119 research outputs found

    Mean Field Implementation of Bayesian ICA

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    ICA of Functional MRI Data: An Overview

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    Independent component analysis (ICA) has found a fruitful application in the analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. A principal advantage of this approach is its applicability to cognitive paradigms for which detailed a priori models of brain activity are not available. ICA has been successfully utilized in a number of exciting fMRI applications including the identification of various signal-types (e.g. task and transiently task-related, and physiology-related signals) in the spatial or temporal domain, the analysis of multi-subject fMRI data, the incorporation of a priori information, and for the analysis of complex-valued fMRI data (which has proved challenging for standard approaches). In this paper, we 1) introduce fMRI data and its properties, 2) review the basic motivation for using ICA on fMRI data, and 3) review the current work on ICA of fMRI with some specific examples from our own work. The purpose of this paper is to motivate ICA research to focus upon this exciting application

    Application of deep learning in detecting neurological disorders from magnetic resonance images: a survey on the detection of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia

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    Neuroimaging, in particular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has been playing an important role in understanding brain functionalities and its disorders during the last couple of decades. These cutting-edge MRI scans, supported by high-performance computational tools and novel ML techniques, have opened up possibilities to unprecedentedly identify neurological disorders. However, similarities in disease phenotypes make it very difficult to detect such disorders accurately from the acquired neuroimaging data. This article critically examines and compares performances of the existing deep learning (DL)-based methods to detect neurological disorders—focusing on Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia—from MRI data acquired using different modalities including functional and structural MRI. The comparative performance analysis of various DL architectures across different disorders and imaging modalities suggests that the Convolutional Neural Network outperforms other methods in detecting neurological disorders. Towards the end, a number of current research challenges are indicated and some possible future research directions are provided

    Optimizing Preprocessing and Analysis Pipelines for Single-Subject fMRI: 2. Interactions with ICA, PCA, Task Contrast and Inter-Subject Heterogeneity

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    A variety of preprocessing techniques are available to correct subject-dependant artifacts in fMRI, caused by head motion and physiological noise. Although it has been established that the chosen preprocessing steps (or “pipeline”) may significantly affect fMRI results, it is not well understood how preprocessing choices interact with other parts of the fMRI experimental design. In this study, we examine how two experimental factors interact with preprocessing: between-subject heterogeneity, and strength of task contrast. Two levels of cognitive contrast were examined in an fMRI adaptation of the Trail-Making Test, with data from young, healthy adults. The importance of standard preprocessing with motion correction, physiological noise correction, motion parameter regression and temporal detrending were examined for the two task contrasts. We also tested subspace estimation using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Results were obtained for Penalized Discriminant Analysis, and model performance quantified with reproducibility (R) and prediction metrics (P). Simulation methods were also used to test for potential biases from individual-subject optimization. Our results demonstrate that (1) individual pipeline optimization is not significantly more biased than fixed preprocessing. In addition, (2) when applying a fixed pipeline across all subjects, the task contrast significantly affects pipeline performance; in particular, the effects of PCA and ICA models vary with contrast, and are not by themselves optimal preprocessing steps. Also, (3) selecting the optimal pipeline for each subject improves within-subject (P,R) and between-subject overlap, with the weaker cognitive contrast being more sensitive to pipeline optimization. These results demonstrate that sensitivity of fMRI results is influenced not only by preprocessing choices, but also by interactions with other experimental design factors. This paper outlines a quantitative procedure to denoise data that would otherwise be discarded due to artifact; this is particularly relevant for weak signal contrasts in single-subject, small-sample and clinical datasets

    Alzheimer Disease Detection Techniques and Methods: A Review

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    Brain pathological changes linked with Alzheimer's disease (AD) can be measured with Neuroimaging. In the past few years, these measures are rapidly integrated into the signatures of Alzheimer disease (AD) with the help of classification frameworks which are offering tools for diagnosis and prognosis. Here is the review study of Alzheimer's disease based on Neuroimaging and cognitive impairment classification. This work is a systematic review for the published work in the field of AD especially the computer-aided diagnosis. The imaging modalities include 1) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 2) Functional MRI (fMRI) 3) Diffusion tensor imaging 4) Positron emission tomography (PET) and 5) amyloid-PET. The study revealed that the classification criterion based on the features shows promising results to diagnose the disease and helps in clinical progression. The most widely used machine learning classifiers for AD diagnosis include Support Vector Machine, Bayesian Classifiers, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and K-Nearest Neighbor along with Deep learning. The study revealed that the deep learning techniques and support vector machine give higher accuracies in the identification of Alzheimer’s disease. The possible challenges along with future directions are also discussed in the paper

    An Empirical Comparison of Information-Theoretic Criteria in Estimating the Number of Independent Components of fMRI Data

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    BACKGROUND: Independent Component Analysis (ICA) has been widely applied to the analysis of fMRI data. Accurate estimation of the number of independent components of fMRI data is critical to reduce over/under fitting. Although various methods based on Information Theoretic Criteria (ITC) have been used to estimate the intrinsic dimension of fMRI data, the relative performance of different ITC in the context of the ICA model hasn't been fully investigated, especially considering the properties of fMRI data. The present study explores and evaluates the performance of various ITC for the fMRI data with varied white noise levels, colored noise levels, temporal data sizes and spatial smoothness degrees. METHODOLOGY: Both simulated data and real fMRI data with varied Gaussian white noise levels, first-order auto-regressive (AR(1)) noise levels, temporal data sizes and spatial smoothness degrees were carried out to deeply explore and evaluate the performance of different traditional ITC. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Results indicate that the performance of ITCs depends on the noise level, temporal data size and spatial smoothness of fMRI data. 1) High white noise levels may lead to underestimation of all criteria and MDL/BIC has the severest underestimation at the higher Gaussian white noise level. 2) Colored noise may result in overestimation that can be intensified by the increase of AR(1) coefficient rather than the SD of AR(1) noise and MDL/BIC shows the least overestimation. 3) Larger temporal data size will be better for estimation for the model of white noise but tends to cause severer overestimation for the model of AR(1) noise. 4) Spatial smoothing will result in overestimation in both noise models. CONCLUSIONS: 1) None of ITC is perfect for all fMRI data due to its complicated noise structure. 2) If there is only white noise in data, AIC is preferred when the noise level is high and otherwise, Laplace approximation is a better choice. 3) When colored noise exists in data, MDL/BIC outperforms the other criteria

    Contributions in computational intelligence with results in functional neuroimaging

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    This thesis applies computational intelligence methodologies to study functional brain images. It is a state-of-the-art application relative to unsupervised learning domain to functional neuroimaging. There are also contributions related to computational intelligence on topics relative to clustering validation and spatio-temporal clustering analysis. Speci_cally, there are the presentation of a new separation measure based on fuzzy sets theory to establish the validity of the fuzzy clustering outcomes and the presentation of a framework to approach the parcellation of functional neuroimages taking in account both spatial and temporal patterns. These contributions have been applied to neuroimages obtained with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, using both active and passive paradigm and using both in-house data and fMRI repository. The results obtained shown, globally, an improvement on the quality of the neuroimaging analysis using the methodological contributions proposed