10 research outputs found

    Analysis of competence acquisition in a flipped classroom approach

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    Higher Education Institutions are interested in describing qualifications in terms of competences and abilities that prepare graduates best for their future professional and social life. This study aims to analyze students? acquisition of competences, on one hand, inside the classroom using a flipped learning approach, on the other hand, outside the classroom through students? self-study using information and communication technology resources such as teaching videos, virtual labs, simulations, or game-based learning. The study also wants to shed light on the relationship between the achieved competences and the learning outcomes. The analysis was based on the data collected from a core subject in the first year of the Computer Engineering and Information Systems degree courses. The answers to an online survey (n?=?285) were examined by using a structural equation model with 13 observed and seven latent variables. The results obtained show that the learning environment created inside and outside the classroom plays a key role in the acquisition and development of the three competences analyzed: systematic, personal, and cooperative. Our findings also suggest that competence or skills acquisition, despite being considered one of the main issues in the higher education qualifications framework, does not exactly match the academic results measured during the assessment process

    Why do student perceptions of academic performance improve? The influence of acquired competences and formative assessment in a flipped classroom environment

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    The university system must be able to respond to the growing demand for graduates with certain skills that guarantee their employability. A key requirement of this goal is the use of different teaching-learning methods, such as the flipped classroom methodology. However, although some studies have shown the advantages of this model, more research is needed to identify the reasons for these positive effects and the contexts in which it works best. In this paper, we analyse the perceptions of students of six undergraduate subjects at the University of Jaén (Spain) concerning their acquired competences and the formative assessment received in a flipped classroom environment. In addition, we analyse whether these two variables influence these student perceptions of achieving better academic outcomes. The results show that both aspects explain student perceptions of better performance and are key elements in the provision of a better learning environment. In this way, these results contribute to the literature concerning the positive effects of a flipped classroom on the teaching-learning process in higher education.Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Jaén titulado ‘Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender’, Financiado por la Universidad de Jaén (España) como parte del ‘Plan de Innovación y Mejora Docente’ (PIMED-UJA 2019

    Training of the future teacher in the flipped learning model in an online environment

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program, based on the flipped learning model, for future teachers of Secondary Education and Vocational Training. For this study, a pre-experimental research design was used, and an instrument was applied to determine the level of training acquired in active methodologies, design of activities, technological tools, evaluation strategies, and student satisfaction with the training program. The results show the effectiveness of the program for training students in the active methodologies and technological tools most appropriate to implement the flipped model in the classroom.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Flipped Classroom and the Development of Competences: A Teaching Innovation Experience in Higher Education

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    Because of the changes in society, the educational scope must implement teaching-learning methodologies that help students to develop the competences that will be necessary in their academic-professional journey. This study presents a teaching innovation experience that is based on the flipped classroom methodology, which was carried out with 136 students (academic year: 2019-2020) in the subject of "Theory and History of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport" of the degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the University of Seville. The methodology of the study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches (mixed methods) through a pre-experimental design. The results show that there were significant differences in the acquisition of knowledge after the application of the methodology, which had a significant impact on the students' competence levels. Moreover, the students presented high levels of satisfaction in different areas. This allows for the conclusion that it is important for this methodology to continue in later courses, given its contribution to the competences that are related to the formal aspects and that are linked to research and organisation. Recommendations for practice are presented at the end of this article

    Students’ perceptions of their learning outcomes in a flipped classroom environment

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    The flipped classroom model has positive effects on the educational process, and has recently become an alternative to the traditional model. However, additional research is necessary to identify the causes of those improvements and the contexts in which this methodology performs better. In this study, we analyze the perceptions of different students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Jaén (Spain) regarding flipped learning dynamics and the relationship between those perceptions and perceptions of their learning outcomes. Specifically, we investigate whether students’ acquired competences and attitude, as well as the use of formative assessment have positive effects on student perceptions on results. To accomplish this task, during the first semester of the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 academic years, we collected the opinions of students via a questionnaire and tested those relationships using PLS. The results indicate that the three variables (acquired competences, attitude, and formative assessment) explain the perceptions of students with respect to achieving better grades, and are key elements of superior learning, that can improve students’ performance. Accordingly, this study provides evidence regarding the positive effects of flipped classroom on the teaching–learning process in higher education and explains the reasons for the resulting improvement in learning outcomes.Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Jaén “Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender”, financiado por la Universidad de Jaén (España) (PIMED-UJA 2019)

    Student acceptance of virtual laboratory and practical work: An extension of the technology acceptance model

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    The development of Internet technologies and new ways of sharing information has facilitated the emergence of a variety of elearning scenarios. However, in technological areas such as engineering, where students must carry out hands-on exercises and laboratory work essential for their learning, it is not so easy to design online environments for practicals. The aim of this experimental study was to examine students' acceptance of technology and the process of adopting an online learning environment incorporating web-based resources, such as virtual laboratories, interactive activities, and educational videos, and a game-based learning methodology. To this end, their responses to an online questionnaire (n?=?223) were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The study was based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), but included and assessed other factors such as perceived efficiency, playfulness, and satisfaction, which are not explained by the TAM. Our results confirm that this extension of the TAM provides a useful theoretical model to help understand and explain users' acceptance of an online learning environment incorporating virtual laboratory and practical work. Our results also indicate that efficiency, playfulness, and students' degree of satisfaction are factors that positively influence the original TAM variables and students' acceptance of this technology. Here, we also discuss the significant theoretical and spractical implications for educational use of these web-based resources

    Flipped Classroom: better in person

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    [EN] Flipped classroom has been proven in recent years to have a positive effect on students’ motivation, attitude and academic performance. In this study, we analyze the perception of students of 9 subjects on several aspects about this teaching-learning model. This analysis is carried out by comparing two academic courses (2020-2021 and 2021-2022) which have been affected in a different way by the pandemic situation. Specifically, the former was a hybrid scenario, while in the later the scenario has turned to be 100% face-to-face. Results in our study show that students have a very positive perception on all of the items that were analyzed, being their valuation more positive in the face-to-face scenario. These results contribute to a better understanding on the contexts in which such methodology is more appropriate to be implemented.[ES] El modelo de flipped classroom ha demostrado en los últimos años tener un efecto positivo sobre la motivación, la actitud y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. En este trabajo analizamos la percepción que tienen los estudiantes de 9 asignaturas de Grado sobre diversos aspectos relacionados con este nuevo modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Este análisis se hace comparando dos cursos académicos (2020-2021 y 2021-2022) que se han visto afectados de diferente manera por la situación sobrevenida de la pandemia. Concretamente, en el primero de ellos teníamos una situación de semipresencialidad (o escenario híbrido) mientras que en el segundo se ha vuelto al 100% de presencialidad. Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que los estudiantes valoran muy positivamente todos los aspectos analizados, siendo mejor estas valoraciones en el escenario presencial. Estos resultados contribuyen a un mejor conocimiento de en qué contextos funciona mejor dicha metodología.Martínez-Jiménez, R.; Ruiz Jiménez, MC.; Licerán-Gutiérrez, A.; Garcia-Marti, E.; Moreno-Fuentes, E.; Risueño Martínez, J. (2022). Flipped Classroom: mejor presencial. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 734-750. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1580173475

    Collaboration in remote access laboratories

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    Collaboration in Remote Access Laboratories (RALs) is becoming increasingly important in both engineering and science education institutions, and with RALs service providers as an enabler to improving accessibility, reducing costs, and improving time-efficiency and student support. Yet research on the use of collaboration in RALs, in general, is limited. There is a lack of exploratory and empirical studies that provide an in-depth and holistic investigation of the design process and factors that influence the adoption of collaboration in RALs. Therefore, this study makes a significant and original contribution to current theoretical and practice knowledge with regards to pedagogical change in engineering education through the use of technology and remote access laboratories, where social constructivist practices are applied, in particular, engineering students undertaking LAB work in a different mode or approach to the traditional learning environment. This research employed a case study qualitative method with triangulation of data. Data were collected through observation of students working collaboratively in the trial of collaborative learning in RALs using the Voltage Divider Experiment task, and follow-up, in-depth interviews, with inductive analysis and activity recoding. The research explored Kagan’s PIES that relate to outcomes of the collaborative approach, Dillenbourg’s four elements of collaborative learning and Doolittle’s eleven principles of learning experience design as the theoretical bases of the collaborative pedagogical design of the RALs learning experience. While confirming their continued relevance to this context for learning three new principles were shown to be essential to facilitate and enhance contemporary learning in RALs. These included the need to build in the leadership of the collaborative learning experience, ensure task authenticity and participants acquisition of the soft skills, including interpersonal skills and teamwork, and their relevance to the workplace (employability). Additionally, this research highlighted how learning in RALs facilitates formative assessment that feeds forward to better support students’ learning where they need to communicate with each other during the LAB work collaborative learning experiences, thus drawing attention to the need for careful academic planning. The study also addressed the limitations of collaboration in RALs. It investigated the extent to which engineering students accepted collaborative learning in RALs as a workable alternative to traditional in-LAB work. It identified the key factors that are likely to influence the adoption of such pedagogical change, including factors to be considered when planning to adopt collaboration in RALs. This resulted in the development of an instructional framework for collaboration in RALs. It was concluded that collaboration in RALs has the potential to improve LAB learning through the availability of remote access, the facilitation of a sense of reality (comparable to traditional hands-on experience) and the opportunity for group work, and the need for skills that more closely related to those needed in students’ future workplaces

    In-Red 2022. VIII Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red

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    Organizado conjuntamente por el Vicerrectorado de Planificación, Oferta Académica y Transformación Digital y el Vicerrectorado de Profesorado y Ordenación Académica, la Universitat Politècnica de València convoca el Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red IN-RED 2022 (#INRED2022), que tendrá lugar en la ciudad de VALENCIA los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2022. El confinamiento que hemos vivido como consecuencia de la pandemia COVID-19,nos ha permitido APRENDER distintas LECCIONES que es el momento de COMPARTIR. Así, bajo el lema "Lecciones aprendidas: ideas compartidas", volvemos con más fuerza para poner en común las adaptaciones realizadas y construir un rico bagaje de las dinámicas, recursos, evaluaciones, métodos... empleados que nos permita seguir avanzando en la mejora de la educación superiorGarcía Sabater, JP.; Cano Escribá, JC. (2022). In-Red 2022. VIII Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1597