645 research outputs found

    Tau Physics

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    The pure leptonic or semileptonic character of tau decays makes them a good laboratory to test the structure of the weak currents and the universality of their couplings to the gauge bosons. The hadronic tau decay modes constitute an ideal tool for studying low-energy effects of the strong interactions in very clean conditions; a well-known example is the precise determination of the QCD coupling from tau-decay data. New physics phenomena, such as a non-zero tau-neutrino mass or violations of (flavour / CP) conservation laws can also be searched for with tau decays.Comment: 40 pages, latex, 10 Postscript figures. To appear in Heavy Flavours II, eds. A.J. Buras and M. Lindner (World Scientific, 1997

    Space-Time Parameter Estimation in Radar Array Processing

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    This thesis is about estimating parameters using an array of spatially distributed sensors. The material is presented in the context of radar array processing, but the analysis could be of interest in a wide range of applications such as communications, sonar, radio astronomy, seismology, and medical diagnosis. The main theme of the thesis is to analyze the fundamental limitations on estimation performance in sensor array signal processing. To this end, lower bounds on the estimation accuracy as well as the performance of the maximum likelihood (ML) and weighted least-squares (WLS) estimators are studied. The focus in the first part of the thesis is on asymptotic analyses. It deals with the problem of estimating the directions of arrival (DOAs) and Doppler frequencies with a sensor array. This problem can also be viewed as a two-dimensional (2-D) frequency estimation problem. The ML and WLS estimators for this problem amount to multidimensional, highly non-linear optimization problems which would be expensive to solve in real-time in a radar system. Therefore, simplifications of this problem are of great interest. It is shown in this thesis that, under some circumstances, the 2-D problem decouples into 1-D problems. This means a dramatic reduction in computational complexity with insignificant loss of accuracy. The second part contains a performance analysis of the ML DOA estimator under conditions of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a small number of data samples. It is well known that the ML estimator exhibits a threshold effect, i.e. a rapid deterioration of estimation accuracy below a certain SNR. This effect is caused by outliers and is not captured by standard analysis tools. In this thesis, approximations to the mean square estimation error and probability of outlier are derived that can be used to predict the threshold region performance of the ML estimator with high accuracy. Moreover, these approximations alleviate the need for time-consuming computer simulations when evaluating the ML performance

    Space-Time Parameter Estimation in Radar Array Processing

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    This thesis is about estimating parameters using an array of spatially distributed sensors. The material is presented in the context of radar array processing, but the analysis could be of interest in a wide range of applications such as communications, sonar, radio astronomy, seismology, and medical diagnosis. The main theme of the thesis is to analyze the fundamental limitations on estimation performance in sensor array signal processing. To this end, lower bounds on the estimation accuracy as well as the performance of the maximum likelihood (ML) and weighted least-squares (WLS) estimators are studied. The focus in the first part of the thesis is on asymptotic analyses. It deals with the problem of estimating the directions of arrival (DOAs) and Doppler frequencies with a sensor array. This problem can also be viewed as a two-dimensional (2-D) frequency estimation problem. The ML and WLS estimators for this problem amount to multidimensional, highly non-linear optimization problems which would be expensive to solve in real-time in a radar system. Therefore, simplifications of this problem are of great interest. It is shown in this thesis that, under some circumstances, the 2-D problem decouples into 1-D problems. This means a dramatic reduction in computational complexity with insignificant loss of accuracy. The second part contains a performance analysis of the ML DOA estimator under conditions of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a small number of data samples. It is well known that the ML estimator exhibits a threshold effect, i.e. a rapid deterioration of estimation accuracy below a certain SNR. This effect is caused by outliers and is not captured by standard analysis tools. In this thesis, approximations to the mean square estimation error and probability of outlier are derived that can be used to predict the threshold region performance of the ML estimator with high accuracy. Moreover, these approximations alleviate the need for time-consuming computer simulations when evaluating the ML performance

    Estimation and detection with chaotic systems

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-214).Supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research under the Augmentation Awards for Science and Engineering Research Training Program Grant. F49620-92-J-0255 Supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. AFOSR-91-0034-C Supported by the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research. N00014-93-1-0686 Supported by Lockheed Sanders, Inc. under a U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research contract. N00014-91-C-0125Michael D. Richard

    Quantum sensing networks for the estimation of linear functions

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    The theoretical framework for networked quantum sensing has been developed to a great extent in the past few years, but there are still a number of open questions. Among these, a problem of great significance, both fundamentally and for constructing efficient sensing networks, is that of the role of inter-sensor correlations in the simultaneous estimation of multiple linear functions, where the latter are taken over a collection local parameters and can thus be seen as global properties. In this work we provide a solution to this when each node is a qubit and the state of the network is sensor-symmetric. First we derive a general expression linking the amount of inter-sensor correlations and the geometry of the vectors associated with the functions, such that the asymptotic error is optimal. Using this we show that if the vectors are clustered around two special subspaces, then the optimum is achieved when the correlation strength approaches its extreme values, while there is a monotonic transition between such extremes for any other geometry. Furthermore, we demonstrate that entanglement can be detrimental for estimating non-trivial global properties, and that sometimes it is in fact irrelevant. Finally, we perform a non-asymptotic analysis of these results using a Bayesian approach, finding that the amount of correlations needed to enhance the precision crucially depends on the number of measurement data. Our results will serve as a basis to investigate how to harness correlations in networks of quantum sensors operating both in and out of the asymptotic regime

    New Concepts in Quantum Metrology: Dynamics, Machine Learning, and Bounds on Measurement Precision

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    Diese kumulative Promotionsarbeit befasst sich mit theoretischer Quantenmetrologie, der Theorie von Messung und SchĂ€tzung unter Zuhilfenahme von Quantenressourcen. Viele VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr quantenverbesserte Sensoren beruhen auf der PrĂ€paration von nichtklassischen AnfangszustĂ€nden und integrabler Dynamik. Allerdings sind solche nichtklassischen ZustĂ€nde schwierig zu prĂ€parieren und gegen DekohĂ€renz zu schĂŒtzen. Alternativ schlagen wir in dieser Promotionsarbeit sogenannte quantenchaotische Sensoren vor, die auf klassischen AnfangszustĂ€nden beruhen, die einfach zu prĂ€parieren sind, wobei Quantenverbesserungen an der Dynamik vorgenommen werden. Diese Herangehensweise hat ihren Ursprung darin, dass sowohl Quantenchaos als auch Quantenmetrologie ĂŒber die Empfindlichkeit fĂŒr kleine Änderungen in der Dynamik charakterisiert werden. Wir erforschen unterschiedliche Arten von Dynamik am Beispiel des Modells eines gestoßenen Quantenkreisels ("kicked top"), dessen Dynamik durch nichtlineare Kontrollpulse quantenchaotisch wird. Außerdem zeigen wir, dass Quantenchaos in der Lage ist, schĂ€dlichen DekohĂ€renzeffekte abzuschwĂ€chen. Insbesondere prĂ€sentieren wir einen Vorschlag fĂŒr ein quantenchaotisches CĂ€siumdampf-Magnetometer. Mit der Hilfe von BestĂ€rkendem Lernen verbessern wir Zeitpunkt und StĂ€rke der nichtlinearen Pulse im Modell des gestoßenen Quantenkreisels mit SuperradianzdĂ€mpfung. FĂŒr diesen Fall finden wir, dass die Kontrollstrategie als eine dynamische Form der Spin-Quetschung verstanden werden kann. Ein anderer Teil dieser Promotionsarbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit bayesscher QuantenschĂ€tzung und insbesondere mit dem Problem der heuristischen Gestaltung von Experimenten. Wir trainieren neuronale Netze mit einer Kombination aus ĂŒberwachtem und bestĂ€rkendem Lernen, um diese zu schnellen und starken Heuristiken fĂŒr die Gestaltung von Experimenten zu machen. Die Vielseitigkeit unserer Methode zeigen wir anhand von Beispielen zu Einzel- und MehrparameterschĂ€tzung, in denen die trainierten neuronalen Netze die Leistung der modernsten Heuristiken ĂŒbertreffen. Außerdem beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit einer lange unbewiesenen Vermutung aus dem Bereich der Quantenmetrologie: Wir liefern einen Beweis fĂŒr diese Vermutung und finden einen Ausdruck fĂŒr die maximale Quantenfischerinformation fĂŒr beliebige gemischte ZustĂ€nde und beliebige unitĂ€re Dynamik, finden Bedingungen fĂŒr optimale ZustandsprĂ€paration und optimale dynamische Kontrolle, und verwenden diese Ergebnisse, um zu beweisen, dass die Heisenberg-Schranke sogar mit thermischen ZustĂ€nden beliebiger (endlicher) Temperatur erreicht werden kann.This cumulative thesis is concerned with theoretical quantum metrology, the theory of measurement and estimation using quantum resources. Possible applications of quantum-enhanced sensors include the measurement of magnetic fields, gravitational wave detection, navigation, remote sensing, or the improvement of frequency standards. Many proposals for quantum-enhanced sensors rely on the preparation of non-classical initial states and integrable dynamics. However, such non-classical states are generally difficult to prepare and to protect against decoherence. As an alternative, in this thesis, we propose so-called quantum-chaotic sensors which make use of classical initial states that are easy to prepare while quantum enhancements are applied to the dynamics. This approach is motivated by the insight that quantum chaos and quantum metrology are both characterized by the sensitivity to small changes of the dynamics. At the example of the quantum kicked top model, where nonlinear control pulses render the dynamics quantum-chaotic, we explore different dynamical regimes for quantum sensors. Further, we demonstrate that quantum chaos is able to alleviate the detrimental effects of decoherence. In particular, we present a proposal for a quantum-chaotic cesium-vapor magnetometer. With the help of reinforcement learning, we further optimize timing and strength of the nonlinear control pulses for the kicked top model with superradiant damping. In this case, the optimized control policy is identified as a dynamical form of spin squeezing. Another part of this thesis deals with Bayesian quantum estimation and, in particular, with the problem of experiment design heuristics. We train neural networks with a combination of supervised and reinforcement learning to become fast and strong experiment design heuristics. We demonstrate the versatility of this method using examples of single and multi-parameter estimation where the trained neural networks surpass the performance of well-established heuristics. Finally, this thesis deals with a long-time outstanding conjecture in quantum metrology: we prove this conjecture and find an expression for the maximal quantum Fisher information for any mixed initial state and any unitary dynamics, provide conditions for optimal state preparation and optimal control of the dynamics, and utilize these results to prove that Heisenberg scaling can be achieved even with thermal states of arbitrary (finite) temperature
