3,156 research outputs found

    A procedural method for the efficient implementation of full-custom VLSI designs

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    An imbedded language system for the layout of very large scale integration (VLSI) circuits is examined. It is shown that through the judicious use of this system, a large variety of circuits can be designed with circuit density and performance comparable to traditional full-custom design methods, but with design costs more comparable to semi-custom design methods. The high performance of this methodology is attributable to the flexibility of procedural descriptions of VLSI layouts and to a number of automatic and semi-automatic tools within the system

    A Reuse-based framework for the design of analog and mixed-signal ICs

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    Despite the spectacular breakthroughs of the semiconductor industry, the ability to design integrated circuits (ICs) under stringent time-to-market (TTM) requirements is lagging behind integration capacity, so far keeping pace with still valid Moore's Law. The resulting gap is threatening with slowing down such a phenomenal growth. The design community believes that it is only by means of powerful CAD tools and design methodologies -and, possibly, a design paradigm shift-that this design gap can be bridged. In this sense, reuse-based design is seen as a promising solution, and concepts such as IP Block, Virtual Component, and Design Reuse have become commonplace thanks to the significant advances in the digital arena. Unfortunately, the very nature of analog and mixed-signal (AMS) design has hindered a similar level of consensus and development. This paper presents a framework for the reuse-based design of AMS circuits. The framework is founded on three key elements: (1) a CAD-supported hierarchical design flow that facilitates the incorporation of AMS reusable blocks, reduces the overall design time, and expedites the management of increasing AMS design complexity; (2) a complete, clear definition of the AMS reusable block, structured into three separate facets or views: the behavioral, structural, and layout facets, the two first for top-down electrical synthesis and bottom-up verification, the latter used during bottom-up physical synthesis; (3) the design for reusability set of tools, methods, and guidelines that, relying on intensive parameterization as well as on design knowledge capture and encapsulation, allows to produce fully reusable AMS blocks. A case study and a functional silicon prototype demonstrate the validity of the paper's proposals.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-0175

    VLSI design methodology

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    Algorithm to layout (ATL) systems for VLSI design

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    PhD ThesisThe complexities involved in custom VLSI design together with the failure of CAD techniques to keep pace with advances in the fabrication technology have resulted in a design bottleneck. Powerful tools are required to exploit the processing potential offered by the densities now available. Describing a system in a high level algorithmic notation makes writing, understanding, modification, and verification of a design description easier. It also removes some of the emphasis on the physical issues of VLSI design, and focus attention on formulating a correct and well structured design. This thesis examines how current trends in CAD techniques might influence the evolution of advanced Algorithm To Layout (ATL) systems. The envisaged features of an example system are specified. Particular attention is given to the implementation of one its features COPTS (Compilation Of Occam Programs To Schematics). COPTS is capable of generating schematic diagrams from which an actual layout can be derived. It takes a description written in a subset of Occam and generates a high level schematic diagram depicting its realisation as a VLSI system. This diagram provides the designer with feedback on the relative placement and interconnection of the operators used in the source code. It also gives a visual representation of the parallelism defined in the Occam description. Such diagrams are a valuable aid in documenting the implementation of a design. Occam has also been selected as the input to the design system that COPTS is a feature of. The choice of Occam was made on the assumption that the most appropriate algorithmic notation for such a design system will be a suitable high level programming language. This is in contrast to current automated VLSI design systems, which typically use a hardware des~ription language for input. These special purpose languages currently concentrate on handling structural/behavioural information and have limited ability to express algorithms. Using a language such as Occam allows a designer to write a behavioural description which can be compiled and executed as a simulator, or prototype, of the system. The programmability introduced into the design process enables designers to concentrate on a design's underlying algorithm. The choice of this algorithm is the most crucial decision since it determines the performance and area of the silicon implementation. The thesis is divided into four sections, each of several chapters. The first section considers VLSI design complexity, compares the expert systems and silicon compilation approaches to tackling it, and examines its parallels with software complexity. The second section reviews the advantages of using a conventional programming language for VLSI system descriptions. A number of alternative high level programming languages are considered for application in VLSI design. The third section defines the overall ATL system COPTS is envisaged to be part of, and considers the schematic representation of Occam programs. The final section presents a summary of the overall project and suggestions for future work on realising the full ATL system

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations