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    Avanttítol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripció del recurs: 25 juliol 202

    NeuroArquitectura: nuevas métricas para el diseño arquitectónico a través del uso de neurotecnologías

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La dependencia del entorno lleva a adaptar el espacio a las necesidades. En este sentido, desde que la arquitectura apareciese se han producido sucesivos actos de ordenación del espacio. El resultado es el espacio construido actual. De forma que, al igual que el entorno natural, la arquitectura también tiene importantes efectos en el ser humano. Estos efectos se han abordado a través de diferentes esfuerzos teóricos y prácticos, recibiendo más atención aquellas cuestiones más susceptibles de ser objetivadas. Así, existe un amplio bagaje sobre variados aspectos constructivos que han cristalizado en estándares y normas técnicas. Sin embargo, no son los únicos efectos. También son críticas las cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos sobre el procesamiento y valoración de la información (cognición), y las consecuentes reacciones adaptativas (emoción). Que haya sido sistemáticamente más difícil de estudiar, ha dado lugar a un menor recorrido al respecto. La consciencia sobre esta necesidad, no obstante, no es algo nuevo. La idea de que la dimensión cognitivo-emocional también pueda y deba ser apoyada desde el diseño arquitectónico ha sido foco de reflexiones e investigaciones. Entre ellas, desde: la geometría, la fenomenología del espacio, la geografía de la experiencia, la filosofía, y la psicología; cada una con sus metodologías, de carácter cuantitativo o cualitativo. De alguna forma, estas aproximaciones "tradicionales" se han ido encadenando y combinando para resolver algunos de sus condicionantes específicos. Dilatadamente desarrolladas, ofrecen un cuerpo experimentado para estudiar la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, las aproximaciones tradicionales suelen contar con limitaciones derivadas fundamentalmente de dos asuntos: 1) los estímulos presentados; y 2) las evaluaciones empleadas. Por un lado, los estímulos habitualmente empleados son fotografías y vídeos; formatos que carecen de interactividad. Este empobrecimiento de la experiencia puede ser crítico; al diferir la simulación ambiental de la realidad, los resultados también podrían estar distorsionados. Por otro lado, las evaluaciones usualmente se basan en el auto-reporte; sistemas de evaluación que son propensos al sesgo, ya que sólo registran aspectos conscientes de la respuesta humana. Así, la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura requiere ser abarcada desde diferentes perspectivas. La interrelación entre metodologías, especialmente entre las cuantitativas y las cualitativas, puede suponer un avance significativo. De manera más reciente, han surgido nuevas herramientas para aproximarse a la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura. Estas, hasta cierto punto, superan las limitaciones descritas. Lo hacen a través de la incorporación de: 1) estímulos más similares a los espacios reales representados; y 2) evaluaciones más objetivas de la respuesta humana. Así, por un lado, en la actualidad existen formatos para la representación de entornos de manera realista. Por otro lado, la neurociencia y sus tecnologías aplicadas permiten registrar e interpretar las reacciones neurológicas. Sin embargo, sus potenciales no han sido suficientemente explorados en este ámbito de estudio. El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es contribuir en la investigación y diseño de la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura, a nivel teórico y práctico. A nivel teórico implicó una revisión bibliográfica, contextualizada y crítica, sobre el estudio cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura desde una perspectiva amplia, considerando el conjunto de aproximaciones: las tradicionales (o base) y las nuevas. Asimismo, también se abordaron ambas aproximaciones a nivel práctico. En cuanto a las tradicionales, la finalidad fue explorar los beneficios de combinar las metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas más usualmente empleadas. En cuanto a las nuevas, la finalidad fue validar el uso de los actuales sistemas de simulación ambiental y examinar su uso combinado con los sistemas de registro neurofisiológico.[CA] La dependència de l'entorn porta a adaptar l'espai a les necessitats. En aquest sentit, des que l'arquitectura apareguera s'han produït successius actes d'ordenació de l'espai. El resultat és l'espai construït actual. De manera que, igual que l'entorn natural, l'arquitectura també té importants efectes en l'ésser humà. Aquests efectes s'han abordat a través de diferents esforços teòrics i pràctics, rebent més atenció aquelles qüestions més susceptibles de ser objectivades. Així, existeix un ampli bagatge sobre diversos aspectes constructius que han cristal·litzat en estàndards i normes tècniques. No obstant això, no són els únics efectes que té i deu resoldre l'arquitectura. També són crítiques les qüestions relacionades amb els efectes sobre el processament i valoració de la informació (cognició), i les conseqüents reaccions adaptatives (emoció). Que haja sigut sistemàticament més difícil d'estudiar, ha donat lloc a un menor recorregut sobre aquest tema. La consciència sobre aquesta necessitat, no obstant, no és ninguna novetat. La idea que la dimensió cognitiu-emocional també puga i dega ser secundada des del disseny arquitectònic ha sigut focus de reflexions i investigacions. Entre elles, desde de: la geometria, la fenomenologia de l'espai, la geografia de l'experiència, la filosofia i la psicologia; cadascuna amb les seues metodologies, de caràcter quantitatiu o qualitatiu. D'alguna forma, aquestes aproximacions "tradicionals" o "base" s'han anat encadenant i combinant per a resoldre alguns dels seus condicionants específics. Dilatadament desenvolupades, ofereixen un cos experimentat per a estudiar la dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l'arquitectura. No obstant això, les aproximacions tradicionals solen comptar amb limitacions derivades -fonamentalment- de dos assumptes: 1) els estímuls presentats; i 2) les avaluacions emprades. D'una banda, els estímuls habitualment emprats són fotografies i vídeos; formats que manquen d'interactivitat. Aquest empobriment de l'experiència pot ser crític, ja que si la simulació ambiental difereix de la realitat, els resultats també podrien estar distorsionats. D'altra banda, les avaluacions usualment es basen en l'auto-report; sistemes d'avaluació que són propensos al biaix, ja que només registren aspectes conscients de la resposta humana. La dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l'arquitectura requereix ser abordada des de diferents perspectives. Així, la interrelació entre metodologies, especialment entre les quantitatives i les qualitatives, pot suposar un avanç significatiu. D'una manera més recent, han sorgit noves eines per a aproximar-se a la dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l'arquitectura. Aquestes, fins a un cert punt, superen les limitacions descrites. Ho fan a través de la incorporació de: 1) estímuls més similars als espais reals representats; i 2) avaluacions més objectives de la resposta humana. Així, d'una banda, en l'actualitat existeixen formats per a la representació d'entorns de manera realista. D'altra banda, la neurociència i les seues tecnologies aplicades permeten registrar i interpretar les reaccions neurològiques. No obstant això, els seus potencials no han sigut prou explorats en aquest àmbit d'estudi. L’objectiu de la present Tesi Doctoral és contribuir en la investigació i disseny de la dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l’arquitectura, a nivell teòric i pràctic. A nivell teòric va implicar una revisió bibliogràfica, contextualitzada i crítica, sobre l’estudi cognitiu-emocional de l’arquitectura des d’una perspectiva àmplia, considerant el conjunt d’aproximacions: les tradicionals (o base) i les noves. Així mateix, també es van abordar ambdues aproximacions a nivell pràctic. Quant a les tradicionals, la finalitat va ser explorar els beneficis de combinar les metodologies quantitatives i qualitatives més usualment emprades. Quant a les noves, la finalitat va ser validar l’ús dels actuals sistemes de simulació ambiental i examinar el seu ús combinat amb els sistemes de registre neurofisiològic.[EN] Dependence on the environment leads to the adaptation of space to needs. Since the advent of architecture, successive space management activities have taken place. The result is the built environment, our greatest artifact. Like the natural environment, architecture has important effects on humans. These effects have been addressed by different theoretical and practical approaches, with most attention being paid to issues more likely to be objectified. Thus, there exists extensive background on various aspects of construction that have crystallised into technical standards and regulations. However, these are not the only effects that architecture must address. Architectural design triggers brain activation, which raises critical questions about its effects on the processing and assessment of information (cognition) and consequent adaptive reactions (emotion). The fact that the effects of cognition and emotion are systematically difficult to study means that there has been less research in this area. The awareness of the need for more research, however, is not new. The idea that the cognitive-emotional dimension can and should be supported by architectural design has been the focus of earlier thinking and research. The issue has not always been approached from a solely architectural perspective. Among these are geometry, the phenomenology of space, geographical experience, philosophy, and psychology. Each approach has its methodologies, quantitative or qualitative in nature. In various ways, these "traditional" or "base" approaches have been combined to address some of their specific determinants. These approaches offer a developed base from which to study the cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture. However, traditional approaches often have limitations arising, fundamentally, from two issues: (1) the stimuli presented; and (2) the evaluations employed. On the one hand, the stimuli most commonly presented are photographs and videos, formats that lack interactivity. This experiential impoverishment can be critical, as the more that an environmental simulation differs from reality, the greater the chance that any results obtained will be distorted. On the other hand, evaluations are usually based on self-reports, which are prone to bias as they record only conscious human responses. The cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture needs to be approached from different perspectives. Thus, the combination of methodologies, especially the quantitative and qualitative, can provide a significant step forward. In recent times new tools have emerged to address the cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture. These, to some extent, overcome the above-mentioned limitations. They do so by incorporating: 1) stimuli more similar to the actual spaces represented; and 2) more objective assessments of human responses. On the one hand, formats now exist that can present environments realistically. On the other hand, neuroscience and its applied technologies allow researchers to record and interpret neurological reactions. However, their potential has not been sufficiently explored in this field of study. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to contribute to the research and design of the cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture, both on a theoretical and on a practical level. At the theoretical level this involves a bibliographic review, contextualised and critical, of the cognitive-emotional study of architecture from a broad perspective, considering various approaches, the traditional (or base) and new. Both approaches are addressed also on a practical level. The purpose in addressing the traditional approaches is to explore the benefits of combining the most commonly used quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The aim of addressing the new approaches is to validate the environmental simulation systems in current use and examine their operation in combination with neurophysiological measures.Thanks to the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain (Projects TIN2013-45736-R, BIA2017-86157-R and PRE2018-084051), to the Dirección General de Tráfico - Ministerio del Interior of Spain (Project SPIP2017-02220), and to the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (John Paul Eberhard Fellow 2020).Higuera Trujillo, JL. (2021). NeuroArquitectura: nuevas métricas para el diseño arquitectónico a través del uso de neurotecnologías [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171261TESISPremiadoCompendi

    Application of Kansei Engineering Method in the development of e-Government job portals

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    Nowadays, companies often find it difficult to predict consumers’ needs and requirements and have been looking for ways to quantify customers’ impression on their products. Kansei Engineering (KE) is a method originated from Japan that could be used in achieving the companies’ goal. This method is often used in humanoriented product development to generate products with improved economic value. In this study, Kansei Engineering is applied in website development. This study reveals that e-government websites in Malaysia have lower usability values among the others website domains. There is a significant potential of improving the usability value of the e-Government job portals by implementing a effective usability testing methodology on them. This study aimed to use usability as a testing method by applying Kansei Engineering in the evaluation of e-Government job portals in Malaysia. This study proposes to improve the quality of job-seeking website managed by Malaysia government by measuring the user experience of the website users. The research is aimed to address the dominant factors that affect the impression of a user on the website as well as to compare the design elements of other sample job-seeking websites. Methodologies devised from the investigation are based on proven and existing approaches by other researchers of the same field. Thus, recommendations obtained and analysis of the results shall be useful to guide the improvement of existing job portals to better serve the good cause of its existence

    Kansei Intelligence’s Contributions to Psychological Safety in Online Workplaces

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    This research aims to examine how Kansei Intelligence contributes to psychological safety in remote workplaces and suggests ways to create pedagogical workshops for workers by applying Kansei Intelligence. Based on the literature, three concepts associated with Kansei Intelligence are identified: 1. Kansei’s meaning changes according to time, people, and space, 2. Kansei involves the capacity to sense one’s own surroundings, have environmental perceptions, and cultivate a sense of belonging to nature, and 3. It is important to be aware of one’s own Kansei status, as well as that of others. Applied qualitative research was conducted in this study; data were ultimately gathered from six interviews and four workshops in various settings, either in Finland or Japan. Applying Kansei Intelligence, four workshops were designed with collaborators. This thesis addresses the two research questions through thematic analysis. The interview data describe different approaches to studying how Kansei Intelligence contributes to the fostering of psychological safety in workplaces. The workshop data indicate how Kansei Intelligence works in online workshops and result in suggestions for subsequent workshops. This thesis indicates that Kansei Intelligence can contribute to psychological safety in online work-places, foster interpersonal relationships through emotional reflection exercises. This also suggests that Kansei Intelligence can create a sense of togetherness and non-verbal communication that normally cannot be created merely with ordinary communication among participants in an online environment

    Do we enjoy what we sense and perceive?:A dissociation between aesthetic appreciation and basic perception of environmental objects or events

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    This integrative review rearticulates the notion of human aesthetics by critically appraising the conventional definitions, offerring a new, more comprehensive definition, and identifying the fundamental components associated with it. It intends to advance holistic understanding of the notion by differentiating aesthetic perception from basic perceptual recognition, and by characterizing these concepts from the perspective of information processing in both visual and nonvisual modalities. To this end, we analyze the dissociative nature of information processing in the brain, introducing a novel local-global integrative model that differentiates aesthetic processing from basic perceptual processing. This model builds on the current state of the art in visual aesthetics as well as newer propositions about nonvisual aesthetics. This model comprises two analytic channels: aesthetics-only channel and perception-to-aesthetics channel. The aesthetics-only channel primarily involves restricted local processing for quality or richness (e.g., attractiveness, beauty/prettiness, elegance, sublimeness, catchiness, hedonic value) analysis, whereas the perception-to-aesthetics channel involves global/extended local processing for basic feature analysis, followed by restricted local processing for quality or richness analysis. We contend that aesthetic processing operates independently of basic perceptual processing, but not independently of cognitive processing. We further conjecture that there might be a common faculty, labeled as aesthetic cognition faculty, in the human brain for all sensory aesthetics albeit other parts of the brain can also be activated because of basic sensory processing prior to aesthetic processing, particularly during the operation of the second channel. This generalized model can account not only for simple and pure aesthetic experiences but for partial and complex aesthetic experiences as well.</p

    A health-oriented emotion-centred origami-based PSS concept. A product-service system concept aimed to help users manage and reduce their stress more tangibly to improve their health and well-being.

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    Emotions have a fundamental role in the experience, perception, cognition, and development of people (Barrett et al., 2016; Plutchik, 2001). Negative emotions such as stress, if not managed appropriately, may be a risk factor in developing diseases such as dementia, cardiovascular problems, and depression, amongst others (Dum et al., 2016; Sandi et al., 2001). This interdisciplinary research presents OrigamEase, a health-oriented emotion-centred origami-based PSS concept to help adults manage their stress more tangibly, in response to its main research question: How can engineering design research contribute to improving people’s emotional health and wellbeing? OrigamEase was designed throughout this research, and its design and testing served to develop a health & well-being oriented, emotion-centred engineering design methodology (HWOEED). Therefore, the design of this methodology is the result of the structuring and ordering of the developmental process of exploring, conducting and streamlining the research, design and testing of OrigamEase. The design of OrigamEase (both the product and the service part) is based on the cognitive research stream of emotions and stress. Therefore, this research also aims to broaden the knowledge about the implications and management of the emotional experience of stress from an engineering and design point of view, complementing the available solutions for stress management through a structured, measurable, and tangible tool. The HWOEED methodology is influenced by Kansei Engineering and Design Thinking methodologies and integrates various engineering design research methods. However, this methodology proposes a different application of the integration of emotional considerations into engineering design processes., it seeks to improve the emotional experience of users to preserve and promote their health and well-being through specifically designed products, services or PSS. Therefore, these designs become the means and not the end of the engineering design efforts. Also, this methodology can be transferrable to other engineering design solutions. OrigamEase was tested with 114 adults between 18 and 70 years old through three pilot tests (n=43) and six trial tests (n=71) using a concurrent triangulation mixed methods design. Then the results from these tests were contrasted with two control tests (n=22). The results show that using OrigamEase reduced the measured stress levels of participants (self-reported, heart rate and electrodermal activity) significantly, supporting the experiment hypothesis. Stress levels were recorded before and after using OrigamEase; then, a repeated-measures t-test was applied to find if these differences were significant or not. After using OrigamEase, 73.2% of participants reported feeling less stressed (mean reduction=13.94%), 85.5% experienced a reduction in their heart rate (mean reduction=9.8 bpm), and 78.9% had a lower electrodermal activity (mean reduction= 10.8 points). The testing of OrigamEase served as an initial application validation of the HWOEED methodology. This research demonstrates that engineering and design fields not only can but need to contribute to research on emotions through interdisciplinary research. Emotions are a fundamental part of all human experiences, impacting a person’s health and well-being profoundly

    Impact de l’expérience immersive sur la prise en compte du kansei en design industriel amont

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    In an ever-changing context, the industrial design uses representation as a vector for inspiration and as a tool to operate stylistic choices which in turn enable the shaping of the experience induced by the designed product.This doctoral research presents the comparative study of traditional early design activity and immersive early design activity. This enables the evaluation and modeling of Virtual Kansei Design. My work essentially address the application and experimentation of fundamental theories through the design of two successive tools composing and innovative early design process.• The Immersive Moodboards are spatial immersive inspirational environments dedicated to the understanding of a stylistic trend, designed to substitute and enhance traditional moodboards.• The Immersive sketching is a generational environment enabling the design to position, erase, manipulate… a graphical mark in a three dimensional space planned for the creation of the first ideation sketches.This research aim to develop tools and a digital immersive workflow which first of all enables the design to anticipate Kansei (holistic relationship between the designer/user and the product) in order to optimize strategic style related choices and secondly enhances the fidelity between inspiration and generation while increasing the ability of the designer to produce innovating and aesthetic concepts.Dans un contexte industriel en constante évolution, le designer industriel utilise la représentation comme un vecteur lui permettant de s’inspirer et d’opérer des choix stylistiques afin d’imaginer l’expérience induite par les concepts de produits qu’il développe. Ce travail doctoral présente l'étude comparative entre l'activité de design amont traditionnelle et l'activité de design amont immersive, permettant l'évaluation et la modélisation de l'activité de Kansei Design Virtuel. Mes travaux portent essentiellement sur l'application et l'expérimentation de théories fondamentales à travers la conception de deux outils consécutifs du processus de design:• Les Univers de Tendance sont des environnements inspirationnels spatiaux immersifs dédies à la compréhension d'une tendance stylistique et conçu pour substituer et augmenter le rôle des planches de tendances traditionnelles.• Le Dessin Tridimensionnel Immersif est un environnement générationnel permettant au designer de déposer, effacer, manipuler… un tracé dans l'espace et dédié aux premiers croquis d'idéation.Ces recherches ont pour but de développer des outils et un workflow digital immersif permettant d'une part, d'anticiper le Kansei (relation holistique designer/client-produit) afin d'optimiser les choix stylistiques stratégiques et d'autre part, de maximiser la fidélité de retranscription entre espace d'inspiration et espace de génération tout en augmentant la capacité du designer à produire des concepts esthétiques et innovants