72,818 research outputs found

    Analysis of the influence of different real flow effects on computational fluid dynamics boundary conditions based on the method of characteristics

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    Nowadays, turbocharged internal combustion engines (ICEs) are very common in automotive powerplants, monopolizing the Diesel sector and having a steadily increasing percentage in the gasoline one. In this frame, the interest in modeling the behavior of the turbomachinery components involved, with the ultimate goal of characterizing the performance of the turbocharged ICE, seems clear. A turbomachine can be simulated using 3D-CFD software, but its computational cost does not allow to reproduce the whole turbocharger test rig. Moreover, the existence of long ducts requires a considerable computational time until the pressure reflections at the boundaries dissipate in order to reach a periodic solution. The use of non-reflecting boundary conditions reduces the needed length of ducts without introducing spurious wave reflections. An anechoic boundary condition (BC) based on the Method of Characteristics has been previously developed, considering the case of an inviscid and adiabatic 1D flow of a perfect gas. However, real flows do not behave in such ideal manner. In this paper, the extension of the scope of the previous BC is sought. In this way, a methodology to evaluate the performance of the anechoic BC under these real flow situations is shown. The consideration of ideal gas instead of perfect gas, the flow viscosity and the non-homentropic flow makes it necessary to modify the Method of Characteristics, since the Riemann Invariants are not constant any more. In this frame they are referred to as Riemann Variables. An additional issue that has been considered is the effect of swirl flow, as the one in the turbine outlet, on the anechoic BC. Some improvements to be implemented in the BC are proposed in order to have a better performance in these real flow situations.Galindo, J.; Tiseira Izaguirre, AO.; Fajardo, P.; Navarro García, R. (2013). Analysis of the influence of different real flow effects on computational fluid dynamics boundary conditions based on the method of characteristics. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 57(7-8):1957-1964. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2012.01.016S19571964577-

    Thermophysical Phenomena in Metal Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting: Fundamentals, Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation

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    Among the many additive manufacturing (AM) processes for metallic materials, selective laser melting (SLM) is arguably the most versatile in terms of its potential to realize complex geometries along with tailored microstructure. However, the complexity of the SLM process, and the need for predictive relation of powder and process parameters to the part properties, demands further development of computational and experimental methods. This review addresses the fundamental physical phenomena of SLM, with a special emphasis on the associated thermal behavior. Simulation and experimental methods are discussed according to three primary categories. First, macroscopic approaches aim to answer questions at the component level and consider for example the determination of residual stresses or dimensional distortion effects prevalent in SLM. Second, mesoscopic approaches focus on the detection of defects such as excessive surface roughness, residual porosity or inclusions that occur at the mesoscopic length scale of individual powder particles. Third, microscopic approaches investigate the metallurgical microstructure evolution resulting from the high temperature gradients and extreme heating and cooling rates induced by the SLM process. Consideration of physical phenomena on all of these three length scales is mandatory to establish the understanding needed to realize high part quality in many applications, and to fully exploit the potential of SLM and related metal AM processes

    Reynolds number influences in aeronautics

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    Reynolds number, a measure of the ratio of inertia to viscous forces, is a fundamental similarity parameter for fluid flows and therefore, would be expected to have a major influence in aerodynamics and aeronautics. Reynolds number influences are generally large, but monatomic, for attached laminar (continuum) flow; however, laminar flows are easily separated, inducing even stronger, non-monatomic, Reynolds number sensitivities. Probably the strongest Reynolds number influences occur in connection with transitional flow behavior. Transition can take place over a tremendous Reynolds number range, from the order of 20 x 10(exp 3) for 2-D free shear layers up to the order of 100 x 10(exp 6) for hypersonic boundary layers. This variability in transition behavior is especially important for complex configurations where various vehicle and flow field elements can undergo transition at various Reynolds numbers, causing often surprising changes in aerodynamics characteristics over wide ranges in Reynolds number. This is further compounded by the vast parameterization associated with transition, in that any parameter which influences mean viscous flow development (e.g., pressure gradient, flow curvature, wall temperature, Mach number, sweep, roughness, flow chemistry, shock interactions, etc.), and incident disturbance fields (acoustics, vorticity, particulates, temperature spottiness, even electro static discharges) can alter transition locations to first order. The usual method of dealing with the transition problem is to trip the flow in the generally lower Reynolds number wind tunnel to simulate the flight turbulent behavior. However, this is not wholly satisfactory as it results in incorrectly scaled viscous region thicknesses and cannot be utilized at all for applications such as turbine blades and helicopter rotors, nacelles, leading edge and nose regions, and High Altitude Long Endurance and hypersonic airbreathers where the transitional flow is an innately critical portion of the problem

    State of the Art in the Optimisation of Wind Turbine Performance Using CFD

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    Wind energy has received increasing attention in recent years due to its sustainability and geographically wide availability. The efficiency of wind energy utilisation highly depends on the performance of wind turbines, which convert the kinetic energy in wind into electrical energy. In order to optimise wind turbine performance and reduce the cost of next-generation wind turbines, it is crucial to have a view of the state of the art in the key aspects on the performance optimisation of wind turbines using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which has attracted enormous interest in the development of next-generation wind turbines in recent years. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art progress on optimisation of wind turbine performance using CFD, reviewing the objective functions to judge the performance of wind turbine, CFD approaches applied in the simulation of wind turbines and optimisation algorithms for wind turbine performance. This paper has been written for both researchers new to this research area by summarising underlying theory whilst presenting a comprehensive review on the up-to-date studies, and experts in the field of study by collecting a comprehensive list of related references where the details of computational methods that have been employed lately can be obtained

    Numerical Investigation of Second Mode Attenuation over Carbon/Carbon Surfaces on a Sharp Slender Cone

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    We have carried out axisymmetric numerical simulations of a spatially developing hypersonic boundary layer over a sharp 7∘^{\circ{}}-half-angle cone at M∞=7.5M_\infty=7.5 inspired by the experimental investigations by Wagner (2015). Simulations are first performed with impermeable (or solid) walls with a one-time broadband pulse excitation applied upstream to determine the most convectively-amplified frequencies resulting in the range 260kHz -- 400kHz, consistent with experimental observations of second-mode instability waves. Subsequently, we introduce harmonic disturbances via continuous periodic suction and blowing at 270kHz and 350kHz. For each of these forcing frequencies complex impedance boundary conditions (IBC), modeling the acoustic response of two different carbon/carbon (C/C) ultrasonically absorptive porous surfaces, are applied at the wall. The IBCs are derived as an output of a pore-scale aeroacoustic analysis -- the inverse Helmholtz Solver (iHS) -- which is able to return the broadband real and imaginary components of the surface-averaged impedance. The introduction of the IBCs in all cases leads to a significant attenuation of the harmonically-forced second-mode wave. In particular, we observe a higher attenuation rate of the introduced waves with frequency of 350kHz in comparison with 270kHz, and, along with the iHS impedance results, we establish that the C/C surfaces absorb acoustic energy more effectively at higher frequencies.Comment: AIAA-SciTech 201
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