209 research outputs found

    Gamification in crowdsourcing: A review

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    Gamification in Crowdsourcing: A Review

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    This study investigates how different gamification implementations can increase crowdsourcees' motivation and participation in crowdsourcing (CS). To this end, we review empirical literature that has investigated the use of gamification in crowdsourcing settings. Overall, the results of the review indicate that gamification has been an effective approach for increasing crowdsourcing participation. When comparing crowdcreating,-solving,-processing and-rating CS approaches, the results show differences in the use of gamification across CS types. Crowdsourcing initiatives that provide more monotonous tasks most commonly used mere points and other simpler gamification implementations, whereas CS initiatives that seek for diverse and creative contributions have employed gamification in more manifold ways employing a richer set of mechanics. These findings provide insights for designers of gamified systems and further research on the topics of gamification and crowdsourcing

    Towards the Development of an Effective Online Language Learning Model in a University Environment

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    [ES] Esta tesis documenta el progreso hacia un modelo de aprendizaje de lenguas online. A pesar de las recientes innovaciones en el aprendizaje online, se necesita un conocimiento más profundo de lo que significa aprender online para poder garantizar que la experiencia del aprendizaje de lenguas sea mejor para todos. Los estudiantes a menudo se sienten abrumados con la tecnología a expensas de una pedagogía adecuada. Esta tesis explora la naturaleza de aprender una lengua online. El estudio investiga cómo los recientes avances tecnológicos han propiciado que el aprendizaje de una lengua se esté transformando, pasando de ser una actividad presencial a ser una actividad online. En el proceso de cambio a un entorno online, los profesores deben aprender nuevas formas de interactuar con los alumnos y compartir conocimientos. Esto significa que debemos volver a pensar cómo adquirirá el alumno las competencias lingüísticas. Esta tesis sostiene que analizar las opiniones de los estudiantes es un paso esencial hacia el diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de aprendizaje de idiomas online. La tesis comienza con la revisión de la literatura existente relacionada con el aprendizaje y la tecnología online (tecnologías multimedia, aprendizaje asistido por ordenador, la relación entre la lingüística de corpus y el aprendizaje de lenguas online, el uso de tecnologías móviles, el uso de juegos, la simulación y la realidad virtual, el impacto de las redes sociales). Para la metodología, hemos utilizado un diseño mixto cuasi experimental. Hemos recogido datos de varias fuentes y los hemos analizado para disponer de la información necesaria para así poder diseñar un modelo de aprendizaje de lenguas online. En primer lugar, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación inicial en el aula para descubrir y analizar algunas ideas básicas que los estudiantes tienen sobre el uso de herramientas para el aprendizaje de idiomas online. En segundo lugar, hemos examinado los contenidos y la estructura de los libros de texto electrónicos como representativos de una especie de paso intermedio hacia un curso de aprendizaje de idiomas online. En tercer lugar, hemos analizado Massive Open Online Courses. En cuarto lugar, ofrecemos un análisis sobre el diseño adecuado y apropiado de cuestionarios. A continuación, presentamos el razonamiento en el que basamos los tres cuestionarios utilizados en nuestra investigación. El primer cuestionario se centraba principalmente en el papel de Internet como herramienta de aprendizaje de idiomas. En el segundo cuestionario los alumnos tuvieron que evaluar sitios web para el aprendizaje de idiomas. En nuestro tercer cuestionario abordamos la cuestión de las actividades de aprendizaje de idiomas. El cuestionario pretendía descubrir las opiniones de los estudiantes sobre diferentes tipos de actividades de aprendizaje de idiomas, que iban desde actividades cortas, tradicionales, formales a actividades de mayor duración tipo proyecto. El Capítulo IV está dedicado principalmente a valorar los resultados del análisis de nuestra investigación inicial en el aula, el análisis de los libros de texto electrónicos y sus correspondientes plataformas online, el análisis de los MOOC para el aprendizaje de idiomas y el análisis de las respuestas de los alumnos a los tres cuestionarios. El Capítulo V presenta un modelo de aprendizaje de idiomas online. Esta investigación contribuye a mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje de idiomas online al hacer explícitos los pasos que se deben seguir para desarrollar un curso de idiomas online impulsado por la pedagogía y fundamentado en las tecnologías más recientes. El modelo puede convertirse en una herramienta de toma de decisiones (una guía y lista de verificación para el diseño de cursos de idiomas online). Además, contribuye a la discusión sobre la mejor manera de integrar herramientas, tareas y aprendizaje de lenguas, una parte fundamental del proceso de apr[CA] Esta tesi documenta el progrés cap a un model d'aprenentatge del llengües en línia. A pesar de les recents innovacions en l'aprenentatge en línia, és necessari un coneixement més profund del que significa aprendre en línia per tal de poder garantir que l'experiència de l'aprenentatge de llengües siga millor per a tots. Els estudiants sovint se senten desbordats davant la tecnologia a falta d'una pedagogia adequada. Esta tesi explora la naturalesa d'aprendre una llengua en línia. L'estudi investiga com els recents avanços tecnològics han propiciat que l'aprenentatge d'una llengua passe de ser una activitat presencial a ser una activitat en línia. En el procés de canvi a un entorn en línia, els professors han d'aprendre noves formes d'interactuar amb els alumnes i compartir coneixements. Açò significa que hem de tornar a pensar com adquirirà l'alumne les competències lingüístiques. Esta tesi sosté que una anàlisi de les opinions dels estudiants és un pas essencial cap al disseny i desenvolupament d'un model d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia. La tesi comença amb la revisió de la literatura existent relacionada amb l'aprenentatge i la tecnologia en línia (tecnologies multimèdia, aprenentatge assistit per ordinador, la relació entre la lingüística de corpus i l'aprenentatge de llengües en línia, l'ús de tecnologies mòbils, l'ús de jocs, la simulació i la realitat virtual, l'impacte de les xarxes socials). Per a la metodologia, s'ha usat un disseny mixt quasi experimental. S'han recollit dades de fonts diverses i les hem analitzat per tal de disposar de la informació necessària per poder dissenyar un model d'aprenentatge de llengües en línia. En primer lloc, hem dut a terme una investigació inicial en l'aula per tal de descobrir i analitzar algunes idees bàsiques que els estudiants tenen sobre l'ús de ferramentes per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia. En segon lloc, hem examinat els continguts i l'estructura dels llibres de text electrònics com representatius d'una espècie de pas intermedi cap a un curs d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia, ja que molts d'estos llibres de text vénen acompanyats d'una plataforma en línia. En tercer lloc, hem analitzat Massive Open Online Courses. En quart lloc, fem una anàlisi sobre quin és el disseny adequat per als qüestionaris. A continuació, presentem el raonament en què basem els tres qüestionaris emprats en la nostra investigació. El primer qüestionari se centrava principalment en el paper d'Internet com a ferramenta d'aprenentatge d'idiomes. En el segon qüestionari els alumnes havien d'avaluar llocs web per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes. En el nostre tercer qüestionari abordàvem la qüestió de les activitats de l'aprenentatge d'idiomes. El qüestionari pretenia descobrir les opinions dels estudiants sobre diferents tipus d'activitats d'aprenentatge d'idiomes, que anaven des d'activitats curtes, tradicionals, formals a activitats de major duració tipus projecte. El Capítol IV està dedicat principalment a valorar els resultats de l'anàlisi de la nostra investigació inicial en l'aula, l'anàlisi dels llibres de text electrònics i les seues corresponents plataformes en línia, l'anàlisi dels MOOC per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes i l'anàlisi de les respostes dels alumnes als tres qüestionaris. El Capítol V presenta un model d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia. Esta investigació contribueix a millorar l'experiència d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia en fer explícits els passos que s'han de seguir per a desenvolupar un curs d'idiomes en línia impulsat per la pedagogia i fonamentat en les tecnologies més recents. El model pot convertir-se en una ferramenta de presa de decisions (una guia i llista de verificació per al disseny de cursos d'idiomes en línia). A més a més, contribueix al debat sobre la millor forma d'integrar ferramentes, tasques i aprenentatge de llengües, una part fonamental del procés d'aprenentatge en lí[EN] This thesis documents the progress towards a model of online language learning. Despite the recent innovations in online learning, greater in-depth knowledge of what it means to learn online is needed to ensure a better language learning experience for everyone. Learners are often overwhelmed with technology at the expense of proper pedagogy. This thesis explores the nature of learning a language online. My research investigates how recent technological advances have meant that learning a language is transforming from being a face-to-face classroom activity to an online activity. In the process of changing to an online environment, teachers are having to learn new ways of interacting with students and sharing knowledge. This means that we need to re-think how a learner is going to acquire a language. This thesis holds the view that an analysis of learner opinions is an essential step towards the design and development of a model of online language learning. The thesis begins by reviewing the existing literature related to online language learning and technology (multimedia technologies, computer assisted language learning, the relationship between corpus linguistics and online language learning, the use of mobile technologies, the use of gaming, simulation and virtual reality, the impact of social networking). For the methodology, we used a mixed quasi-experimental design. We collected data from various sources and analysed it to provide us with the necessary information to be able to design a model of online language learning. Firstly, we carried out some initial classroom research to discover and analyse some basic ideas that students have about the use of tools for online language learning. The objective of this initial classroom research was to try to become familiar with the type of tools they used and what language skills they thought they would develop with these tools. Secondly, we examined the contents and structure of e-textbooks as representative of a kind of halfway house to an online language learning course as many of these e-textbooks come accompanied by an online platform. Thirdly, we analysed Massive Open Online Courses: their impact on online learning and online language learning. Fourthly, we provide a discussion about appropriate and suitable questionnaire design. This includes discussion of the questionnaire design process. Then, we present the thinking behind the three questionnaires used in our research. The first questionnaire focussed mostly on the role of the internet as a language learning tool. It tried to elicit from students what they know about online learning in general and, more particularly, online language learning. Our second questionnaire was a questionnaire where students had to evaluate language learning websites. Our third questionnaire covered the issue of language learning activities, where the questionnaire aimed to discover student opinions about different kinds of language learning activities, which ranged from formal, traditional, short activities to longer project type activities. Chapter IV is mainly concerned with discussing results from the analysis of our initial classroom research, analysis of e-textbooks and their associated online platforms, analysis of MOOCs for language learning and analysis of learner responses to three questionnaires. Chapter V presents a model of online language learning. This research contributes to enhancing the online language learning experience by making explicit the steps that need to be taken to construct an online language course which is driven by pedagogy and informed by the latest technologies. The model can become a decision-making tool (a guide and checklist for designing online language courses). Furthermore, it contributes to the discussion of how best to combine tools, tasks and language acquisition, a fundamental part of the online learning process.Galstyan Sargsyan, R. (2019). Towards the Development of an Effective Online Language Learning Model in a University Environment [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117609TESI

    Conversational Agent: Developing a Model for Intelligent Agents with Transient Emotional States

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    The inclusion of human characteristics (i.e., emotions, personality) within an intelligent agent can often increase the effectiveness of information delivery and retrieval. Chat-bots offer a plethora of benefits within an eclectic range of disciplines (e.g., education, medicine, clinical and mental health). Hence, chatbots offer an effective way to observe, assess, and evaluate human communication patterns. Current research aims to develop a computational model for conversational agents with an emotional component to be applied to the army leadership training program that will allow for the examination of interpersonal skills in future research. Overall, the current research explores the application of the deep learning algorithm to the development of a generalized framework that will be based upon modeling empathetic conversation between an intelligent conversational agent (chatbot) and a human user in order to allow for higher level observation of interpersonal communication skills. Preliminary results demonstrate the promising potential of the seq2seq technique (e.g., through the use of Dialog Flow Chatbot platform) when applied to emotion-oriented conversational tasks. Both the classification and generative conversational modeling tasks demonstrate the promising potential of the current research for representing human to agent dialogue. However, this implementation may be extended by utilizing, a larger more high-quality dataset

    Mobile Games for Learning:A Pattern-Based Approach

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    The core concern of this thesis is the design of mobile games for learning. The conditions and requirements that are vital in order to make mobile games suitable and effective for learning environments are investigated. The base for exploration is the pattern approach as an established form of templates that provide solutions for recurrent problems. Building on this acknowledged form of exchanging and re-using knowledge, patterns for game design are used to classify the many gameplay rules and mechanisms in existence. This research draws upon pattern descriptions to analyze learning game concepts and to abstract possible relationships between gameplay patterns and learning outcomes. The linkages that surface are the starting bases for a series of game design concepts and their implementations are subsequently evaluated with regard to learning outcomes. The findings and resulting knowledge from this research is made accessible by way of implications and recommendations for future design decisions

    The dawn of the human-machine era: a forecast of new and emerging language technologies

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    New language technologies are coming, thanks to the huge and competing private investment fuelling rapid progress; we can either understand and foresee their effects, or be taken by surprise and spend our time trying to catch up. This report scketches out some transformative new technologies that are likely to fundamentally change our use of language. Some of these may feel unrealistically futuristic or far-fetched, but a central purpose of this report - and the wider LITHME network - is to illustrate that these are mostly just the logical development and maturation of technologies currently in prototype. But will everyone benefit from all these shiny new gadgets? Throughout this report we emphasise a range of groups who will be disadvantaged and issues of inequality. Important issues of security and privacy will accompany new language technologies. A further caution is to re-emphasise the current limitations of AI. Looking ahead, we see many intriguing opportunities and new capabilities, but a range of other uncertainties and inequalities. New devices will enable new ways to talk, to translate, to remember, and to learn. But advances in technology will reproduce existing inequalities among those who cannot afford these devices, among the world's smaller languages, and especially for sign language. Debates over privacy and security will flare and crackle with every new immersive gadget. We will move together into this curious new world with a mix of excitement and apprehension - reacting, debating, sharing and disagreeing as we always do. Plug in, as the human-machine era dawn

    My watch begins : identification and procedural rhetoric on second screens and social networks.

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    Digital rhetoric creates opportunities for examining rhetoric as it evolves daily. This evolution may be described in terms of network circulation and immediate opportunities for publishing and creating. This project analyzes mobile applications and live feeds used during television broadcasts, where rhetoric is closely tied to the work of identifying with another point of view. Producers and designers of dual-screen applications prompt us to answer how we would act if we assumed the role of protagonist and saw the world through her or his eyes. These questions support the idea that identification is not just a relative of empathy or a way to engage emotionally with the text but also a way to approach problems and sharpen observation. From this dissertation’s findings we may reconsider the work of seeing and perspectival shifting as part of a sophisticated procedure of reflexive role play and public intellectualism. In addition, the analysis provides information about how mobile devices and second screens work to support consensus and a preferred reading (viewing) of popular narratives and group performances, thereby calling into careful consideration how we use such devices to influence others. Finally, the dissertation’s work helps us understand new forms of viral communication and the velocity (Ridolfo and DeVoss) at which they are transmitted. Consequently, we may approach textual artifacts as “living documents” and consider how such “living” properties may change our perceptions of authorship and composing. In Chapter One, “My Watch Begins: Complex Narrative, Transmedia, and Point of View,” I begin by offering an overview of my methodological approach to these applications. I situate the work of identification on mobile devices within the larger conversation surrounding transmedia and how it encourages viewers to participate in contemporary television narratives. This section provides explanations of how the terms procedural rhetoric (as introduced first by Ian Bogost), prosopopoiea (from ancient rhetoric), and point of view (from narrative theory) will function in this project, with most of the attention given to procedural and rhetorical studies of the various programs and websites associated with audience writings. This chapter also calls attention to the difference between empathy and perspective shifting. An example from contemporary culture that helps illustrate this difference and provides space for conversation is the viral blog post “I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother.” This editorial, written in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, features identification techniques used as persuasive tools but does so in a problematic way that might be better handled with a nuanced and careful study of how identification operates in other settings. Central to this project are questions addressing how we discuss and document the acts of viewing/seeing/looking, and in what ways the process of seeing from multiple perspectives is currently being lauded in society and the academy. In Chapter Two, “If You See Something, Say Something: Syncing Audience Viewing and Response,” I reveal two opening examples that illustrate these premises: one from a Walking Dead advertisement that features the protagonist’s eye and one from a Department of Homeland Security ad-“If You See Something, Say Something.” These examples dovetail into a specific analysis of syncing devices, or dual screen viewing experiences, and the actual rhetoric accompanying the requests to see from multiple perspectives (“If you were Rick, you would ___”). I also call attention to shows where the act of identifying with the protagonist raises questions about the limitations of perspectives. To be specific, I suggest that the white middle-class male is the paradigm of identification exercises for shows that encourage participation from viewers. Examples from television suggest that women and minorities are less likely to be the characters with whom we align our interests; therefore, I argue we should interrogate this trend and think reflexively about the act of identifying. In Chapter Three, “Choreographing Conversation through Tagging, Tokens, and Reblogs,” I argue that analysis of audience reactions via live feeds and blogging platforms shows that textual artifacts, through increased circulation, promote a certain form of identification through consensus. This consensus reveals the tendency of viewers to gravitate toward preferred readings (viewings) of narratives and to identify with characters closely resembling themselves. By constituting viewers in a rhetoric specific to each fictional world, producers encourage identification and help secure appropriate and largely positive viewer behaviors through conversations online. Specifically, digital activities like “checking in” to a show and writing with specific hashtags become markers of narrative involvement. Producers, in turn, engage in reciprocal action by promoting or displaying fan activity on their own feeds, thereby sponsoring the work of the audience. While such activity often leads to conformity, I argue that these moments of group consensus may act as springboards for future conversation about other perspectives and narrative outcomes. In Chapter Four, “Texts as Bodies, Bodies as Texts: Tumblr Role Play and the Rhetorical Practices of Identification,” the rhetorical analysis of these online sites and mobile applications then leads to questions of how we perceive embodiment during identification. In this section I look closely at the writing found on the microblogging site Tumblr, where viewers of television narrative engage in role playing their favorite protagonists and creating dialogue with fellow role players. This practice, operating outside the jurisdiction of producer-designed apps, reveals new patterns of the work of identification. With attention to the ideas of Katherine Hayles and Deleuze and Guattari, we may reconsider how text, once circulated, acts as an extension of and a replacement for the physical body. Still, the work of these bloggers demonstrates that identification is still a personal investment that refers to and gives credit to the person behind the computer screen. This chapter reveals a productive tension between the embodied author’s work and the nature of writing as it moves through networks. In my conclusion I explain how these applications and online tools have implications for the writing classroom. Students are frequently told that good writers and thinkers must see a problem or an issue from multiple perspectives. This project focuses intensely on the work of shifting perspectives and how those perspectives are represented in writing. Its implications for teaching productive source integration and research may be applied to the first-year writing classroom but also the graduate class curriculum, where novice scholars learn to extend, oppose, and ally themselves with the scholars who have come before them