117 research outputs found

    Environmental assessment of domestic boilers: A comparison of condensing and traditional technology using life cycle assessment methodology

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    This study has carried out a life cycle assessment of two different domestic natural gas boilers in Italy, taking into account 3 different climatic regions and two dwellings with different energy classes. The aim of this research was to compare traditional and condensing boiler technologies. Primary data relating to the two products under analysis was supplied by an international boiler manufacturer, whilst the Ecoinvent database v2.2 was used as a secondary source of data. The assessment was performed using the CML and Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) methods, by considering the categories required by “Environmental Product Declaration” (EPD) certification systems. The results of the analysis show that on average, the condensing technology has a 23% lower environmental impact than its traditional counterpart for each scenario in the six impact categories considered. This is essentially due to its lower fuel consumption during the use phase and the lower levels of CO and NOx emitted during the combustion of natural gas. The study also shows that the use phase is by far the biggest contributor to the environmental impact, and on average is responsible for more than 90% of the total impact

    Stated locational preferences of entrepreneurs in Italy

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    Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress 2016: Volume I - Creating built environments of new opportunities

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    Seismic Risk Analysis of Revenue Losses, Gross Regional Product and transportation systems.

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    Natural threats like earthquakes, hurricanes or tsunamis have shown seri- ous impacts on communities. In the past, major earthquakes in the United States like Loma Prieta 1989, Northridge 1994, or recent events in Italy like L’Aquila 2009 or Emilia 2012 earthquake emphasized the importance of pre- paredness and awareness to reduce social impacts. Earthquakes impacted businesses and dramatically reduced the gross regional product. Seismic Hazard is traditionally assessed using Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Anal- ysis (PSHA). PSHA well represents the hazard at a specific location, but it’s unsatisfactory for spatially distributed systems. Scenario earthquakes overcome the problem representing the actual distribution of shaking over a spatially distributed system. The performance of distributed productive systems during the recovery process needs to be explored. Scenario earthquakes have been used to assess the risk in bridge networks and the social losses in terms of gross regional product reduction. The proposed method for scenario earthquakes has been applied to a real case study: Treviso, a city in the North East of Italy. The proposed method for scenario earthquakes requires three models: one representation of the sources (Italian Seismogenic Zonation 9), one attenuation relationship (Sa- betta and Pugliese 1996) and a model of the occurrence rate of magnitudes (Gutenberg Richter). A methodology has been proposed to reduce thou- sands of scenarios to a subset consistent with the hazard at each location. Earthquake scenarios, along with Mote Carlo method, have been used to simulate business damage. The response of business facilities to earthquake has been obtained from fragility curves for precast industrial building. Fur- thermore, from business damage the reduction of productivity has been simulated using economic data from the National statistical service and a proposed piecewise “loss of functionality model”. To simulate the economic process in the time domain, an innovative businesses recovery function has been proposed. The proposed method has been applied to generate scenarios earthquakes at the location of bridges and business areas. The proposed selection method- ology has been applied to reduce 8000 scenarios to a subset of 60. Subse- quently, these scenario earthquakes have been used to calculate three system performance parameters: the risk in transportation networks, the risk in terms of business damage and the losses of gross regional product. A novel model for business recovery process has been tested. The proposed model has been used to represent the business recovery process and simulate the effects of government aids allocated for reconstruction. The proposed method has efficiently modeled the seismic hazard using scenario earthquakes. The scenario earthquakes presented have been used to assess possible consequences of earthquakes in seismic prone zones and to increase the preparedness. Scenario earthquakes have been used to sim- ulate the effects to economy of the impacted area; a significant Gross Regional Product reduction has been shown, up to 77% with an earthquake with 0.0003 probability of occurrence. The results showed that limited funds available after the disaster can be distributed in a more efficient way

    Polidrone – Business Plan of a multipurpose modular drone produced via FDM

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    El TFG, realizado conjuntamente con la oficina I3P del Politécnico de Turín, constituye un Plan de Negocio para un dron creado y patentado por una serie de personas vinculadas al Politécnico de Turín con el fin de evaluar su viabilidad. La primera fase del Proyecto fue la definición de los casos de uso o nichos de mercado para los que iba destinado el dron. Para ello se tuvo que tener una absoluta comprensión mecánica del dron, destacando nuestras ventajas competitivas. También se realizó una serie de encuestas, entrevistas y análisis de mercado. Tomando como base los casos de uso elegidos, se realizó el Plan de Negocio completo. El cual analiza los puntos fuertes del dron, los segmentos y el tamaño de mercado, los clientes potenciales, la forma de comercialización, su distribución y venta, su promoción, fijar el precio, los proveedores, los materiales y equipos necesarios, su plan de financiación y beneficios esperados en 5 años, análisis de la competencia, etc. Finalmente, el Plan de Negocio fue presentado como concursante en una competición regional de proyectos innovadores. La START CUP Piemonte-Valle d’Aosta.Departamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de FabricaciónGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Alpine Industrial Landscapes

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    This Open Access book presents a pioneering research on brownfield redevelopment in mountain regions, and specifically in the European Alps. The origins and causes, the actual conditions as well as the future challenges and potentials of mountain brownfields are investigated from an interdisciplinary yet landscape-centered perspective. Through the reasoned combination of research-by-design methods and case-study analysis, the book explores the infrastructural relevance of these sites for the specific mountain territory, while advancing an innovative structuralist-systemic approach for their physical and functional transformation. The book includes, among others, a first transnational geo-mapping of Alpine brownfields, whose impressive outcomes in terms of site numbers and distribution can only confirm the urgency of this research

    Composite indicators for measuring well-being of Italian municipalities

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    Well-being is a complex phenomenon. Multidimensionality is recognized in literature as its main feature. This phenomenon is in some aspects elusive and difficult to monitor, and the definition is the combination of heterogeneous components, which assume different meanings in different contexts. A universally accepted definition of well-being does not exist (yet): each country (or areas) attributes importance to dimensions that for others may not be as relevant, consistent with their culture and social dynamics. Accurate measurement of well-being is a prerequisite for the implementation of effective welfare policies, which, through targeted actions in the most critical areas, are geared to the progressive improvement of living conditions. Until some time ago, such a plurality of components was poorly valued, believing that the only income dimension could represent in an exhaustive way such a complex reality. For many years, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been an indisputable landmark for states all over the world, playing the key role in defining, implementing and evaluating the effects of government action. Recently, the international debate has questioned the supremacy of GDP, and initiatives have been launched which, through the involvement of a growing number of countries, aim to develop alternative ways of measuring well-being that assign the same value to its components, Economic, Social and Environmental. Since well-being, as mentioned above, is a multidimensional phenomenon then it cannot be measured by a single descriptive indicator and that it should be represented by multiple dimensions. It requires, to be measured, the “combination” of different dimensions, to be considered together as components of the phenomenon (Mazziotta and Pareto, 2013). This combination can be obtained by applying methodologies known as composite indicators (Salzman, 2003; Mazziotta and Pareto, 2011; Diamantopoulos et al., 2008). In this ever-evolving scenario, the Italian experience is represented by the BES (Equitable and Sustainable Well-Being) project that is now considered globally as the most advanced experience of study and analysis. It consists in a dashboard of 134 individual indicators distributed in 12 domains. In the last three BES reports, published in December 2015, 2016 and 2017 by Istat (Italian Institute of Statistics) (Istat, 2015; Istat, 2016; Istat 2017), composite indicators at regional level and over time were calculated for the 9 outcome domains, creating a unique precedent in the official statistics at international level. Recently, the debate has become from a scientific to a policy scope: parliamentary and local administrators are affirming the necessity to link the Istat well-being indicators to interventions/actions in the socio-economic field, thus constructing an even stronger connection between official statistics and policy evaluation. In fact, the Italian Parliament has finally approved on 2016 July 28 the reform of the Budget Law, in which it is expected that the BES indicators, selected by an ad hoc Committee, are included in the Document of Economics and Finance (DEF). The new regulations also provide that by February 15th of each year Parliament receives by the Minister of Economy a report on the evolution of the BES indicators. A Committee for equitable and sustainable well-being indicators is established, chaired by the Minister of Economics and composed by the President of Istat, the Governor of the Bank of Italy and two experts coming from universities or research institutions (Mazziotta, 2017). The project, from national, is becoming local and already several local authorities, although they not have legislative obligations, are studying the well-being indicators of their territory. With these assumptions, it seems necessary to calculate well-being measures for all Italian municipalities so that administrators and citizens can dispose of them to understand and decide better policies. Since the current statistical surveys do not provide socio-economic indicators disaggregated at municipalities level (Census is the only source, every ten years and it does not collect all the information contained in the BES), it is necessary to use administrative sources, hopefully, collected in informative systems. The thesis wants to present an experimental statistics conducted on all the municipalities of Italy where nine domains of BES are selected (Population, Health, Education, Labour, Economic well-being, Environment, Economy on the territory, Research and Innovation, Infrastructure and Mobility) and the twenty individual indicators are selected so that they can represent the phenomenon at the municipal level. The individual indicators are calculated starting from administrative sources and then composite indicators are computed in order to have a unidimensional measure. The theoretical framework adopted is represented, therefore, by the conceptual and methodological one developed by Istat and CNEL (National Council of Economy and Labour) for the BES project (Istat, 2015). The structure of the domains and the selection of indicators are derived from the national BES. In each of the domains, some individual indicators are selected so that the starting matrix has 7,998 rows (the municipalities) and a variable numbers of columns (the indicators). A Composite indicator for each domain is calculated and then a unique composite indicator that synthesizes all the composite indicators is computed. Different composite indicators are calculated in order to assess the robustness of the methodologies. The results present interesting reflections also in the key of economic planning. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to provide socio-economic indicators for measuring well-being at the municipal level. To achieve this goal it is necessary to define a theoretical framework, to build indicators matrix at the municipal level, to calculate composite indicators in order to obtain a simpler reading and interpretation of the data. The four chapters of the paper are designed to answer these research questions. The thesis is divide in two parts. The first, Theories and Methods, is composed by two chapters: “Theoretical framework: GDP versus well-being” in which recent well-being theories are presented with a view to supporting GDP; “Composite indicators: theories and methods” in which all the techniques for constructing composite indicators are presented in order to understand how synthesize data and measure multidimensional socio-economic phenomena. The second part, “Application to administrative data”, is composed by two chapters: Administrative data sources in which the data base ARCHIMEDE is described; Well-being of Italian municipalities where a robust composite indicator is applied to the domains and individual indicators in order to have a measure of well-being for all Italian municipalities. The analysis of the results leads to original conclusions in which the application of particular data classification methodologies contributes to the discussion concerning the use of databases from administrative sources for local economic planning based on well-being

    Economic developments in the Italian regions in 2006

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    The Economy of the Italian Regions in the year 2006 analyzes the evolution of production, labour market, financial aggregates and regional public finances in the four main Italian territorial areas. Topics analyzed focus on structural change in the Italian economy; trends in Mezzogiorno's exports; the evolution of local markets for university-level education after the introduction of a three-year degree; and the composition of households' financial assets and liabilities. Also examined are regional regulation in the commerce sector and the management of local public transportation. Two final points of focus relate to local public finances: the degree of regional taxation flexibility, and the main peculiarities of the five special statute regions.Italian Regions, Economic Developments

    Organizational resilience. An analysis of the quasi-medium-sized italian firms.

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    This thesis aim to provide a conceptual framework on organizational resilience and on the factors that organizations should leverage to stand with the turbulence coming from the external environment. Furthermore, an empirical analysis was conducted to understand if the concentration of shore capital is an element that influences resilience and performance.ope