178,127 research outputs found

    An integrated security Protocol communication scheme for Internet of Things using the Locator/ID Separation Protocol Network

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    Internet of Things communication is mainly based on a machine-to-machine pattern, where devices are globally addressed and identified. However, as the number of connected devices increase, the burdens on the network infrastructure increase as well. The major challenges are the size of the routing tables and the efficiency of the current routing protocols in the Internet backbone. To address these problems, an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working group, along with the research group at Cisco, are still working on the Locator/ID Separation Protocol as a routing architecture that can provide new semantics for the IP addressing, to simplify routing operations and improve scalability in the future of the Internet such as the Internet of Things. Nonetheless, The Locator/ID Separation Protocol is still at an early stage of implementation and the security Protocol e.g. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), in particular, is still in its infancy. Based on this, three scenarios were considered: Firstly, in the initial stage, each Locator/ID Separation Protocol-capable router needs to register with a Map-Server. This is known as the Registration Stage. Nevertheless, this stage is vulnerable to masquerading and content poisoning attacks. Secondly, the addresses resolving stage, in the Locator/ID Separation Protocol the Map Server (MS) accepts Map-Request from Ingress Tunnel Routers and Egress Tunnel Routers. These routers in trun look up the database and return the requested mapping to the endpoint user. However, this stage lacks data confidentiality and mutual authentication. Furthermore, the Locator/ID Separation Protocol limits the efficiency of the security protocol which works against redirecting the data or acting as fake routers. Thirdly, As a result of the vast increase in the different Internet of Things devices, the interconnected links between these devices increase vastly as well. Thus, the communication between the devices can be easily exposed to disclosures by attackers such as Man in the Middle Attacks (MitM) and Denial of Service Attack (DoS). This research provided a comprehensive study for Communication and Mobility in the Internet of Things as well as the taxonomy of different security protocols. It went on to investigate the security threats and vulnerabilities of Locator/ID Separation Protocol using X.805 framework standard. Then three Security protocols were provided to secure the exchanged transitions of communication in Locator/ID Separation Protocol. The first security protocol had been implemented to secure the Registration stage of Locator/ID separation using ID/Based cryptography method. The second security protocol was implemented to address the Resolving stage in the Locator/ID Separation Protocol between the Ingress Tunnel Router and Egress Tunnel Router using Challenge-Response authentication and Key Agreement technique. Where, the third security protocol had been proposed, analysed and evaluated for the Internet of Things communication devices. This protocol was based on the authentication and the group key agreement via using the El-Gamal concept. The developed protocols set an interface between each level of the phase to achieve security refinement architecture to Internet of Things based on Locator/ID Separation Protocol. These protocols were verified using Automated Validation Internet Security Protocol and Applications (AVISPA) which is a push button tool for the automated validation of security protocols and achieved results demonstrating that they do not have any security flaws. Finally, a performance analysis of security refinement protocol analysis and an evaluation were conducted using Contiki and Cooja simulation tool. The results of the performance analysis showed that the security refinement was highly scalable and the memory was quite efficient as it needed only 72 bytes of memory to store the keys in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) device

    A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Physical Unclonable Function Interfaces and its Relation to the Random Oracle Model

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    Analysis of advanced Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) applications and protocols rely on assuming that a PUF behaves like a random oracle, that is, upon receiving a challenge, a uniform random response with replacement is selected, measurement noise is added, and the resulting response is returned. In order to justify such an assumption, we need to rely on digital interface computation that to some extent remains confidential -- otherwise, information about PUF challenge response pairs leak with which the adversary can train a prediction model for the PUF. We introduce a theoretical framework that allows the adversary to have a prediction model (with a typical accuracy of 75% for predicting response bits for state-of-the-art silicon PUF designs). We do not require any confidential digital computing or digital secrets while we can still prove rigorous statements about the bit security of a system that interfaces with the PUF. In particular, we prove the bit security of a PUF-based random oracle construction; this merges the PUF framework with fuzzy extractors.</p

    Reducing Time Complexity in RFID Systems

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    Radio frequency identification systems based on low-cost computing devices is the new plaything that every company would like to adopt. Its goal can be either to improve the productivity or to strengthen the security. Specific identification protocols based on symmetric challenge-response have been developed in order to assure the privacy of the device bearers. Although these protocols fit the devices' constraints, they always suffer from a large time complexity. Existing protocols require O(n) cryptographic operations to identify one device among n. Molnar and Wagner suggested a method to reduce this complexity to O(log n). We show that their technique could degrade the privacy if the attacker has the possibility to tamper with at least one device. Because low-cost devices are not tamper-resistant, such an attack could be feasible. We give a detailed analysis of their protocol and evaluate the threat. Next, we extend an approach based on time-memory trade-offs whose goal is to improve Ohkubo, Suzuki, and Kinoshita's protocol. We show that in practice this approach reaches the same performances as Molnar and Wagner's method, without degrading privacy. Radio frequency identification systems based on low-cost computing devices is the new plaything that every company would like to adopt. Its goal can be either to improve the productivity or to strengthen the security. Specific identification protocols based on symmetric challenge-response have been developed in order to assure the privacy of the device bearers. Although these protocols fit the devices' constraints, they always suffer from a large time complexity. Existing protocols require O(n) cryptographic operations to identify one device among n. Molnar and Wagner suggested a method to reduce this complexity to O(log n). We show that their technique could degrade the privacy if the attacker has the possibility to tamper with at least one device. Because low-cost devices are not tamper-resistant, such an attack could be feasible. We give a detailed analysis of their protocol and evaluate the threat. Next, we extend an approach based on time-memory trade-offs whose goal is to improve Ohkubo, Suzuki, and Kinoshita's protocol. We show that in practice this approach reaches the same performances as Molnar and Wagner's method, without degrading privacy

    QoS Provision for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor network is a fast growing area of research, receiving attention not only within the computer science and electrical engineering communities, but also in relation to network optimization, scheduling, risk and reliability analysis within industrial and system engineering. The availability of micro-sensors and low-power wireless communications will enable the deployment of densely distributed sensor/actuator networks. And an integration of such system plays critical roles in many facets of human life ranging from intelligent assistants in hospitals to manufacturing process, to rescue agents in large scale disaster response, to sensor networks tracking environment phenomena, and others. The sensor nodes will perform significant signal processing, computation, and network self-configuration to achieve scalable, secure, robust and long-lived networks. More specifically, sensor nodes will do local processing to reduce energy costs, and key exchanges to ensure robust communications. These requirements pose interesting challenges for networking research. The most important technical challenge arises from the development of an integrated system which is 1)energy efficient because the system must be long-lived and operate without manual intervention, 2)reliable for data communication and robust to attackers because information security and system robustness are important in sensitive applications, such as military. Based on the above challenges, this dissertation provides Quality of Service (QoS) implementation and evaluation for the wireless sensor networks. It includes the following 3 modules, 1) energy-efficient routing, 2) energy-efficient coverage, 3). communication security. Energy-efficient routing combines the features of minimum energy consumption routing protocols with minimum computational cost routing protocols. Energy-efficient coverage provides on-demand sensing and measurement. Information security needs a security key exchange scheme to ensure reliable and robust communication links. QoS evaluation metrics and results are presented based on the above requirements

    Optimal security limits of RFID distance bounding protocols

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    In this paper, we classify the RFID distance bounding protocols having bitwise fast phases and no final signature. We also give the theoretical security bounds for two specific classes, leaving the security bounds for the general case as an open problem. As for the classification, we introduce the notion of k-previous challenge dependent (k-PCD) protocols where each response bit depends on the current and k-previous challenges and there is no final signature. We treat the case k = 0, which means each response bit depends only on the current challenge, as a special case and define such protocols as current challenge dependent (CCD) protocols. In general, we construct a trade-off curve between the security levels of mafia and distance frauds by introducing two generic attack algorithms. This leads to the conclusion that CCD protocols cannot attain the ideal security against distance fraud, i.e. 1/2, for each challenge-response bit, without totally losing the security against mafia fraud. We extend the generic attacks to 1-PCD protocols and obtain a trade-off curve for 1-PCD protocols pointing out that 1-PCD protocols can provide better security than CCD protocols. Thereby, we propose a natural extension of a CCD protocol to a 1-PCD protocol in order to improve its security. As a study case, we give two natural extensions of Hancke and Kuhn protocol to show how to enhance the security against either mafia fraud or distance fraud without extra cost

    Analyzing Secure Access Strategies to Protect Clinical-Information Systems in the Healthcare Industry

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    Securing patient health records within cloud-based health records is a critical security challenge for hospitals and healthcare organizations. Some information technology (IT) leaders working in the U.S. healthcare industry or hospitals are concerned with their patient cloud-based health records due to data breaches in their healthcare systems. Grounded in the task technology fit theory, the purpose of this qualitative pragmatic inquiry study was to explore strategies healthcare information leaders use to implement security procedures to protect patient health records on private cloud-based clinical information systems (CIS). The participants were six IT managers in metropolitan San Francisco Bay healthcare facilities. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis, and four themes emerged: the importance of security procedures and policies, security awareness, cyber security response strategy, and user training. A key recommendation to healthcare IT security personnel is to team up with their cloud-based application security administrators to review current security procedures to ensure their security protocols can mitigate cyber-attacks on their network application servers. The implication for positive social change is to offer hospitals the ability to protect healthcare systems with security procedures and provides patients with assurances that their information is secure
