1,365 research outputs found

    Ray casting implicit fractal surfaces with reduced affine arithmetic

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    A method is presented for ray casting implicit surfaces defined by fractal combinations of procedural noise functions. The method is robust and uses affine arithmetic to bound the variation of the implicit function along a ray. The method is also efficient due to a modification in the affine arithmetic representation that introduces a condensation step at the end of every non-affine operation. We show that our method is able to retain the tight estimation capabilities of affine arithmetic for ray casting implicit surfaces made from procedural noise functions while being faster to compute and more efficient to store

    Applying abstract acceleration to (co-)reachability analysis of reactive programs

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    Acceleration methods are commonly used for computing precisely the effects of loops in the reachability analysis of counter machine models. Applying these methods on synchronous data-flow programs, e.g. Lustre programs, requires to deal with the non-deterministic transformations due to numerical input variables. In this article, we address this problem by extending the concept of abstract acceleration of Gonnord et al. to numerical input variables. Moreover, we describe the dual analysis for co-reachability. We compare our method with some alternative techniques based on abstract interpretation pointing out its advantages and limitations. At last, we give some experimental results

    Precision analysis for hardware acceleration of numerical algorithms

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    The precision used in an algorithm affects the error and performance of individual computations, the memory usage, and the potential parallelism for a fixed hardware budget. However, when migrating an algorithm onto hardware, the potential improvements that can be obtained by tuning the precision throughout an algorithm to meet a range or error specification are often overlooked; the major reason is that it is hard to choose a number system which can guarantee any such specification can be met. Instead, the problem is mitigated by opting to use IEEE standard double precision arithmetic so as to be ‘no worse’ than a software implementation. However, the flexibility in the number representation is one of the key factors that can be exploited on reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs, and hence ignoring this potential significantly limits the performance achievable. In order to optimise the performance of hardware reliably, we require a method that can tractably calculate tight bounds for the error or range of any variable within an algorithm, but currently only a handful of methods to calculate such bounds exist, and these either sacrifice tightness or tractability, whilst simulation-based methods cannot guarantee the given error estimate. This thesis presents a new method to calculate these bounds, taking into account both input ranges and finite precision effects, which we show to be, in general, tighter in comparison to existing methods; this in turn can be used to tune the hardware to the algorithm specifications. We demonstrate the use of this software to optimise hardware for various algorithms to accelerate the solution of a system of linear equations, which forms the basis of many problems in engineering and science, and show that significant performance gains can be obtained by using this new approach in conjunction with more traditional hardware optimisations

    Using Bounded Model Checking to Focus Fixpoint Iterations

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    Two classical sources of imprecision in static analysis by abstract interpretation are widening and merge operations. Merge operations can be done away by distinguishing paths, as in trace partitioning, at the expense of enumerating an exponential number of paths. In this article, we describe how to avoid such systematic exploration by focusing on a single path at a time, designated by SMT-solving. Our method combines well with acceleration techniques, thus doing away with widenings as well in some cases. We illustrate it over the well-known domain of convex polyhedra

    Glosarium Matematika

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    273 p.; 24 cm

    Glosarium Matematika

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    Polyhedral-based dynamic loop pipelining for high-level synthesis

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    Loop pipelining is one of the most important optimization methods in high-level synthesis (HLS) for increasing loop parallelism. There has been considerable work on improving loop pipelining, which mainly focuses on optimizing static operation scheduling and parallel memory accesses. Nonetheless, when loops contain complex memory dependencies, current techniques cannot generate high performance pipelines. In this paper, we extend the capability of loop pipelining in HLS to handle loops with uncertain dependencies (i.e., parameterized by an undetermined variable) and/or nonuniform dependencies (i.e., varying between loop iterations). Our optimization allows a pipeline to be statically scheduled without the aforementioned memory dependencies, but an associated controller will change the execution speed of loop iterations at runtime. This allows the augmented pipeline to process each loop iteration as fast as possible without violating memory dependencies. We use a parametric polyhedral analysis to generate the control logic for when to safely run all loop iterations in the pipeline and when to break the pipeline execution to resolve memory conflicts. Our techniques have been prototyped in an automated source-to-source code transformation framework, with Xilinx Vivado HLS, a leading HLS tool, as the RTL generation backend. Over a suite of benchmarks, experiments show that our optimization can implement optimized pipelines at almost the same clock speed as without our transformations, running approximately 3.7-10× faster, with a reasonable resource overhead

    Dynamic Evaluation of Traffic Noise through Standard and Multifractal Models

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    Traffic microsimulation models use the movement of individual driver-vehicle-units (DVUs) and their interactions, which allows a detailed estimation of the traffic noise using Common Noise Assessment Methods (CNOSSOS). The Dynamic Traffic Noise Assessment (DTNA) methodology is applied to real traffic situations, then compared to on-field noise levels from measurement campaigns. This makes it possible to determine the influence of certain local traffic factors on the evaluation of noise. The pattern of distribution of vehicles along the avenue is related to the logic of traffic light control. The analysis of the inter-cycles noise variability during the simulation and measurement time shows no influence from local factors on the prediction of the dynamic traffic noise assessment tool based on CNOSSOS. A multifractal approach of acoustic waves propagation and the source behaviors in the traffic area are implemented. The novelty of the approach also comes from the multifractal model's freedom which allows the simulation, through the fractality degree, of various behaviors of the acoustic waves. The mathematical backbone of the model is developed on Cayley-Klein-type absolute geometries, implying harmonic mappings between the usual space and the Lobacevsky plane in a Poincare metric. The isomorphism of two groups of SL(2R) type showcases joint invariant functions that allow associations of pulsations-velocities manifolds typ

    Bounding Variable Values and Round-Off Effects Using Handelman Representations

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