88,091 research outputs found

    City-level water withdrawal in China:Accounting methodology and applications

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    In the context of the freshwater crisis, accounting for water withdrawal could help planners better regulate water use in different sectors to combat water scarcity. However, the water withdrawal statistics in China are patchy, and the water data across all sectors at the city level appear to be relatively insufficient. Hence, we develop a general framework to, for the first time, estimate the water withdrawal of 58 economic–social–environmental sectors in cities in China. This methodology was applied because only inconsistent water statistics collected from different data sources at the city level are available. We applied it to 18 representative Chinese cities. Different from conventional perceptions that agriculture is usually the largest water user, industrial and household water withdrawal may also occupy the largest percentages in the water-use structure of some cities. The discrepancy among annual household water use per capita in the urban areas of different cities is relatively small (as is the case for rural areas), but that between urban and rural areas is large. As a result, increased attention should be paid to controlling industrial and urban household water use in particular cities. China should specifically prepare annual water accounts at the city level and establish a timetable to tackle water scarcity, which is a basic step toward efficient and sustainable water crisis mitigation

    China’s Energy Economy: A Survey of the Literature

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    This paper reviews literature on China’s energy economics, focusing especially on: i) the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth, ii) China’s changing energy intensity, iii) energy demand and energy -capital and -labor substitution, iv) the emergence of energy markets in China, vi) and policy reforms in the energy industry. After reviewing the literature, the study presents the main findings and suggests some topics for further study.China; Energy; Literature

    Mineral resources and national economic security: current features

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    Purpose is to estimate current mineral and raw material complex and its effect on national economic security basing upon determination and analysis of the integrated index. Methods. Eleven countries of the world with the developed iron-mining industry have been selected as the object of the research. Information database has been formed to calculate integrated index of mineral and raw material security (MRMS). Seven indicators characterizing economic and technical state of iron-ore industry have been specified as performance measures. The indicators have been classified according to their effect on final integrated estimation of MRMS state in a country. The study involves proprietary methodology to calculate integrated index of MRMS. Findings. MRMS has been distinguished in the system of national security. Following indicators have been proposed to be included into the system of national MRMS performance measures: production of mineral resources per capita; resource intensity of the economy; resource-efficiency of the economy; provision with the required mineral resources; export quota; intensity of mineral raw material consumption; and ratio of the volumes of raw material extraction and export of the products of primary processing and recycling (utilization efficiency). Positions and roles of mining industry in terms of provision with resources for the world economy have been evaluated on the basis of system approach (with the emphasis on mining industry). Basic current tendencies in the development of world mining industry have been highlighted including the following ones: increase in the consumption of mineral ore resources; growing intensity of the consumption of mined crude ore deposits and, consequently, depletion of the most commercial deposits; prevailing of mineral carbohydrate raw materials in the world mining industry; and increase in ore reserves consumption by the developing countries. Scientific and methodological approach to estimate the effect of mining industry upon the level of economic security has been approbated; the results have made it possible to evaluate MRMS of 11 leading producers of iron-ore raw material. Originality. It is in the use of innovative complex (integrated) estimation of MRMS level in certain countries which has allowed performing their grouping in term of corresponding security levels and determining the factors effecting economic performance of mineral and raw material component. Practical implications. The proposed integrated approach to the estimation of MRMS level of the countries favours the substantiation of the strategy to strengthen economic security in terms of the mining industry influence.Мета. Оцінка сучасного стану мінерально-сировинного комплексу та його впливу на економічну безпеку країни на основі визначення й аналізу інтегрального показника. Методика. Як об’єкт дослідження обрані 11 країн світу з розвиненою гірничодобувною залізорудною про-промисловістю. Сформована інформаційна база даних для розрахунку інтегрального показника мінерально-сировинної безпеки (МСБ). Як показники оцінки були обрані 7 індикаторів, що характеризують економічний і технічний стан підприємств залізорудної галузі. Індикатори були прокласифіковані відповідно до їх впливу на підсумкову інтегральну оцінку стану МСБ країни. У дослідженні використана авторська методика розрахунку інтегрального показника МСБ. Результати. Виділена МСБ в системі національної безпеки країни й запропоновано включити в систему показників оцінки МСБ країни такі індикатори, як: виробництво мінеральних ресурсів на душу населення; ресурсоємність економіки; ресурсоефективність економіки; забезпеченість необхідними мінеральними ресурсами; експортна квота; інтенсивність використання мінеральної сировини; співвідношення обсягів видобутку сировини і обсягів експорту продукції первинної та вторинної переробки (ефективність використання). Оцінені місця і ролі добувної промисловості в ресурсному забезпеченні світового господарства на основі системного підходу (з акцентом на гірничодобувну промисловість). Виділені основні сучасні тенденції розвитку світової гірничодобувної промисловості, серед яких: зростання обсягів споживання мінеральних рудних ресурсів; підвищення інтенсивності використання покладів викопної рудної сировини і, відповідно, вичерпання найбільш продуктивних родовищ; перевага у світовій добувній промисловості мінеральної вуглеводневої сировини; збільшення обсягів споживання рудних ресурсів країнами, що розвиваються. Здійснено апробацію запропонованого науково-методичного підходу до оцінки впливу добувної галузі на рівень економічної безпеки, за результатами якого оцінена МСБ 11 провідних виробників залізорудної сировини. Наукова новизна. Полягає у використанні нової комплексної (інтегральної) оцінки рівня МСБ країн, що дозволило провести їх групування за відповідними рівнями безпеки й визначити фактори впливу на стан економіки мінерально-сировинної компоненти. Практична значимість. Запропонований інтегральний підхід до оцінки рівня МСБ країн сприяє науковому обґрунтуванню стратегії посилення економічної безпеки в контексті впливу добувної галузі.Цель. Оценка современного состояния минерально-сырьевого комплекса и его влияния на экономическую безопасность страны на основе определения и анализа интегрального показателя. Методика. В качестве объекта исследования выбраны 11 стран мира с развитой горнодобывающей железорудной промышленностью. Сформирована информационная база данных для расчета интегрального показателя минерально-сырьевой безопасности (МСБ). В качестве показателей оценки были выбраны 7 индикаторов, характеризующих экономическое и техническое состояние предприятий железорудной отрасли. Индикаторы были проклассифицированы соответственно их влияния на итоговую интегральную оценку состояния МСБ страны. В исследовании использована авторская методика расчета интегрального показателя МСБ. Результаты. Выделена МСБ в системе национальной безопасности страны и предложено включить в систему показателей оценки МСБ страны такие индикаторы, как: производство минеральных ресурсов на душу населения; ресурсоемкость экономики; ресурсоэффективность экономики; обеспеченность необходимыми минеральными ресурсами; экспортная квота; интенсивность использования минерального сырья; соотношение объемов добычи сырья и объемов экспорта продукции первичной и вторичной переработки (эффективность использования). Оценены места и роли добывающей промышленности в ресурсном обеспечении мирового хозяйства на основе системного подхода (с акцентом на горнодобывающую промышленность). Выделены основные современные тенденции развития мировой горнодобывающей промышленности, среди которых: рост объемов потребления минеральных рудных ресурсов; повышение интенсивности использования залежей ископаемой рудного сырья и, соответственно, исчерпания наиболее продуктивных месторождений; преобладание в мировой добывающей промышленности минерального углеводного сырья; увеличение объемов потребления рудных ресурсов развивающимися странами. Осуществлена апробация предложенного научно-методического подхода к оценке влияния добывающей отрасли на уровень экономической безопасности, по результатам которого оценена МСБ 11 ведущих производителей железорудного сырья. Научная новизна. Заключается в использовании новой комплексной (интегральной) оценки уровня МСБ стран, что позволило провести их группировку по соответствующим уровням безопасности и определить факторы влияния на состояние экономики минерально-сырьевой компоненты. Практическая значимость. Предложенный интегральный подход к оценке уровня МСБ стран способствует научному обоснованию стратегии усиления экономической безопасности в контексте влияния добывающей отрасли.The study carried out by the financial support of the “Russian Foundation for Basic Research” within the framework of the research project 18-410-230033 r a

    Spatial variation in water supply and demand across river basins of India

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    Water supply / Water demand / River basins / Catchment areas / Water availability / Water scarcity / Estimation / Irrigation water / Domestic water / Population growth / Urbanization / Groundwater extraction / Crop production / Policy / Water transfer / India

    The inhabited environment, infrastructure development and advanced urbanization in China's Yangtze River Delta Region

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    This paper analyzes the relationship among the inhabited environment, infrastructure development and environmental impacts in China's heavily urbanized Yangtze River Delta region. Using primary human environment data for the period 2006-2014, we examine factors affecting the inhabited environment and infrastructure development: urban population, GDP, built-up area, energy consumption, waste emission, transportation, real estate and urban greenery. Then we empirically investigate the impact of advanced urbanization with consideration of cities' differences. Results from this study show that the growth rate of the inhabited environment and infrastructure development is strongly influenced by regional development structure, functional orientations, traffic network and urban size and form. The effect of advanced urbanization is more significant in large and mid-size cities than huge and mega cities. Energy consumption, waste emission and real estate in large and mid-size cities developed at an unprecedented rate with the rapid increase of economy. However, urban development of huge and mega cities gradually tended to be saturated. The transition development in these cities improved the inhabited environment and ecological protection instead of the urban construction simply. To maintain a sustainable advanced urbanization process, policy implications included urban sprawl control polices, ecological development mechanisms and reforming the economic structure for huge and mega cities, and construct major cross-regional infrastructure, enhance the carrying capacity and improvement of energy efficiency and structure for large and mid-size cities

    Global impacts of energy demand on the freshwater resources of nations

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    The growing geographic disconnect between consumption of goods, the extraction and processing of resources, and the environmental impacts associated with production activities makes it crucial to factor global trade into sustainability assessments. Using an empirically validated environmentally extended global trade model, we examine the relationship between two key resources underpinning economies and human well-being—energy and freshwater. A comparison of three energy sectors (petroleum, gas, and electricity) reveals that freshwater consumption associated with gas and electricity production is largely confined within the territorial boundaries where demand originates. This finding contrasts with petroleum, which exhibits a varying ratio of territorial to international freshwater consumption, depending on the origin of demand. For example, although the United States and China have similar demand associated with the petroleum sector, international freshwater consumption is three times higher for the former than the latter. Based on mapping patterns of freshwater consumption associated with energy sectors at subnational scales, our analysis also reveals concordance between pressure on freshwater resources associated with energy production and freshwater scarcity in a number of river basins globally. These energy-driven pressures on freshwater resources in areas distant from the origin of energy demand complicate the design of policy to ensure security of fresh water and energy supply. Although much of the debate around energy is focused on greenhouse gas emissions, our findings highlight the need to consider the full range of consequences of energy production when designing policy

    The Economic Impact Water Taxes: a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis with an International Data Set

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    Water is scarce in many countries. One instrument to improve the allocation of a scarce resource is (efficient) pricing or taxation. However, water is implicitly traded on international markets, particularly through food and textiles, so that impacts of water taxes cannot be studied in isolation, but require an analysis of international trade implications. We include water as a production factor in a multi-region, multi-sector computable general equilibrium model (GTAP), to assess a series of water tax policies. We find that water taxes reduce water use, and lead to shifts in production, consumption, and international trade patterns. Countries that do not levy water taxes are nonetheless affected by other countries' taxes. Taxes on agricultural water use drive most of the economic and welfare impacts. Reductions in water use (welfare losses) are less (more) than linear in the price of water. The results are sensitive to the assumed ability to substitute other production factors for water. A water tax on production would have different effects on water use, production and trade patterns, and the size and distribution of welfare losses than would a water tax on final consumption.Computable General Equilibrium, Virtual Water, Water Allocation, Water Pricing, Water Scarcity

    Blue frontiers: managing the environmental costs of aquaculture

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    The report begins with an overview of the current status of world aquaculture. It then goes on to describe an approach for estimating the current combined biophysical resource demands of aquaculture for producer countries and regions. Following a comparison of these results with those available for other animal food production sectors the report then examines the consequences of likely future trends in production on the environmental impacts of aquaculture. Finally, the policy implications of the report’s findings are discussed along with the research agenda that should be pursued to meet the challenge of sustainable food production

    Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture: country case study: development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Bangladesh

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    This report is an output of the project “Determination of high-potential aquaculture development areas and impact in Africa and Asia”. This monograph is the case study for Cameroon. Written in three parts, it describes the historical background, practices, stakeholder profiles, production levels, economic and institutional environment, policy issues, and prospects for aquaculture in the country. First, it documents the history and current status of the aquaculture in the country. Second, it assesses the technologies and approaches that either succeeded or failed to foster aquaculture development and discusses why. Third, it identifies the key reasons for aquaculture adoption

    China’s Energy Situation and Its Implications in the New Millennium

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    Many are interested in China’s energy situation, however, numerous energy related issues in China still remain unanswered. For example, what are the potential forces driving energy demand and supply? Previous reviews focused only on fossil fuel based energy and ignored other important elements including renewable and ‘clean’ energy sources. The work presented here is intended to fill this gap by bringing the research on fossil-based and renewable energy economic studies together and identifying the potential drivers behind both energy demand and supply to provide a complete picture of China’s energy situation in the new millennium. This will be of interest to anyone concerned with the development of China’s economy in general, and in particular with its energy economy.China China; Energy; Fossil fuels; Renewable Energy