62,640 research outputs found

    Improving face recognition by artificial neural network using principal component analysis

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    The face-recognition system is among the most effective pattern recognition and image analysis techniques. This technique has met great attention from academic and industrial fields because of its extensive use in detecting the identity of individuals for monitoring systems, security and many other practical fields. In this paper, an effective method of face recognition was proposed. Ten person's faces images were selected from ORL dataset, for each person (42) image with total of (420) images as dataset. Features are extracted using principle component analysis PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the face images. Four models where created, the first one was trained using feed forward back propagation learning (FFBBL) with 40 features, the second was trained using 50 features with FFBBL, the third was trained using the same features but using Elman Neural Network. For each person (24) image used as training set for the neural networks, while the remaining images used as testing set. The results showed that the proposed method was effective and highly accurate. FFBBL give accuracy of (98.33,97.14) with (40, 50) features respectively, while Elman gives (98.33, 98.80) for with (40, 50) features respectively

    Automatic analysis of electronic drawings using neural network

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    Neural network technique has been found to be a powerful tool in pattern recognition. It captures associations or discovers regularities with a set of patterns, where the types, number of variables or diversity of the data are very great, the relationships between variables are vaguely understood, or the relationships are difficult to describe adequately with conventional approaches. In this dissertation, which is related to the research and the system design aiming at recognizing the digital gate symbols and characters in electronic drawings, we have proposed: (1) A modified Kohonen neural network with a shift-invariant capability in pattern recognition; (2) An effective approach to optimization of the structure of the back-propagation neural network; (3) Candidate searching and pre-processing techniques to facilitate the automatic analysis of the electronic drawings. An analysis and the system performance reveal that when the shift of an image pattern is not large, and the rotation is only by nx90°, (n = 1, 2, and 3), the modified Kohonen neural network is superior to the conventional Kohonen neural network in terms of shift-invariant and limited rotation-invariant capabilities. As a result, the dimensionality of the Kohonen layer can be reduced significantly compared with the conventional ones for the same performance. Moreover, the size of the subsequent neural network, say, back-propagation feed-forward neural network, can be decreased dramatically. There are no known rules for specifying the number of nodes in the hidden layers of a feed-forward neural network. Increasing the size of the hidden layer usually improves the recognition accuracy, while decreasing the size generally improves generalization capability. We determine the optimal size by simulation to attain a balance between the accuracy and generalization. This optimized back-propagation neural network outperforms the conventional ones designed by experience in general. In order to further reduce the computation complexity and save the calculation time spent in neural networks, pre-processing techniques have been developed to remove long circuit lines in the electronic drawings. This made the candidate searching more effective

    SCANN: Synthesis of Compact and Accurate Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become the driving force behind recent artificial intelligence (AI) research. An important problem with implementing a neural network is the design of its architecture. Typically, such an architecture is obtained manually by exploring its hyperparameter space and kept fixed during training. This approach is time-consuming and inefficient. Another issue is that modern neural networks often contain millions of parameters, whereas many applications and devices require small inference models. However, efforts to migrate DNNs to such devices typically entail a significant loss of classification accuracy. To address these challenges, we propose a two-step neural network synthesis methodology, called DR+SCANN, that combines two complementary approaches to design compact and accurate DNNs. At the core of our framework is the SCANN methodology that uses three basic architecture-changing operations, namely connection growth, neuron growth, and connection pruning, to synthesize feed-forward architectures with arbitrary structure. SCANN encapsulates three synthesis methodologies that apply a repeated grow-and-prune paradigm to three architectural starting points. DR+SCANN combines the SCANN methodology with dataset dimensionality reduction to alleviate the curse of dimensionality. We demonstrate the efficacy of SCANN and DR+SCANN on various image and non-image datasets. We evaluate SCANN on MNIST and ImageNet benchmarks. In addition, we also evaluate the efficacy of using dimensionality reduction alongside SCANN (DR+SCANN) on nine small to medium-size datasets. We also show that our synthesis methodology yields neural networks that are much better at navigating the accuracy vs. energy efficiency space. This would enable neural network-based inference even on Internet-of-Things sensors.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    A Theoretical Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Texture Classification

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    We investigate the use of Deep Neural Networks for the classification of image datasets where texture features are important for generating class-conditional discriminative representations. To this end, we first derive the size of the feature space for some standard textural features extracted from the input dataset and then use the theory of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension to show that hand-crafted feature extraction creates low-dimensional representations which help in reducing the overall excess error rate. As a corollary to this analysis, we derive for the first time upper bounds on the VC dimension of Convolutional Neural Network as well as Dropout and Dropconnect networks and the relation between excess error rate of Dropout and Dropconnect networks. The concept of intrinsic dimension is used to validate the intuition that texture-based datasets are inherently higher dimensional as compared to handwritten digits or other object recognition datasets and hence more difficult to be shattered by neural networks. We then derive the mean distance from the centroid to the nearest and farthest sampling points in an n-dimensional manifold and show that the Relative Contrast of the sample data vanishes as dimensionality of the underlying vector space tends to infinity.Comment: Accepted in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 201
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