous parallelism and hence reduce the cost of synchronization. We performed the first extensive performance study of a recently proposed parallel programming model, called Concurrent Collections (CnC). In CnC, the programmer expresses her computation in terms of application-specific operations, partially-ordered by semantic scheduling constraints. The CnC model is well-suited to expressing asynchronous-parallel algorithms, so we evaluate CnC using two dense linear algebra algorithms in this style for execution on state-of-the-art mul- ticore systems. Our implementations in CnC was able to match and in some cases even exceed competing vendor-tuned and domain specific library codes. We combine these two distinct research efforts by expressing FMM in CnC, our approach tries to marry performance with productivity that will be critical on future systems. Looking forward, we would like to extend this to distributed memory machines, specifically implement FMM in the new distributed CnC, distCnC to express fine-grained paral- lelism which would require significant effort in alternative models.Ph.D
