1,730 research outputs found

    Fatiguing Effects of Indirect Vibration Stimulation in Upper Limb Muscles- pre, post and during Isometric Contractions Superimposed on Upper Limb Vibration

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    © 2019 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ , which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited.Whole-body vibration and upper limb vibration (ULV) continue to gain popularity as exercise intervention for rehabilitation and sports applications. However, the fatiguing effects of indirect vibration stimulation are not yet fully understood. We investigated the effects of ULV stimulation superimposed on fatiguing isometric contractions using a purpose developed upper limb stimulation device. Thirteen healthy volunteers were exposed to both ULV superimposed to fatiguing isometric contractions (V) and isometric contractions alone Control (C). Both Vibration (V) and Control (C) exercises were performed at 80% of the maximum voluntary contractions. The stimulation used was 30 Hz frequency of 0.4 mm amplitude. Surface-electromyographic (EMG) activity of the Biceps Brachii, Triceps Brachii and Flexor Carpi Radialis were measured. EMG amplitude (EMGrms) and mean frequency (MEF) were computed to quantify muscle activity and fatigue levels. All muscles displayed significantly higher reduction in MEFs and a corresponding significant increase in EMGrms with the V than the Control, during fatiguing contractions (p < 0.05). Post vibration, all muscles showed higher levels of MEFs after recovery compared to the control. Our results show that near-maximal isometric fatiguing contractions superimposed on vibration stimulation lead to a higher rate of fatigue development compared to the isometric contraction alone in the upper limb muscles. Results also show higher manifestation of mechanical fatigue post treatment with vibration compared to the control. Vibration superimposed on isometric contraction not only seems to alter the neuromuscular function during fatiguing efforts by inducing higher neuromuscular load but also post vibration treatment.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Effects of different vibration frequencies, amplitudes and contraction levels on lower limb muscles during graded isometric contractions superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation

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    Background: Indirect vibration stimulation, i.e., whole body vibration or upper limb vibration, has been investigated increasingly as an exercise intervention for rehabilitation applications. However, there is a lack of evidence regarding the effects of graded isometric contractions superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation. Hence, the objective of this study was to quantify and analyse the effects of variations in the vibration parameters and contraction levels on the neuromuscular responses to isometric exercise superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation. Methods: In this study, we assessed the 'neuromuscular effects' of graded isometric contractions, of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of maximum voluntary contraction, superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation (V) and control (C), i.e., no-vibration in 12 healthy volunteers. Vibration stimuli tested were 30 Hz and 50 Hz frequencies and 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm amplitude. Surface electromyographic activity of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and biceps femoris were measured during V and C conditions with electromyographic root mean square and electromyographic mean frequency values used to quantify muscle activity and their fatigue levels, respectively. Results: Both the prime mover (vastus lateralis) and the antagonist (biceps femoris) displayed significantly higher (P < 0.05) electromyographic activity with the V than the C condition with varying percentage increases in EMG root-mean-square (EMGrms) values ranging from 20% to 200%. For both the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris, the increase in mean EMGrms values depended on the frequency, amplitude and muscle contraction level with 50 Hz-0.5 mm stimulation inducing the largest neuromuscular activity. Conclusions: These results show that the isometric contraction superimposed on vibration stimulation leads to higher neuromuscular activity compared to isometric contraction alone in the lower limbs. The combination of the vibration frequency with the amplitude and the muscle tension together grades the final neuromuscular output.Peer reviewe

    Vibration as an exercise modality: how it may work, and what its potential might be

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    Whilst exposure to vibration is traditionally regarded as perilous, recent research has focussed on potential benefits. Here, the physical principles of forced oscillations are discussed in relation to vibration as an exercise modality. Acute physiological responses to isolated tendon and muscle vibration and to whole body vibration exercise are reviewed, as well as the training effects upon the musculature, bone mineral density and posture. Possible applications in sports and medicine are discussed. Evidence suggests that acute vibration exercise seems to elicit a specific warm-up effect, and that vibration training seems to improve muscle power, although the potential benefits over traditional forms of resistive exercise are still unclear. Vibration training also seems to improve balance in sub-populations prone to fall, such as frail elderly people. Moreover, literature suggests that vibration is beneficial to reduce chronic lower back pain and other types of pain. Other future indications are perceivable

    The effects of whole body vibration on muscle activity.

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    Enhancing adaptions to neuromuscular electrical stimulation training interventions

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    Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) applied to skeletal muscles is an effective rehabilitation and exercise training modality. However, the relatively low muscle force and rapid muscle fatigue induced by NMES limit the stimulus provided to the neuromuscular system and subsequent adaptations. We hypothesize that adaptations to NMES will be enhanced by the use of specific stimulation protocols and adjuvant interventions

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 199

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    This bibliography lists 82 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in October 1979

    Effect of a neuromuscular electrical stimulation muscle strength training intervention on muscle force and mass, physical health and quality of life in people with spinal cord injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to significant deficits in muscle strength and mass, impacting negatively on physical health and quality of life (QoL). Physical rehabilitation techniques for people with SCI rely on constant updates and the accumulation of evidence regarding the efficacy of available and/or new physical interventions. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is already commonly used to activate skeletal muscles and subsequently reverse muscle atrophy, however NMES as a high-intensity “strength training” intervention appears to be a particularly promising technique for increasing muscle strength and mass and to subsequently improve physical health and quality of life (QoL) in people with SCI. Nonetheless, there are many factors limiting the use of standard NMES protocols, and further evidence pertaining to the use of high-intensity NMES strength training in clinical populations is warranted. The primary aim of the research described in this thesis was to examine the effects of NMES as a high-intensity muscle strength training intervention, specifically using wide-pulse width (1000 μs), low-to-moderate frequency (30 Hz) NMES combined with tendon vibration, on muscle strength and mass, physical health, symptoms of spasticity and QoL in people with SCI. This thesis includes two cross-sectional studies examining the effects of patellar tendon vibration (55 Hz, 7 mm amplitude) superimposed onto wide-pulse width (1000 μs) NMES (e.g. 30 Hz over 2 s) on the peak muscular (knee extensor) force and total impulse elicited by, and rate of recovery from, the intervention in healthy subjects (Study 1) and in people with chronic SCI (Study 2). The results of Study 1 revealed that superimposing tendon vibration onto wide-pulse width NMES leads to an increase in the muscle work performed before fatigue in only some individuals (i.e. positive responders, 50% of individuals in the current study), but decreases it in others (i.e. negative responders). However, it tends to reduce the voluntary force loss that was consistently experienced after a training session using high-intensity NMES, and may thus allow for additional exercise or rehabilitation work to be performed without ongoing voluntary muscle fatigue in healthy people. The results of Study 2 also identified positive and negative responders to tendon vibration in people with SCI, however the responses were less clear and a defined effect of tendon vibration superimposed onto NMES was not discerned. In Study 3, a 12-week (twice-weekly) high-intensity NMES strength training intervention was implemented in people with chronic SCI; based on results of Study 2, high-force contractions were evoked by NMES without superimposed tendon vibration. A significant increase in muscle mass (45%) and strength (tetanic evoked force; 31.8%), amelioration of spasticity symptoms, and improvement in some aspects of physical health and QoL were observed. Therefore, the use of high-intensity NMES strength training appears to be an effective rehabilitation tool to increase muscle force and mass, ameliorate symptoms of spasticity and improve physical and mental health outcomes in people with SCI

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 217, March 1981

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    Approximately 130 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1981 are included in this bibliography. Topics include aerospace medicine and biology

    Postactivation Potentiation: Practical Implications in The Collegiate Setting

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    Banks, Steven, M.S., May 2016 Health and Human Performance, Exercise Science POSTACTIVATION POTENTIATION PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS IN THE COLLEGIATE SETTING Chairperson: Matthew Bundle Ph.D. Postactivation potentiation (PAP) induced by a voluntary conditioning activity (CA) has been shown to increase peak force and rate of force development during subsequent muscle contractions increasing performance. We examined existing PAP literature, the underlying physiological mechanisms responsible for PAP, and the various factors that affect protocols used to elicit the PAP response. Furthermore, we aimed to determine what combination of factors are optimal for eliciting a PAP response in training and competition. The proposed mechanism underlying PAP are associated with a phosphorylation of regulatory light chains and an increase in neuromuscular activation through enhanced recruitment of faster motor units. The full understanding of these factors has been hindered by the confounding effects of muscle fatigue during brief intense muscular contractions. In addition to the physiological mechanisms responsible for the PAP phenomenon it is also critical to understand the effect subject characteristics have on PAP. An individual’s training status, strength level and muscle fiber type composition play a role in the magnitude of PAP response. These protocols use various approaches to stimulate and condition the muscle to elicit PAP. These protocols include traditional resistance training, maximum isometric voluntary contractions, whole body vibration and low-load ballistic exercises. Individuals with a higher training status (age), strength level and fast-twitch muscle fiber type distribution may be more likely to express PAP at a greater magnitude (if at all). These individual factors also must be considered when deciding which conditioning activity and rest interval to use when applying PAP in training or competition. From a practical standpoint, conditioning activities with short rest intervals are more advantageous for application. Further investigation is needed into the mechanisms of PAP under varying conditions, specifically how PAP could be applied to competitive sport and chronic adaptations from training

    Is the Focal Muscle Vibration an Effective Motor Conditioning Intervention? A Systematic Review

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    Mechanical vibration, applied to single or few muscles, can be a selective stimulus for muscle spindles, able to modify neuromuscular management, inducing short and long-term effects, are now mainly employed in clinic studies. Several studies reported as treatments with focal vibratory (FVT) can influence neuromuscular parameters also in healthy people. However, the application modalities and the consequent effects are remarkably fragmented. This paper aims to review these studies and to characterize the FVT effectiveness on long-term conditional capacities in relation to FVT characteristics. A systematic search of studies published from 1985 to 2020 in English on healthcare databases was performed. Articles had to meet the following criteria: (1) treatment based on a locally applied vibration on muscle belly or tendon; (2) healthy adults involved; (3) outcomes time analysis enduring for more than 24 h. Twelve studies were found, all of them presented an excellent quality score of 6575%. All selected papers reported positive changes, comparable with traditional long-lasting training effects. Muscle force and power were the most investigated parameters. The after-effects persisted for up to several months. Among the different FV administration modalities, the most effective seems to show a stimulus frequency of 48100 Hz, repeated more times within three-five days on a voluntary contracted muscle