36 research outputs found

    Sensorless Rotor Position Estimation For Brushless DC Motors

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    Brushless DC motor speed is controlled by synchronizing the stator coil current with rotor position in order to acquire an accurate alignment of stator rotating field with rotor permanent-magnet field for efficient transfer of energy. In order to accomplish this goal, a motor shaft is instantly tracked by using rotating rotor position sensors such as Hall effect sensors, optical encoders or resolvers etc. Adding sensors to detect rotor position affects the overall reliability and mechanical robustness of the system. Therefore, a whole new trend of replacing position sensors with sensorless rotor position estimation techniques have a promising demand. Among the sensorless approaches, Back-EMF measurement and high frequency signal injection is the most common. Back-EMF is an electromotive force, directly proportional to the speed of rotor revolutions per second, the greater the speed motor acquires the greater the Back-EMF amplitude appears against the motion of rotation. However, the detected Back-EMF is zero at start-up and does not provide motor speed information at this instant. There-fore, Back-EMF based techniques are highly unfavourable for low speed application specially near zero. On the other hand, signal injection techniques are comparatively developed for low or near zero motor speed applications and they also can estimate the on-line motor parameters exploiting the identification theory on phase voltages and currents signals. The signal injection approach requires expensive additional hardware to inject high frequency signal. Since, motors are typically driven with pulse width modulation techniques, high frequency signals are naturally already present which can be used to detect position. This thesis presents rotor position estimation by measuring the voltage and current signals and also proposes an equivalent permanent-magnet synchronous motor model by fitting thedata to a position dependent circuit model

    Multiphase PMSM and PMaSynRM flux map model with space harmonics and multiple plane cross harmonic saturation

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Multiphase Synchronous Machines vary in rotor construction and winding distribution leading to non-sinusoidal inductances along the rotor periphery. Moreover, saturation and cross-saturation effects make the precise modeling a complex task. This paper proposes a general model of multi-phase magnet-excited synchronous machines considering multi-dimensional space modeling and revealing cross-harmonic saturation. The models can predict multiphase motor behavior in any transient state, including startup. They are based on flux maps obtained from static 2D Finite-Element (FE) analysis. FE validations have been performed to confirm authenticity of the dynamic models of multiphase PMaSynRMs. Very close to FE precision is guaranteed while computation time is incomparably lower.Postprint (author's final draft

    Critical Aspects of Electric Motor Drive Controllers and Mitigation of Torque Ripple - Review

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are playing a vital role in sustainable transportation. It is estimated that by 2030, Battery EVs will become mainstream for passenger car transportation. Even though EVs are gaining interest in sustainable transportation, the future of EV power transmission is facing vital concerns and open research challenges. Considering the case of torque ripple mitigation and improved reliability control techniques in motors, many motor drive control algorithms fail to provide efficient control. To efficiently address this issue, control techniques such as Field Orientation Control (FOC), Direct Torque Control (DTC), Model Predictive Control (MPC), Sliding Mode Control (SMC), and Intelligent Control (IC) techniques are used in the motor drive control algorithms. This literature survey exclusively compares the various advanced control techniques for conventionally used EV motors such as Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), Brushless Direct Current Motor (BLDC), Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM), and Induction Motors (IM). Furthermore, this paper discusses the EV-motors history, types of EVmotors, EV-motor drives powertrain mathematical modelling, and design procedure of EV-motors. The hardware results have also been compared with different control techniques for BLDC and SRM hub motors. Future direction towards the design of EV by critical selection of motors and their control techniques to minimize the torque ripple and other research opportunities to enhance the performance of EVs are also presented.publishedVersio

    Reduktion der Drehmomentwelligkeit und sensorloser Betrieb einer geschalteten Reluktanzmaschine

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    Bei geschalteten Reluktanzmotoren ist besonders die Welligkeit des Drehmomentverlaufs problematisch. Mit einem Simulationsprogramm werden zunächst unterschiedliche Statorstrukturen untersucht mit dem Ziel, diese Welligkeit zu reduzieren. Erreicht wird das durch eine Motorgeometrie, bestehend im Wesentlichen aus einem Versatzkonzept, bei dem die bestromten Statorelemente auf der Umfangslinie in bestimmtem Abstand zueinander versetzt angeordnet sind. Diese Motorgeometrie ist darüber hinaus einfach zu fertigen. Der Bau eines aus diesen Ergebnissen resultierenden Prototyps und eines Umrichters zum Ansteuern des Motors wird erläutert sowie ein Rechenalgorithmus zur Beschreibung der Geometriegestaltung erstellt. Die Umsetzung beider Arbeitsschwerpunkte schließt die Themengebiete „Reduktion der Momentenwelligkeit, durch das geometrische Design eines SRM“ und „Sensorlose Positionsbestimmung eines SRM“ ein. Beide Ziele können mit der vorgestellten Hardware erreicht werden. Zur Positionsbestimmung der Rotorlage wird die Stromform der aktiven Phase analysiert und in Abgrenzung zu bekannten Verfahren die Stromabfallzeit während des Freilaufs verwendet. Die Ansteuerung des Umrichters enthält sowohl die Stromregelung der Motorwicklung als auch die Software zur Lageerkennung ohne zusätzliche Hardwarebausteine. Das vorgestellte Verfahren wird mit einem Prototyp einschließlich mitentwickeltem Umrichter auf einem Prüfstand untersucht. Der Motor wird auch unter Last gefahren, um das Versatzkonzept aus der Simulation heraus zu verifizieren und es dabei zu bestätigen. Die Messauswertung im sensorlosen Betrieb im Vergleich zum Geber bestätigt für den Motor mit und ohne versetzte Statorsegmente, dass beide oben genannten Ziele erfüllt werden können

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Recent Advances in Robust Control

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    Robust control has been a topic of active research in the last three decades culminating in H_2/H_\infty and \mu design methods followed by research on parametric robustness, initially motivated by Kharitonov's theorem, the extension to non-linear time delay systems, and other more recent methods. The two volumes of Recent Advances in Robust Control give a selective overview of recent theoretical developments and present selected application examples. The volumes comprise 39 contributions covering various theoretical aspects as well as different application areas. The first volume covers selected problems in the theory of robust control and its application to robotic and electromechanical systems. The second volume is dedicated to special topics in robust control and problem specific solutions. Recent Advances in Robust Control will be a valuable reference for those interested in the recent theoretical advances and for researchers working in the broad field of robotics and mechatronics

    Modelling and Control of Switched Reluctance Machines

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    Today, switched reluctance machines (SRMs) play an increasingly important role in various sectors due to advantages such as robustness, simplicity of construction, low cost, insensitivity to high temperatures, and high fault tolerance. They are frequently used in fields such as aeronautics, electric and hybrid vehicles, and wind power generation. This book is a comprehensive resource on the design, modeling, and control of SRMs with methods that demonstrate their good performance as motors and generators

    Sliding Mode Control

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    The main objective of this monograph is to present a broad range of well worked out, recent application studies as well as theoretical contributions in the field of sliding mode control system analysis and design. The contributions presented here include new theoretical developments as well as successful applications of variable structure controllers primarily in the field of power electronics, electric drives and motion steering systems. They enrich the current state of the art, and motivate and encourage new ideas and solutions in the sliding mode control area

    Modelling and Control of Switched Reluctance Machines

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    Today, switched reluctance machines (SRMs) play an increasingly important role in various sectors due to advantages such as robustness, simplicity of construction, low cost, insensitivity to high temperatures, and high fault tolerance. They are frequently used in fields such as aeronautics, electric and hybrid vehicles, and wind power generation. This book is a comprehensive resource on the design, modeling, and control of SRMs with methods that demonstrate their good performance as motors and generators

    Modeling of switched reluctance motors for torque control

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